Chapter 173 I miss you

The supervisor and deputy supervisor were selected. The preparations for the University of Science and Technology have officially started.

In addition, Jiang Qin specially arranged a position for Guo Zihang and asked him to be Ding Qiaona as an assistant to be responsible for the docking of the distribution route.

The docking work can exercise the communication ability of people, and the last ring of the delivery is the auntie of the dormitory. Guo Zihang should be able to glow in this post.

“There seems to be a particularly delicious roast rabbit shop nearby.”

After the technology came out, Su Nai suddenly pointed at the pedestrian street on the opposite side.

She is a junior student. There are also many old friends in the University of Science and Technology. I have been here many times before, and I still remember the taste of that roast rabbit shop.

“So cruel?”

Jiang Qin frowned and looked bad.

Su Nai couldn’t help but glance at him, and said that the boss had this bodhisattva.

“Go, look at it in the past, if you can save half, you can save and half, don’t control the cumin rabbit or spicy rabbit, anyway, it can be considered a half life.”


Jiang Qin was moved by his kindness, and his tears flowed out of his mouth.

As an excellent programmer, Su Nai was stunned by this kind of unknown words, and finally understood that the boss wanted to eat half a rabbit.

Also half of life, half of life, is he still life?

But before Jiang Qin turned his head over, he received a QQ message from Feng Nanshu on his mobile phone.

At first, he thought that he had read the wrong content, frowned again, and looked again, found that the word was not bad, and couldn’t help but look at the starting look at him, confirmed that it was Feng Nanshu, and finally his expression gradually became dignified.

Did you stole the number?

No, Feng Nanshu does not play games, and there are few friends who are very poor, but they will not log in to any website. The chance of being stolen should be very small.

Su Nai couldn’t help but probe: “Boss, why don’t you go? And rabbits waiting for us to save!”

“I thought about it. Although Rabbit was cute, I couldn’t save the half. I had only one belly, so don’t save it.

After Jiang Qin finished speaking, he turned the front and drove to the direction of Linchuan University.

I miss you.

No matter when you meet or chat with QQ, Feng Nanshu has never said these four words.

Suddenly I sent such a one today, what’s the matter?

Jiang Qin was a little worried about Xiao Fu’s state, so he was silent throughout the road. After coming to the entrepreneurial base, Su Nai was bombed out of the car, his brains were still blindfolded, and the rabbit said that the rabbit was missing? Anyway, it is okay to save half!

“In the past few days, Wenhao and Lamalando went to science and technology. The team over there was the first time to promote promotion. I am not at ease. I am not at ease, especially for warm -up activities and first -day delivery. Last. ”

Jiang Qin descended half of the window and ordered Dong Wenhao and Wei Lanlan.

“Good boss.”

The two looked at each other and answered uniformly.

“But remember that rights are decentralized to Chan Qing and Ding Qiaona. If they do it, you can just intervene in more.”


After Jiang Qin explained, he turned to the girl’s dormitory of the Financial College. As a result, the car stopped, and Feng Nanshu’s QQ news came again.

From the University of Science and Technology to Linchuan University, it only takes a few minutes to drive. The news is not strange, but the taste of the news is extremely strange.

“Brother, why don’t you speak, I miss you, come to slip me?”


“Nan Shu, I miss you at all times.”

“? ??”

“Brother, my sister wants you to hold you, and still want to kiss you.”


“Brother, why don’t you speak?”

“Damn, are you fucking Gao Wenhui?”

Jiang Qin suddenly reacted. He wanted to laugh at his anger, his fingers, and almost crushed the keys. Fortunately, this is Nokia who can smash walnuts.

After the news came back, the opposite side was quiet for a few seconds, but then a long sentence was sent, and his tone was soft but his mouth was hard.

“I’m not Gao Wenhui, I am your Feng, I miss you all day long, and think about it.”

Jiang Qin replied quickly: “Two cups of milk tea, one piece of cake, two oranges, a total of 20 yuan, four houses and five, give me a hundred.”

“What?” The opposite side was a little stunned.

“I tossed outside for a long time, and I ate such something, and you were disgusting!”

“Jiang Qin, what do you mean? Damn, the losing old lady poured Bala to grab Feng Nanshu’s mobile phone back and respect me?”

In the girl’s dormitory of the School of Finance, Gao Wenhui was anxious, and said that his extraordinary acting skills should ignite their fierce love flames. How could he be seen through at a glance?

Missing is true. It is not the first time they call each other and sister. Where is something wrong?

Is it not like I played?

“Wen Hui, what did Jiang Qin say?”

Feng Nanshu looked at her with a vigilant look, and was very uneasy about her operation.

“He said he wanted his sister too, and he would come back to you immediately.

