Who is reborn? Who is in love?

237. 237 The electric car of a good friend

Chapter 237 The electric car of a good friend

The interviews on the other side continued, and Jiang Qin let go of his hands and feet, and gave it to Bao Wenping and Yue Zhu to do it. He turned and became a shopkeeper.

The salary he gave was generous, and he was not afraid to recruit suitable employees.

“Brothers, I signed up for the sports meeting, the man is one kilometer!”

At three o’clock in the afternoon, Ren Ziqiang returned to the dormitory from the teaching building. He was interested in pulling everyone to the playground to train together. The handsome face was full of eagerness.

Linta’s Spring Games was held immediately. Those who wanted to show their faces and mixed credits were basically finished their names.

In the past two months, Jiang Qin has been promoting the competition, and he organizes recruitment in the pit office. He feels that his body has returned to the sub -health state again, so he followed the playground and planned to exercise.

The body is the capital of the revolution. Take this opportunity to practice eight abdominal muscles.

At that time, I found a small corner of no one, and set off her clothes to show Feng Nanshu, but only she couldn’t see her touching her, stinging her, and letting her raise her feet every day.

But the ideal is full, but the reality is often very skinny.

As soon as I entered the playground, I felt that I was the F4 of the Super Saiyan. I didn’t even support two laps. In the end, I was lying on the side of the road to rest.

“No, Damn, I’m too tired, stop for a while!” Jiang Qin scolded her mother.

Cao Guangyu was also tired like a dead dog, squatting on the runway and said nothing, “I would rather lie in the dormitory and don’t want to be exhausted here.”

Ren Ziqiang is still gritting his teeth: “You are too virtual!”

“It is not a false problem, it is the military training for so long. I am still in contact with this amount of exercise.”

“Yes, suddenly, Ultraman can’t stand it.”

Zhou Chao’s legs were short, and this slowly rushed to rush: “I wipe it, this is really dead, is you the old evil?

As soon as Ren Ziqiang pouted: “I said it at the beginning, I was looking for an object. The sports meeting was a very face -to -face opportunity. How can I let it go?”

“You can find the object when you participate in a sports meeting. What posture can you make such a dream?”

“It is possible to get first. I have inquired. Last year’s long -distance running champion changed four girlfriends a year, because of the body!”

Jiang Qin glanced at Ren Ziqiang: “Old Ren, if you really want to find an object, there is no need to fight so much. When you are new in the next semester, you will be stronger than this.”

After thinking about it for a long time, Ren Ziqiang said: “Well, it is not just to find a object. It is not handsome to see me, and it’ s not good for sports. Is n’t it a waste? ”

“It makes sense, then you practice slowly.”

Jiang Qin said that he didn’t run away. He sat on the ground for more than ten minutes. After resting, he went out of the playground directly, and came to the entrepreneurial base facing the refreshing wind.

Don’t look at the current focus of work gradually began to move to society, but the people in 208 have not been idle. In the past half a month, they have been working on the launch of the shop.

Wei Lanlan and Tan Qing have been running customers outside the school. Over time, the merchants who are willing to enter the group have reached a considerable number.

Chain hotels, food and catering, billiards, swimming pool gym, nailor hair shops, although not many in terms of quantity, but almost covered all daily consumer goods of college students.

Therefore, Jiang Qin decided to launch the service of the group to the store in the near future, using the university traffic to show the first sword.

At that time, the teams on the other side will be almost organized, and there will be seamless connections on both sides, and the city will blossom.

“Su Nai, how is your progress over there?”

Su Nai pushed the glasses: “The third round of adjustment and optimization of the second -level pages are being adjusted and optimized. In the early morning, online testing was performed. I have arranged testers.”

Jiang Qin nodded: “Wenhao, what about you?”

“The topic selection of the group to the store has been discussed. Feiyu is being opened one after another.

The kung fu that was speaking suddenly sounded at the door.

Cao Xinyue appeared at the door of 208, looked around in it, and then whispered Jiang Qin, and beckoned at him, calling him out.

“What’s wrong?”

Jiang Qin came to the door and closed the door to avoid disturbing the rhythm of making money for his hard work. What he focused on was a warm heart.

“I haven’t seen it for a long time, come and see you, by the way, show you something.”

Cao Xinyue took out a handbag from behind her, pulled out a box of Samsung mobile phones from it, and after opening it, there was a white phone.

Jiang Qin frowned slightly: “You come to me to show a new phone?”

Cao Xinyue glanced at him, and he pumped his mouth helplessly: “Didn’t you say it last week? I have forgotten my birthday this week?”

“Oh, so this is a birthday gift from Chen Xuechang?”

Jiang Qin immediately understood the reason why she came here: “He really because he went to me to do part -time jobs, isn’t this phone cheap?”

Cao Xinyue nodded: “I checked the official website, two thousand.”

“So expensive? But he has been running the market last month, with a part -time salary of only 1,000.”

“Well, so he might put all living expenses in order to buy this phone for me.”

After hearing it, Jiang Qin was numb: “Is there really love in this world?”

Cao Xinyue couldn’t be happy: “I just mention things that the mobile phone is not easy to use. Who knows that he will remember it.”

“Well, the sour smell of love is really strong, I can’t breathe quickly.” Jiang Qin’s face was discomfort.

“Remember the question you asked me before?”

“what is the problem?”

