Who is reborn? Who is in love?

134. 134 is sweeter than milk tea

Chapter 134 is sweeter than milk tea

“Self -built delivery is too troublesome.”

“It is more cost -saving to get a cash settlement model from paying a payment to pay.”

“The combination of the forum can only be carried out to Linchuan, and the cost is high after going out.

“Small things are easy to do, but all kinds of problems in the scale will emerge.”

At the gentle afternoon, the shop gradually leaned down. The manager Xuan Xiaoxuan looked at the boss and the boss sitting under the parasol at the door through the glass window.

The boss was holding a piece of paper to write and draw, and he was thinking in his mouth.

The boss lady wore a big sunglasses that could cover her face, sitting leisurely on the lounge chair, and the little feet wrapped in stockings shaking.

After a while, the boss handed it out the milk cup in her hand and gave the boss a sip.

After a while, the boss handed it over again, and then let the boss hold it.

Sometimes the boss is not stingy, and it is too sweet. The boss hummed and handed it forward. The boss couldn’t have to take a sip.

“Ah, the milk tea I made is sweeter.”

Fang Xiaoxuan feels that the boss always has a kind of seriousness and maturity that is far beyond the age, which is not the same as other college students. Whether it is eyes or tone, there is a lack of vitality and longing for young people. Instead, it is a little more deep and sharp to become adults.

But as long as there is a boss, the boss will return to normal.

Sure enough, the only creature in the world that can reduce the boss is the only boss.

“Go, Xiao Fu, I’ll take you around.”

For a long time, Jiang Qin put the pen on the table, stuffed the paper into his pocket, and decided to go to 502 to inspect it.

Feng Nanshu yelled and got up to wear shoes. As a result, he felt that his little feet were gently held by a warm hand, and then returned to God, a shoe had been worn.

“Help people be the essence of happiness.”

Jiang Qin thought about it, looked like a gentleman, holding another small feet with another stockings, rubbing her shoes twice before putting her shoes.

“Go, let’s go!”

Feng Nan looked at his shoes blankly: “Jiang Qin, my shoelaces have not been tied yet.”

“I don’t know that.” Jiang Qin spread it.


Fang Xiaoxuan looked at the door frame in the back, saying that the boss just wants to touch the boss’s little feet that wears stockings. If you take advantage, you have to tie your lace with the boss!

From the sweet sweet milk tea shop to the 502 of the comprehensive building, the crackling keyboard continued continuously, and the working atmosphere was very enthusiastic.

Dong Wenhao is meeting with the person in charge of several groups in order to respond to the most important conversion link in the next, so as not to rapidly decrease active users after the event.

Everyone has something to be busy, and the vigorous vitality is vividly spilled in this classroom.

However, when Feng Nanshu followed Jiang Qin, there were still a large number of people couldn’t help but stop.

There are many newcomers in the technology team, which are recruited from this school. A large number of people do not know Feng Nanshu, and some people do not even know Jiang Qin.

At this moment, new people have only one thought.

I go, so beautiful girl.

When Xiao Fu watched his eyebrows and looked at it, this idea became: I go, so cold girl.

Until the old employees in the team shouted the boss’s mother enthusiastically, the people reacted. It turned out to be the boss, so she quickly retracted her eyes, straightened her back, and continued to invest in the enthusiastic working atmosphere.

“The boss invites the tea to drink milk tea. Someone will send it later. Wenhao remember to find someone to share it.”

Jiang Qin shouted after entering.

“Good boss.”

Dong Wenhao responded and said that the boss came eight times a day, let alone milk tea, and he didn’t even see a straw.

It didn’t take long for the two college students who worked part -time under Fang Xiaoxuan to hold a lot of milk tea.

The new people drank milk tea, and listened to the gossip of the team’s old employees that they knew that the burst of the fire sweetness downstairs was opened by the boss.

Sure enough, excellent people will attract each other.

The two of them are promoting forums, one to make milk tea, which is simply a two -sword combination of magicians!


Feng Nanshu looked at the pile of milk tea a little blank: “I don’t seem to invite them to drink milk tea.”

“This is called the presence of the brush, and I am usually a cold -looking coach than the boss role. It is somewhat unprepared. The goodwill in the future will be responsible for brushing. In their eyes, the boss and the boss are a family. ”

Jiang Qin explained a little bit, but I felt that Xiao Fu’s woman probably couldn’t understand.

As the promotion continues, the number of teams will become more and more, especially in different campuses, and the influence of Emperor Tian Gao’s far away will gradually occur.

Therefore, Jiang Qin’s role must be colder, not close to people, and has sufficient deterrence for talents in the team.

However, the deterrent power is too strong, and the sense of belonging will fade, so from time to time, Huai Rou must be brought, which is a relatively common means in corporate operations.

“Then I let Xiaoxuan send some ice cream again!”

