While others are practicing leveling, I am cultivating immortality, and I will survive until I reach

Chapter 216 The most treasured spiritual treasure on the Earth List, the Spirit Vein Dragon! Fight a

No. 21, Spirit Vein Dragon! Fight again with Wanmu Zhenren! (5k)

Su Xing sighed with emotion.

Before, his talent in formations could only be regarded as mediocre.

But now that we have the formation wizards, the speed of learning formations is at least several times faster than before!

"It seems that the study of the miniature spirit gathering array must be put on hold for the time being. The current plan is to break through to the integration stage as soon as possible!"

Su Xing murmured.

In this way, in the next few days, Su Xing worked harder to refine the Bigu Pill.

Four days passed quickly, and Su Xing disguised himself and went to the villa.

Jin Congxue is still busy with affairs with the Daxia military and is not in the villa for the time being.

So Su Xing just took away the new week's goods and returned to Lingtian Cave.

In the new era, December 2, 2024, Su Xing will start a new round of simulation on time.

"Start simulation!"

【Ding! This simulation consumes 3.22543 million remaining energy points, and there are no remaining simulation times. 】

【Simulation begins! 】

[It costs 100,000 energy points to extract purple talents, and 1 million energy points to extract golden legendary talents. Do you want to extract them? 】

Su Xing thought about it and decided to draw another talent. Even if he couldn't draw the golden quality, he could still increase the probability of guaranteeing it.

"Extract golden quality talents!"

[Ding, congratulations on drawing a purple talent. Bring it to you. Your probability of drawing a gold-quality talent next time is 40%...]

[Bring it to you]: Purple talent, which can only be used once for each target. When you say "Bring it to you" to the target, you can steal an item randomly from the target without anyone noticing. .

"Sure enough, it's a guaranteed probability again..."

Su Xing was about to sigh, but when he saw the effect of this talent, he was stunned.

"This talent... seems a bit strong!"

"Bring it to you? It's like taking an item directly from the target! I'll go!"

Su Xing suddenly thought that if during a battle, he suddenly snatched away the opponent's weapons or other props, wouldn't that directly increase the winning rate?

"Tsk, tsk... Sun Dasheng can't even withstand Laojun's Purple Gold Circle!"

Su Xing muttered.

"But the specific effect of this talent is still unclear... You should make a careful judgment before making any plans!"

Thinking of this, Xing Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[In Lingtian Cave, you realize that you are in a simulation. 】

[You have been refining the elixir for a few days, and then you are ready to go to the Luotian Conference copy to resolve the doubts in your heart. 】

Seeing this, Su Xing muttered silently:

"Use the immersive simulation feature for 24 hours!"

[Congratulations on using the immersive simulation function. You have spent 2.4 million energy points and have 3.22203 million remaining energy points. 】

The beep sounded, and then he woke up and appeared in the Luotian Sect's main hall.

During the last simulation, Su Xing still had unfinished questions, which were about spirit dragons.

Su Xing's understanding of spirit dragons was limited to introductions in some books, but he didn't know much.

Luo Ying, the current master who has awakened, is a strong man in the tribulation stage and must know something about spirit dragons.

"Good disciple, go to the back mountain to invite your senior brother..."

When a familiar mission dialogue came to his ears, Su Xing did not leave in a hurry, but asked:

"Master, I would like to ask you about the dragon with spiritual veins... I have seen this kind of creature in the ancient books in the Sutra Pavilion, so I am curious..."

After hearing Su Xing's words, Luo Ying smiled slightly and said:

"Yes, curiosity is a good thing... I know something about the spiritual dragon, and I can explain it to you."

After a pause, Luo Ying continued to explain:

"A dragon with spiritual veins has a chance of being born only with the best spiritual veins...and the probability of birth is less than one in ten thousand!"

"According to legend, there was once a cultivating organization in the world called Qianji Pavilion, which existed for an unknown number of years..."

"Qianji Pavilion once listed the list of treasures in the world, divided into three lists of heaven, earth and people..."

"And this spiritual dragon is at the top of the earth's list! The leader in spiritual veins in the world!"

"It is rumored... that spiritual dragons are born with wisdom and know how to be grateful... but the personalities of each spiritual dragon vary greatly. Some are mature and steady, while others have a naughty child's personality..."

"The lifespan of a dragon with spiritual veins is almost infinite. Even immortals cannot match it. They truly live as long as the heaven and the earth, and the sun and the moon shine together."

