Who is reborn? Who is in love?

180. 180 Learning makes me happy

Chapter 180 Study makes me happy

Reviewing this matter, in fact, there is a table, chair bench, and bench that can be done. If you don’t consider the efficiency problem, the dormitory must be the best review venue.

However, for some students with poor self -control ability, the sense of atmosphere of gathering learning is still very important.

When a group of college students are squeezing in the warm winter classrooms, the sound of turning the book sounds in their ears, and everyone’s eyes are full of desire to focus on knowledge and knowledge.

There is no whispering, no thoughts, and without God’s outside, even if you learn slag, you can remember two more words.

“Who will go later, who is the dog, did you hear it?”

“No problem, learning makes me happy.”

“I’m ok, because I have already told Ding Xue, don’t use love to restrain my love of learning.”

“You can all of me, it’s even better. I don’t even have the object. I don’t learn what I do?”

The F4 pride of 302 set foot on the steps of the teaching building step by step, and came to the 5th floor of the A teaching according to the guidance of the floor.

There are many self -study rooms in the university. It is usually full when the exam is near the exam, and it is not in line. However, there is still a month before the exam week. There is no phenomenon that cannot be occupied.

Four people walked left and right, and finally entered a public self -study room.

Many people in Lingda are frequent visits to the self -study room. The time staying here is longer than in the dormitory, as if it is a nest.

The chair is covered with clothes, and there are boxes on the side of the chair. There are water cups, lunch boxes, chargers, mobile phones, computers, and small table lamps on the table.

Compared with these people, Jiang Qin is a light fit in the battlefield.

Jiang Qin put the textbook solemnly on the table and started looking from the first page.


As soon as the book is opened, the ink aroma of the new book can be clearly heard.

Jiang Qin secretly looked for a girl who did not know next door borrowed a pen and wrote his name solemnly.

The three goods next to each other also opened their weak disciplines. The four people looked focused and silent.

Three minutes later, Ren Ziqiang first began to go and learned the knowledge of the girl on the opposite side.

Zhou Chao was also a little sleepy. The title page of the book has been worse. I don’t know if I remember the names on the list of several textbooks.

Cao Guangyu has put that Nokia 5230 on the textbook, holding a handwritten pen on the touch screen, and like a chick pecking rice.

“Everyone, please be more focused, don’t learn from the classmates next to yourself.”

Jiang Qin squinted his eyes and opened his eyes, and his concentrated eyes did not even leave the textbook.

“I didn’t even say something!”

Ren Ziqiang retracted his eyes from the face of his sister’s face, and he was wronged.

“You didn’t bother me, why can’t I learn it?”

“Brother Jiang, this shows that your mind is not suitable for learning. I can also see it.”

Jiang Qin pushed the textbook forward and leaned on the chair: “You have to watch it if you can’t see it. My high number is wrong.

Zhou Chao couldn’t help but come over: “It’s impossible, how can the textbook be printed wrong, let me see?”

“Look, I don’t know these symbols.”


Jiang Qin glanced at Zhou Chao and Ren Ziqiang, and pressed his throat and said, “You are all abandoned in the dormitory, Lao Cao also fell in love and talked about it. Maybe you may not get a diploma and fall into the construction site to move bricks. Lao Cao became a rake ear. Because of the news of the family violence, I accidentally became the richest man and among Forbes. Think about this ending. Isn’t it terrible? ? ”

Zhou Chao: “…”

Ren Ziqiang: “…”

Cao Guangyu couldn’t help but raise his head: “In fact, there is still a month before the exam. We don’t need to start reviewing so early?”

Ren Ziqiang nodded fiercely: “Agree, even if you remember now, you may forget the light when the exam is the exam.”

After listening, Zhou Chao followed the voice: “Yes, these compulsive memories are all short -term memory, remember to forget it,” it is fast. ”

Jiang Qin listened to their whispering, and couldn’t help but sip: “How can I mix with you a dormitory with you?”

The three rolled their eyes at the same time: “Laojiang, the tradition of our dormitory skins at the beginning was brought up at the beginning.”

“Don’t give yourself an excuse for learning, continue, I will engrav this book today.”

“Brother Jiang, you are high, you can’t remember it, this stuff is logical, how can there be a hard memorization?”

Jiang Qin scoffed at this kind of cool words: “What should I do? I watched myself hanging on my own?”

Cao Guangyu thought about it: “You can find Feng Nanshu to teach you. She seems to have never escaped the class, and class is more serious than others.”

“This is the most stupid way.”


“With her, where can I still have the thought of learning?”

Jiang Qin asked, and the pretty face appeared in front of him.

As long as he said that Xiao Fu’s wife must be willing to teach him, but Jiang Qin would definitely go on her.

Yes, although it is the best friend, it should not be done by this, it is full of low -level interest, but she is also a Bai Fumei, and she has a great attractiveness to learn how to be more attractive.

