While others are practicing leveling, I am cultivating immortality, and I will survive until I reach

Chapter 156 Bring out the reward, awaken the heart of seeking truth! (

The 15th awakening of the heart of seeking truth! (5k)

[You are shocked. The physical strength of this puppet is probably not weaker than that of a monk in the Shattering Void Realm! 】

[Your sword energy caused almost no damage to it, but the puppet arrived in front of you in just one breath and punched you! 】

[Seeing this, you quickly wrapped your energy around your fists to resist. 】

[The fists collided, and you flew backwards and hit the stone wall, with a trace of blood flowing from your mouth. 】

[You are a bit incredible. This puppet's pure physical strength is actually higher than yours, and its physical strength is even higher than yours by an unknown amount. 】

[You are sure in your heart that this is a puppet comparable to a monk in the Shattering Void Realm! 】

[After you were knocked away by a punch, you could see the appearance of the puppet clearly with the help of the faint light coming from the wall. 】

[The appearance is exactly the same as that of a human, but his skin is strangely pale, like a vampire in Western legends. The withered wrinkles of his skin make him look extremely oozing. 】

[This seems to be a living dead who was sacrificed and turned into a powerful puppet. 】

[While you are thinking, this puppet attacks you again. 】

[After dozens of rounds of fierce fighting, you have been injured in many places. 】

[And the puppet's offensive becomes more and more fierce, and the endless power coming from its body is almost impossible to resist. 】

[Your battle causes mysterious fluctuations to continue to be heard on the surrounding stone walls. It is some kind of defensive formation, which seems to be to prevent the collapse of this ancient tomb. 】

[You persisted for more than ten rounds, and it was already difficult to resist. This living dead puppet is much stronger than Zong Laogou. 】

[You know in your heart that you are no match for him, so you want to leave the ruins. 】

[However, the living dead puppets are chasing after you. After fighting for dozens of rounds, your body collapsed and was smashed into a pulp. 】

[After your soul left the body, you prepared to continue running away, but the living dead puppet just stretched out his right hand and grabbed your soul. 】

[Put it into your mouth, and you feel a huge suction force, swallowing up your soul. 】

【you are dead! 】

[Ding, this simulation is over! 】

After the simulation ended, Su Xing looked at the text in front of him and was silent for a long time.

"As expected of a large sect that once gave birth to immortals...does even a puppet have strength comparable to the Void-Breaking Realm?"

Su Xing was a little lucky that he had not chosen to rush directly into the ruins before, otherwise he would have lost a level of spiritual transformation.

But now that the simulation time of 25 years has run out, even if he dies, it will not be a loss.

Su Xing touched his chin and murmured:

"This puppet should be the guardian puppet of the ancient tomb ruins, right? Who is the owner of this ancient tomb ruins? Even the guardian puppet can rival the monks of the Shattering Void Realm!"

"Hiss...at least he is a Dzogchen Realm Returner, or even a monk in the Fusion Stage, right?"

Su Xing sighed softly in his heart and said:

"It's a pity. With my current strength, I can only last dozens of rounds against a strong person in the Shattering Void Realm..."

"If you want to defeat this puppet, I'm afraid you still have to practice to the Shattering Void Realm to have any hope!"

"But there is definitely a big secret hidden in the ruins of this ancient tomb. If you achieve the Void Breaking Realm, you may be able to visit the ancient tomb again!"

Su Xing carefully recalled what happened in the simulation just now and listed several key points.

"First of all, these ancient tomb ruins are definitely not just monks sleeping. Otherwise, thousands of years ago, no monks in the Breaking Void and Transformation Stage monks would have died."

"Secondly, there is a weak spiritual energy in that ancient tomb, maybe it has a spirit-gathering flower, or maybe it's a spiritual vein! But... I'm more inclined to the latter!"

"Finally, and most importantly, what is the identity of the owner of the ancient tomb? Could the Heavenly Level Skill Ten Thousand Wood Jue be in the owner of the ancient tomb?"

Thinking of this, Su Xing took a deep breath.

Whether it is Changchun Gong's advanced technique Wan Mu Jue or the spiritual veins in the ancient tomb, they are all a huge temptation for Awakening!

When you are strong enough, you must go again!

"It's a pity that Yuan Li has not yet advanced to the third level, and it is still far away from entering the realm of breaking the void..."

"It's better to take it one step at a time and take care of the things in front of you!"

Su Xing sighed and looked at the simulation panel expectantly.

[Item Refining Wizard]: Purple talent, priced at 1 million points of energy.

[Ten years of experience in alchemy]: Insights into alchemy, priced at 500,000 energy.

