Chapter 217 Killing Zhenren Wanmu, the drunken spiritual dragon! (5k)

[You use body-protecting energy to escape quickly. 】

[Ferocious and violent spiritual power fluctuations came from behind, and the entire ruins formation was instantly shattered in the explosion of spiritual explosion. 】

[You ran all the way and finally escaped from the ruins of Wanmu Sect and came to the Immortal Martial Era dungeon. 】

[At the entrance to the ruins, you look at the violently distorted space formation, hold the sword in your hand tightly, and wait for the upcoming battle. 】

[Out of the corner of my eye, I glanced at the spiritual dragon not far away. This young dragon, which had just escaped from trouble, was extremely happy and kept flying in the air. 】

[Soon a figure walked out of the formation, it was Zhenren Wanmu! 】

[I saw Wanmu Zhenren's clothes were torn, his long hair was messy, and there was a faint smell of blood coming from his body. It was obvious that he was seriously injured under the bombardment of the Spiritual Explosion Technique. 】

[Wanmu Zhenren stared blankly at the red-black blood flowing out of his body, and he soon discovered the changes in himself. 】

[The mood became extremely excited, and the whole person roared like a madman. 】

[You can see the unwillingness in his heart. He has been planning for thousands of years, but he has become a living dead. If he continues to sleep, he may completely lose consciousness and turn into a puppet. 】

[You take a deep breath, mobilize your energy, and take the lead in attacking Wanmu Zhenren. 】

[Although Master Wanmu is a Dzogchen cultivator in the Shattering Void Realm, his foundation is far less solid than yours, and his strength is much weaker than yours. 】

[Seeing that the two of you have only fought for more than ten rounds, Wan Mu’s face changed drastically. 】

[With your terrifying power, you are obviously regarded as a Hunyuan realm monk by Zhenren Wanmu! 】

[Facing the retreating Wan Mu Zhenren, you pursue the victory, each punch and move containing terrifying power. 】

[The two of you fought for more than a hundred miles along the way, where mountains collapsed and rivers dried up...]

[Zhenren Wanmu kept persuading during this period, and he expressed his willingness to share the spiritual dragon with you, step into the realm of immortals together, and have the hope of immortality! 】

[But you sneered at this, knowing that seeking the skin of a tiger would never work. As long as you kill the hypocrite Wanmu Zhenren, you will surely surrender this spiritual dragon! 】

In the real world, Su Xing suddenly became happy when he saw this.

"Haha, this Wan Mu Zhenren was so cute when I first met him!"

"Now that you are so powerful, you can only negotiate with me..."

Su Xing dismissed this and negotiated a compromise.

"It's ridiculous. Back then you were stronger than me and you killed me by force. I didn't have the slightest strength to resist..."

"But now that I am stronger than you, I can kill you by force. Isn't this too much?"

Su Xing muttered, this Master Wan Mu must be killed!

Thinking of this, Xing Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[In the face of Master Wan Mu’s begging for mercy, you did not hesitate at all. You raised the Mo Bing Sword, and with sword energy, you chased Master Wan Mu again. 】

[Seeing that his begging for mercy failed, Master Wan Mu immediately became cruel and took out an elixir from his storage ring and drank it. 】

[After taking this elixir, Master Wan Mu’s aura surged instantly, and his cultivation level actually went from the half-step integration stage to the early integration stage in a short period of time! 】

[After breaking into the integration stage, Wan Mu’s eyes turned cold when he looked at you, and then he used his spiritual energy to fight with you again. 】

[Seeing the sudden increase in strength of Wanmu Zhenren, you don’t dare to underestimate him, so you attack more cautiously, and use the spiritual explosion technique to hit him again. 】

[Master Wanmu’s eyes flashed when he saw you casting the spell, asking you what your relationship is with Master Wuxing, and why you were able to obtain Master Wuxing’s Five Elements Reciprocity Technique. 】

[You just sneered at this. When you inherited the inheritance of Master Five Elements, you decided to kill Master Wan Mu, so naturally you will not break your promise. 】

[Then the terrifying spiritual explosion technique was thrown towards Zhenren Wanmu. 】

[Master Wanmu's pupils shrank when he saw this, and he recognized that this spiritual explosion technique was the magical power that had sneaked up on him before, so he naturally did not dare to underestimate it. 】

[So Wanmu Zhenren quickly formed seals and cast spells, and the astonishing wood spiritual energy quickly gathered. 】

[A large number of trees and vines appeared in front of Wanmu Zhenren. These trees and vines grew wildly and quickly formed a terrifying and indestructible wooden barrier. 】

