Chapter 243

He Yijun and Yuezhu made up crazy brain outside the hot pot restaurant. The more I thought, the more I felt that Jiang Qin was unpredictable. At this time, Jiang Qin was actually eating with the roommate in the hot pot restaurant, and there was only one wall.

The name of this meal is to celebrate Ren Ziqiang’s fifth of the men’s kilometers long running preliminary race in the Linchuan University Spring Games.

But nothing, they don’t care, because Bai Ji’s hot pot is the truth.

Jiang Qin held a meatballs from the hot pot and blew it twice to feed Feng Nanshu, but the rich woman only bit her head and shake her head. It was stupid and well -behaved.

“Don’t like meatballs?”

“Um.” Feng Nanshu nodded softly.

Jiang Qin didn’t like to waste food, and could only eat the remaining half of her meatballs: “What else do you want to eat?”

“I still want to eat another meatball.” Feng Nanshu stretched out her white fingers and fingers in the pot.


Seeing this scene, Cao Guangyu, Ren Ziqiang, and Zhou Chao all gritted the rear fangs. He said that he just made a meat dish for the pits. Taste, this fucking is unreasonable.

The most unjust is Lao Cao, who obviously had a girlfriend, and the only girlfriend in the dormitory. At this time, he was still suspicious of life.

Unhappy, very upset.

But this meal is good to say that Jiang Qin invited by others. The old saying goes with the Lord, and you can’t let people not show off.

Seeing that he is left to eat so interesting, you have to let him not eat it. People may be angry. If this is angry, what should I do if I don’t ask next time?

The three people whispered for a while, and immediately came up with a way that they could not interrupt each other but make them comfortable.

Then, they built their heads, fed themselves in advance, turned to Jiang Qin and Feng Nanshu, and found a place to go online.

Seeing the three people opposite, Feng Nanshu couldn’t help but opened Sakura’s small mouth and opened it coldly.

“Jiang Qin, I want to eat a bamboo shoot.”

“Jiang Qin, eat a meat …”

“And that, that star -like thing, eat one.”

“Jiang Qin, Jiang Qin, I miss that …”

Xiao Fu’s mother -in -law is a pure food. Although she is also eating, she has to ask Jiang Qin to feed her a bite.

However, she ate only half of the things that Jiang Qin fed, then left half of it, and looked at him with a serious eyes. It seemed that doing this was very fun.

It was okay once or twice, but Jiang Qin was sure she was intentional.

“Don’t eat only half, eat it if you want to eat, otherwise you will not feed.”

“Then, then I won’t eat another meatball.”

Feng Nanshu pursed his mouth and said, and was fed a meatball. The whole powder cheek was bulging, and it looked lively and cute.

Everyone will have some things that they don’t know, but they want to do what they want to do.

It’s like Xiao Fu’s mother -in -law is not sure why she likes to stick to Jiang Qin so much, but she is very happy when she knows that she is sticking to Jiang Qin.

Gao Wenhui said that this is like, Feng Nanshu expressed his recognition seriously, but he did not know where this unique love of Jiang Qin is different from ordinary likes.

You say she is stupid. She has learned things faster than anyone else, and even dares to pretend to deceive Jiang Qin several times.

But if she says she is smart, her simple world is not enough to provide more useful information, helping her to understand this complex concept.

However, she also has her own set of problem -solving ideas, so she can do it with her inner feeling. She likes to stick to him and sticks to him. If he likes him, he will let him feed him. If you don’t agree, it’s called Brother.

“Have you eaten?”

“I’ve eaten.”

Jiang Qin wiped his mouth and took the rich woman out of the mall and called Cao Guangyu.

This cricket was playing CF in the Golden Finger Internet Cafe Group. At this moment, he was playing vigorously, so he asked Jiang Qin to take Feng Nanshu to sit for a while and wait for it to go back.

Laojiang has face in the school security room, and has more face in the dormitory aunt. There is no need to worry about access control.

And for students such as Zhou Chao and Ren Ziqiang who have been in the dormitory, they finally came to the city to go around. I really didn’t want to go back too early.

The Internet cafe outside the school is not bad. The online fee is not cheap. There is a comfortable and comfortable sofa in the city center. Even the sofa is soft and comfortable, and you can even see the young lady wearing low -waist hot pants.

After a long while, Jiang Qin took Feng Nan Shu into an Internet cafe and found that Cao Guangyu was sitting in the hall to kill his eyes.

“Laojiang, together?”

“Don’t play, leave after you finish, go back to sleep.”

“After all, come to the city to go around and play more for a while.”

Jiang Qin looked around in the Internet cafe for a week: “Then change the place, I need a box to go to the front desk, you will move over later.”

Ren Ziqiang was just headshot and took off his headphones to see him at a glance: “What do you spend money to do, the hall has a more atmosphere.”

“When I entered the door just now, I glanced at a pornographic film.”


