Who is reborn? Who is in love?

238. 238 There is also a routine

Chapter 238 There is also a routine for sending money

In the evening, the fire was bright and gorgeous.

Xiao Fu’s woman was able to walk slowly on the electric car himself, so Jiang Qinong opened his hand to see her ride from the east to the south, from the south to the east, and the corner of her mouth rose slightly.

He had watched a TV series before, and there was a youthful female student in it. He also wore school uniforms with ponytails all day and drove passing by electric car leisurely.

I don’t know what an inexplicable habit of poking, anyway, Jiang Qin remembered that picture for a long time.

Now, the feeling of illusions into reality suddenly has it.

Xiao Fu Po was really developed in his own shape …

Jiang Qin gave out the spacious road and turned to squat to Gao Wenhui sitting on the side of the road.

“Feng Nanshu’s little butt is soft or not?”

“Wen Hui, I opened a sweet -hearted branch in Wanzhong, wouldn’t you send you there, right?”

Gao Wenhui pouted: “Touch it when it feels, anyway, she is yours all over and down, what’s sorry.”

Jiang Qin turned his head and glanced at the stool under her butt: “Okay, let’s find a corner of no one. I will give you a careful description of the feel and the wind of my inner wind, but I can’t tell others.”

“Then let’s go to the car shed in the back, I will definitely not tell the second person.”

Gao Wenhui stood up excitedly. Who knew that in the next second, Jiang Qin’s eyes quickly snatched the stool and sat under his butt.

What children are in love, this world is only fascinating!

Let you make your mouth a small mouth, this time I see people’s heart danger?

Gao Wenhui’s mouth was crooked: “It’s okay to grab my stool, but you have to describe the feel and the wind of your inner heart!”

“Come on, I caught the fish. I will give you a bait?” Jiang Qin sat on the Malaysian Malaysia.

“Then you will return me the stool!”

Jiang Qin patted his thigh: “Come, sit on the boss’s leg, the boss holds you.”

Gao Wenhui’s mouth sneered at the corner of his mouth: “If you have no ghosts in your heart, you are clear and innocent, why dare not let Feng Nanshu sit on your leg?”

“Why don’t I dare?”

“Then my name is Feng Nanshu, come!”

Jiang Qin looked down at himself and found that he didn’t wear a jacket today: “Next time, I’m not ready today, but I always have a question in my heart. Where do we have a problem, it will make everyone feel that we are in love? ”

After listening to it, Gao Wenhui thought about it seriously: “There are too many examples, but I can summarize with a joke. Do you know Lin Pingzhi, who is laughing in the laughter?”


“Yue Lingshan asked Lin Ping whether he was practicing the evil sword score. Lin Pingzhi was shocked after hearing it. I haven’t told anyone to this matter. How can you know? My face, when I’m blind! ”

Gao Wenhui shook his head proudly: “Don’t admit it is useless, you can’t lie to your every move.”

Jiang Qin took a sip and returned the stool to her: “The car I just bought is easy to lose. Remember to teach the rich woman to lock the car, I’ll go first.”

“Hey, what are you doing? Let Feng Nanshu ride you.”

“No, I go back to the dormitory to make up for a consciousness. She will just ride a bike.

Jiang Qin got up, returned the stool to Gao Wenhui, and then walked back to the dormitory. As soon as he opened the door, he saw the three Saiyans lying on the bed and discussed the morning running tomorrow morning.

Just after running, it was different. Lao Cao even had the illusion of abdominal muscles immediately.

Zhou Chao is also a batch of stuffy. He keeps giving his mirror in his biceps from all angles.

Ren Ziqiang has begun to write his own mate selection criteria. He plans to send it to the QQ space after winning the award. The girl who does not meet the requirements is not allowed to add him.

Jiang Qin refused to comment on the shame of the roommates. He said that if you can still run the next day, then I will reverse the surname.

Sure enough, when the next morning, no one in the dormitory could not get up. All of them were on the bed, and they shouted their leg pain.

