Who is reborn? Who is in love?

112. 112 The Lady Lady!

Chapter 112 The Subproductive Lady!

On Friday afternoon, the sun was shining and the empty was washed.

Jiang Qin came to the entrepreneurial base. As a result, as soon as he entered the door, he met a girl Qi Liu Hai in the corridor. The girl wore a orange turtleneck sweater and a pair of black -frame glasses. I called the senior generously, and then pushed the door into the overall office.

Jiang Qin is quite familiar with the people in this building, but she has never seen this girl. After thinking carefully, she understands that this should be one of the seniors watching TV.

After walking one, two, they were all juniors, and Cao Xue was boiled.

It is estimated that she will make time fall in love.

Jiang Qin walked across the overall office, and he did see what there were three figures in it, and he didn’t bother him. He reached out and pushed the door of 208.

In addition to Pang Hai, fifteen people including Su Nai, Dong Wenhao, Lu Xuemei, Shi Miaomiao, Luffy, and Dong Miao Miao were all there. They had received text messages from Jiang Qin before. Waiting for Jiang Qin to come back.

After 208, Jiang Qin didn’t say much nonsense and directly entered the theme.

“The traffic on Linta has been saturated, and the retention rate is not bad. Advertisers are continuously increasing. You can put it down moderately. You don’t need to keep people staring every day.”

“In addition, we will go to Science and Technology to promote it soon. This incident has been discussed before. I believe everyone should be prepared.”

“I am still looking at the location of the location of Xiang Tian. Although this incident is not in a hurry, you must enter the state in advance to avoid having trouble at the time.”

“It is not far from technology to technology, so in the previous battle, I still decided to use our own people. After all, you are already familiar with the routine of the game and can get started quickly.”

“If someone is inconvenient in time or traffic, you can say hello to me in advance, and I will register.”

“It takes about a week throughout the war. You may need to run a few times back and forth. Traffic and meal supplementary fees will be paid to the salary.”

“In addition, Su Nai, you pick a person in your technical group, temporarily serve as the leader of the technical team, and be responsible for Dong Wenhao to cooperate with the science and technology promotion plan.”

“Hey, what about me? What am I going?” Su Nai was panicked by his sudden section.

Jiang Qin bluffed her face and looked at her: “What’s wrong, scared? Tell you to watch a movie in the office every day!”

Lu Xuemei raised his hand and wanted to be injustice for Su Nai: “Boss, I can testify Sister Su Nai, she hasn’t watched a movie in the office, and I never heard her computer out!”

“The movie she watched can’t let others hear the sound.”


Jiang Qin coughed and pulled the topic back: “Su Nai, don’t be nervous, let you withdraw from the technical group, there is something else to do.”

At the same time, Su Nai had a sigh of breath and was more curious: “What’s the matter, the boss?”

“You need to study another project with me during this time.”

“Why do you suddenly do another project?”

“The current realization ability of the forum is very poor. The only way that can be realized is advertising income, but the advertising location is limited after all. Now it has been ranked until next year. A new way of monetization, you can’t sit in the mountains. ”

Jiang Qin did not say in detail, mainly because there was no exact plan.

After all, he does not understand technology, so the first priority is to let Su Nai understand the difficulty, and then form a feasible or inevitable solution after returning.

“Boss, what is the direction of the new project?”

“Group purchase website.”

Su Nai slightly stunned: “Isn’t that the project before 208? Isn’t it all yellow?”

“We must not walk along the old way of the last group purchase network. I mean it is a similar but different.” Jiang Qin responded.

“oh oh.”

After hearing it, Su Nai looked nodded, but she didn’t ask, because she was used to it, and Jiang Qin said what to do.

“Next, let’s talk about the specific promotion steps of the high technology project of Zhihu Forum.”

Jiang Qin knocked on the desktop: “Need to take a note of notes, and don’t interrupt me in the middle of the way. If you have any questions, I will ask.”

Hearing this sentence, everyone started sitting in a danger, picked up the pen and Xiaoben to take notes.

After the baptism of the school flower contest, they all knew about the boss’s use of soldiers.

The boss’s brain is like a machine, which will perfectly build all directions and possibilities, and then give the optimal path and detail. They only need to work step by step, and the final bullet will definitely hit the target.

“Boss, let me go to the toilet first!” Luffy stood up suddenly.

Jiang Qin’s face was disgusted: “Hurry up, there is no urine point for a while!”


Lu Feiyi ran out of 208, went to the toilet, and then sat back easily: “Yes, start talking!”

