Who is reborn? Who is in love?

152. 152 Wen Dian? Deduading score!

Chapter 152 Wen Dian? Deduading score!

“Each we live in the world, and the final ending is death. Does it love life and enjoy life?”

“I don’t agree with the other party’s debaters. We have no right to choose whether to come to this world, but today’s debate gives us the right to choose. If the ending of something is destined to be bad, why waste a limited life with limited life Do you do something without results? ”

“I want to remind the counter -party debate, if the title is a non -fixed term, since if this word is used, it means that the ending is not bad.”

“According to the logic of the square debaters, the ending must be a small probability event. Do you not need to estimate the success rate when we do one thing? If the success rate is extremely low, the square debater must also stiff Do the scalp continue? ”

“If you dare not do it, then the good ending will not exist at all, you will never see the beauty along the way.”

After a debate theory and the conversion of the attack, the two sides accumulated sufficient anger values and began to stab each other in the free debate session.

This belongs to the game point.

It’s like the aunt in the vegetable market quarreling. Without the restraint of the previous rules, both players began to survive.

The audience in the auditorium was mobilized, and her waist and back were straightforward.

In fact, Jiang Qin has been waiting for this link.

He felt that the square player was like a little angel wearing white clothes, small wings, and a halo on his head.

The opponent is a small charm wearing black clothes with a small corner … Eh, a little devil.

Just as in the cartoon, he continued to output the opposite point of view, and directly referred to the heart of his question.

“Ending is the most important!”

“The process is also beautiful!”

“Choose more than hard work and do not do a small probability of success. We still have a high rate of success to do.”

“Failure is the mother of success. People who do n’t even dare to do it are coward. There are many things in this world. It is not necessarily successful, but every failure is growing.”

Jiang Qin, who was sitting on the stage, touched his nose, and said how could he scold people in the three arguments, who was fucking.

Is this deducting this? Deduading points!

“I think today’s debate can be used as an example. Many campus romances will end after graduation. I have encountered a senior who has graduated for many years, and deeply regrets my original righteousness.”

“The example of the opponent’s debaters is very good. In fact, most of us here understand that the graduation season is the breakup season, but most of the people here should have objects? That shows that the process is still worth it!”

“Since the probability of the success of campus love is very small, why not use time on learning?”

“If you really fall in love with someone, how can you give up the warmth of this moment for the uncertainty of the future? Are you willing?”

Jiang Qin opened his eyes wide, and said what happened to the side, even if he scolded people, how could he still have a mouthful of yellow stalks.

What a ghost is Wen Zhun?

“It is irresponsible to stick to the persistence of success rate!”

“Considering the success rate again will only be mediocre forever!”

“If the square lost today, will the process still enjoy the process?”

“If you lose, do you think you dare not come today?”

The two sides did not give up each other. In a blink of an eye, the free debate was left.

In this kind of evenly, many debaters will take some questioning speeches to let opponents break the defense. For example, a girl with the anti -opponent three arguments stares at the side three debates.

“Do you have someone you like?”


“You look at a girl, but don’t consider whether you can give her the future, just care about Wen Zhuo, you don’t like it … It’s just a lot of color, you just gave a very inappropriate example.”

The anti -party debate stood up, and the braid dumped, pointing directly at the three -square debate of the word “warm” just now.

The square debate was stunned by this lust, and when he returned to God, he wanted to refute, but the referee on the stage had sounded the copper bell.

“The freedom debate is over.”

“Next, please summarize the words on both sides.”

A fierce lip and gunfire war ended, and the debaters of the two sides began to summarize the debate, and the scoring table of each judge also summarized into the hands of the scorers and began to calculate the score on the spot.

The crowd in the auditorium also returned from the fierce conversation, exhaled, and posted it back to the chair.

After a long while, the summary was over, and the host also got the total score of the summary. The result of the game was announced on the spot.

“I heard that this question was recommended?” Cecilia Qing turned around and asked.

Jiang Qin nodded: “Yeah, some things don’t understand, so think about it with everyone’s head.”

Cecilia Qing looked at him: “Are you satisfied with this result?”

“have no idea.”

“If I feel that the success rate is low, my suggestion is to do not do it. Your forum is very good. There is no need to have an exterior branch again.”

Cecilia Qing thought that he chose this debate to start a business, so he carefully persuaded.

“Good principal, I will definitely consider it carefully.”

Jiang Qin agreed sincerely, and then took Feng Nanshu out of the auditorium.

