While others are practicing leveling, I am cultivating immortality, and I will survive until I reach

Chapter 155: The birth of spiritual liquid, a first exploration of the ancient tomb ruins! (5k

Chapter 155: The birth of spiritual liquid, a first exploration of the ancient tomb ruins! (5k)

Su Xing opened her mouth from ear to ear in surprise.

You must know that the Qi Refiner's skills are divided into four levels: Heaven, Earth, Xuanhuang.

The Changchun Gong that Su Xing is currently practicing is just a mere Xuanjie.

At the highest level, you can cultivate to the Great Perfection of the Return to Void Stage.

Higher-level earth-level skills can be practiced up to the integration and Mahayana stages.

And the heaven-level skills are the secret that leads directly to the immortal path!

Even in large sects such as Luotian Sect, one needs to reach the level of inner sect elder to be qualified to practice heaven-level techniques.

What Su Xing was originally worried about was that after refining his Qi and returning to the void, he would no longer be able to progress further.

But he didn't expect that this simulation gave him a huge surprise!

"Wan Mu Jue... can be called a heaven-level skill, which at least means that among the seniors who majored in this skill, there was at least one immortal!"

Su Xing murmured slightly.

That's right, it's not the skill that determines the upper limit of a monk, it's the monk who achieves the upper limit of the skill!

Even if a skill is infinitely mysterious, it still requires monks who practice it and become immortals to be qualified to be called heaven-level!

"Wan Mu Jue...does it take the three profound level skills to be integrated into one to achieve the heaven level?"

Su Xing frowned slightly and calmed down his emotions.

In the simulator, although he obtained three techniques, the specific method of merging them into the heaven-level technique Wan Mu Jue was definitely not as simple as practicing at the same time.

"Perhaps, you can ask that innate master?"

Su Xing's heart moved and he looked at the simulation panel.

[After knowing that it was about heaven-level skills, you felt excited and asked how the three skills could be upgraded to heaven-level. 】

[After several inquiries, the old man did not know the secret, but he said that the ruins may contain the secret of how Wan Mu Jue can regain its former glory. 】

[After listening to this, you have made up your mind. It seems that you must visit this ruins! 】

[So you put the three pieces of jade together, but nothing happened. 】

[You were a little confused, then with a thought in your heart, you poured your spiritual power into the broken jade. 】

[Sure enough, a magical scene happened. Under the injection of spiritual power, these three broken jade pieces slowly recovered and finally merged into a simple jade pendant. 】

[This jade pendant is engraved with a vibrant sketch of trees and flowers, which is probably the symbol of Wanmu Sect. 】

[You put your consciousness into the jade pendant, and sure enough you saw a map. The location marked on the map is probably the address of the ruins. 】

[You secretly note every detail on the map, but thousands of years have passed, things have changed, and many iconic buildings have been washed away by time. 】

[You have carefully observed and studied for several days and roughly determined the location of this ruins. 】

[According to the records on the map in the jade pendant, this ruins is located in a mountain approximately five thousand miles northwest of Wanmu Sect. 】

[It took you a day to get to the mountain, but the vast mountain stretches for hundreds of miles, so it is not easy to find a ruin. 】

[So, for the next month, while practicing, you used your spiritual consciousness to explore every part of this stretching mountain range, not missing any detail. 】

[One month passed quickly, and with your continuous search, you finally narrowed down the scope of the ruins to a large mountain. 】

[Your consciousness reached out and enveloped the entire mountain, carefully examining every detail, not even a rabbit nest. 】

[But the so-called ruins are still not found. 】

[You begin to wonder if there is something wrong with the map, but after repeated comparisons, you feel that it should still be in this big mountain. 】

[You didn’t give up and used your spiritual sense to search carefully again, but still couldn’t find it. 】

[In desperation, you can only decide to visit every corner of this mountain in person, hoping to gain something. 】

[In the next month, you travel among the mountains and rivers, looking for places where ruins may exist, admiring the great mountains and rivers, and occasionally hunting game. 】

[Experiencing tranquility and peace among the mountains and rivers, your mood will improve...]

[Until a month later, you found a boulder more than one foot high, falling in a valley. 】

[This boulder looks ordinary. It has experienced countless years of wind and rain, and is already somewhat dilapidated. It blends perfectly with the surrounding flowers, plants and trees, without any sense of abruptness. 】

[But what may surprise you is that the naked eye can see this boulder, but the spiritual consciousness cannot sense the existence of the boulder! 】

[You immediately realized that this huge stone one foot high is the entrance to the ruins! 】

[You explore carefully in front of the boulder, and finally find that there should be some kind of formation on the boulder, which can not only interfere with spiritual consciousness, but also teleport to a mysterious space. 】

[There are two ways to crack such a formation. One is to study the formation together enough and crack it directly. 】

[Secondly, even if you break through all the magic with one force, you can directly blast boulders and formations with absolute power, and you can also enter them. 】

[You have no research on formations, so you are ready to use your strength to break them. 】

[You have accumulated great strength, guarding your Dantian with energy, and are preparing to smash the boulder with one punch...]

