Who is reborn? Who is in love?

174. 174 Wife drinks more water

Chapter 174 Wife Drinks more water

Jiang Qin looked at Feng Nanshu seriously, and said that you can deceive yourself. Can you cheat others? What a cup is your conscience?

But Feng Nanshu held the cup and did not let go.

She is wearing the white down jacket, and the fluff on the hat is light pink, which is particularly smart and pure. Under the orange light of the supermarket, the cold and pretty face is stubborn, shell The teeth bite red lips, and the water of the water color was firm.

“I have no money. Recently, I have been burning money for promotion, and I have to eat.”

Jiang Qin bluffed his face and began to shout poor.

“I have money, I buy it for you.”

Xiao Fu’s mother -in -law couldn’t do it, saying that spending money didn’t have a blink of an eye.

I didn’t buy these four words and didn’t say it. Jiang Qin suddenly thought about it. What should I do if she called his brother?

I can’t deal with it.

The final result must be bought by the couple cup. A brother shattered a piece of cement again, lost his wife and folded the soldiers.

Alas, the money of the little girl is really profitable, especially this kind of little girl who is in friendship.

She just wants to collect more things that have something to do with you, and try to put your traces into your own life, as if you can’t lose it, you can’t forget it, it is not worth it at all.

Therefore, in the final analysis, where she bought a cup, it was simply the pure and beautiful closure.

She is still worried about whether a good friend can live for a lifetime, so she wants to leave everything in life that can be associated with you.

“Boss Jiang, how much is these two cups?”

“Thank you for Gu Gu, 99 yuan, let you get zero, ninety.”

“Don’t wipe it, I don’t like a piece worse, give you a hundred, don’t look for it!”

Jiang Zhihua laughed with Yan Ruhua to get Grandpa Mao, who said that President Jiang, Jiang Jiang, had known that your biggest weakness was this beautiful girl. Woolen cloth?

At that time, I should write your name on each product, just like those milk cups, earning your money hard!

After watching the two people left, Boss Jiang came out from behind the counter, put on a pair of new couple cups, torn off the old price tag, and wrote a price of 100 and posted it.

She didn’t pay attention to the price of price at first, but she knew after Jiang Qin’s reminder.

Who wants to buy a piece of love? This is not auspicious at all.

Change ninety -nine to one hundred yuan, full of round, this price is more in line with the couple’s heart.

No wonder people make money, the details are just invincible.

“Jiang Qin, I’m hungry.”

“I’m hungry too, go to the cafeteria for a meal.”

Jiang Qin and Feng Nanshu held their hands, carrying their own cups in their empty hands, and came to eat in the second meal.

The rabbit is not saved, but the rice always has to be eaten. Jiang Qin wants a few side dishes, fried small yellow croakers, white shredded shrimp, cold ears, and small stir -fry.

He was really a little hungry, and he started to pick up rice as soon as he sat down. It was a little better until there was something in his stomach.

Then he glanced at Xiao Fu’s pocket, took out a wallet, and pushed it silently.

“What’s wrong? Do you want to raise me?”

Feng Nanshu pursed his mouth: “I can’t spend my living expenses, you spend it for me.”

Jiang Qin didn’t expect it to be nursing: “Are you here?”

“There are 50 borrowed to Gao Wenhui, I will give you back tomorrow.”

Jiang Qin opened the wallet and glanced at it, all of which were brand new 100 yuan banknotes, and there were two bank cards and a milk tea card. This is the minus of all the families of Xiao Fu’s wife.

“You give me the money, what do you do? Have you ever thought about it, you have to eat with me in the future, you have to find me for money to buy snacks. ”


The more Jiang Qin said, the more he felt wrong, and Feng Nanshu was clearly excited.

“I don’t want it, you put your wallet well, don’t lose it. Actually, I’m not really poor, crying is just my hobby.”

Hearing this sentence, Feng Nanshu stretched out his hand and pushed his wallet to Jiang Qin again, his expression was serious.

Jiang Qin temporarily put down his wallet, and he was put on a peanut bean to feed him. He saw the serious instant disintegration of Xiao Fu’s mother -in -law. He opened his mouth and ate it.

At this moment, a sneaky figure was suddenly captured by Jiang Qin’s eyes.

The other party also discovered this, so he didn’t hide it, and walked over, sitting next to Feng Nanshu, and by the way, he took a pair of chopsticks from the disinfection cabinet and pinched his ears into his mouth.

The cold ears are oily and crispy, wrapped in sauce, mellow and tender entrance.

“Xiao Gao classmate.”


“You really have the courage, even if you lie to me, you still eat my dishes? Why are you no longer a little bit, just sit on my legs?”

“That’s the position of Feng Nanshu. If I sit, she will cry.” Gao Wenhui learned the expression of the rich woman, with a cold face.

Jiang Qin’s face was dark: “Are you a relative of Yue Lao?”

Gao Wenhui took a deep breath and said straightforwardly: “I didn’t think about it at the beginning, but later, I thought about the sugar I ticked up with the ability.