[There is a strange light shining outside this barrier, firmly protecting Wanmu Zhenren within it. 】

【boom! The terrifying fluctuations of the explosion of the spiritual explosion were heard, and the vine barrier quickly decomposed, but in the end Wanmu Zhenren, who was protected within it, was not injured. 】

[Looking at Master Wan Mu who successfully blocked your Spirit Explosion Technique, you suddenly looked solemn. 】

[Zhenren Wanmu is worthy of being the number one genius from thousands of years ago. This wood technique is probably at the magical level and has been cultivated to an extremely advanced level by Zhenren Wanmu. 】

[In addition, after Master Wanmu swallowed the elixir, he entered the integration stage in a short period of time, so that he could firmly block the spiritual explosion technique. 】

[The wooden barrier slowly withered, and Master Wanmu walked out of it, with a sneer on his face. 】

[He said with some pride that you are only in the Void Returning Stage and have insufficient spiritual energy in your body. You will definitely not be able to release such terrifying magical powers such as the Spirit Gathering Technique for a long time. 】

[Facing Master Wan Mu’s ridicule, you just calmly took out a bottle of spiritual liquid and drank half of it in one gulp, as luxuriously as drinking mineral water. 】

[The spiritual liquid that soaked into the corners of his clothes slowly evaporated, and Master Wanmu gritted his teeth as he watched. 】

[He never expected that you would swallow spiritual liquid so luxuriously. 】

[It should be noted that this is an era when spiritual energy is exhausted. Even in the prosperous age of cultivating immortals, few people waste spiritual liquid like this. 】

[Faced with Master Wanmu’s defence-breaking, you just laughed. With the spiritual liquid you have stored up, even if you put on the spiritual explosion technique for several days and nights, it will be enough. 】

[A look of greed appeared on Zhenren Wanmu's face, and he had the intention of killing people and seizing the treasure. 】

[I saw it activate the wood spell, and vines sprouted from your feet, wrapping you tightly. 】

[You raised your eyebrows when you saw this, and then with a thought in your heart, you released the Lihuo Technique, instantly burning away the strange vines that trapped you. 】

[Among the five elements, wood generates fire and fire defeats wood. What's more, Lihuo is a magical power of flames and is very powerful. It is more restrained for this kind of wood magic. 】

[Wanmu Zhenren saw that the spell was broken by you, and his expression suddenly became solemn. He once again mobilized his spiritual power and attacked you. 】

[And you are not panicking. Although your cultivation is weaker than that of Wanmu Zhenren, with your sword in hand and your understanding of extreme speed, you can make no concessions. 】

[The two of you have fought fiercely for hundreds of rounds, and Master Wan Mu has consumed a lot of his spiritual energy. He once again took out the elixir to replenish his spiritual energy. 】

[And you also take spiritual liquid to make up for the loss of spiritual energy... In a protracted battle, you are no weaker than Master Wanmu. 】

[You originally thought that Master Wanmu’s cultivation level could only be improved for a short period of time, but you didn’t expect that his elixir was extremely effective. He could maintain his initial cultivation level and fight with you for a long time without exhaustion. 】

[You activate your sword power again and attack Master Wanmu. 】

[With a thought in your heart, you silently muttered "Bring it to you"! 】

[The next second, you saw a strange piece of wood appear in your hand. The wood was completely burnt black. You sensed a lot of Taoist aggregates from it, but you couldn't tell the reason. 】

[You realized that this piece of wood was extraordinary, so you put it away. 】

[Wanmu Zhenren was shocked when he saw the extra wood in your hand. After carefully checking the storage ring, he became furious and stepped up his attack on you. 】

[You are not false at all about this, and you use your sword skills to attack again. 】

[And Master Wanmu actually knows the way of swordsmanship. He took out a strange wooden sword and fought with you. 】

[Another hundreds of rounds of battle, during which you continue to use spiritual liquid to replenish your spiritual energy. 】

[And Master Wanmu also took many pills, many of which seemed to be able to enhance his cultivation in a short period of time. 】

In the real world, Su Xing saw this scene and sighed in his heart:

"Wanmu Sect is indeed an alchemy sect... there are quite a few elixirs for enhancing cultivation and restoring spiritual energy!"

"I'm afraid he is the richest among the three major sects, right?"

Thinking of this, Su Xing became more determined to kill Zhenren Wan Mu.

Look at the simulation panel.