Su Xing raised his eyebrows when he heard this. This was the first time Su Xing heard about the top three rankings of Qianji Pavilion and the fact that the Spirit Vein Dragon actually had a personality.

Su Xing continued to listen quietly, and Luo Ying slowly said:

"But all spiritual dragons have one thing in common. They are loose-minded and like freedom, and they like to exist among the mountains."

"If you feel sleepy after you are in a good mood, you may even choose to sleep in one place..."

"According to legend, after sleeping for a few years, low-grade spiritual veins can be born in that place... After sleeping for decades, middle-grade spiritual veins can be born... After sleeping for hundreds of years, high-grade spiritual veins can appear out of thin air in a place!"

"Spiritual vein dragons are usually distinguished guests from major sects. Large sects often invite spiritual vein dragons to sleep in the sect for thousands of years, and then the best spiritual veins can be born!"

"Haha, in our Luotian Sect, we have one hundred and twenty-eight top-grade spiritual veins, more than half of which were passed down by a senior spiritual vein dragon..."

"In addition, the Dragon of Spiritual Vein can also transform pure spiritual energy and give birth to top-quality spiritual stones... There are many wonderful benefits. Owning a Dragon of Spiritual Vein is equivalent to having almost endless cultivation resources!"

After hearing this, Su Xing's eyes lit up and his breathing became rapid.

Giving birth to the best spiritual stones is equivalent to having a treasure house with endless spiritual stones!

So Su Xing asked nervously:

"Then Master, how do you subdue a spiritual dragon?"

After hearing Su Xing's words, Luo Ying smiled and shook his head:

"You kid, you have such big ambitions..."

"There are only a handful of forces in the three thousand worlds that can possess spiritual dragons... all of them are the top sects in the world of Wei Zhen!"

"Even so, these forces do not really own a spiritual dragon, but only have a contract with the spiritual dragon. The spiritual dragon lives within the force, but the force will try its best to meet the requirements of the spiritual dragon. …This is a win-win situation!”

"Take our Luo Tian Sect as an example. There was once a master-level figure who befriended a spiritual dragon and made a contract with him. That senior spiritual dragon stayed in our Luo Tian Sect for a long time. ...Leaves a foundation of hundreds of thousands of years of inheritance for our Luo Tian Sect..."

After a pause, Luo Ying seemed to have thought of something, and then added:

"It is extremely difficult for a spiritual dragon to recognize its master. If it recognizes its master, it must be loyal..."

"It is said that countless years ago, there was a powerful immortal who saved a young spiritual dragon and began to cultivate feelings for the spiritual dragon from a young age... It is precisely because of this that the spiritual dragon will always accompany this person. Beside the monk..."

Su Xing was still a little disappointed at first, but after hearing Luo Ying's last few words, he regained hope.

The spiritual dragon he encountered in the ruins of the Wanmu Sect, wasn't it a juvenile body?

And if Su Xing can save the spiritual dragon, will he be recognized as the master of the spiritual dragon?

Thinking of this... I felt extremely happy the moment I woke up.

"Thank you Master for clarifying my doubts!"

Su Xing said happily, and then went to the back mountain to pick up Senior Brother Shennong.

After that, as always, he woke up and entered the Sutra Pavilion to read books on common knowledge in the world of immortality.

Soon the day passed and the immersive simulation time ended.

Awakening consciousness returns to the real world.

"The Dragon of Spiritual Vein...must be obtained as soon as possible!"

Su Xing had some expectation in his eyes.

He couldn't wait to give it a try.

"With my current strength, combined with the blood-burning method, I might be able to kill Master Wanmu! After all, he is only...half-step into the integration stage..."

Su Xing murmured, looking at the simulation panel.

[After coming out of the copy of Luotian Conference, you stayed in Kyoto for a few more days and met Luo Shuying as promised. 】

[You brought the Concentration Pill to Luo Shuying and successfully joined the Advent Cult. 】

[You have a large number of religious followers...]

