Chapter 153 Battle Bathing Snow online

After the snowfall fell, the taste of the cold winter was strong instantly. The temperature of Linchuan plummeted, and many students who had to take class could not wait to wrap the quilt out.

If there is no class, push the window and blow the cold wind, and instantly breaks the idea of going out.

Even the lovers like Lao Cao were curled up in the dormitory, and he did not dare to go out after hesitant.

One was that he didn’t want to go out, and the other was that Ding Xue scolded him for a long time in the morning. You said that you still asked me to fall in love with such a cold day. You want to freeze the old lady!

On this heavy snowy day, Jiang Qin made a hand -made group on time at seven o’clock, and at the same time opened the registration port and order port, connected to the inside of the Zhihu forum, occupying the advertising position of half of the homepage.

For a moment, the original blue forum homepage with the theme color of the group became a bright yellow.

This color mutation is the most obvious.

Everyone used to use the sky blue forum. After logging in, they suddenly found that the homepage changed color. It must be to find a reason with curiosity. The most basic drainage.

“Brothers, it’s too cold outside. There is no class today. I don’t even want to go to the bed. I will order a meal on the group. I will shrink in the house tonight!”

“Damn, a quilt is obviously not enough, you must not freeze me at night? Buy a quilt on the group, and 20 % off!”

“My girlfriend’s birthday today, I have time to order the cake and place the order directly!”

“It’s too cold, buy a cotton shoes on the group.”

“At 8 am, 12 o’clock in the morning, delivery once every day, the brothers quickly make the bill, not to wait for it!”

“There are 20 % discounts for new users. I can also send it downstairs in the dormitory. This fucking is too convenient!”

Within the entrepreneurial base 208, the crackling keyboard sounds continuously.

The content team organized by Luffy made all the words in their heads, and used different accounts to continue to give a sense of presence in the forum.

Because of the preheating service delivery service before, the forum users were directly involved in the discussion as soon as they were guided.

“Is the group going to be online? So fast?”

“Is it true to send it to the dormitory building?”

“Damn, such a cold day, I have no object, go out to dry hair, try a meal at noon!”

“I registered just now. There is a coat in the mall I have seen before, and it has dropped a hundred dollars.

“Can I buy my aunt towel? Our dormitory is too far away from the supermarket, really saved!”

“Is it really given? There is still a discount, it sounds a bit outrageous.”

“Just know a wave of bubble interviews!”

With the continuous advancement of marketing guidance, the registration volume of the background of the group has also begun to rise rapidly.

Sana began to refresh background data, reporting the drainage situation to all 208 personnel.

The people in the entire office are busy in the sky, and Cao Xinyue, Hong Yan, and Tang Lin they watched are also inexplicable.

On the one hand 208, on the one hand, they are for “enthusiasm”, and on the other hand, they do PPT, which has nothing to do with the project of the group.

So in addition to being driven by others, they are a little curious in their hearts.

“Shopping online, will anyone really want to try?”

“In this kind of weather, I am afraid that many people are willing to try it.”

“That’s it. I don’t want to go out of the quilt this morning. If I can really send it to the door, I am willing to try it.”

Tang Lin whispered, and then began to do PPT seriously. As a result, she couldn’t help it after playing two words. She secretly opened the website of the group in the background.

At the same time, Jiang Qin stood in front of the window and looked at the white school. Although it was not as excited as 208 people, his mood was slightly undulating.

Ye Ziqing’s group purchase is to allow college students to focus on selecting a recommended product, holding a large amount of purchasing volume to talk about the price.

Jiang Qin regards pedestrian streets, college supermarkets, and all malls as a whole. No matter what you buy, all the regions, in the same order, will be cossed by the merchant by themselves and give it to the delivery staff.

Under such a sales model, buying and delivery must not be compared with the real takeaway of future generations.

Send it anytime at any time. This cannot be done.

Therefore, Jiang Qin stipulated three distribution time, 8 o’clock, twelve and 8pm, in order to cater to the three meals.

After the order from the day before yesterday to 7:30 the next day, the owner of the college supermarket and the pedestrian street began to prepare. The delivery staff took the goods to pick up the goods and finally handed the goods and distribution to the dormitory aunt.

Orders in other time periods are all delivered within half an hour after the deadline for the current period.

In addition, Wanzhong Mall is far away, so it is only arranged once a day for delivery, which is 8 pm daily.

Under this model, the number of distributors needed by Jiang Qin has greatly reduced, and the efficiency is greatly increased.

The operation of this community group purchase depends on the natural benefits of university town.