Damn, I was struggling to get out of bed before. I have to fight for a group. Now I support running the playground. Can I do n’t hurt my legs?

The old Ren still has no clear understanding of himself. In this kind of physical fitness, he still wants to win the long -distance championship. Do you run the chicken with a soft leg?

If you can’t run the finish line, you will directly lose the right to choose a spouse for four years.

“Brothers, run, do you go?”

“Don’t go, Lao Jiang, you want to go by yourself, I will die in the dormitory today.”

“Damn, a group of waste, wait for me to practice eight abdominal muscles, don’t envy.”

Jiang Qin shot a few times at the sexy thighs of the three, and then left the dormitory in a scolding sound and came to the 208 office.

After last night’s online test, the group can be launched in the store. The marketing post at night has also been successfully hot. Many people are curious about this online consumption model.

Of course, the most attractive thing is actually the first day of discount.

The full room type of Vienna Hotel is 10 % off, but this is just needed for some boys with girlfriends.

Entertainment venues such as Internet cafes and billiard halls are also 10 % off, but this is just needed for boys without girlfriends.

In addition, there are swimming pool gyms, nail hairdressers, although there are not many quantities, but it covers almost all daily consumption of college students.

In other words, when the group coming to the store is officially online, regardless of online and offline, all business in the university town is almost completely controlled by Jiang Qin.

However, before launch, if you want to completely mobilize the initiative of college students, there is also a lack of offline guidance.

For example, the school flower competition used by Zhihu, as well as the first snow in Linchuan when the group was launched, and the popular minds of the University of Science and Technology Zhang Zixuan.

But this time it was too hurried. Jiang Qin was too late to do offline marketing. He thought about it and planned to borrow the Dongfeng of the Games.

To be honest, when it comes to the activities of the whole school, in front of the Spring Games, the school flower competition is simply a younger brother. This opportunity will not use it too much.

So Jiang Qin drove the car and came to Cecilia’s office.

Zhuang Siyu, the chairman of the school student union, was also discussing the sports meeting with Cecilia Qing. When the two saw Jiang Qin, they suddenly brightened. They said that they were just thinking about sponsorship.

And Jiang Qin looked at them with a smile, and said that seeing the dog’s big house came to the door, are you very excited?

“Jiang Qin, what’s the matter with me?” Cecilia Qing asked calmly.

“It’s such a principal, let me report the work progress. My company has registered and the business license has also been obtained.”

“Your little boy, the speed is fast enough. In just a few days, the company has it?”

“It’s all the principals teach.”

Jiang Qin glanced at Zhuang Siyu: “I seem to be unfortunate, are you meeting? Then I will not bother.”

Zhuang Siyu immediately called him: “Don’t be busy walking, we will have a meeting later.

“This is not good, I am not from the school student union.”

“Don’t see that, the meeting room is next to it. You can pass first, and President Zhang and I will arrive.”

Jiang Qin knew that Sister Zhuang Xue was anxious to sting wool, and she happened to prepare wool, so she didn’t tease her, and nodded Cecilia’s office.

This is like this. Even if you rush to send money, you can’t say that I am here to send money, so the benefits will not be maximized.

You have to show that the kind of that I don’t want to give money, but in the face of the principal and chairman, I generously solve it. This person can stay. No matter what you need in the future, this is the added value of commercial cooperation.

Jiang Qin walked to the next meeting room. There were dozens of people in it, some were members of the school student union, and some were officers sent by the college student union.

Seeing someone coming in, everyone looked at Jiang Qin. Among them, a boy sitting on the back side of the podium was wearing a white shirt, and his head was quite full, but there were a lot of acne on his face. Send numb.

As soon as he saw Jiang Qin, he frowned: “I sent a notice under the group at eight o’clock, so that you arrived at ten o’clock on time. Is it? ”

“Who are you?” Jiang Qin looked at him inexplicably.

“Who do you say I am, I am Tan Shipeng, vice chairman of the school student union!”

Jiang Qin pumped his mouth and said that there were really many hanging things in the Student Union. He also notified everyone to come at ten o’clock. How about it at ten o’clock?