Cao Xinyue put her mobile phone into the box: “It is really happy to give gifts by the person you like, so hurry up and give Feng Nan Shu a gift.”

Jiang Qin frowned with his eyebrows: “Sister, you are too much, you always say that I don’t fall in love.

“But she definitely wants you to give her a gift. The girls are like this.”

Jiang Qin shook his head again and again, but he did not listen, and let Cao Xinyue persuade him from the perspective of various people who came to pretend not to understand.

However, at this time, Kong Hui, the head of the cargo docking of the Mall, came to the entrepreneurial base, and he followed two people behind him, pushing a large box one after another.

“Boss, what you order is here.”

“The efficiency of Wanzhong Mall is very high, come to delivery at noon?” Jiang Qin was a little surprised.

“You don’t know, there are more and more orders in the mall, coupled with the marketing of teachers and University of Science and Technology, the number of drivers is not enough, so it has been changed to three free. But busy. ”

Kong Hui smiled: “Of course, tired is a bit tired, but I earn more.”

Jiang Qin patted their shoulders with a smile, then sent them back, and when he turned back, he found that Cao Xinyue was looking at himself with a very playful expression.

For nothing else, just because of the box, a electric vehicle was drawn, and the lower right corner was pink.

“This is what you said don’t buy gifts?”

“Please don’t get me wrong, this is what I bought for my own riding.”

After hearing it, Cao Xinyue sounded: “Pink electric car, are you riding? When my three -year -old child?”

Jiang Qin looked at her indifferently: “Even if it was given to the rich woman, it was a gift from a good friend.”

“Ah yes yes, they are petting friends and friends, I will wait for both of you to make the children out, see if you dare to say that.”


Cao Xinyue turned and left 208. When she left, she hummed the song. Jiang Qin’s face was dark. He pushed the door and picked up a knife and chased out, and then cut the plastic rope on the box vigorously.

As the knife fell, the outer packaging was disassembled a little bit, and a pink electric vehicle was exposed, which looked very small and cute.

“Lanlan, the recruitment of Wanzhong has begun. You stare for me and keep in touch with Yue Zhu at any time. I have something out.”

“Knowing the boss, I will call Sister Yue later.”

Hearing Wei Lanlan’s response, Jiang Qin pushed the electric vehicle out of the entrepreneurial base, and then rode up all the way.

Don’t say that when you are used to driving a car, you suddenly ride such small electric cars, which is quite fresh.

Jiang Qin went all the way and passed the playground halfway. He found that Ren Ziqiang and Cao Guangyu were still running, so they chased up and scolded them to run fast.

The two stopped, and after a while, they saw Jiang Qin grow up again.

“Brother Cao, just now seems to have something to call us to run faster?”

“Well, a pink dog.”

Two minutes later, Jiang Qin came downstairs in the financial dormitory, called Feng Nanshu, and let him down, not allowing her to wear a skirt, she must wear pants.

Gao Wenhui heard his eyes beside him, and said what the two are going to play?

Why not wear skirts and can only wear pants? Isn’t the skirt more convenient?

The more she thought about it, so she had to go with Feng Nanshu.

After coming downstairs, Xiaofujiao saw Jiang Qin at a glance, and also saw the electric car stopped by Jiang Qin. The little mouth opened slightly, and she looked surprised.

Gao Wenhui did not run quickly without Feng Nanshu, but hurriedly caught up. As a result, he suddenly became tasteless after seeing the electric car.

I thought there was any operation, I didn’t expect it to be a bike.

“Give you a electric car, you don’t have to snoring and run away in the future.”

Feng Nanshu pursed his mouth: “Jiang Qin, what should I do if I can’t ride?”

“I teach you to ride two laps. With your smart IQ, you will definitely learn in a blink of an eye.”

“I said that I’m not smart.” Xiao Fu’s face bluffed his face and emphasized.

“The cleverness I said refers to learning ability.”

“Jiang Qin, you are a good person.”

Gao Wenhui came over and glanced at Jiang Qin: “Why did he buy Nanku electric vehicle suddenly?”

Jiang Qin turned to look at her: “You work part -time in the front square. I work in 208. I am so far away. She often runs back and forth, walking too tired.”

“Oh, you’re afraid of her little feet to grind the cocoon, and don’t touch it?”


Jiang Qin stared at Gao Wenhui for a long time, and said that the scholar was too fucking. How could she have a sweet taste without sugar?

My fucking gentleman, never this idea.

“Xiao Gao, I advise you not to be too much brain -replenishment, be careful of your salary injury.”

Gao Wenhui was suddenly angry: “I said it was said, so I threatened me with a deduction of my salary, right?”

“You understand a chicken, mother, the author’s brain of the netwriting is not as big as you.”

Jiang Qin talked about it, turned to teach Feng Nanshu to ride a bike, while Gao Wenhui went to the college supermarket to move a stool, sitting next to the opportunity to pick up sugar.

Feng Nanshu did not ride two rounds of cars, so after going up, she couldn’t hold a balance and walked up.

Jiang Qin had to hold the handle in one hand, holding the seat with one hand, and trying to ride a straight line.

“Jiang Qin, don’t touch my ass now.” Feng Nanshu said pitifully.

Jiang Qin was coughing instantly: “Feng Nanshu, don’t slander me, I didn’t touch your buttocks, I was to be afraid of you falling, so I kept dragging the seat.”

(This chapter is finished)

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