[In the next two years, you will continue to refine elixirs in the Advent Sect and find ways to further improve your own strength. 】

[After making repeated decisions, you are ready to practice the spiritual explosion technique. 】

[The power of the Spiritual Explosion Technique has reached the level of minor magical power, and it is considered one of the strongest offensive techniques in your hand... If you can cultivate it to a perfect level and cooperate with the earth sword, it will be easy to kill the monks in the integration stage beyond the level. 】

[So you refine the elixir and study the spiritual explosion technique at the same time. 】

[Two years passed like this. 】

[In the third year, you find that you have encountered a huge bottleneck in reaching the perfect level of spiritual explosion, that is, you cannot inject enough fire spiritual power into the wood spiritual power to achieve the coexistence of the five elements and further increase the power of magical powers. 】

[So, you are going to study the Five Elements Interaction Technique first. 】

[In the same year, when you saw that the time was right, you took Luo Shuying and rebelled against Adventism. 】

[Before you rebelled against the Adventist Cult, you slaughtered all the top leaders of the Adventist Cult. 】

[You successfully tricked more than 20,000 believers into joining the Demon Suppression Pass. 】

[You have provided many elixirs to Daxia and added many strong men. 】

[In the fourth year, you begin to try the practice of the Five Elements Mutual Generation Technique. 】

[The more you delve into it, the more you feel that this skill has extraordinary magical powers. 】

[This technique can not only increase the power of the Five Elements spells, but can even neutralize the Five Elements spiritual energy in the body, allowing the spiritual energy to flow more smoothly and achieve the effect of increasing the speed of cultivation. 】

[Even the production of the Five Elements Formation and the Miniature Spirit Gathering Formation... can be inspired by this technique. 】

[This will further strengthen your determination to practice the Five Elements Mutual Prosperity Technique. 】

[So in addition to practicing this skill every day... you will also observe the Spring Thunder on the day of the Waking of Insects every year. 】

[The thunder of Jingzhe Sun is the only thunder of the year that contains a trace of the Way of Thunder. You can gain a lot by observing it. 】

[In this way, three years passed slowly. 】

[In the seventh year, your understanding of the Five Elements Mutual Generation Technique has finally begun, and you can feel the power of this technique. 】

[This is not a cultivation method, but it can perfectly coordinate the Qianyan Jue and Changchun Gong you practice, creating fire with wood and increasing the speed of practice! 】

[At the same time, with the in-depth study of the Five Elements Mutual Generation Technique, you also sensed the opportunity for the Spiritual Explosion Technique to reach perfection. 】

[But what makes you a little troubled is that you are still stagnant in your understanding of the Avenue of Thunder and the ultimate power. 】

[You know in your heart that if you want to successfully understand the origin of power, you may only rely on sudden enlightenment. 】

[But you can’t decide this, you can only try it over and over again, hoping to inspire serendipitous epiphany. 】

[In this way, another three years have passed. 】

[In the tenth year, your understanding of the Five Elements Interaction is one step closer. Although you have not reached the Xiaocheng level, you have benefited a lot. 】

[In the same year, you went to the Demon Suppressing Pass and killed dozens of legendary monsters, shocking the human race. 】

[In the eleventh year, on Jingzhe Day, you observed the Spring Thunder, hoping to understand the origin of power, but failed. 】

[In the twelfth year, you continue to try to practice the Spirit Explosion Technique, hoping to perfect the Spirit Explosion Technique. 】

[In this way, while you are practicing the Spiritual Explosion Technique, and at the same time comprehending the Five Elements Interaction Art, another three years have passed. 】

[In the fifteenth year, you have become increasingly sophisticated in your practice of spiritual explosion, and you are only one step away from perfection. 】

[In the sixteenth year, one day, you felt blessed, sensed the spiritual energy of wood and fire in your body, and gradually understood the essence of the interdependence of the five elements. 】

[Your understanding of the Five Elements Mutual Generation Technique has successfully reached the level of Xiaocheng! 】

[In the seventeenth year, as you gain a deeper understanding of the five elements of spiritual energy, your last bottleneck in the perfection of spiritual explosion has been completely broken. 】

[Congratulations, your mastery of the Spirit Explosion Technique has finally reached the level of perfection! 】

In the real world, Su Xing sighed slightly when he saw this:

"Alas, it seems that the great road of heaven and earth...the understanding of the origin of power is more difficult than I thought..."

Su Xing's original plan was that as long as he could understand the origin of power, he could bring it out. In the future, it would be easier to understand the origin of power.

But in this simulation, awakening failed to trigger a serendipitous epiphany.

"However, the Five Elements Mutual Regeneration Technique and the Spiritual Explosion Technique are perfect... which is pretty good!"

"After you have perfected the Spiritual Explosion Technique, and combined with the perfection of the Earth Sword, it shouldn't be a big problem to defeat Master Wan Mu..."

There was some expectation in Su Xing's eyes.

"However, to be cautious, you can wait another two years..."