[Suddenly, an unprecedented wave of heart palpitations and panic appeared, which made you feel extremely uneasy, so you paused the action of smashing the boulders. 】

Su Xing frowned slightly when he saw this.

"Frustrated and uneasy? What's going on..."

After waking up and thinking carefully for a moment, I seemed to have a clear understanding in my mind.

"Could it be that my talent for seeking good fortune and avoiding misfortune is reminding me?"

Su Xing remembers that this talent of seeking good luck and avoiding evil can help people avoid danger as much as possible and make things develop in a good direction.

But now, just as he was about to smash the boulder, he received a reminder of his talent for seeking good luck and avoiding evil.

It's hard not to think about it. Maybe it will be dangerous to enter the ruins?

Su Xing pondered for a while, shook his head and said:

"It's just a simulation. Even if there is danger in the ruins, it is just death, but there is no loss..."

"However, the simulation has only been carried out for more than ten years now. The remaining ten years can definitely allow me to improve my Qi refining cultivation to a higher level..."

"Perhaps we can wait until we reach the fourth level of divine transformation before exploring this ruins?"

Obviously, practicing some more to improve your realm and then exploring again after the simulation period is almost reached is the most cost-effective option.

Su Xing thought so and looked at the simulation panel.

[The reminder of the talent of seeking good luck and avoiding evil has made you temporarily give up on entering this ruins. 】

[You plan to break through to the fourth level of divine transformation first, and then explore further. 】

[So you secretly noted the location of the boulder, then exited the instance and returned to the real world. 】

[Immediately afterwards, you enter the portable spiritual field and begin to cultivate your body day and night. 】

[In the seventeenth year, you practice for ten hours every day. The rich spiritual energy in the cave makes your cultivation more and more advanced. 】

[Unfortunately, your mastery of Yuanli is still at the entanglement level, with only slight improvement. You hope to trigger an epiphany. 】

[In the eighteenth year, your cultivation has gradually improved. As your state of mind improves, you feel that your cultivation has also accelerated. 】

[You still failed to trigger enlightenment, and your Yuanli is still at the entanglement level. 】

[In the nineteenth year, one day you were surprised to find that there was a drop of crystal clear water on the petals of the Soul-Gathering Flower in the Paradise of Cave Heaven. 】

[This is not the spiritual dew that grows naturally from spiritual plants, but the liquefied expression of spiritual energy, it is spiritual liquid! 】

[There is a big difference between spiritual dew and spiritual liquid. Spiritual dew is a healing holy object and can be used as an auxiliary medicine for a variety of healing elixirs. 】

[The spiritual liquid is similar to a spiritual stone and can help monks practice! 】

[Although this is just a drop of spiritual liquid, it gives you a signal that the concentration of spiritual energy in Lingtian Cave has reached the point where spiritual liquid can be produced! 】

When Su Xing saw this, his heart moved and he was immediately ecstatic.

"Ecral liquid! After this spiritual field blessed land was promoted to a cave, it can actually produce spiritual liquid!"

Su Xing recalled the information about the spiritual liquid in his mind. Uncle Shen Nong once mentioned the spiritual liquid.

Spiritual liquid, like spiritual stone, is a common currency in the world of immortality.

Compared with spiritual stones, spiritual liquid is gentler and easier to absorb.

Spiritual liquid also has quality, and the prices of spiritual liquid of different qualities vary.

Ten drops of low-quality spiritual liquid are equivalent to one spiritual stone, while high-quality spiritual liquid is even worth the same as the spiritual stone. One drop of spiritual liquid may even be exchanged for dozens or hundreds of spiritual stones.


"With the spiritual liquid, there is no doubt that my cultivation speed will be faster!"

"I just don't know, what is the quality of this spiritual liquid?"

Su Xing looked forward to the simulation panel with some anticipation.

[After confirming that the portable spirit field can produce spiritual liquid, you are pleasantly surprised and immediately start setting up the spirit gathering array. 】

[You spent a month and successfully arranged several spirit gathering arrays. After you carefully arranged and adjusted these spirit gathering arrays, they can gather the surrounding spiritual energy together to the greatest extent. 】

[In the middle of the Spirit Gathering Array, you have transplanted many Spirit Gathering Flowers, and spiritual liquid will appear on the Spirit Gathering Flowers every day. 】

[A week later, you successfully harvested a thousand drops of spiritual liquid! 】

[On average, it can produce more than a hundred drops of spiritual fluid a day! 】

[You store the spiritual liquid in a small jade bottle and then take a few drops. 】

[Then you start to practice Qigong and absorb the spiritual energy in the spiritual liquid. 】

[An hour later, you shook your head in disappointment. 】

[After taking the spiritual liquid, your cultivation speed will indeed be significantly accelerated, but it is far less than using spiritual stones to practice directly. 】

[According to your judgment, this spiritual liquid should be of the lowest quality. The effect of ten drops of spiritual liquid can barely be equivalent to that of a spiritual stone. 】

[But even so, you are very satisfied, because you have a stable channel for producing spiritual fluid, which is equivalent to harvesting more than ten spiritual stones every day. The cumulative effect is very impressive. 】

Seeing this, Su Xing nodded slightly and murmured:

"Sure enough, it's just as I thought... the portable spiritual field in the simulator has just been promoted to the cave level, and it's obviously just barely enough to produce spiritual liquid."