To be honest, if a group of big men came to the Internet, they would sit in the hall, but Jiang Qin didn’t want Feng Nanshu to sit in the hall with them, so regardless of the opinions of the other three people, he turned to the front desk for six seats and asked for six seats. The box.

Five people packed things, moved their positions, continued to play games, chatted and chatted, and Jiang Qin opened a video website to accompany Xiao Fu’s mother -in -law to watch the movie.

He belongs to the kind of alternative person. No matter what games have been played in the past and present, even the mobile game of the king of the later generations has not touched it. The only thing that played was the peace elite, or the cousin was pulled by his cousin during the Chinese New Year. People are playing, but they are also unloaded in the New Year.

This is not how elegant he is, purely because he doesn’t even understand the game map.

“Jiang Qin, want to see this.”

“Qian and Chihiro, don’t you look at it again?” Jiang Qin glanced at her.

Feng Nanshu nodded: “I want to see it again.”

“Actually, there are many masterpieces in Hayao Miyazaki. Has Totoro seen?”

“have not seen.”

Jiang Qin found a pirated website, got off a Neighbor Totoro, and then looked at Xiao Fu’s mother -in -law with interest.

The sofa chair of the Internet cafe is very narrow, but the armrests on both sides are very wide and thick. In summary in one word, it is clumsy. The two sitting on the two sofa chairs are staring at the same screen. sore.

Feng Nanshu couldn’t work cleverly. He put together to Jiang Qin’s handrail of Jiang Qin, and then leaned against the back of the chair with his small head, watching the dream scene like a dreamy scene, his eyes were clear and bright.

In the early morning of the next day, Cao Guangyu got away from the game world, stretched out a loud lazy waist, unscrewed the ice black tea, and the eyes were red.

“Damn, who is winning this game?”

“Well, don’t play dogs!”

He scolded Zhou Chao and Ren Ziqiang, who had been lying next to him, and discussed to find a breakfast restaurant to eat at Xijiekou, but after getting up, he saw a wonderful scene.

Jiang Qin had fell asleep on the sofa, and Feng Nan Shu was sitting in his arms, his head on his shoulder, holding his neck with both hands, and half a small face buried on his neck, sleeping too. Very sweet.

“This is a good friend? This good friend gives me a dozen!”

“Hush, what is noisy, go out and buy some buns and come back to eat.”

“Okay, I remember Jiang Ge loves to eat three fresh stuffing soup bags.”

“Don’t fight, leave quietly.”

The three people stomped out of the box and went to the nearby breakfast restaurant to buy buns and soy milk.

At the same time, Jiang Qin woke up from his sleep. Suddenly, he felt like he lost with others for three days and three nights. He hurt everywhere, and his neck hurt.

He opened his eyes, stunned for a while, and then remembered that he fell asleep in the Internet cafe last night.

And he is holding a fragrant and soft girl, who is warm and warm, who is not a rich woman and who is it?

Feeling her uniform breathing blowing into her neck, Jiang Qin couldn’t help but moved up lightly, pulled out the numb hand, and then gently stunned Xiao Fu’s scattered hair.

For the first time, he saw Xiao Fu’s sleeping appearance, and he was so cute.

But perhaps because of the poor posture, a crystal clear saliva overflowing the corners of her mouth in her slightly tidy little mouth flowed to Jiang Qin’s collar.

Jiang Qin stretched out his hand and wiped her, and as a result, he awakened Xiao Fu’s woman.

Four eyes, Feng Nanshu was still a little confused. He gently stunned him, and changed to Jiang Qin’s arms in a comfortable posture. He seemed to want to sleep back.

“Jiang Qin, take your mobile phone away, and my ass.”

Jiang Qin glanced at the mobile phone on the computer desk and said calmly: “Wake up, Xiaoyao, let’s go back to school.”

“I want to sleep again.” Feng Nanshu murmured.

“You will sleep again, my neck is going to break.”

Feng Nanshu sat up, rubbing his eyes, and looked like he didn’t wake up: “Jiang Qin, you hug me again.”

Jiang Qinhe said: “Who we hug you may not be sure.”

Xiao Fu’s woman hummed out of her mobile phone and found that Gao Wenhui called her thirteen calls, and Fan Shuling also called her seven.

She thought about it, planning to go back to Gao Wenhui, but was stopped by Jiang Qin.

Good guy, with herself, did not go back all night. With Gao Wenhui’s character, shouldn’t she make up for the whole little day and kneel and call the ancestor’s work?

Jiang Qin thinks that Fan Shuling is still reliable. The eldest sister of the dormitory has no character Gao Wenhui as breaking away, and there will be no misunderstanding.

“Give Fan Shuling back.”


Feng Nanshu didn’t know why he couldn’t call Gao Wenhui, but he just liked to listen to Jiang Qin, so he called Fan Shuling.

I heard that she had been with Jiang Qin last night. Fan Shuling, who was opposite to the phone, was relieved, and then asked them several times, and asked what it felt like to hear Jiang Qin.

Is the rich woman’s roommate being infected by Gao Wenhui’s toxic woman?

(This chapter is finished)

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