Thinking of this, Xing Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[In the eighteenth year, enter the killing battlefield of the beast world. 】

[With the terrifying power of swordsmanship and spiritual explosion, you killed hundreds of legendary monsters in just one year. 】

[In the nineteenth year, you left the world of beast control and returned to Blue Star. 】

[You decide to practice the Five Elements Reciprocity Technique one last time, and then challenge Master Wanmu. 】

[In this way, another three years have passed. 】

[In the twenty-first year, your understanding of the Five Elements Mutual Generation Technique is still at the minor level. 】

[You know in your heart that if you want to successfully comprehend the Dacheng level during this simulation, it may be a bit difficult, so you decide to challenge Master Wanmu directly. 】

[With your current strength, you are at least 80-90% sure of defeating Master Wanmu. Even if Master Wanmu has a trump card, you are confident of escaping unscathed. 】

[You went to the Immortal Martial Era dungeon and collected three pieces of jade. 】

[You successfully entered the ruins of Wanmu Sect. 】

[You walked through the long tomb passage in front of you and met the living dead puppet. 】

[You swung your sword and successfully killed this living dead puppet. 】

[You have arrived at the core area of ​​the Wanmu Sect ruins. 】

[You unlocked the formation in the core area of ​​the ruins and entered it. 】

[You feel the rich spiritual energy in the air and see the spiritual fields. 】

[You saw the spirit dragon trapped by the formation, and you also saw the bronze sarcophagus. 】

[In order to prevent the aftermath of the battle from destroying the medicinal materials in these spiritual fields, you transplanted all the medicinal materials in the spiritual fields into the spiritual field cave. 】

[Then, you try to move those puppets into Lingtian Cave. 】

[These puppets seem to have no intelligence and only know how to farm. 】

[Then, you return to the core of the ruins and look at the spiritual dragon in front of you. 】

[Looking at the spirit dragon trapped in the formation, wrapped in black energy and neighing, you feel compassion. 】

[After careful consideration, you try to break the formation to free the Spiritual Vein Dragon. 】

[But you have studied for several days and found that this formation is actually very good, and you cannot directly solve it with your current formation. 】

[So in desperation, you can only decide to defeat all methods with one force! 】

[You take a deep breath, the energy sinks into your Dantian, exert force on your waist, and wrap your arms around Yuanli... Then, tens of millions of tons of force are blasted out! 】

[With one blow, the formation that trapped the spirit dragon instantly began to shatter layer by layer. 】

[You nodded slightly when you saw this, and then added another punch, finally completely shattering the formation! 】

[After the formation was broken, the more than one foot long spiritual dragon escaped from the trap, with a hint of excitement flashing in its eyes. 】

[I saw him wailing for a while, then running towards the outside of the tomb passage without looking back, without looking back at you at all. 】

[You are suddenly confused. Why did the originally thought plot of the spiritual dragon repaying his kindness disappear? 】

[You didn’t have time to think too much, you were just about to chase after the spiritual dragon. 】

[But at this moment, the bronze coffin behind him made waves, and a long, old and angry voice came. 】

【who is it? Disturbing my deep sleep...How dare you ruin this important event! 】

[Seeing Master Wanmu's revival, there is a solemn look in your eyes. 】

[The protective aura and Yuanli armor are instantly condensed. You hold the sword Mo Bing in one hand, and the other hand begins to slowly form a spiritual power cyclone. 】

[The scene where Master Wan Mu instantly killed you is still vivid in my mind. 】

[But you are no longer the mere cultivator of the Divine Transformation Stage. With your current strength, Master Wanmu may not be your opponent. 】

[The lid of the bronze sarcophagus was directly lifted off, and a young figure with a terrifying aura flew out. 】

[His complexion is as pale as a living dead, he is none other than Zhenren Wanmu! 】

[The first thing Wanmu Zhenren did when he woke up was to check the formation under the sarcophagus. 】

[When he found that there was nothing in the formation, his expression changed slightly, and then his consciousness was released like a tide. 】

[Zhenren Wanmu quickly sensed the spirit dragon that was running away like crazy. His face was filled with joy and he was about to give chase. 】

[At the same time, he also noticed your presence. 】

[Feeling your breath, he frowned slightly and was about to say something. 】

[But you didn’t give him any time to react, and directly blasted towards Wanmu Zhenren with a spiritual explosion! 】

[After throwing out the Spiritual Explosion Technique, you activate the body-protecting Gangqi and instantly escape far away. The power of this Spiritual Explosion Technique is much stronger than before, and it is very likely that the ruins of the Wanmu Sect will be directly destroyed. 】

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