Chapter 133

“Jiang Qin, walk.”

A titer of tips suddenly sounded, and the stupid raccoon cat played out of the lower right corner of the computer.

Jiang Qin opened the chat window, and said he didn’t know who the young lady was. It was so easy to raise, and it was not enough to be satisfied in a day.

However, the Xiangtian branch has been open for two weeks. The boss really should show up. Even if nothing is said, it is okay to brush the presence.

“Is there a class in the afternoon?”

“No lesson.”

“Then change clothes downstairs, I will take you to the school next door.”

Feng Nanshu got up immediately after receiving the news, changed his pajamas, and stretched his small feet wrapped in black stockings into his shoes, and ran to the balcony in a hot way.

At this time, the door of the dormitory was pushed away, and Gao Wenhui, who came back to the water, was holding a Linchuan Youth Daily, and the window across the balcony shouted twice.

“Feng Nanshu, your man went to the newspaper, do you know, you are discussing outside, don’t say, don’t look handsome!”

Feng Nan Shu was brushing his teeth, vaguely, the voice was soft and soft.

Gao Wenhui put down the heating bottle to the balcony, one shoulder against the door frame, and his hand stretched to Feng Nanshu: “Do you want to look at it?

“I’m going to see it.”


Feng Nanshu tied his hair into a ponytail, revealing his slender and fair neck, and left the balcony again. “Wen Hui, I will bring you delicious food.”


Gao Wenhui was inexplicable, and said what I said right.

On the other side, Jiang Qin finished the news, stretched his waist, got up and walked out of the entrepreneurial base, and then drove to the girl’s dormitory slowly.

At this time, it was already late autumn. Uncle Sanitation worker was sweeping the roadside with a broom. The leaves fell last night were quickly gathered into a bunch, and then packed into the car.

Jiang Qin came all the way to the girl’s dormitory, and Xiao Fu has waited early upstairs.

She is wearing a pale cyan -collar sweater. The skin is set off with white moisturizing and transparent, bombing can be broken. The straight and slender legs are wrapped in a thick layer of black stockings. , Looked at the fallen leaves in a dumbfounded manner floating from the air.

“Little rich woman, got in the car.”

Jiang Qin dropped the window of the car and shouted.


Feng Nanshu sat on the co -pilot.

“lets go?”

“Wait a minute first.”

Xiao Fu’s wife reached out and opened the armrest box, took out the lipstick inside, and applied a thin layer on Sakurahong’s little mouth.

Jiang Qin looked at her movement and couldn’t help sinking.

After that, the things on the car were not forgotten to take away, it was really left by her!

Seeing that Jiang Qin had been staring at himself, Feng Nanshu’s eyes seemed a little confused. After a while, he thought he was able to understand what he understood, and handed his lipstick to his mouth.

The moisturizing lipstick just scratched from the rich and seductive lips, as if she still took her a few girls’ aroma.

She didn’t mind the same lipstick with Jiang Qin, as if she didn’t mind using the same pair of chopsticks as him, even if the chopsticks were just taken out of Jiang Qin’s mouth.

“I don’t need, my little mouth is moist.”

Feng Nan looked at him quietly: “My little mouth is the most moist.”

Jiang Qin felt that if other girls said this, there would be a sentence later. I did n’t believe it, and it was full of stretching. It is very frank and with a little wins.

“How moist your little mouth?” He couldn’t help trying.

Feng Nanshu glanced at the row of words on the lipstick: “Qin Run my lips, kiss your heart.”

“Oh, Xiaoshong dug me again and shook my heart, but my forty years of skills barely carried.”

Jiang Qin felt that the chat content began to develop in a strange direction, and he couldn’t continue, so he stepped on the accelerator and opened the University of Science and Technology.

Feng Nanshu is more sticky to Jiang Qin, but she will not come out by herself. At most, she will follow Gao Wenhui to visit the campus.

So the outside school was a new world for her, so that she was full of joy.

Fang Xiaoxuan, the branch manager, was very happy to see the boss’s mother, because in her heart, the boss gave herself a chance to become a manager, so she took Feng Nanshu. The recipe left by Wei made the taro milk tea with the flavor of the signature.

Feng Nanshu said seriously that he wanted to taste it. It seemed that he had to test the results of Xiao Xuan, but he was actually rampant.

However, the milk tea that made Xiao Fu’s legs most unable to move his legs, but the ice cream machine left by Gao Dawei.

After seeing it, Xiao Fu said seriously that this should be tested.

“Boss, what taste do you have to test?”

“Let’s check it.” Feng Nanshu said seriously.

Fang Xiaoxuan was going to do it after hearing it, but was stopped by Jiang Qin: “It’s all the weather, how can there be three ice cream in one breath?”