[Fourth Level of Divine Transformation Stage]: Qi refining cultivation, priced at 30 million energy.

[Xuanhuang Gong]: Xuan-level skill, which can be cultivated up to the stage of returning to the void. It is a component of the Tian-level skill Wan Mu Jue, priced at 1 million energy.

[Floating Life Kung Fu]: A mysterious-level technique that can be practiced up to the stage of returning to the void. It is a component of the Tian-level technique Wan Mujue and sells for 2 million energy.

[10,000 drops of low-grade spiritual liquid]: It is condensed from extremely rich spiritual energy. It can warm and nourish the Dantian, promote cultivation, and is easy to absorb. The price is 1 million energy.

[Bagua fortune-telling technique (disabled)]: Heaven-level secret method, which records the human luck chapter of the second chapter of the secret technique, which can measure good and bad luck. It is not as valuable as the national luck chapter, and is sold for 30 million energy.

[2,300 Juling Flowers (mature stage), 1,500 Juling Flower seeds]: Priced at 245 million energy.

[Experiences of Yuanli Cultivation (Tangle Level)]: Although it has not broken through the realm, it has improved its understanding of Yuanli. It is sold for 8 million energy.

In this simulation, Su Xing gained a lot.

Not only did he make great breakthroughs in Qi refining, but he even newly explored the Immortal Martial Era dungeon and found the way to break the void in the future.

"So, with so many rewards, how do you choose?"

Su Xing looked at the reward in front of him and fell into deep thought.

Although the weapon-refining wizard talent is good, Su Xing currently has no plans to refine weapons, and he does not have a weapon-refining manual.

You can put it in the talent pool for now and then pull it out when the time is right.

Although Xuanhuang Kung Fu and Fusheng Kung Fu are Xuanjie Kung Fu, Su Xing has already practiced Changchun Kung Fu. These two techniques are not worth wasting a simulation opportunity by Su Xing.

Perhaps in the future, you can directly obtain the Wan Mu Jue in the simulation and then bring it out, which will be easier.

"As for the low-grade spiritual liquid..."

Su Xing shook his head slightly.

The low-grade spiritual fluid comes from the Lingtian Cave Heaven, which means it indirectly comes from the Spirit-Gathering Flower.

If you choose the spiritual liquid directly, you will be neglecting the basics.

Moreover, ten thousand drops of spiritual liquid is not too much. Maybe you can accumulate more in the future and bring out twenty years of accumulated spiritual liquid at once, which can greatly increase the speed of practice.

I have memorized the Bagua arithmetic technique, so there is no need to waste the opportunity.

And the cultivation of Yuanli did not trigger enlightenment, so it was not worth choosing.

After hesitating for a moment, Su Xing decided:

"I choose the fourth level of spiritual transformation and the Spirit Gathering Flower!"

As he finished speaking, the simulator's prompt sounded in Su Xing's ears.

[You successfully brought out the fourth level of cultivation in the Divine Transformation Stage, spending 30 million energy, and the remaining energy is 455.43 million points. 】

[You successfully brought out 2,300 Spirit-Juding Flowers and 1,500 Spirit-Gathering Flower seeds, spending 245 million energy points, and the remaining energy is 210.43 million points. new】

Seeing the sudden drop in simulated energy in the simulator, Su Xing's heart was bleeding.

But it's all worth it!

The next second, the aura on Su Xing's body began to rise!

The first level of the divine transformation stage... the second level of the divine transformation stage... the third level of the divine transformation stage!

Finally, the fourth level of the Divine Transformation Stage!

In just a few breaths, Su Xing's cultivation level broke through three small realms in succession.

In the end, he stayed at the fourth level of the Divine Transformation Stage, and was not even far from the fifth level of the Divine Transformation Stage!

"Hiss... In the middle stage of becoming a god... the spiritual power in the body has increased by more than 50% compared to before!"

"This means that I can make elixirs and ripening elixirs better!"

The corners of Su Xing's mouth rose slightly, indicating that he was at the fourth level of the Divine Transformation Stage, although it had little impact on Su Xing's combat power.

But it can still further improve Su Xing’s earning power.

"So... where is the Soul-Gathering Flower?"

Su Xing's heart moved, and when he looked up, he saw small white flowers all over the mountains and plains.

Gathered together in clusters, these lovely soul-gathering flowers make Su Xing’s mood instantly improve!

"Hahaha... There are nearly 3,500 spirit-gathering flowers. Such a large number is enough to promote the spiritual field blessed land to the cave heaven!"