[The battle is still going on. The charred wood seems to be extremely important to Master Wanmu. His face is getting more and more anxious, and he can't wait to snatch the wood back. 】

[In this way, you have fought fiercely for dozens of rounds. 】

[Finally, you seized the opportunity and cut off Wanmu Zhenren's arm with a sword energy. 】

[Zhenren Wanmu screamed suddenly, but then he gritted his teeth and activated his spiritual energy frantically. 】

[Under the induction of your spiritual consciousness, a green energy is constantly repairing the arm of Master Wanmu. In just a few breaths, Master Wanmu was reborn from his severed limb! 】

【You are very shocked. 】

[Rebirth of a severed limb is something that only a strong person in the Hunyuan Realm can do, and it is impossible for a strong person in the Hunyuan Realm to have such a fast recovery speed. 】

[You know that the problem lies in this green aura. The wood attribute aura can indeed restore injuries, but it can never be restored so quickly. 】

[You have some vague guesses in your mind... Could it be that Master Wan Mu has already understood the basics of the Dao of Wood? 】

[Just like you understand the ultimate speed, it is the basic component of the great ways such as thunder and sword...]

[And Wanmu Zhenren's ability to rapidly regenerate should also be the basic component of the Avenue of Wood. 】

[Your expression becomes serious. If this is the case, although this kind of original power is not good at attacking, its defensive properties and durability may be extremely terrifying. 】

[This is even more of a fierce battle for you! 】

"Tsk, tsk, you are indeed a genius! He has actually understood the basics of Mu Zhidao...I am afraid that he is not far away from officially breaking into the integration stage!"

Su Xing sighed softly, understanding that it was becoming a little more difficult to kill Wan Mu Zhenren.

Look at the simulation panel.

[After Wanmu Zhenren recovered from his injuries, he looked at you with even more resentment. 】

[He is eager to snatch back that piece of wood, and at the same time he knows that you are in the Dzogchen stage of returning to the void. 】

[And he is already in the integration stage at the moment, so he thinks that the power of your spiritual consciousness is definitely not as good as his. 】

[So Master Wanmu took the initiative to use the method of spiritual attack to attack you. 】

[You felt happy when you saw this scene. You didn’t expect Master Wan Mu to reveal his flaw on his own. 】

[Faced with the spiritual attack of Master Wanmu, you do not dodge or dodge, but also release your spiritual consciousness, turning into a small golden cauldron and attacking towards Master Wanmu's spiritual consciousness. 】

【boom! 】

[The two spiritual consciousnesses collided, and huge fluctuations of pressure came from the air, almost causing the color of the world to change. 】

[The moment they collided, Master Wan Mu felt something was wrong. Your consciousness was actually much stronger than his! 】

[Two strands of spiritual consciousness collided, and it was too late for Wanmu Zhenren to take back his spiritual consciousness. 】

[And you went all out, directly causing Wan Mu's spiritual consciousness to be severely damaged. 】

[After his consciousness was severely injured, Master Wan Mu instantly vomited blood and his breath was weak. It was obvious that he was seriously injured. 】

[And you then withdrew your spiritual consciousness, felt happy in your heart, and attacked Zhenren Wanmu! 】

[Another hundreds of rounds of battle. 】

[However, after Wanmu's spiritual consciousness was injured, his spiritual energy became a little unstable, and his strength was greatly reduced. He could only rely on his own regeneration and ability to quickly recover from injuries to delay. 】

[This battle finally lasted for a day and a night. 】

[You finally succeeded in killing Master Wan Mu at the cost of being seriously injured! 】

[After killing Master Wanmu, you placed his body in the Lingtian Cave and took off Master Wanmu’s storage ring. 】

In the real world, Su Xing felt happy when he saw this and said:

"What a dramatic result... If Master Wanmu fights me normally, with his background, mastery of the Way of Wood, and many pills... I'm afraid I won't be able to defeat him in a few days!"

"But Zhenren Wan Mu chose to seek his own death and used his spiritual consciousness to fight against him. In the end, he shot himself in the foot... and I successfully killed him!"

Su Xing was overjoyed and had some expectations. How precious should the treasure in Wan Mu's storage ring be?

"Damn, there's that spiritual dragon... I saved his life, but this guy actually ran away on his own?"

"Didn't you say that the spiritual dragon is grateful? Why does this spiritual dragon have such a bad character?"

"Haha, but if you can't run away, the monk can't run away from the temple... This copy of the Immortal Martial Age is so big, where can he run?"

Su Xing thought this and looked at the simulation panel.