“Boss, there are orders in the background!”

“Well, keep staring, I’ll go out.”


Jiang Qin came out of 208 and looked at the snow at the entrance of the entrepreneurial base.

The snow was not deep, and the distribution problem should not be big, so his hanging heart began to relax slightly.

This time was specifically selected. It was to use the inconvenience of heavy snowy days to force college students to conduct a wave of online experience, and then cooperate with various first -day discounts to achieve the effect of one plus one greater than two.

This should be regarded as the time and place, right?

In the snowy day, unwilling to go out, is there a better time for the launch than this?

However, the weather forecast cannot accurately estimate the amount of snowfall, so from the night before, Jiang Qin has been worried that the snow will be too large and will hinder the distribution.

Fortunately, the current snow accumulation will not increase the distribution too much.

But this is not at a price.

In order to mobilize the enthusiasm of the distributor in bad weather, Jiang Qin also asked Wei Lanlan to give them a red envelope in advance and sent them to them.

The money without money means that it will be clear in the future.

The first time the group was launched, the first delivery, the first delivery of the payment, the first time the ring was intertwined …

Jiang Qin took a deep breath, grabbed the snowballs into snowballs, and threw it hard on the road, smashing a snowflake splash.

In a blink of an eye, the time quickly passed, and the alarm clock rang at 11 noon.

Tian Xiangjia, a part -time college student from the Department of Construction, came to the pedestrian street, stopped the tricycle, and began to daze under the railment.

He comes from a poor mountainous area with a sister on it, and there is a younger brother who is in elementary school.

In order to make tuition and living expenses, he started part -time in the school since his freshman year.

After sending the leaflet, he had been a meal master in the school cafeteria. He also went to the city to move the goods during the holidays. As long as he could make money, he did everything.

However, the recent weather is getting colder and colder. Zero work is not easy to find. He wanted to take a break during this time, reward himself to sleep lazy, and read a novel, but he happened to encounter a part -time social recruitment sender to send members. If you give it more, just today’s red envelope alone, then he can put on his living expenses for a week.

Moreover, in addition to cold points, this job is actually very easy.

It is based on the pickup list, come here to collect the goods, order the goods, and finally send it to the three dormitory buildings he is responsible for. I do n’t know how many times more comfortable than the porters he did.

However, is anyone really willing to shop online?

Tian Xiangjia himself was not allowed, and he could only wait in a daze.


Half an hour later, his mobile phone suddenly received a long text message, which marked various products and quantities.

Tian Xiangjia came in an instant, put on a thick cotton hat, put a yellow baseball cap on the outside of the hat, and then rode a tricycle into the street.

There are more than a dozen people in the same configuration as him, and when they meet each other, they can’t help but say hello.

After passing the target merchant, Tian Xiangjia reported out that he sent the goods code with the SMS. The boss immediately handed out the packaged things, and the two parties completed the first ring after confirmation.

Building 7 quilt, six beds, eight blankets, thirteen doubles of cotton slippers …

Tower No. 8 quilt bed, one bed in a blanket, eight pairs of cotton slippers, 20 pairs of thickened cotton socks …

Tian Xiangjia murmured. After reading it, he put his mobile phone into his pocket, left the daily department store, and rushed to the next household in a blink of an eye.

At the same time, within the college supermarket.

Jiang Zhihua saw three part -time part -time students wearing hats and took away a pack of packages, and his eyes became extremely complicated.

Because of her experience in doing business for so many years, the business is the most bad when the snow is in the snow, because the weather is too cold, and few college students are willing to go out.

But today, when she got the delivery order, she was really startled.

Instant noodles, cola, cigarettes, lighters, ham sausages …

Especially the newly purchased warm baby, before he had time to put the goods, let those who wearing a small yellow hat move the box together.

Although these goods were out at a cost price, she could not make a few cents, but this scene made her see unlimited possibilities.

People are getting lazy. Once they have experienced convenient things, the later guarantee is inseparable.

Some people say that technology has changed life, but in fact, technology services are lazy, and what really changes life is human laziness.

If you reduce the time and space’s shopping obstacles, you can get what you want to move with your fingers, it is not only a change in the sales model, but also means that the sales volume is doubled.

“I was put on a way by Jiang Qin, and it seems that there is no more loss …”

“Do you have so many people who drink Cola on snowy days?”

“The instant noodles are out of stock, I have to call and replenish it quickly.”

Jiang Zhihua murmured. When he passed by the milk tea bar, he saw a cup with Jiang Qin’s name, and his eyes became much complicated instantly.

(This chapter is finished)

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