Who is reborn? Who is in love?

113. 113 I can't sleep all

Chapter 113 I can’t sleep

“Good night, Jiang Qin.”

On the night, the screen of the mobile phone showed the soft face of Xiao Rich.

At this time, she was lying on my stomach, her left hand was on the pillow, her chin pillowed her arm, her right hand held her mobile phone, and then she looked at Jiang Qin’s head quietly. The hair is black and black, but there are two small yellow yellow hair dogs on their head.

Its eyes are fierce, the expression is like talking, walking, walking!

Feng Nanshu put down his mobile phone, buried his face into the pillow, then turned over, staring at the blank wall and began to daze, as if there was a soul.

However, she didn’t wait for her for too long, and the screen of the mobile phone next to her suddenly turned on. Looking at it, it was the fierce four -eyed dog.

“Pick you up for you tomorrow, 7 o’clock in the morning, not to be late.”

“I don’t have a boss.” Feng Nanshu picked up his mobile phone and typed.

“This is a problem, because this time it is a group building activity, and it will have an atmosphere with the brands and chest cards.

Feng Nanshu was silent after watching it, and touched the white jade’s fingers on the keyboard. As soon as he was about to reply, Jiang Qin’s next news jumped out.

“But you can choose not to take the bus and take my co -driver.”

“Jiang Qin, you are really a great person.”

After looking at Feng Nanshu’s news, Jiang Qin couldn’t sleep on the bed, staring at the ceiling with a lot, he sat up after a while, leaning on the wall with his back, and continued to stun. As a result, he found that Cao Guang on the opposite side was Yu He himself was exactly the same, and he began to maintain this state early.

Jiang Qin’s scalp couldn’t help but numb for a while: “Why don’t you sleep? Even the movement was not scared to me.”

Cao Guangyu glanced at him and spoke dullly: “Aren’t you not sleeping?”

“I’m going to the group tomorrow, I’m just a bit excited.” Jiang Qin pulled the quilt up and went around, “Brother Cao, why are you?” Listen. ”

“I’m thinking about life, I think a little deep, I can’t sleep a little bit.”

“Which girl is the girl again?”

Cao Guangyu suddenly moved and changed a comfortable posture: “It’s okay to talk to you, but we can only know this. You don’t allow you to tell others, and you will swear if you agree.”

“Rocky, let’s not say that I sleep, you can’t think of anything deep.” Jiang Qin opened his mouth to be a general.

“Hey, hey, don’t, I said, I said it right away.”

Jiang Qin knew that this product couldn’t help but: “Let’s say, I barely hold back the sleepy and listen to it.”

“Lao Jiang, what do you think of like? Do you have a specific performance? Also, how do you know a girl likes me?”

Jiang Qin was silent in this sentence: “Are you sitting here in the middle of the night, just thinking about this problem? Is there a situation?”

“I haven’t talked about love, it’s not clear.” Cao Guangyu began to show his heart.

“Then when you start school, you still have five girlfriends you have five girlfriends?”

“At that time, we were not familiar with it. I had to pretend to be a sudden. What if I had never talked about love alone? How much shame.”

Jiang Qinhe said: “I have never talked about love and not shame.

“Well, I’m honest, I may like a girl now.” Cao Guangyu suddenly said, his eyes were a little hot.

Jiang Qin didn’t have much surprise: “Normal, you just see one love one yellow.”

“I’m really here this time. Didn’t you find that I have been going out early and returning early? Actually, I have been meeting with her, but I don’t know why, I become cautious.”

Hearing this, Jiang Qin came a little bit of interest: “Which department? How do you know it?”

“We are talking about life now. Don’t pull away the topic. I ask you, Lao Jiang, how can you confirm that he likes or not?” Cao Guangyu threw the problem to Jiang Qin.

“Oh, you are purely asking how a bald child cares for hair.”

At this moment, Cao Guangyu squeaked next to the bed. Zhou Chao sat up: “Like is to see her, want to coax her happy, and want to stick together. It is a kind of joy from the heart. ”

“Why haven’t you slept yet?” Jiang Qin was incredible.

Zhou Chao also sat up: “Please, how can you sleep at this time?”

Cao Guangyu waved his hand and said it didn’t matter: “It’s okay, as long as he is allowing the dog coin to sleep, it knows that I know that you know, you must not know the fourth person.”



“no problem.”

When the words fell, everyone looked at the southwest corner incredibly, and found that Ren Ziqiang also sat up, with a smile on his face. The sentence just now was shouting.

Cao Guangyu’s face was green after seeing him: “Grass, why didn’t you sleep? Even you know, then the whole school has to know.”

After hearing it, Jiang Qin waved his hand: “You are afraid of his wool. He licked Pan Xiu for a month, but he licked his brother and sister. Don’t you laugh at him for a lifetime? Are you afraid he jokes you?”


Ren Ziqiang turned his head and lay back on the bed, saying that I might as well sleep.

Cao Guangyu felt that Jiang Qin said that it was reasonable, so he had no worries: “I think she is very good. Except for irritability, there is no other problem, do you say I should chase her?”

“If you have the courage to like it, don’t wait for the courage to regret it. In addition, you must recognize people. Good girls will make you grow. Bad girls will only let you sink.” Jiang Qin gave a proposal to China Essence

Zhou Chao couldn’t help but move forward: “Lao Cao, is it from our class?”

“No, you don’t know, you don’t know, sleep!” Cao Guangyu was lying flat.

Jiang Qin looked at Zhou Chao: “What do you say just now?”

“Like is to see her, want to coax her happiness, and want to stick together, it is a kind of unswerving thoughts, an impulse to ignore the body, and a kind of joy from the heart.”

Jiang Qin was silent for a while: “Where did you hear this answer? So evil.”

“I was watching the novel in the bed just now. I just saw this sentence. In addition, you are discussing, and I read it with my mouth.”

“Net text? I thought it was true. I almost got a seat. I did n’t know what to do. I know that you will be bluffing.” You can watch less in the future. ”

Jiang Qin dragged the quilt and lay down, just about to go to sleep, and the mobile phone next to him suddenly lit up. When it was opened, it was Guo Zihang’s QQ news.

“Brother Jiang, I heard that our school has a milk tea shop to transfer, do you want to see it?”

“What do you really say, where is it, won’t it be a small square in a boys’ dormitory?” Jiang Qin’s physical keyboard has been used.

Guo Zihang also returned: “It’s under the girl’s dormitory building.”

“Then I will go and see tomorrow morning. You wait for me at the entrance of the school at 7:30. Don’t come too early, I may have to pick it up.”

Recently, the state is not very good, very tired, and my head is very painful. I felt a bit back in the past. These two days rely on everyone’s encouragement to support it. After careful consideration, I plan to slow down the renewal rhythm. Some unreasonable places, and sort out the subsequent outline, hope to support it.

(This chapter is finished)

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