Who is reborn? Who is in love?

156. 156 I can't get in anymore

Chapter 156 I can’t get into it anymore

In a blink of an eye, the time came at 7 o’clock in the evening.

As Jiang Qin expected, after the first delivery of the group, the order of the evening time began to surge all the way, and the speed of speed made Su Nai a bit staggering.

In fact, the reason is simple.

The snowy night in winter is colder than daytime, and it is extremely inconvenient to go out.

In addition, most people have seen the small yellow hats in the school, and they also see the roommates and classmates who have successfully consumed the group network. The so -called concerns of being pitted and fear of delaying time are completely dispelled.

The most important thing is that college students are more sensitive to the trend and are fast in accepting new things.

There is a discount for delivery, there is nothing more attractive than these two points.

So from 12 noon to seven pm, orders in the background increased successively, and after a system summary, the order was generated after statistics and sent to merchants and distributors.

The cold items on pedestrian streets are very hot in this snowy day.

Like sleeping quilts, blankets covered when learning and playing games, as well as furry cotton drags, thickened cotton socks, thickened leggings, are almost all necessary products.

In addition, the food and beverages of supermarkets are also sold very fast, second only to the warm baby.

It was just that there were no orders on the other side of the shopping mall, but Jiang Qin regretted it.

On the one hand, the price of goods in the mall is not low, and on the other hand, it is only 8 o’clock in the evening every day. These two points are the reasons for consumers.


“See, the delivery officer of the group is here again.”

“Ah, is it at seven o’clock in the evening?”

“Yeah, the last delivery of today, I ordered some fruits. After all, it is winter. This ghost weather is too dry.”

“I also bought some warm babies, the price is very cheap.”

Under the cold snowy night, the delivery staff with a small yellow hat was in the cold and returned at a full load. When riding a tricycle, he entered the school again. When driving under the orange street lights, the chic small yellow hat attracted a lot Student’s attention.

Although the snow is compacted, the delivery speed becomes slower and delayed some delivery time, but most people understand it.

There are many students who fell in the school, and even the official website issued an announcement of paying attention to security, so everyone did not have much opinion for a few minutes late for delivery.

When the delivery agent Tian Xiangjia finished sending the last building, he even received the water handed over by the students. In this cold night, he felt the warmth of the silk.

He left the dormitory area, found a three -wheeled place, then pulled out his mobile phone, opened the calculator, and calculated today’s commission.

I don’t know, it is startled.

Even if the red envelope he had just received, his commission was also on the previous two -day part -time job.

I heard that the boss is still a freshman of a financial college, so fucking!

[Sister, I changed a new job. For a long time, you don’t have to work too much outside. Maybe I can still make the tuition of my younger brother! .

Tian Xiangjia sent a text message to the sister who worked in the first -tier cities, then hummed the song, riding a tricycle to travel south of the road.

People born in this world are struggling to fight for fate and look forward to a better future.


“Boss, the last delivery of today is over.”

“Okay, I have worked hard, I set the table for the sky, you go to eat first, there is still the last wave tonight, you may have to work hard again.”

In the transparent light 208, Jiang Qin waved his hand and asked everyone to go out for dinner.

Today’s first day of launch can be said to be successfully completed. It is worth celebrating. The cafeteria is not matched. The minimum must be the library like the eight classics as the sky.

Lost money is also very happy, so fucking magical.

Jiang Qin loosened his mouse, stretched his waist, and fell on the wall of the wall.

Although the last delivery of the first day is over, there will be new orders tonight to continue, summarizing the delivery period of tomorrow morning.

Therefore, the real marketing has not ended at eight o’clock. For Jiang Qin, it is important to maintain the heat to the next day.

At the time of thinking, the people in 208 all changed into a jacket, while moving, and walked out of the entrepreneurial base while moving.

Seeing this scene, Tang Lin, who is responsible for the project promotion of PPT, can’t help but envy.

The envious is not just to eat for the day, but also the power of unity, the kind of motivation, and the sense of accomplishment that creates a new consumption method.

And the source of all this is the fascinating man.

“Sister Cao, Hong Yan, Tang Lin, let’s go together.”

“Ah? Can we go too?” Tang Lin’s eyes could not help but lighten up.

Jiang Qin nodded very naturally: “Everyone is working hard for the same project. How can they have the reason why they have not had to eat, hurry up and eat more.”

After Cao Xinyue finished listening, a thumb was erected: “The student is good. After so long, I finally hear a person, then I will not be polite. Don’t dislike me to eat too much.”

“Don’t be polite, just eat it fiercely. It is best to eat yourself fat, throw away by your boyfriend, and then concentrate on coming to me to do a part -time job.”

