Chapter 218

In mid -March, the popularity of the school flower competition continued to rise.

The high ground where the sweet milk tea shop seated steadily, opened the market instantly, so that every day in front of the store, the long dragons had once again attracted more people to make fun.

The people on the commercial street were Wuwu all day long, and even the surrounding merchants had reached the heat, and the turnover has been steadily rising.


Because when the order is too long, someone will choose to go to other stores first.

Wandering around and buying something accidentally, this is also very natural. After all, I am here, and I do n’t buy something.

Especially the exquisite pig girls do not have too much impulse consumption like this.

This economic phenomenon is very common, similar to the continuous promotion of the tourism industry in various provinces and cities.

Because when the flow of people increases, the cost of food, food, and transportation will become larger, rather than the necessary consumption.

I bought a bunch of things that could not be used, and every time I ordered a meal beyond their own food, this is not a very common thing.

Therefore, the flow of traffic is not necessarily the target user, and the people in the entire business district will eat a lot of benefits.

Based on this situation, the cooperation between the group and the street became extremely smooth.

No way, because it is really fragrant.

However, not all merchants feel happy, such as several other milk tea shops on this street, it is really the heart of scolding mother.

Since the start of the shit school flower contest, fewer and fewer guests in their stores.

After all, the sales between competition products are all long. No one will buy a cup of milk tea in the first store, and turn around and go to another shop to buy a cup of milk tea. It is pure and full.

Especially the mature customers who came every day suddenly did not come, and made the bosses of the milk tea shop have a feeling of difficulty.

Damn, just like to drink my milk tea?

This kind of real -thinking Nima looks like love, and even say hello!

“Lao Xu, do you have a business there?”

“There is a hairy business, it has been opened for a morning, let alone a beautiful girl, so I have never seen a hanging hair.”

“I discussed with Zhen Guo Xian’s sister, we can’t sit so, or we can’t do this business anymore.”

“How to say?”

“I heard that the shop was opened by a student, left, scared them to go!”

So, within the hot week of the game, the owner of the three milk tea shops came over and made it four times.

They did not dare to really smash, but they just came to put a ruthless words every day, making the chickens and dogs in the shop restless, and scared a lot of guests.

As the leader of the promotion team of the University of Science and Technology, Lai Cunqing has solved many times. The main thing is that it is reasonable and affectionate, but in fact there is no egg.

Because you really grab the business of others, no matter how good you are, it is useless to say, and the good words are not money. Who would like to listen to your Rory.

For example, he grabbed his girlfriend and comforted the people to relax the mentality. It was lucky that his nose was not crooked.

What’s more, money is much more important than a girlfriend!

But when you come to Cunqing, you have a stomach.

Damn, do business depending on business, what birds do you can’t sell us?

So he did not go later, but just sent a few people to guard at the door to ensure the safety of the clerk. After all, in addition to the problems of the milk tea shop, he also faced a lot of problems.

The person in the content group was not enough. Come to Caiqing originally intended to borrow from the market group, but everyone did not want to send leaflets anymore.

Especially for a poor student, he complained that he was tired of sending the leaflet every day. He wanted to enter the content group. When he saw that he had no herself on the borrowing list, he went directly to strike.

In principle, such a person is just dismissed, it is difficult to be a poor student in this guy, so that Lai Ciqing has always been unpredictable.

“The boss was just alone at the beginning. How can I make the project from scratch?”

“Listening to Brother Dong, the boss can dance crazy between the big pit on the ground, but he has never stepped in.” Ding Qiaona said quietly.

After he came to Cunqing, he squeezed his mouth: “This metaphor is really a image!”

“If the boss is here …”

Hearing this sentence, Gu Tiantian, Chen Wenxiu and Tang Li beside him couldn’t help but glance at each other, and seemed to have a deeper understanding of the word male.

They ran for half a month in the market group, because of their diligent work, they were transferred to the content group.

Then, every time there are problems that cannot be solved in the team, everyone will shout, why is the boss not, the boss is going to be here.

It’s as if Jiang Qin appears, all problems are not a problem.

Other male gods can see only men, but Jiang Qin, the male god, really makes people feel god.

But what made them unexpected was that Jiang Qin really couldn’t help thinking, and went to the event classroom next second.

“Boss, you can count!”

Lai Cunqing was instantly softened on the bench, as if found the backbone, and the pressure suddenly reduced a lot.

After Jiang Qin came in, he glanced at him: “Why are you all about crying?”