Su Xing couldn't wait to come near the Spirit-Gathering Flowers, and sure enough, he saw these cute little white flowers, working hard to breathe in spiritual energy.

Every time you swallow, more spiritual energy will be released!

With such a cycle of conscience, the spiritual energy content of the entire mountain is increasing rapidly!

Su Xing looked at this scene with satisfaction, nodded and said:

"Yes, according to this progress, it may take less than half a month for Lingtian Paradise to be promoted to Cave Heaven!"

The promotion of the blessed land to the cave heaven is not achieved overnight, but requires that the spiritual energy content in the blessed land is sufficient.

More than 3,000 spirit-gathering flowers are releasing spiritual energy like crazy, like multiple tireless spiritual energy production machines, allowing the blessed land to slowly evolve.


By then, not only will the awakening cultivation speed increase a lot, but the growth speed of the spiritual plants and spiritual pets in the portable spiritual field will also accelerate.

"Of course, and the most important thing is the spiritual liquid!"

Su Xing carefully collected the seeds of the Spirit-Gathering Flower. He was not in a hurry to plant them, but packed them up and prepared to leave the Lingtian Blessed Land.

Follow the future trajectory in the simulation.

Today will be the last class reunion of the university.

Although Su Xing is not familiar with most of his classmates, if he participates, Su Xing's mood will improve.

So it doesn’t hurt to go there.

Soon, Su Xing came out of the Lingtian Blessed Land, returned to the dormitory, and saw Fatty Yu who had been waiting for a long time.

Fatty Yu seemed to be in a good mood. He came over and patted Su Xing on the shoulder and said:

"Xiao Suzi! Don't run around tonight. I'm here to call you at the last class reunion!"

Fatty Yu still looks the same, but some time has passed, and his round face looks a little rounder.

Su Xing nodded when he heard this. He was going to attend this party.

After thinking about it, Su Xing asked:

"Fat man, where do you plan to go after graduation?"

After hearing this, Fatty Yu looked around, then glanced at Su Xing mysteriously and said:

"Brother, I plan to go to Zhenyao Pass to kill the enemy!"

"It's strange to say that my strength has improved very quickly during this period, and I have already broken through to the master level... I am going to go to the Demon Suppression Pass to slay those monster beasts with majesty!"

Su Xing frowned slightly after hearing this.

According to Fatty Yu's original life trajectory, he should not have broken through to the Grandmaster level at this time.

I think it was the Yuan Yang Dan that Su Xing gave him that helped him break through.

But Su Xing understands the dangers of Demon Suppression Pass better than anyone else.

Will Fatty Yu’s life be in danger if he goes to Zhenyao Pass?

Su Xing's heart stirred, and he was about to give a warning, but then he thought, the Demon Suppression Pass today is not as dangerous as it would be ten years ago.

If he had not died, Fatty Yu's strength might have further improved in the Demon Suppression Pass.

With Fatty Yu’s talent, he might even be able to complete his life transformation within a few years and be promoted to the Heavenly King level!

Thinking of this, Su Xing did not persuade Yu Yan, but took out a bottle of elixir from his pocket and handed it to Fatty Yu.

"Fat man, this is the elixir I got by accident in the dungeon. It can slightly increase the mental attributes. I'll keep it if it's useless... so I'll give it to you!"

Fatty Yu grinned after hearing this and took it directly without any courtesy.

Then he gave Su Xing a look, winked and said:

"Brother, I understand! Don't worry, I am the only one who will take this pill!"

Seeing Fatty Yu's smart expression, Su Xing was a little surprised. Could it be that this guy really saw something?

But then Fatty Yu hooked up with Su Xing and left the dormitory, heading towards the gathering place.

"Let's go, my brothers are impatient to wait!"

Soon, Su Xing and Fatty Yu came to a Laoji food stall opposite the school.

The price is not expensive, but the taste is very good. Su Xing will eat it occasionally.

There were about twenty classmates attending the party. Except for Fatty Yu, Su Xing and the others were just acquaintances, and some of them couldn't even be called by their names.

"Come on, come on, brothers, let's go one by one!"

"Hahaha! I heard that your boy was promoted to master level some time ago? You have to pay for this meal!"

"Xiao Liu is doing well, isn't he? I heard that he was recruited by a big chamber of commerce, and he is expected to break through to the Grandmaster level in the future!"

A group of young people in their early twenties gathered together, their faces red from drinking.

At this moment, a tall and thin young man stood up, raised the wine glass in his hand and said:

"Haha, don't you know this yet? Fatty Yu broke through to become a master-level professional some time ago! In our generation, his strength ranks among the top three!"

As soon as these words came out, the other students cast envious glances and then toasted to Yu Yan.