“Well, Shao Crow’s mouth, our feelings are very good!”

Cao Xinyue changed into a coat with a smile, and walked out of the office with Hong Yan and Tang Lin.

At this moment, Tang Lin felt the infinite charm from Jiang Qin’s body, shining in the cold snowy night.

Let’s go to dinner, I set the table.

Good guy, it sounds like what the overbearing president in the novel will say, this damn man, no wonder it is silently liked by so many school flowers.

The young appearance, the temperament of the uncle, is not humiliated, and the qi is idle.

Tang Lin felt that she couldn’t help but be excited for such boys.

No, no boy, that is simply a male god!

However, she also knows that her face value is not enough. Men who want to like such a light effect should have no chance, but girlfriends are still possible!

Tang Lin thought of this, and a cold and beautiful face suddenly appeared in her head.

Well, although it may not be big, it is not completely without a chance.

“Hong Yan, do you still want to continue chasing Jiang Qin? I support you!” Tang Lin suddenly said a word.

After listening, Hong Yan was stunned and almost fell on the threshold: “What are you talking about? Didn’t you say that it is okay?”

Cao Xinyue turned her head in surprise. She didn’t experience the last corridor battle, so she knew nothing about this: “Yan Yan, have you chased Jiang Qin? Why don’t I know?”

“Well, just chase …”

“Hey, I haven’t heard of it.”

“It’s not the recent thing, it’s the past, probably at the beginning of school.” Hong Yan admitted frankly.

Cao Xinyue couldn’t help but opened his eyes: “What about now?”

“There is a mountain that can’t be turned over, and I heard that even the mountain does not seem to overwhelm Jiang Qin.”

Hong Yan wrapped the down jacket a little tightly, looking at the dim street light in the cold night, and couldn’t help feeling slightly a little bit somewhat.

She has always thought that love dogs don’t talk about this sentence is a joke, all college, who would not want to talk about sweet love?

It was not until later that she understood the things between Jiang Qin and Chusqi before reacting. It turned out that he really didn’t believe in love.

It’s useless, right?

But she really experienced Chu Siqi’s suffocating operation, and she also understood where Jiang Qin’s pain point was.

Love is a waste of time for him.

Otherwise, with the face and figure like Sister Feng, Jiang Qin’s seven or eight.

Therefore, things with a very low success rate like this, simply do not do it, so as not to fall into too deep, but in the end a bad ending.

“What’s wrong with Dashan? I have heard the story of Yu Gong since I was a child!”

Tang Lin was a little dissatisfied.

“What’s the meaning?”

There was a trace of doubt in Hong Yan’s eyes.

“Isn’t there that kind of male lead in the novel? If you don’t love the beautiful thousands of gold, you like Cinderella, let alone Hong Yan, you are several grades higher than Cinderella!”

Tang Lin bites the word “grade”.

“You said, that’s a novel, not a reality.”

Hong Yan smiled indifferently and stopped making more responses.

She has a high emotional quotient, so she will not be too angry when facing things. To put it plainly, it is very rational.

A rational analysis tells her that you can’t have a chance, don’t go forward, it will definitely be a bad ending and it will fall.

So she started to learn to suppress that mood.

This is the difference between her and Tang Lin.

Tang Lin was in a hurry, and a lot of unsure things dared to do it. In the end, he tossed in the end, but he was hurting himself.

She has persuaded Tang Lin many times. Before doing things, think about it before doing things, and then do it again, but now it seems that Tang Lin has regarded all her words as the wind beside her ears.

“Wait for a while, who is Dashan?” Cao Xinyue suddenly said.

Tang Lin waved his hands: “It is Feng Nanshu, that face is like bribing God, you haven’t seen your sister?”

“Oh, it’s Feng Xuemei, I have seen many times, she and Jiang Qin are not together?”

“No, although the people in the office called her boss, Sister Xuemei said that Jiang Qin always said that they are good friends.”

In addition to the general office, Cao Xinyue was used to fall in love with his boyfriend, so there was no time to find gossip.

But she did not know at this moment that Feng Nanshu and Jiang Qin did not confirm the relationship.

Good guy, even if you can carry ordinary girls, can you carry Feng Nanshu?

Jiang Qin really carried out the sentence that was written on the entrepreneurial application form.

“Jiang Qin is really a very strange person.”

“Well, I feel that he thinks a lot, and the vision of seeing the problem is sharp and cold.”

“But people can’t fall in love for a lifetime, right?”

“I don’t know, but I always feel that he has been chasing, and I am afraid of something.”

(This chapter is finished)

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