Ding Qiaona couldn’t help but speak: “We thought it was very good, and felt that it would be good to go down step down, but there would always be a mess in the process. It was really difficult. How did you do it?”

“It’s just a little talented and handsome.”


Jiang Qin looked at everyone’s speechless expression was also drunk. Damn, no one believed in telling the truth now. What kind of dog is a dog?

“First of all, the milk tea shop …”

Three minutes later, Jiang Qin heard the report from Chan Qing after hearing: “Just do business, you can’t eat too many others, it is normal.”

Ding Qiaona couldn’t help but spoke: “Boss, did you encounter such a thing when you brought the team to promote it?”

“I have encountered it, but there is no one who has dared to make trouble.”

“How do you solve now?”

Jiang Qin thought about it: “I have always emphasized with Linta’s team, calling through the phenomenon to see the essence. What do you think they come to make trouble?

When you come to Cunqing, you know the answer: “They just want to make money.”

“That’s not enough. Give them a chance to make money.”

Jiang Qin waved his hand and took them to the troubled tea shop with a big swing, found the shop owner, reached out to throw a contract directly to their counter.

When you come to Cunqing, you think the boss will say, signed it, do n’t know how to lift it!

TV series are all performed like this.

But in fact Jiang Qin really smiled, and he did not show any arrogance at all.

“This is our online service online, please take a look.”

“Online delivery?”

“Yes, it is a brand new sales model that becomes a cooperative user of the group.

“According to your meaning, we just do it?”


“But even if it is online, there are so many traffic, we can’t do sweetness!”

“Then I guarantee to you here that Xi Tian will not sell milk tea online. This market will always belong to you.”

Two hours later, Jiang Qin took people to run three stores, took three contracts, and returned to the classroom of the University of Science and Technology.

It’s a bit puzzled: “Because of their troubles, Xi Tian does not do online services, is this compromise too hard?”

“I didn’t say that I would not do online services, I just said that I wouldn’t sell milk tea.”

“What did that sell?”

Jiang Qin took out a happy sweet milk tea card from his wallet: “Hi sweet does not do the business of sending milk tea, but people who will sell milk tea cards online. “,”

Ding Qiaona also took out the card in her wallet: “I also have one, it was sent by a student.”

“What do you feel after use?”

“With this card, I almost never drank other people’s milk tea again.”

Jiang Qin nodded: “We do business, there is no need to kill people, leaving the other three milk tea shops to survive, so that they can rely on takeaway to live. This is our compromise.”

Come to save the scalp is a bit numb: “Can these three stores only live on takeaway in the future?”


“Then, every time they sell milk tea, they have to give us a commission? In this way, there is no market that we can’t eat online and offline?”

“Of course.”

Jiang Qin showed a charming smile.

In fact, there will be a lot of shops that are simply takeaway in the future. They are collectively referred to as takeoffs. They do not have any offline business, and they simply live online.

The media called them a small workshop.

Because it does not use the storefront, the cost is not high, the price can be very low, and it is also a new way of business that has been spawned in the new era.

Jiang Qin packed the wallet back to his pocket: “What else is there, I said in a breath, I will see Director Sun later.”

“The people in the market group have a lot of opinions. The people underneath have a lot of opinions. They don’t want to send leaflets. They have been asking in the group, why others can transfer the content group, they can’t.”

“Then why can’t they do?” Jiang Qin asked.

Come to Caiqing Lima’s opening: “They are not capable, and they are not serious. Of course, I have to leave the opportunity to those who are hardworking and hardworking.”

“Let’s quit the one with the biggest opinion first, let him feel the sinister society.”

“But the worst and poorer with the most opinion, it is not easy to dismiss directly.”

Jiang Qinle: “If you think about it from another angle, poverty is even better. How regrettable he was resigned. In the future, the team of the University of Science and Technology will be more stable. ”

Come and think about it: “But in case he troubles?”

“I spent more than thirty dollars in the banner and certificate. This money can’t always be in vain. Director Sun will help us. This is the benefit of the instructor.”

“oh oh.”

“Old, we are doing business, not charity. You must remember that poverty can never be regarded as a protective umbrella.”

Jiang Qin said seriously, inexplicably felt that the sentence was handsome just now, and wanted to come again.

But it seemed a little bit again, so he could only experience his handsomeness from those worship eyes.

Um? This Gu Tian’s vision is almost full, so do you admire it so much? Even the legs were clamped.

(This chapter is finished)

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