Those who are student cadres are really boring to like to hold feathers as arrows.

“Sorry, I will come early next time.”

Jiang Qin walked to the back row of the conference room and found an empty seat and sat down. As a result, he looked up and found that Tan Shipeng was still looking at him unhappy.

Look, my fucking is not a student union. See what I use.

Jiang Qin turned on his mobile phone and waited for President Zhang while playing with greedy snakes. However, although his mobile phone’s sound effect was weak, he still looked extraordinarily in the silent conference room.

“Turn off the phone and don’t make any sound.”


Tan Shipeng looked at him indifferently: “Which college did you get?

Hearing this sentence, all the cadres at the students present looked at Jiang Qin, and their expressions were a bit gloated.

The school student union’s rights are larger than that of the student union. Although there is no egg, you want to reflect the situation upwards and remove a student union cadre. This matter is not too simple.

So in their eyes, Jiang Qin was already stunned.

However, I didn’t wait for Tan Shipeng to continue the publication, and the door of the conference room was pushed away. Cecilia Qing and Zhuang Siyu pushed in the door and said sorry to everyone, waiting for a long time.

Tan Shipeng closed his mouth immediately, put on a smiley face, and opened his chair to Cecilia Qing and Zhuang Siyu.

Subsequently, the people in a house started a series of discussions on the Spring Games. From the process to the link, from scoring to the awards, there were no details, and they spoke.

Jiang Qin didn’t care about these, and he didn’t raise his head slightly until Cecilia Qing moved the topic to sponsorship.

“Our sports will be held this year, and reporters from Linchuan TV will come to interview. In order to show the school’s spiritual appearance, all kinds of layouts in the venue must be complete. Although the funds given by the school are sufficient, some aspects may not take care of it. So I hope that the students of all departments will actively get sponsorship. ”

“Principal, this year’s sponsorship is not good, many merchants say that economic benefits are not good.” Zhuang Siyu said.

Cecilia Qing coughed: “Some small door and small households should not pull it, but some large households should still be generous.”

“But where to find a big house?”

“Just find it near the school, or the big households in the school,”

Zhuang Siyu glanced at Jiang Qin: “The principal, the big households are generally not easy to speak, maybe we will be rejected before we speak.”

Cecilia Qing waved his hand: “Some large households in the school have taken the benefits of the school. If you try it, they will definitely be willing to pay.”

“I’m afraid they pretend to be stupid and don’t want to open this mouth.”

Cecilia Qing and Zhuang Siyu sang a harmony, and they were running madly in the words, but Jiang Qin just smiled, and he didn’t say a word.

President Zhang couldn’t do it. He said that this boy can usually say that he can live evenly. You shouldn’t be so inconvenient. I said that this is the case. ?

“Jiang Qin, don’t you understand what I said just now?” Cecilia Qing couldn’t help it.

Jiang Qin pouted: “Principal, you almost stretched out my hand in my wallet, can I not understand.”

“Then why don’t you express it? Just watch me waste my tongue here?”

“I dare not, the face just now makes me don’t make any sound, I have to keep the rules.”

When the words fell, all the eyes at the scene gathered on Tan Shipeng’s face. He had blushed because of his long acne, which would become even more popular.

Damn, this dog is not a student union, but President Zhang called? Why didn’t he say ah grass.

Cecilia Qing glanced at Tan Shipeng and ignored it: “Don’t pull away the topic, you say you don’t give it sponsorship?”

“Principal, look at your face and sister Zhuang Xue, how much this year’s funding is still worse, I have rounded.”

“Really false?” Zhuang Siyu was shocked.

Jiang Qin nodded: “But I have a condition. I will do it from me at the venue. At that time, you can send me a demand table.”

Cecilia Qing knows that he wants to do publicity: “Yes, that’s it.”

“Then I will leave first, Brother Peng doesn’t let his words, I am a words again, it’s really aggrieved to death.”

Tan Shipeng: “…”

(This chapter is finished)

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