“Otherwise, come here today, let’s get up?”

Ren Ziqiang couldn’t help but give a proposal.

“Don’t go.”

Zhou Chao was denied this time: “I can’t learn well. I have already guilty. If I go to the Internet cafe for a day, my guilt will be deeper. I will regret it before going to bed at night.”

“It’s boring to waste time here. In the end, I didn’t remember anything.

He seemed to make sense, and it seemed a bit unreasonable without listening to him.

“Lao Jiang, don’t you go to the Internet?” Ren Ziqiang began to fight against Jiang Qin again.

Jiang Qin raised his eyes and raised his eyes: “I was about to learn in just now, you fucking closed your mouth.”

“Then Lao Cao, do you want to go to the Internet cafe? When you are a dog, you are the most important.” Happy. ”


In fact, Cao Guangyu tended to go to the Internet cafe, because even if he was sitting here, he chatted with Ding Xue. The speed of handwriting was slow. It was better to go to the Internet cafe cracking.

At this moment, there were five figures in the self -study room.

Jian Chun, Song Qingqing, Jiang Tian, Pan Xiu, and Zhuang Chen with a backpack. The five people saw Jiang Qin as soon as they came in, so they came over without saying a word.

“Old Ren, go, I will accompany you to the Internet cafe.” Cao Guangyu had put the book together.

“Who go to the Internet cafe, don’t bother me to learn.”


Ren Ziqiang smiled away, looked at Pan Xiu with a high face, and then picked up the textbook and started to study it carefully.

Zhuang Chen, who was in the third class of the financial class, sat down and greeted the four of them. It should also be learned by reading the thick books.

The textbooks they brought are much stronger than Jiang Qin. Although they are not as rotten as high school, they are at least creases. At a glance, they study hard.

“Jiang Qin, last time I borrowed dumplings in the classroom, thank you.”

Jiang Tian opened the textbook and did not look at it, but talked to Jiang Qin first.

“You don’t have to be polite, you also help me take Manqi to play. It is a two -clear old lady who sells fruits, so eat dumplings.”

Jiang Tian looked at Jian Chun, and Jian Chun immediately said: “Eat, the old lady said that the dumplings we wrapped were delicious, and we had to let us get some fruits back, but we refused.”

Jiang Qin nodded: “In the future, you must pay attention to ride. Don’t be so frivolous.

“I, I know …”

Jian Chun nodded gently, and suddenly remembered one thing: “Is the dumplings delicious that day on the winter solstice? That is my own bag.”


Jiang Qin frowned, and said that I had never eaten the dumplings you wrapped. Where did I know whether it was delicious?

As a result, the next second, he saw that Zhuang Chen turned his face beside him. The whole person’s breathing became thicker, and his face stared nervously at Jiang Qin, and his eyes flashed with a hint of begging.

Jiang Qin is personal essence. Combining Jian Chun’s words and Zhuang Chen’s performance, he roughly captured something.

On the day of the winter solstice, they not only sent dumplings to Lao Lu, Zhu Feng and Zhang, but also me.

But they ca n’t enter the boys’ dormitory. It is only Zhuang Chen who can send dumplings, but the dumplings are gone, and they are bizarre than the buns who beat dogs. This is very interesting.

“The dumplings are pretty good, and the filling tastes very well. I also want to ask you the formula with you, but I forgot it later.”

Jiang Qin glanced at Zhuang Chen and found that he was relieved, but his face was still pale.

“The formula was asked by Song Qingqing as asking her mother.” Jiang Tian made up in time.

Jiang Qin looked at Song Qingqing: “Can that formula give me a copy?”

“Of course!” Song Qingqing pulled out his mobile phone and forwarded the text messages sent by his mother.


Jiang Qin glanced at the text message, and said that I finally had a way to grasp President Zhang’s stomach!

He picked up a high -number textbook and continued to review it carefully, completely ignoring Zhuang Chen’s grateful eyes.

After a long while, the dinner time was over, and a quiet self -study room finally came with a noisy voice. Those who nesting in the self -study room all year round came over and are now ready to eat.

Jiang Qin stretched his waist and patted Zhou Chao, Ren Ziqiang and Cao Guangyu who had fallen asleep, and called them to eat.

“Jiang Qin, let me have dinner!” Zhuang Chen suddenly stood up.

Jiang Qin looked at him at a glance: “Should you be said to be a cafeteria?”

“Nanshan Ifo.”

“Wouldn’t you want to invite me?”

Zhuang Chen understood: “Then … then your dormitory is here.”

Cao Guangyu still couldn’t do it. Harrazi, who wiped the corner of his mouth, looked at Jiang Qin: “What happened? Why did someone ask for dinner as soon as he opened his eyes?”

Jiang Qin raised his mouth: “Good people have a good report.”

(This chapter is finished)

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