Who is reborn? Who is in love?

217. 217 I want to be a traitor

Chapter 217 I want to be a traitor

The wealthy wealthy was lying in the nest, watching the two unreliable owners came over, and suddenly he looked at his head with a disgusting look, and a whine voice in his mouth seemed to be expressing dissatisfaction.

“Look, the rich and rich children want to speak.”

Jiang Qin reached out and took it off the dog rope, and he stunned two times along his neck, but he felt wondering the more he thought.

It was normal for him to forget to bring a dog, because he had been thinking about promotion in his mind. It was also true that he had to throw Sanluo and Four, but Xiao Fu’s mother -in -law wanted to raise a dog from the winter vacation. How could he forget?

This is not scientific.

Unless she wants to walk another dog.

Jiang Qin turned to look at Feng Nanshu, and saw that she also squatted down, reaching out to touch the dog’s head to show comfort, and her beautiful eyes had apologies to the wealth.

“Do you really forget or fake it?”

“I really forgot, this time I didn’t lie to you.” Feng Nanshu had a serious guarantee.

Jiang Qin narrowed her eyes and looked at her for a long time: “Didn’t you lie to me this time? Oh, which time did you lie to me?”

“Jiang Qin, don’t ask, I don’t know what I am talking about.”


Xiao Fu’s wife reached out to block his doubts, pretending to touch the dog’s head with an indifferent expression. In fact, it was not guilty.

She felt that Jiang Qin was a bit clever and couldn’t let him ask anymore.

Jiang Qin didn’t intend to stop asking. He wanted to see what kind of cat is playing with Feng Nanshu and which sentence he was playing with me? Or did you lie to me just now? But before he asked, Luffy’s voice suddenly rang from the opposite side.

“Boss, the post of attracting the war is effective, come and see!”

Jiang Qinxin was promoted, but he gave up the questioning, got up to the opposite side, and immediately let Xiao Fumao relieved.

“Luffy is a good person.”

Feng Nanshu said silently in his heart while being happy.

At the same time, Jiang Qin walked in front of Luffy’s station and looked down at the screen.

“Open the previous posts.”

“Good boss.”

Cybersy warfare is the most likely to stimulate user activity, because no matter how good the content is better than the durability of hatred, when Luffy Yu induced with different IDs, all four schools have joined the melee warfare. Essence

From the perspective of the latest follow -up, the anger can be maintained at least three days.

In just three days, there should be no problem to greet the ancestors of the other party all the way.

However, the long -term scolding war is extremely detrimental to the ecology of the entire forum, because no one wants to be angry when they are leisure and entertainment. This is actually a better thing.

You have to control this degree, which can allow people to participate, but it will not be transformed into a school melee because of excessive fermentation.

Therefore, Luffy later put on the administrator account and issued a statement that strongly condemned this despicable war and deleted several accounts full of mouth -speaking. Scolding is meaningless.

“The red face and black face are seamlessly switched. There is no truth in my mouth, Feiyu, you are getting more and more dog now.”

Jiang Qin’s face was full of admiration.

“I also learned one fifth of the boss, and the ability is still far away.”

Luffy Yu was a little beautiful until he shook his head.


Jiang Qin looked at him with squinting eyes: “I suggest you don’t talk if you don’t speak.”

“These are what I taught me Dong.”

“What did he teach you?”

“He said that if you praise me in the future, I just say that I just learned a little bit of your boss, so you will think I am very good, is my brother who lied to me?”

Jiang Qin sighed: “Actually he didn’t lie to you.”

Lu Feiyu stunned: “Where is that question?”

“It’s okay, you’re busy, it’s the wrong world.” Jiang Qin patted on his shoulder twice, turned and sat back on the boss chair.

“Sister Su Nai, what did I say wrong just now?”

After thinking about it for a long time, Su Nai said: “The boss is so dog, you say that you can learn one fifth, you may be a bit more, you should be more modest.”

Luffy Yu suddenly realized: “Then I will say one tenth of the next time.”

“Well, one tenth is almost the same.”

Jiang Qin listened to the conversation between the two of them, and the corner of his mouth pumped, saying that the two of you were not enough for an emotional intelligence, but the discussion was particularly serious.

In the blink of an eye, in the afternoon, the sky in Linchuan was suddenly covered by the heavy lead cloud, and the wind was screaming outside, and it sounded quite scary.

Jiang Qin was worried that it would rain for a while, so he sent Xiao Fu’s wife back to the dormitory in advance.

Just wait for the turn around, the light rain of Lili has fallen from the sky, looking at it, there is a layer of fine water vapor in the air, and the coolness brought by the campus gradually spreads.