Jiang Qin opened his voice seriously: “You don’t play this kind of game next time. I thought she was bullied. On the way back, I almost broke through the red light.”

“Ah? I, I don’t know!”

“Do you know now?”

Gao Wenhui thought for a moment: “Doesn’t it mean that Feng Nanshu is more important than anything in your heart? As soon as she becomes unusual, your heart is messy. This is love, and it is unclear.”

Jiang Qin glanced at Feng Nanshu and found that she twisted the cup lid without squinting, so he was a little relieved: “Eat your meal, do we use your care?”

“When sulfur dioxide and oxygen generate sulfur dioxide, you also need to use five oxidation dioxide as a catalyst.”

“Do you know that I don’t study, right?” Jiang Qin’s sneer was colder than winter night.

Gao Wenhui handed: “You continue to show you up, I keep silent and eat while eating.”


Jiang Qin turned to look at Feng Nanshu, and found that she was staring at the bottom of the cup. She looked at her eyes, and the slender curly eyelashes were screaming. The cheeks didn’t know why they became a lot more popular than before, as if the soul was gone.

“What are you looking at?”

Jiang Qin was a little curious. He talked with Gao Wenhui for so long, and Xiao Fu seems to have been watching the cup.

Is there anything in it? So beautiful.

“I, I don’t read anything.”

Feng Nanshu was a little guilty, but still shook his head rationally.

“There must be something in the cup, right? Show me.”

Jiang Qin reached out and asked her.

“Jiang Qin, there is nothing in the cup, concentrate on feeding me for dinner.”

Xiao Fu’s mouth opened his mouth slightly and begged him to feed him cutely.

“The more you say that, the more I want to see, there must be a secret in it, right?”

Feng Nanshu was silent, and the expression handed the cup over clearly.

Jiang Qin didn’t think much about it. It was purely curious. As a result, after he glanced at the cup, his expression gradually became dignified.

I saw five raised words at the bottom of the stainless steel cup, which wrote a lot of water.

Jiang Qin stunned for a long time and unscrewed his cup. There were also five raised words on it, saying that her husband drank more water.

“Who is this fuck?”

When he took the cup from Jiang Zhihua’s hand, he looked around and glanced around. Although the colors of the two cups echoed each other and the shapes were exactly the same, there was no point of pointing.

You say he is a couple cup, ok, but you say that there is no problem at all.

Just like the couple shirt they bought in the Mall, there is nothing I love you at all. I love me and my husband, and my wife is naked.

But who knows that there is another mystery in the cup.

“Give me after watching it …”

Although Feng Nanshu’s expression was cold, he was actually a little panicked.

“When you use it, get hot water a few times, it is best to fill it up for one night. I smell it a bit. The qualified certificate is like a decent look.

Jiang Qin pretended not to see it, and sent the cup to her hands calmly.

“I see.”

Feng Nanshu held the cup in her arms, and the baby could not.

Jiang Qin turned to look at Gao Wenhui: “I heard you borrowed 50 yuan for Xiao Fu’s wife?”

Gao Wenhui watched his head: “At the end of the month, the living expenses are not enough, but you are still a good friend, how can you start to control the money?”

“I mean, if your living expenses are not enough, you can go to the rich mother -in -law’s milk tea shop, and you don’t need to disassemble the east wall to make up the west wall.”

“Isn’t the hand in the milk tea shop enough?” Gao Wenhui was a little surprised.

Jiang Qin took two sips of meals and said: “The University of Science and Technology and the Normal University will also open a milk tea shop. We must send an old employee to go to the top for a while. At that time, the people in this shop will not be enough. You are Feng Nanshu’s girlfriend. When I go to the front square for a while, I will be a store manager or something in the later period.

“Of course, my family can rest assured, I will go tomorrow.”

“What are your own family? Xiaogao, you are really a treasure girl. Before going to work, I already want to deduct your salary!”


“Just say that, let me notify Hu Xin, just follow her to learn.”

After Jiang Qin ate, he fed Feng Nanshu a few sips. Then he picked up his cup and watched the words inside and walked out of the cafeteria.

“Nan Shu, you will have to get your family’s fiscal power in your own hands in the future. You cannot hand it over to Jiang Qin. Only by mastering the family’s property can a woman be able to grasp the right to speak.”

Feng Nanshu looked at her ignorantly: “Wen Hui, I forgot to ask you, don’t you hurt your legs?”

Gao Wenhui’s dumb for a while: “Suddenly it is fine.”

“Wenhui, you are a bad guy, I don’t listen to you.”

In fact, Jiang Qin asked Gao Wenhui to take part part -time part -time.

This woman is a terrorist and belongs to an extremely uncontrollable existence in an uncontrollable scope, but once Xiao Gao joins Xitian, the salary is not deducted from himself.

Jiang Qinmei walked to the dormitory building and found that Cao Guangyu also came back. The cup in his hand seemed to be the same as himself. The plastic film outside had not been torn.


“Well, what, roll!”

(This chapter is finished)

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