“I’m a boss or you are your boss? There is no sense of border.” Jiang Qin took a sip and started to arrange the task.

“Lan Lan, go to collect information near the University of Science and Technology and summarize it for me.”

“Old Dong, you mainly go to the Literature Society of Science and Technology, just like finding you at the beginning, choose a batch of content creators familiar with technology.”

“In addition, the topic selection of the content group was limited to Linchuan University in the previous period. Stop first. Find some topics that you all like to see if you are college students.”

“The Ministry of Technology finds a way and optimizes the registration system. The current registration method is still too cumbersome.”

Su Nai couldn’t help but speak: “Boss, mobile phone number and mailbox must have, and then simplified, one person can open countless trumpets, and there is no way to manage it at that time.”

“Your registration system does not need to hurry to let him fill in the mobile phone number. Add a rule in the later period. Can’t you leave a message if you do n’t bind the mobile phone number? First, do it? What needs to be considered! ”

“Oh.” Su Nai responded sullenly.

Dong Wenhao’s head was bombed, and he said how I suddenly had so many things, and no one told me in advance!

“Don’t interrupt me anymore, let me say the last point …”

When Jiang Qinhua just said halfway, the door of 208 suddenly squeaked.

A white and tender hand pushed the wooden door gently, attracting Jiang Qin’s face to become gloomy instantly, and frowned tightly.

He did not let others interrupt him because when he was talking, he had to think about it. Once thinking was interrupted, it was troublesome to think about it. He had been interrupted once. Now he is very annoyed and everyone can’t calm down!

“Jiang Qin.” Feng Nanshu pushed into a delicate face from the door.

Jiang Qin stunned slightly: “Why are you here?”

“I bought a bit of fruit.” Feng Nanshu stepped in, holding two fruit bags in his hand.

After hearing this, the employees who were still at the meeting couldn’t sit still. They took a bite to make up, and then picked the bag from her.

There is a boss, who still needs to be afraid of the boss?

Several people hurriedly opened the bag and looked at it, and found that there were green titles inside, mangosteen, and strawberries and pomegranates. It should be the same as that of the color and quality, and it must be valuable.

Xiao Fu’s hand was a little red, and there were still several obvious traces, but he held his fist and did not let others see it.

“Feng Nanshu, you are too defeated …”

If Jiang Qin blurted out, he had a sudden braking, and the word home was instantly retracted into his mouth.

Feng Nanshu blinked his clear eyes, looking at him a little doubtful, and Qiao’s face read blank and inquiries.

“Didn’t you tell you before, let you not learn from Gao Wenhui.” Jiang Qin turned off the topic.

Feng Nanshu looked at him coldly: “I have learned to send fruit, I haven’t continued to learn from her.”

“The boss, this green is sweet!” Shi Miaomiao cheered next to him.

Su Nai feels very happy to eat strawberries: “Boss, you will still be at home in the future. The boss never knows to buy fruit for us.”

“Well, it is me who pays you a salary. Don’t talk when you eat fruits. Is your mouth sufficient?”

“Eat if you eat, don’t speak without talking!” Su Nai opened a pomegranate fiercely.

Jiang Qin looked up at Feng Nanshu and found that she was a little sweaty: “Did you come here by yourself?”

“Um.” Feng Nanshu nodded well.

“What about your living expenses, pay it out, I will keep it for you in the future, save you!”

Feng Nanshu reached out and opened his small leather bag, turned out a beautiful pink wallet and handed it over: “Give you.”


Jiang Qinhhe was happy, and hurriedly said that he was joking: “Buy it, buy it, it’s not my money anyway, I don’t feel bad at all.”

Subsequently, Jiang Qin called Fang Xiaoxuan and his two generals again, met together, and studied this weekend group building plan.

The school flower contest has passed a week, and the cakes that were painted should also be fulfilled. Otherwise, how can you go to the technology to toss at the technology, or that, you want to let the horse run and let the horse eat grass first.

Finally, after the unanimous decision of everyone, the group construction location was set in a farmhouse on the southern suburbs.

This is not Jiang Qin who is reluctant to spend money. It is purely that everyone thinks that it will be two days on the weekend. If you walk too far, it will be unsuitable for all the group building.

“Feng Nanshu, we will go out on weekends. You can walk at school yourself.

Feng Nanshu’s face collapsed: “Can’t I go?”

“We are group construction, and you are not employees of 208, so we can’t go.” Jiang Qin looked seriously.

“I am a boss.” Feng Nanshu said seriously.

“Really? Do you have a certificate? Please show it.”


(This chapter is finished)

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