Xiao Fu’s woman really didn’t understand, but her eyes were very bright when they heard the family. When they took out their mobile phones, they had to let them see the grandmother’s virtue!

“No, it’s enough to get it once, don’t learn it in chaos.”

Feng Nanshu looked at him a little confused: “Send it once a day?”

“Only this time, once a day is too arrogant, but the day?”

After Jiang Qin finished speaking, he came to Guo Zihang’s side. The goods were staring at the computer screen with a heavy face.

“Father, I think I’m going.” Guo Zihang had a lot of affection.

“Really? Where can I compare?” Listen. ”

“I’m helping you manage the forum post. Those who involve personal attacks will be deleted. Some of them are well written.

Jiang Qin patted his shoulder: “This job is too important. If this forum is missing, you must collapse.”

Guo Zihang stunned: “Isn’t it so serious?”

“The important thing is confidence. Lao Guo, you lack confidence now, don’t always hit the Internet on the Internet. You have to learn to turn this confidence to reality. Just now the school sister gives you milk tea, why do you even thank you even thank you all Did not say?”

“I was hesitating or not saying thank you, and everyone was gone.” Guo Zihang was a little sorry.

“Some things, it’s too late to hesitate. Come on. Now I practice and say thank you for your rich woman who sent you milk tea.”

Jiang Qin withdrew back, revealing the cute little cute who had been chasing Jiang Qin with his eyes.

Guo Zihang felt that the righteous father was here to nourish him today, but there was no evidence, but he could look at the girl who was far away. His heart had a sense of less real feeling.

Remember that during high school, every time after a lunch break, many boys would lie on the window and watch the winged black car slowly stop at the door. Similarly, pass through the campus without squinting.

At that time, the wind was usually blowing, swaying her skirt.

At that moment, the scene seemed to be stunning years, and it seemed to be gentle by the youth of countless people.

When Feng Nanshu passed through the campus and entered the teaching building, there were bold boys pretending to go to the toilet, looking at it with a few more times, and felt very satisfying.

However, Feng Nanshu didn’t squint at anyone. After entering the classroom, he sat quietly in his position and sat in class. After class, he followed the black car and left, mysterious and cold.

That scene was the youth of many people, but this bright youth is now like a cat, and his eyes have been sticking to Jiang Qin. Wherever you go.

Science fiction is really too science fiction.


Yes, maybe the difference between me and the righteous father is only confident.

“Thank you, classmate Feng.”

“You’re welcome.”

Feng Nanshu returned, and the high -cold temperament overflowed with the words, and suddenly made Guo Zihang’s confidence half of it.

No, maybe the difference between me and the righteous father may not only be confident.

Jiang Qin looked at Guo Zidang’s turtle shrinking mentality. He said that he had to be hard to fight iron. He hoped that Guo would have a day to hardeize. Then he took the rich woman out of the comprehensive building and returned to the car.

He came to this lap today without much purpose. It was purely to take Feng Nanshu to walk out. By the way, it was to relax the spirit. Now it seems that the effect is not bad.

“Are you very happy when you listen to everyone? How can you not respond to Guo Zidang for your thank you?”

“He didn’t call me the boss.” Feng Nan was comfortable.

Jiang Qin stunned: “So you want to hear, don’t thank you, it’s the boss?”



“have no idea.”

Feng Nan Shu’s tone was soft and his eyes were brilliant.


In a blink of an eye, the time came at 8 pm. Cao Guangyu sent a string of addresses, with two words, and quickly came.

Jiang Qin’s eyes saw the word “quick”, but it was reflected in my head and automatically transformed into a sentence. I couldn’t wait to pretend!

Ten minutes later, Black Audi drove to Juxian Tower.

This is one of the more famous restaurants in Linchuan. The pure Chinese decoration style is antique inside and outside. It is like the courtyard of the large households. The realistic landscape tree, behind a rockery, is constantly spraying outwards, making it the same as the peach feast of the mother and mother.

When Jiang Qin came, he checked it. The per capita was 300. This year, it was indeed the rhythm of blood.

After getting out of the car, Feng Nanshu went to the toilet, while Jiang Qin entered the box first.

Pushing the door in, Cao Guangyu was sitting in the C position. There was no one on the chair next to him, but a female bag was placed.

Ren Ziqiang and Zhou Chao lowered their eyes. At first glance, they knew that they were nourished.

“Laojiang, here? Sit!”

Jiang Qin sat next to Ren Ziqiang: “Old Cao, what about you?”

Cao Guangyu woke up: “Go and order, come for a while, hehe.”

“Have you all met?” Jiang Qin looked at Ren Ziqiang.

Ren Ziqiang nodded: “You never think of it. The object of Lao Cao is the one who threatens to hit him online. Damn, you can scold people to scold feelings. I have never seen such a outrageous thing in my life!”


(This chapter is finished)

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