Chunyu is generally not very large, but it lasts for a long time. Jiang Qin has no idol baggage. He directly pocked his jacket on his head and hurried back to 208.

Dong Wenhao had returned from the Normal University at this time. He was sitting in the dark office and chatting with Su Nai. After seeing Jiang Qin, he immediately stood up.

“Boss, I’m back.”

Jiang Qin waved his hand to signal him to sit down: “How is it, is the team that is smooth?”

Dong Wenhao nodded: “The newly recruited employees are quite serious, and it is very good to work.”

“Let’s get them familiar with the business as soon as possible. The Normal University is too far away from us, and you can’t run around all the time. This is not convenient and the efficiency is relatively low.” Jiang Qin told him.

“Okay, I will arrange them to enter the state as soon as possible.”

“You have time to share your experience with Laiqing. He is the first time to control the entire field. I guess he is still a bit bottomless and may need some substantial opinions.”


The spring rain outside the window is getting more and more urgent. The coldness seems to be transmitted to the room through the window. The heating of the Da Da stops long ago, so everyone took out the heater used in winter.

Jiang Qin was wrapped in a blanket with a rich woman, and he checked the area of the school flower competition while drinking tea.

In 2009, each university was an independent ecosystem, with its own popular topic and their own news gossip.

In this circle, the topic of the goddess will never be outdated, especially those who are white and beautiful and fascinating are always the easiest to attract attention and the easiest to mobilize enthusiasm.

There are some self -confident and elegant men who feel that the goddess must finally belong to himself in his heart.

There are also some boys who are not as good as them, so they sneer in picked up the leak in secret.

Of course, there are also some who are not even picked up. Every day, good night and good night, I feel that as long as you smell the taste.

There are some girls, I think I am good everywhere, why can’t I be a school flower?

No matter which type of crowd, as long as you compare these two words, you will definitely produce a common psychology in the end, that is, I must not be weak than others, or the goddess I like must not be weaker than others!

Therefore, the preheating follow -up activities before the game fully satisfy everyone’s desire to discuss.

“Who does n’t choose Shao Mingxia?”

“Pull down, Song Ran is the first goddess of the University of Science and Technology, and will not accept refute!”

“Obviously Zhang Zixuan is the first goddess, and the light chest has three Song Ran three. Is this still comparison?”

“Well, what does it mean? Superficial!”

“If you don’t see your toes, you are the amazing people on earth, do you understand?”

“Let me say one thing first, I am a passerby for Chunchuan University, but if the upstairs is true, then I am willing to admit that Zhang Zixuan is a flower of science and engineering.”

“The candidate of our University of Science and Technology, what kind of excitement do you make up for Linchuan University?”

“Pure technology passers -by, although I have never seen Zhang Zixuan, but agreeing with the concept of Lintong and brother, a top is enough, everything else is fake, no need to compare.”

“There are so few girls in the University of Science and Technology, what’s the point of the generals who pump up?

“Tang Lan is okay, but the clothing is too bad, and the temperament must be Du Guifen.”

“Chunlin passersby said that although he has never seen Du Guifen, this name does not sound like a temperament.”

“How do passengers who are old and other people’s houses?”

“I am willing, do you have the ability to bite me along the network?”

Jiang Qin is very satisfied with this comparison situation. As long as this feeling can be maintained until tomorrow, the enthusiasm of the school flower competition is definitely not low.

Sure enough, not expected.

The next afternoon, the competition channels of the two schools were officially opened. Everyone voted like crazy, crazy than any previous time.


The first reason is that yesterday’s citation war made everyone’s anger come out. Why do we say that the girls in our school are not high in quality? In order to get rid of the fire.

Secondly, the University of Science and Technology and the Normal University held the competition at the same time. Although it was not the same game, everyone’s votes were two votes a day.

In this case, no one wants the school flowers in their school to be lower than the opposite school.

If the first school selected by our school is not as good as the other school in terms of votes, what’s the point of this first school flower?

Therefore, this is no longer a simple game, and it has even become a bumper between the school and the school.

For this reason, the goddess also paid off.

In particular, Zhang Zixuan of the University of Science and Technology not only issued a declaration of the contest, but also directly Meitu Town Building, giving a large wave of male college students.

“I grass, this is Zhang Zixuan? I’m a passerby, I really want to vote!”

“The science and technology passersby, want to vote!”

“Well, I’m a passerby of the Normal University.

“Damn, why is there a traitor of a normal university? It’s really not as good as the chest and two, right?”

“Fart, don’t slander others casually, at least two pounds!”


(This chapter is finished)

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