Who is reborn? Who is in love?

181. 181 is soft and hard!

Chapter 181 The soft one is a bit hard!

Packing the textbooks and leaving from the self -study room, all of the 302 people looked at each other.

When I woke up, I had a meal. This was so wonderful. I was a little bit of guilt that I wasted for a long time without learning.

Especially Zhou Chao is sleeping incense. Suddenly, he came to a meal and smashed his face. It was still what others asked, just like dreaming, who can not be excited.

Just empty your mind and empty your stomach first.

How can I learn if I do n’t eat?

If you want to say that Jiang is really fucking, even Zhuang Chen wants to invite him to dinner. He also begged him to eat, which is simply outrageous.

“Learning is really tiring, so hurry up and go back to sleep after eating.”

Jiang Qin’s face was blushed and cleaned up the textbook. As soon as he got out of the study room, the mobile phone in his pocket began to vibrate.

He habitually handed the textbook back, as if subconsciously handed the file to Wei Lanlan, and then reached out and touched the phone to pick up. Lu Xuemei’s voice came from the handset.

“Boss, where are you now?”

“Huh? How do you know that I have been studying in the self -study room in the afternoon and ended until now.”

Lu Xuemei froze, and then lowered his voice: “You dare to say such an outrageous lie, is it next to you?”

Jiang Qin was very dissatisfied with her response: “Isn’t I worthy of studying in the study room? Hurry up, don’t disturb my valuable learning time.”

“That’s it. The batch of gifts we had previously made.” Lu Xuemei’s voice was eight.

“What gift?”

“Is the calendar calendar, the umbrella coaster or something, don’t you remember?”

Jiang Qin woke up, and suddenly remembered this stall: “My brain was occupied by knowledge just now, and I haven’t switched it for a while. Has it been checked? How about the quality?”

Lu Xuemei whispered: “I have checked, and some of the flawed products are picked out.

“Okay, pick two sets, first help me to express the express delivery of Director Sun of the University of Science and Technology and Director Li of the Normal University.”

“Good boss.”

Jiang Qin ordered a batch of year -end gifts at Christmas, including desk calendars, calendars, coasters, umbrellas, lighters, all things that can be used at hand, printed on it with joy, Zhihu, and group groups. LOGO, and their publicity map.

Doing this thing is not for anything else, mainly to brush the presence everywhere.

For example, Sun Chunming of the University of Science and Technology and Li Hua from the Normal University are all the leaders who used in the later promotion.

The last visit and study, Jiang Qin impressed them with his smart mind, but for a long time, for fear of forgetting to be clean.

Send a calendar calendar, so that they can sweep a few more times on weekdays, and when they are promoting, they feel close to enough.

The calendar calendar can not be used. The coasters can always be used. Even if the polish umbrella is not used, the lighter can be used.

He remembers that Sun Chunming and Li Hua are both old smoke guns. Although they did not smoke when they led the team, they could not deceive people.

This is the details.

Jiang Qin instructed to hang up and thought of one thing.

“By the way, there is another thing. You can help me give me the next order to Sheng Shi, and make two tall cards. I will send you the specific content through text messages later.”


“It’s best to make a picture tonight, so that Sheng Shi will be urgently produced. I must get it two days later.” Jiang Qin couldn’t help but add a word.

Lu Xuemei was a little surprised: “So anxious, I’m afraid they can’t do it.”

“If you don’t, you will add money, I do n’t believe it and I ca n’t do anything. Give them a good front desk in advance. ”

“Okay, I will call the factory director now.”

Jiang Qin hung up the phone and found that the people around him were watching him, and seemed to be waiting quietly for his phone call.

The performance of 302 people is very normal. They usually hear Jiang Qin who makes people do this on the phone on the phone. Now they are used to it.

However, the golden flowers of the School of Finance had not experienced it. They looked at Jiang Qin’s eyes a bit fascinating, but they were afraid that they had disturbed his “big business”, so they quietly slowed their breath.

The director of this director, this plus money and the money, is completely a head of Jiang, and the little girl who did not walk out of the ivory tower. Whoever saw these did not feel dizzy.

“Let’s go, don’t be stuck, hurry up and eat.”

Jiang Qin put his mobile phone into his pocket, waved his hand after rushing, and stepped forward. Seeing this, the Jinhua of the Financial College immediately followed up.

At this time, Zhuang Chen followed, and his heart was a bit not a taste.

He likes Jian Chun, so he often mixes with girls in this dormitory, but every time he goes out, the girls say that he will follow him, and never issue an order.

He always felt that such behavior was very gentleman, but at this time, he couldn’t help but envy Jiang Qin’s domineering what I said.

“Chunchun, put your book in your bag first, I’ll hold you together.”

Zhuang Chen temporarily eliminated the thoughts, holding the schoolbag to catch up with the simple purity who walked in front.

