Who is reborn? Who is in love?

155. 155 as a girlfriend to raise

Chapter 155 as a girlfriend to raise

“The old duck soup who wants to drink two meals.”

After the order of the noon period was resolved, Jiang Qin poured his mouth and felt that he could fade out a bird in his mouth. In addition, the winter was cold and dry, and his lips were a little tight. I wanted to make a soup to nourish.

He touched his mobile phone and called with Xiao Fu’s wife, asking her to meet in the second meal.

After getting out of the entrepreneurial base, a chills of killing came face to face, and the bare branches trembled with only the old leaves, which looked a little pitiful in this ice and snow.

Jiang Qin came to the academy road and found that the snow in the morning was stepped on by the people who came and went, and went to the hard states.

“If this is slippery, the tail vertebra must not be broken?”


As soon as the words fell, a boy on the opposite side fell directly in front of two girls who were feeding.

The two girls were also strange, and they left the ham sausage in their hands to help others. I do n’t know that the fell boys hope to be ignored at this moment.

Jiang Qin twitched the corner of his mouth, and said that the star of studying in the dignitaries, if you want to fall like this, you will lose the adult, so he slowly slows the step.

The entrepreneurial base is far from the two meals. It is as close as a girl’s dormitory. In addition, he has been slow to get. When he wait for the second meal, Xiao Fu has been sitting obediently in his old position and waiting for him.

In addition to her, there was a girl wrapped like a bear like a bear, and her half -face shrank in the collar, looking frozen.

The snowy days are colder than the snowy days, so the temperature at this time is lower than in the morning, but it is rare to wrap it out like this.

Jiang Qin walked over and looked, wasn’t this a famous Gao Sister?

“Classmate Xiao Gao, how do you wear a quilt?”

“Well, this is the cotton jacket made by my grandma, cotton, and the warmth.” Gao Wenhui sneered and pulled his clothes, signing a lot of cotton.

Jiang Qin glanced at the color carefully and said cheerfully: “If this is not changed to face, I stand in public in public.”

“It is normal for the old man to save a little bit, warm and harmonious, who is like you, do not want temperature.”

“Not to mention the cotton jacket, I suddenly want to drink the old duck soup, what about you?

Gao Wenhui glanced at him, and raised a mysterious smile on the corner of his mouth: “No old duck soup, let’s order no meal today.”

Jiang Qin felt strange when he heard it: “What do you do to come to the cafeteria without ordering meals?

“Ask his wife.”

“Wife? Where is my wife? Is it in his wife’s cake?”

Jiang Qin heard Gao Wenhui’s words, and pretended to see it under the desk, as if something like his wife would step on his feet, but it seems that he just doesn’t go to see Feng Nanshu, which makes him small. The rich woman couldn’t help but wrinkled with Qiong’s nose.

Gao Wenhui took a sip and reached out a large plastic bag from the table leg.

“Eat this today.”

This plastic bag is as large as the table is as large as the drum, which is full of various flowers and green things.


Jiang Qin opened the bag and glanced at it, and found that all of them were puffed foods. In addition, there were some cakes, so he had no interest in an instant.

“In the winter, I got it, I came here to drink soup, you can eat it in snacks.”

Gao Wenhui stretched his fingers Feng Nanshu: “These snacks were bought on the group in order to support your business. There are three big bags in our dormitory. This bag will be solved by you. Otherwise, what life do we have to eat? ”

Feng Nanshu looked over coldly: “Jiang Qin, eat.”

“Poor foods are all preservatives, which are not good for your body. I don’t eat it, and you don’t allow it.”

“Who can you eat?” Feng Nanshu was a little dazed.

Jiang Qin moved to Gao Wenhui: “Xiao Gao is tired of eating, and the youth is still lifelike for thousands of years.

Gao Wenhui said: “Take a look, this bag, we must solve it at noon today, no one can run!”

“Let’s get off.”

Jiang Qin said lightly.

“No, it was bought by real gold and silver, and it was too lost to give away.

Gao Wenhui really took Feng Nanshu as a girlfriend, so she was not willing to suffer.

In addition to the good sisters in the dormitory, the good sisters can eat. After eating, they can read Feng Nanshu. Only Jiang Qin is eligible to eat. After all, this is her man, but she has to give away.

Because unfamiliar friends may not read your good, maybe you will talk to you who have money.

“It’s so dry in winter, eating such a large package of snacks will definitely get angry. Maybe the corner of the mouth may still be able to get a bubble, not worth it.”

“What should I do?”

Jiang Qin thought about it, reached out and shot the bag for a while: “Let’s put it first, I will get back 208 later, and it is said that the boss is welfare.”

After listening, Gao Wenhui lit out: “That’s okay, you can also make personal feelings for Feng Nanshu, or if I go back to the dormitory and get another pack?”