The atmosphere of the whole party was quite good.

Only Su Xing sat alone in the corner, occasionally drinking a few glasses of wine with Yu Yan, and occasionally drinking alone.

There was no scene of pretending to be slapped in the face as expected. Although these students were not enthusiastic about Su Xing, they were not ostracized either.

Perhaps for Fatty Yu's sake, several classmates even paid Su Xing several times tribute.

Su Xing responded one by one.

Looking at these young faces in front of him, Su Xing couldn't help but recall the scene when he first started school four years ago.

At that time, Awakening was so proud that he was known as a genius that was rare to see in Kyoto University for ten years!

Relying on the powerful physique of the body-refining cultivator, Su Xing even crushed the group of heavenly heroes who had just reached the bronze level.

Winning the first place in the freshman competition...

However, things are unpredictable, and soon Su Xing found that he could not upgrade and his strength could hardly be improved.

Those eager friends gradually drifted away.

Even the teachers are completely disappointed with Su Xing...

It wasn't until Su Xing got the golden finger more than half a year ago that he fully grew up.

"In just half a year, from a young monk at the first level of Qi refining... to a powerful person in the God Transformation stage... this is really a wonderful experience!"

Su Xing thought so, and felt quite enlightened for a while.

"However, whether it is refining Qi or transforming into a god...whether it is bronze or a legend...if you don't become the first-class strong man in the world, you will eventually die in that sudden change!"

Su Xing took a sip of wine silently and recalled everything he had experienced in the five stages of transformation.

He sighed: "As a Taoist, if you want to live forever...how can you stick to small details? After all these years of cold looks, ups and downs..."

"It's just...a little bit of trouble in the process of cultivating Taoism!"

After drinking the wine in one gulp, my heart for awakening and seeking the truth became more determined.

At this moment, Su Xing’s mood improved...

At midnight, the party ended, and Su Xing helped the drunk Fatty Yu back to the dormitory.

Looking at Yu Yan, who was sleeping soundly, he woke up and silently entered the portable spiritual field, using his spiritual power to dissipate the drunkenness.

"Hey, let's continue making alchemy!"

Su Xing skillfully led a life of alchemy.

A week passed quickly.

Most of the students who woke up this week graduated and left school.

But Su Xing's life was as regular as ever. As expected, Liu Xiaodong informed him that he was to repeat the grade. Su Xing was not upset and just continued to refine elixirs.

Soon, on July 8, Su Xing met Jin Congxue with the pill.

Jin Congxue wore a beautiful red dress today, warm and unrestrained.

"Hehe, big boss... congratulations on your graduation!"

Jin Congxue smiled and said to Su Xing.

Su Xing rolled his eyes and said:

"Pull him down, I'm repeating the grade!"

Jin Congxue was a little confused when he heard this, and said in shock: "No way, you will repeat the grade with your strength. Is the threshold of Kyoto University so high?"

Su Xing explained a little bit when he heard the words.

Then he thought of something and said to Jin Congxue:

"By the way, you can arrange a casual position for me in Kyoto University, such as a librarian!"

"School will start in September, and I don't want to live in a dormitory with my fellow students then... It would be better to have a single dormitory, which is more convenient for me!"

After hearing this, Jin Congxue nodded slightly and understood what Su Xing meant.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of this little thing. You can go to the library to report tomorrow! Crane tail?"

After saying that, Jin Congxue covered her mouth and smiled softly, looking very charming.

Su Xing also smiled, chatted with Jin Congxue for a few more words, and then returned to the empty dormitory with the new week's goods.

"That guy, Fatty Yu, shouldn't have any trouble at the Demon Suppression Pass, right?"

"The Demon Suppression Pass is relatively safe now. If you have a chance in the future... you can give him some more treasures. It shouldn't be a big problem..."

Su Xing shook his head slightly and immediately entered the blessed land of Lingtian.

The new week's goods were exchanged for simulated energy, and the awakened energy increased by another 16 million points.

There are a lot of them, but for those who have experienced the "big deal", they are only considered good.

On the afternoon of July 8, 2024 in the new era, Su Xing started a new round of simulation on time.

"Start simulation!"

【Ding! This simulation consumes 4400 energy points, and the remaining energy is 220 million simulation times. 】

【Simulation begins! 】

[It costs 1,000 energy points to extract green talents, 1,000 energy points to extract blue talents, and 10,000 energy points to extract purple talents. Do you want to extract them? 】

"Extract the purple talent!"

Su Xing said silently.

[Congratulations on getting the purple talent: it’s so cute even though it’s small! 】

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