But before they across the threshold, there was a sudden exclamation outside, it seemed that something suddenly happened.

The two walked out with curiosity and found that the sky under the night had a heavy snowfall, but in just a short moment, the entire campus became a vast and white.

Such a big snow, even in the northern cities, is rare. Uncle Secretary who is responsible for the guidance of the car became a snowman for a moment.

“Jiang Qin, it’s snowing?”

Feng Nanshu stretched out his palm, picked up a piece of snowflake, and handed it to Jiang Qin.

Jiang Qin glanced at it, looking at the sky involuntarily, looking at the snowflakes that had raised, his expression was a little stunned.

He regretted it a little, and he had been driving before he knew it. Why did you have to walk?

“Call Uncle Gong to pick us up. This snow will be estimated to be stopped for a while and a half.”


Feng Nanshu took out his mobile phone from his pocket and called Uncle Gong.

She really listened to Jiang Qin. Jiang Qin said that she listened everything, and he didn’t even have hesitation.

At the same time, a figure ran out of the crowded crowd, and quickly squeezed out everyone, and came to Jiang Qin.

“Brother, can I publish my serial novel in your forum?”

Yao Yanling, a domineering scholar of the Literature Society, lowered her posture at this time and asked this sentence in a nearly request tone.

“Forget it, my sister, I am a layman, I don’t understand your noble literature.”

“That’s qi, I’m not good, I’m sorry.”

“I accept your apology, but I have said before. Your novel does not meet the requirements of our website. I am a businessman, not a literary enthusiast. What I want is a work that can drive traffic.”

Jiang Qin directly rejected her request.

“At that time, Miao Miao’s novels were in line? Her novel was more valuable than mine?” Yao Yanling gritted her teeth.

“This is not what I will judge, it is the answer given by the school students. Just look at the popularity of” You Are the Human Fireworks “, and the teachers and students of the school love her.”

Yao Yanling took a deep breath: “I can do not want the manuscript fee, you give me a chance to prove yourself!”

Jiang Qin sighed: “Sister Xue, did you not watch the debate just now? It is the opposition to win. If the ending is destined to be bad, it is best not to start at the beginning.

“What about that? I have confidence. My work must be better than Shi Miaomiao. If you do n’t accept it, I will post it myself. You will see everyone pursue my” Lone City “!”

“That’s great, I also look forward to that moment, after all, I will make money if you fire. Come on, your sister, it’s best to prove it to me.”

After Jiang Qin finished speaking, the black Bentley had opened to the door of the auditorium. Uncle Gong dropped the window and shouted in public.

So in the shocking gaze, Jiang Qin and Feng Nanshu sat in the car and slowly left in the snowy night, leaving only a chic back to the people who looked at the snow.

“I grass, who is the one who left Bentley just now?”

“The first study star in Ling University, Jiang Qin!”

“What are the stars of learning? Why haven’t I heard of it?”

“I don’t know, but it is estimated to be hanging.”

“What about that girl, it’s so beautiful. I didn’t see it clearly in the house just now.

“That’s the boss, Feng Nanshu.”

“Whose boss?”

“Where do I know? I heard six words.”

At the same time, in the back row of Bentley, Jiang Qin relied on the door, and his eyes kept watching the outside of the corner covered by cedar. He didn’t speak for a long time.

Feng Nanshu also silently held both hands together, his eyes were cold, and it was no different from the ordinary wealth.

She didn’t know what the debate of tonight meant Jiang Qin, but just felt that he seemed a little unhappy, so he was unhappy.

After a long time, the slowly Bentley finally returned to Ling University. There were people everywhere on the campus, some reached out to the snowflakes, and some held the snowball to lose each other.

This is the first snow in 2008, and students from Ling University will inevitably be excited.

Especially southerners, such as Zhou Chao, are hi when they see the snow, crazy in the snow in front of the dormitory building.

“Brother Jiang, here!”

“The next snow is so excited?”

Zhou Chao made a snowball: “It’s rarely seen before, by the way, what did you do?”

Jiang Qin found a unable to squat down, reached out and scanned the snowflake on his shoulders: “I went to see a debate.”

“Do you still have this Yaxing?”

“The debate is what I have been thinking about. I can’t get my mind myself, so I want to raise a answer.” Jiang Qin’s eyes were a little deep.

Zhou Chao listened to confused and asked without asking: “Then you have the answer now?”

“Well, there is an answer.”

“tell me the story?”

“The debate is all fucking, not enough to believe it!”

(This chapter is finished)

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