[Just when you are about to enter Lingtian Cave, a dragon roar suddenly comes from behind you. 】

[You immediately looked back and saw among the clouds high in the sky, a small dragon more than ten feet long flying towards you, looking at you gratefully. 】

[You suddenly felt happy, thinking that you had misunderstood this spiritual dragon before. Could it be that the spiritual dragon came to repay his kindness? 】

[The Spiritual Vein Dragon hummed a few times beside you. With the level 10 beast language, you successfully understood what the Spiritual Vein Dragon meant. 】

[He is interested in the spiritual fluid in you and wants to drink some. 】

[Although you felt a little hurt in your heart, you still took out a bottle of spiritual liquid and handed it over. 】

[Lingmai Dragon suddenly felt happy and drank up the spiritual liquid in one gulp as if drinking oral liquid. 】

[Afterwards, he continues to ask you for spiritual fluid. 】

[Although you feel a little sad in your heart, you also know that you can’t let go of your child and trap the wolf, so you took out hundreds of bottles of spiritual liquid in one go. 】

[The Spirit Vein Dragon suddenly felt happy, rubbed your back affectionately, and then breathed out a mouthful of pure spiritual energy. 】

[You then felt the injuries in your body recover rapidly. In just a few moments, you changed from a serious injury to a minor injury. 】

[You sigh greatly in your heart. It is worthy of being the treasure of the three thousand worlds and the top of the list of creatures on earth. This spiritual dragon has such a terrifying effect with just one breath of spiritual energy. 】

[After that, looking at the little dragon that was drinking the spiritual liquid crazily, it seemed that you weren’t that distressed anymore. 】

[In just a quarter of an hour, this juvenile spiritual dragon had already drank no less than a hundred bottles of spiritual liquid. 】

[One hundred bottles of spiritual liquid is a million drops! 】

[This is enough for your half-year practice during the return period, but he drank it in just ten minutes. 】

[If a monk had taken so much spiritual liquid in a short period of time, he would have exploded and died. 】

[However, this spirit-veined dragon was not affected at all, except that the originally white dragon head turned a little reddish, and it became shaky when walking. 】

[Seeing the Spirit Vein Dragon in this state, you were suddenly surprised, and at the same time, you recalled a rumor you had seen. 】

[If you take too much spiritual energy in a short period of time, or suddenly enter a place where spiritual energy is particularly abundant, a mysterious phenomenon will occur...]

[This phenomenon is called spiritual drunkenness! 】

[It refers to absorbing too much spiritual energy, causing the body and mind to become less clear, thus becoming a state similar to drunkenness. 】

[Obviously, the spirit-veined dragon in front of me was still in its infancy and had been sleeping before. I am afraid that it has never drank so much spiritual liquid at one time. 】

[At this time, I suddenly drank a million drops of spiritual liquid and entered a state of spiritual drunkenness...]

[Seeing that the spirit pulse dragon's eyes were getting more and more drunk, after staggering for a while, he actually fell asleep at your feet. 】

[You suddenly wanted to laugh when you looked at the spiritual dragon. You put away the remaining spiritual liquid that was not finished, and were about to think about how to deal with this little dragon. 】

[At this moment, an early warning occurs in your heart, seeking advantages and avoiding disasters, and the Eight Trigrams arithmetic crazily conveys bad information to you. 】

[Your heart is beating wildly, and you feel that something bad is going to happen. 】

[So without having time to think too much, you erased the traces around you and blocked your own secrets. 】

[Then he put the Spiritual Vein Dragon into the Lingtian Cave and fled madly towards the distance. 】

[As for the traces left by the fight with Master Wanmu, it is too late for you to erase them. 】

[You flew with your sword and ran for tens of thousands of miles, but the warning in your heart did not diminish at all. 】

[You can only choose to escape from the Xianwu Era dungeon and return to Blue Star. 】

[After returning to Kyoto, you immediately entered the Lingtian Cave, and the warning in your heart gradually dissipated. 】

[Feeling your emotions calm down a bit, you let out a long sigh of relief. 】

[At the same time, you suddenly became alert, what exactly did you encounter? It actually makes you so wary...]

[If you think about it carefully, with your current cultivation and strength, there are not many people on Blue Star who can pose a life threat to you. 】

[After thinking about it, you think the most likely possibility is that this sense of danger comes from the Dragon Protector! 】

[After all, the Dragon Protector is also a monk, and belongs to the same dragon clan as the Spiritual Vein Dragon. Perhaps he sensed the appearance of the Spiritual Vein Dragon and found you? 】

[You don’t know the reason for this, but fortunately, staying in Lingtian Cave is safe for the time being. 】

[Although the dragon protector is strong, he does not have the ability to tear apart space and find the spiritual field cave. 】

[So after calming down, you looked at the drunk little dragon in front of you and began to think about how to deal with him. 】

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