Xiao Fu’s woman humming: “That’s the original flavor, thank you.”

“Xiaoxuan, just give her a little.”

“Then I dare not, she is a boss.”

Fang Xiaoxuan murmured while doing the ice cream, saying that even if you show off the show, what do you dare to stop me for a job of working?

Feng Nanshu’s eyes were bright, as if he had a happiest than eating two ice creams.

While Xiao Fu’s wives stared at the production process of the ice cream production process, Jiang Qin called Wei Lanlan and asked her to call all the employees of the market group. Nine people sat in the milk tea shop to open a small meeting.

The marketing group of Wei Lanlan’s management was newly established from the University of Technology, and experienced old people stayed on Tan Qing. The new team has a poor student recruited from Jiang Qin. They are all strange faces.

“Boss, people are all in Qi.” Wei Lanlan said.

Jiang Qin nodded: “Sit, let’s open a small meeting, the purpose is not strong, that is, to know it, after all, I don’t know you well.”

Several people nodded, their expressions were tense.

In fact, this is also strange.

Jiang Qin is now eighteen years old and a freshman, and everyone else here is basically a sophomore and senior.

But when facing Jiang Qin, several people felt a sense of oppression.

“Let’s introduce yourself again, and you have always started.” Jiang Qin pointed to the boy who was recruited by Director Hu.

Come and stood up immediately: “I call Chan Qing, this year’s sophomore is the computer department.”

“Don’t stand up and say, just talk casually, not the formal meeting, the next one.”

“Good boss, my name is Chen Yali …”

“The boss, my name is Zhao Yingyi, loves dancing and singing. I have talked about the help of Sister Wei yesterday.”

“My name is Wang He …”

After a round of self -introduction, Jiang Qin nodded, and then listened to them describing the business situation in the past two days.

The University of Technology is a new market. The initiative of the merchants is relatively strong. To put it bluntly, they do n’t need to run out in person. They only need to wait for some merchants to come to do advertisements. Don’t.

For example, Zhao Yingyi, who loves singing and dancing, joined the team on the first day.

A 20,000 -dollar advertising agreement signed, and she directly received a commissioned bonus of 200 yuan.

But in fact, the ability to win this order has nothing to do with Zhao Yingyi’s ability, because the merchant itself has a strong willingness to advertise.

It can be seen that Zhao Yingyi opened the order, and everyone else in the team was very excited and felt that the future was expected.

However, since we have to lay the foundation for the group, Jiang Qin still hopes that they can go out and run, not just receiving the large amounts of users who can afford advertising.

Everyone knows that the forum advertising fee is high, and the commission tastes so fragrant.

But the problem is that the technology is the next time in the morning and evening, and the advertising business will soon be finished. What should the market group do? Dispoilize in place, or consumption?

This is unrealistic, not to mention that there are so many poor students in the team.

Therefore, small -volume merchants must start contacting now, thinking that they can make good pavement.

“In the future, the business of the market group will be divided into two pieces, one is a receiving advertiser, and the other is collecting merchant information.”

“I know that advertisers are more profitable, but we can’t eat everything, so I want to add a threshold to you.”

“Everyone goes out to run five merchants every day. No matter the size, this is a hard indicator.”

Hearing Jiang Qin’s words, the people in the team nodded. After the meeting, Wei Lanlan couldn’t help asking: “Boss, Tan Qing also started running a small merchant. Is the forum advertisement going to reduce the price?”

“Advertising does not reduce the price, just prepare for the group purchase network. You pay a little attention here. Even if you can’t afford the advertisement, you can preview it in advance, saying that we will have a free promotion plan next.”

“Really free?”

Jiang Qin nodded: “Settled for free, sales are divided, you can communicate with Tan Qing, and see how her team did.”

Wei Lanlan nodded: “Good boss, go to her when I am busy.”

As soon as the words were finished, Jiang Qin’s mobile phone suddenly shook, and it was Cao Guangyu’s phone: “Laojiang, come out for a meal at night!”

“your treat?”

“Yes, I brought the mouth of my house, let’s go to Juxianlou to meet and meet.”

After hearing it, Jiang Qin said: “Lao Cao, you are in love, but you’re done.”

“If you want to eat it, eat something well.” Cao Guangyu’s voice was proud.

Jiang Qin turned his head and glanced at Feng Nanshu: “Add a seat, I will bring the little rich woman over.”

“Yes, it’s not good to have a girl in my target, you bring her too!”

Lao Cao’s dinner must be full of appearance, especially he has a girlfriend.

Jiang Qin was unwilling to be faced by him, so he had to take the rich woman to press the field.

(This chapter is finished)

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