“My book has been put in, this is not mine, it is Jiang Qin.”

Jian Chun held a high -level mathematics and kept his footsteps and whispered.

“How could his book be in your hand?”

Zhuang Chen’s mind was a little covered.

“He just called and handed the book back. I was behind him, so I took it.”

Jian Chun repeated the scene just now.

“Didn’t he finish calling? You just give him back.”

“Give him it to the hotel, not very deep.”


Nanshan Fanzhuang is located on the pedestrian street of the school gate. It is high -end than food, and the price of vegetables is more expensive than food, but no one can say that the two tastes are high or low.

If you come here for dinner, the picture is the box environment, which is suitable for birthdays and gatherings, but if you want to benefit, everyone is more willing to run to the sky.

Several people started to order after they were sitting, and Jian Chun returned the book to Jiang Qin, which was very embarrassed to Jiang Qin.

Damn, the book was completely unaware of it all the way, and even in his mind, there was no existence of this book in his mind.

“I knew you should be bad in the factory, right?”

“Rest assured, you won’t leave you anymore in the future.”

Jiang Qin patted his high -number textbook, smiling with a teeth, as if coaxing the textbooks to ignore the subject.

Subsequently, the hot meals were on the table, everyone started, and this meal was really happy and worried.

The most hilarious table is Zhou Chao. Bai Ji is just about his appetite, followed by Cao Guangyu and Ren Ziqiang, and the most uncomfortable one is Zhuang Chen.

He couldn’t figure it out.

Jian Chun was unwilling to get his own book, why he was willing to give Jiang Qin a book willingly.

Where is the problem?

Of course, he had a vague conjecture in his heart, but this conjecture was that he couldn’t believe it anyway.

After more than an hour, under the perfect and aftermath of Zhou Chao, the plates were all empty.

Jiang Qin shouted a withdrawal, so everyone began to leave. The girl’s dormitory of the Financial College was closest to the door, so when the golden flowers went away, only the four people and Zhuang Chen of 302 were left in the group.

Several times, Zhuang Chen wanted to speak, but he never spoke. It wasn’t until Zhou Chao who was going to the supermarket to buy cola, and he stopped Jiang Qin.

“On the day of the winter solstice, Jian Chun asked me to bring you dumplings to you. I feel uncomfortable, so I ate it myself.”

“Well, it’s okay.” Jiang Qin responded lightly.

Zhuang Chen was silent for a while, and said with some sorrow: “You won’t tell Jian Chun in this matter?”

“Don’t pull anymore, how can I play these romance scripts with you?”

“What kill?”

Jiang Qin waved his hand and was unwilling to pull these things: “Do you have any other things? Hurry up and say, Lao Zhou, who bought things, thought he was stealing things last time, and went to the dormitory all the way.”

Zhuang Chen took a deep breath: “Jiang Qin, you … can you not appear in front of Jane in the future?”


“I really don’t want Jian Chun to like you, you definitely don’t want to, right?”

After hearing it, Jiang Qin was drunk: “My mother fled half of the lesson, where do you want me to go? I go to heaven.”

After listening to Zhuang Chen, she was stunned and found that Jiang Qin did not appear many times: “But, but …”

“Don’t, so, a grandfather and daughter -in -law, I told you the truth, I am not interested in falling in love, and your worry is superfluous.”

“I know, but Jian Chun has mentioned more and more frequently, and she hasn’t been so interested in chatting with me.”

Jiang Qin looked at him silently: “Don’t you try to change your QQ avatar to my photo?” Try it? ”

Zhuang Chen’s face flushed: “I am not a joke!”

“I know you are not kidding, but what can I do? If you ask Jian Chun, she thinks I am better, I change!”

“I dare not say …”

Jiang Qin couldn’t help but sigh: “Lao Zhuang, in fact, I think you have a bit of intimacy, otherwise I won’t tell you so much nonsense. I will give you a word in the end. It’s it. ”

Zhuang Chen’s mouth was revealed with a bit of bitterness: “Jian and I have been a neighbor. They grew up together, a kindergarten, a elementary school, a junior high school, one university, and I did not know when I started to like her, but I have already been I like it too long and too deep. ”

“Do my fart?”

“Jiang Qin, do you want to be revenge with me, I’m not sure what terrible things I will do!”

Jiang Qin opened his eyes suddenly, and his eyes showed a touch of fear.

Seeing this scene, Zhuang Chen couldn’t help but be a little proud, and the soft one could not work.

“I grass, I fucking the textbook in the hotel?!”


Zhuang Chen watched him running out of silence for a long time, for a long time, for a long time, and then uncomfortable.

Jiang Qin didn’t care about his threat at all, and he may not even listen seriously.

I want the monthly ticket, I want.

(This chapter is finished)

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