“Let’s talk about it after eating, run around and run away.”

Jiang Qin got up and went to the window to order three bowls of bright and mellow old duck soup, and asked a basket of oil cakes that had just been out of the pan. Human appetite.

Gao Wenhui looked at him away and turned to Feng Nanshu in front of Feng Nanshu: “Although Jiang Qin has always defined your relationship in his mouth, he must be raised as a girlfriend in your heart.”


The so -called cold winter is easy to lack. Feng Nanshu was a bit confused, and he was not sleepy when he heard this.

“You think, 208 is his efforts, but he always hopes that the employees of 208 can read you well, and let them take you as a boss. This kind of move is too obvious.”

At this time, Gao Wenhui’s face was like an old woman who squatted at the village entrance at the New Year, saying that Dong’s parents Xijia was short and small mouths were like to take the postgraduate entrance examination.

“But Jiang Qin said that the end of the lover’s ending is probably the old and dead.”

Gao Wenhui was angry as soon as he heard it: “Don’t listen to his nonsense all day. Although the university love is illusory, there are a lot of positive results in the end.”

Feng Nanshu picked up the table along the table with a small hand, and looked at her on her face: “Wen Hui, what exactly is it?”

“This, I … I can’t say clearly.”

Gao Wenhui CP is a fighter among the experts, but in fact, a love has never been talked about. Don’t look at the rich woman confused. Her brain is actually blank than the rich woman. She wants to explain the specific meaning of the words. She searches I can’t say anything in an empty head.

I want to teach, but I am afraid to teach wrong. In case it is wrong, Feng Nanshu is even more confused?

When Feng Nanshu saw that she didn’t speak, she turned to look at Jiang Qin, who was waiting for meals in the window, and the curled eyelashes trembled gently.

She had only herself in the world, and her heart was like a cocoon, blocking many foreign things.

But suddenly one day, a bear torn out this thick cocoon in unreasonablely, invading it with light, and touched her feet. Since then, she can never forget it.

Before the age of eighteen, she had a great wish to get a good friend.

At the age of eighteen, she really got a good friend like God.

By the way, she became very sticky.

So I always wondered if I can live for a lifetime, can I live for a lifetime.

She doesn’t know the difference between her friend and lover, but she clearly perceive that she has more desires.

Want to be pulled by him, want to stick to him, and want him to pinch his feet.

If you can’t see it, you will be stupid when you see it.

But … Does this really like it?

Just as Xiao Fu’s daughter -in -law was confused, Jiang Qin had traveled back and forth three times, brought three parts of oil cakes and old duck soup, and pulled out the chopsticks and handed it over.

The old duck soup of the second meal is very weight. It is not just full of soup, and the ingredients are also sufficient. It is easy to get full sense of satiety with oil cakes.

Half a bowl of belly, Jiang Qinyun was satisfied.

Feng Nanshu was fed by Jiang Qin, and was very satisfied. He didn’t drink much.

Because it was meals, there were many people who came to the cafeteria to eat. Many acquaintances came to say hello when they saw them.

Zhuang Siyu, chairman of the school student union, came over to thank him for his sponsorship of the debate.

There are also Zhu Feng, chairman of the School of Finance, Xu Junli, Minister of Outstanding Outlook, Chen Yong, a part -time college student at the milk tea shop, and Tian Xiangjia, a part -time distributioner.

In addition, there are a few Jiang Qin who can’t hold the name. After thinking about it, he is probably a part -time student under his own hands.

Unconsciously, the 208 team has expanded several times compared with the beginning.

At the beginning of the grass platform, the scale is now taking shape.

However, even if the number of people increased, Jiang Qin didn’t have to worry about encountering Ye Ziqing in the later period. He obviously didn’t remember to recruit this person, but this person was still mixed with wages under his hands.

Because in addition to the core employees of 208, all part -time students under his men are part -time in the community. Even if there are disputes in fishmarks in the later period, the responsible is also the community, not 208.


Jiang Qin pushed the bowl forward and raised the bag of snacks: “I have something to do in the afternoon. I leave first. The business volume in the recent period is a bit a bit.

Feng Nanshu nodded obediently after hearing it, and turned to look at Gao Wenhui.

After listening, Gao Wenhui wanted to bite people after listening, but looked at the face of the old duck soup to spare his dog life.

After leaving the cafeteria, Jiang Qin returned to 208. First, he stared at the background data with Su Nai for a while. After confirming that the number of orders in the afternoon was constantly rising, he began to discuss the later development of the forum with Dong Wenhao.

The launch of the group is a new starting point, not the end point.

If you want to continue to promote, know that this flow pool will continue to expand.

To put it plainly, these two projects are complementary, and no one can be lost.

If it is more fine, the milk tea shop -school flower competition -forum -group group, before pushing Linchuan, it is impossible for any link to give up.

(This chapter is finished)

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