Gao Wenhui lying on the bed and typing: “Brother, don’t you want to touch your sister’s feet?”

Jiang Qin made a smile and looked in the past: “Don’t act, I will be indifferent at all. You are a girl who knows half of life falling in your hand?”

“What life?”

“Not important, what is your heart?”

Gao Wenhui felt a little bit difficult to ride a tiger, and could only start to tell the truth: “Although I just pretended, Nan Shu thought you were true, she was so good, and you took her next time you went out.”

Jiang Qin took a deep breath: “Hurry up the mobile phone to the rich woman, I will choose you to be the flower of Linchuan next year.”

“I’m not a school flower, you can’t come here, I have packed the ticket with Feng Nanshu, saying that I will take it out, and the Buddha can also hook up.

“beg me?”

“Please, give Xiaogao a face.”

“Well, I go back right away, but someone must be unlucky!”

Gao Wenhui returned his mobile phone to Feng Nanshu, and raised his confidence with confidence: “It’s done, he said that he would come to find you in a while.

Xiao Fu’s mobile phone took a mobile phone and glanced at the chat history: “Wen Hui, he seems to be here to hit my ass.”

“Impossible, he is absolutely reluctant.” Gao Wenhui said.

Feng Nanshu glanced at her: “Then you go down with me, I invite you to eat delicious.”

“I … I still don’t go on, my leg hurts.” Gao Wenhui waved his hand one after another, rubbing his legs and belly faked.

“Wen Hui, you are a bad person.”

Feng Nanshu started to change clothes after speaking. He had to go downstairs and wait for him to wait for him. As a result, he saw Jiang Qin before going out of the door, so the pink cheeks trembled and his eyelashes trembled slightly.

Jiang Qin actually wanted to pretend to be angry, and told Xiao Fu solemnly that he would play a heart disease. Even the iron bears that were iron bones could not hold it. The next time it was not allowed.

Gao Wenhui is a terrorist. Her mobile phone fell more power than the bomb.

However, Jiang Qin couldn’t get angry when he saw Xiao Fu’s little face at all, and he could only knock on the trash bin twice.

“Go, go around.”


Feng Nanshu followed: “Jiang Qin, are you angry?”

“Angry, so I punished you to accompany me for a while.” Jiang Qin took her towards the academic road.

“Then I dare to dare next time.” Feng Nanshu suddenly became bold.

Jiang Qin’s old face was dark: “No, you have to know that I didn’t even eat the roast rabbit. You should not hand over the phone to Gao Wenhui in the future.

Feng Nanshu pursed his mouth: “Just use it, Wen Hui really shouted you.”

Jiang Qin said with disdain: “I’m here because I just passed by, you really thought her love … Thirty -six friendship is useful? It is better to believe it!”


“Jiang Qin, lead.”

Jiang Qin knew that Xiao Fu’s wife would come to this set, and all kinds of excuses struggled, but after a brother, he still held it.

Every time, it seems that he is waiting for this brother. Jiang Qin feels that he will not struggle next time, and it can be held directly.

How much cement does your heart nest still have?

Two people held hands and said as they walked, and gradually came to the college.

Because it was approaching Ping An Ye, there were small stalls selling apples on the side of the road. The plump red apple placed on the table, and next to it was a green packaging box, which attracted a lot of little couples passing by.

The college supermarket is more horizontal than these small stalls, and it is directly engaged in the Christmas tree.

Although the days have not yet arrived, the color lamps and socks are not hung, but the sense of atmosphere is a bit less or less.

Jiang Qin didn’t have much interest in this festival, but he took Feng Nan Shu in and greeted Jiang Zhihua, who was on the tile.

“President Jiang, according to your meaning, the Christmas goods are already equipped, all on the shelf behind.”

“Are there any users book online?”

“Most of them have been booked.”

“I’ll go and see.” Jiang Qin walked over Feng Nanshu’s hand.

Jiang Zhihua couldn’t help staring at Feng Nanshu and looked at it: “Such a girl can only be cheated by the king of the king of the king of Jiang.”

“What did you say?”

“Nothing, oh yes, there is a couple cup recently, do you want to see it?”

Jiang Zhihua triggered the keywords in one sentence, so that Jiang Qin and Feng Nanshu’s eyes were all moved, and they saw that the two insulation cups were taken out, one blue and white, and one pink.

Christmas has become popular in the past two years. In addition to sending apples, there are various gifts.

Because do n’t control any festivals, as long as it is not Qingming, it can be related to falling in love and love, so daily necessities like such a pair of one -on -one are the most popular.

“Jiang Qin.”


“Buy a good friend cup.”

Feng Nanshu looked at him with clear eyes.

Seeking a monthly ticket.

(This chapter is finished)

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