"But it's not bad. I only have less than a thousand spiritual stones in my hand, so I'm naturally reluctant to practice..."

"But the spiritual liquid is better absorbed than the spiritual stone, and my cultivation speed will further increase in the future! This is already an unexpected surprise, I must not be dissatisfied..."

Su Xing comforted himself like this and looked at the simulation panel.

[In the twentieth year, this year, you harvested a total of about 50,000 drops of spiritual liquid. You drank all of these spiritual liquids, and your cultivation became increasingly advanced. 】

[In the twenty-first year, the production of spiritual liquid in Lingtian Cave is very stable. You take about a hundred drops of spiritual liquid every day, and then take the Mingxin Pill and practice in a place with sufficient spiritual power. 】

[In just a few years, your cultivation has reached the fourth level of the Divine Transformation stage! 】

[In the twenty-second year, your cultivation level finally broke through again, reaching the fourth level of the Divine Transformation stage and entering the middle stage of the Divine Transformation stage! 】

Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this and said:

"It used to take seven years to go from the second level to the third level of the Transformation Stage. Now it should be more difficult to break through the fourth level from the third level, but it still only takes seven years... It must be the contribution of the spiritual liquid!"

[In the twenty-third year, you are still practicing in the blessed land of Lingtian, taking spiritual liquid every day, and sprinting towards the fifth level of the divine transformation stage! 】

[In the twenty-fourth year, your Yuanli is still at the entanglement level and is making slow progress. You focus more on cultivation! 】

[At the beginning of the twenty-fifth year, your Qi refining cultivation is still at the fourth level of the Divine Transformation stage, but it is much more advanced than before. 】

[You are very satisfied with this, and you know that the Demon Suppression Pass may be broken this year, and time is tight. 】

[So, you choose to enter the Immortal Martial Era dungeon again! 】


Seeing this, Su Xing was a little nervous, and at the same time he was very curious about what was hidden in the ruins.

His current cultivation level is at the level of divine power, but the danger in this copy is actually great enough for the talent of seeking good luck and avoiding evil to remind him.

"Wealth is found in danger! I want to see what is hidden in the ruins?"

[You came to the familiar mountains and found the boulder in your memory! 】

[This time you didn’t hesitate and blasted the boulder in front of you with one punch! 】

[As the boulder shatters, a white light group appears in front of your eyes. You understand that as long as you step into this light group, you will appear in the so-called ruins. 】

[The talent of pursuing good fortune and avoiding evil crazily reminds you not to enter. 】

[But you have made up your mind, step into the light group! 】

[The scenery in front of you changes. When you come back to your senses, you find yourself in a strange environment. 】

[You looked around. In the dark and humid environment, there was only a faint light coming from the luminous beads on the wall. 】

[You did not act rashly, but carefully observed the surrounding environment. 】

[There is a strange smell of sulfuric acid in the air, as well as the faint sound of water drops in the distance. 】

[With the faint light, you saw several corpses not far away. Under the erosion of time, only the skeletons were left, with traces of battle still remaining around them. 】

[The feeling of heart palpitations becomes more and more intense. You know that it is the talent of seeking good luck and avoiding evil that prompts you, but you still boldly take a few steps forward. 】

[You observe the appearance of those skeletons. Some have thick skeletons and look like men in life, while others are slender and seem to be women. 】

[But without exception, these skeletons are as crystal clear as jade, which proves that before their death, they were at least in the Nascent Soul Stage, or even monks in the Divine Transformation Stage! 】

[Because only Nascent Soul and Soul Transformation monks can keep their bones as crystal clear as jade thousands of years after death. 】

[Judging from the traces around them, they should have fought before they died, but their magic weapon storage bags are missing, and they seem to have been found. 】

[Seeing that you can't find any more useful information, you decide to move on. 】

[After walking several hundred steps, the originally ten-foot-wide passage gradually became only one-foot wide, but more and more luminous pearls were inlaid on the walls, and the light became brighter and brighter. 】

[At the same time, the palpitating feeling in your heart is getting stronger and stronger. 】

Su Xing frowned slightly when he saw this and said:

"Strange, shouldn't this ruins be the place where senior Wanmu Sect sleeps? How could there be a battle?"

"Even Yuanying and the monk who transformed into a god died at the door?"

"What happened in this ruins thousands of years ago... Are there any living monks in the ruins now?"

Su Xing became more and more curious, and also wanted to find out what the source of the danger warning was.

[You continue to move forward and soon find two more white bones in a corner. 】

[The two bones are crystal clear and as white as jade. You picked up a few bones and weighed them, and then you were shocked. 】

[These bones are extremely heavy, which shows that the density of the bones is extremely high. This is a manifestation of the superb realm of body-refining monks! 】

[Because only sufficient bone and muscle density can ensure that body-refining monks can explode with amazing power. 】

[According to your estimation, the density of these bones is even three points higher than yours, which means...]

[The two white bones on the ground were monks in the Void-Breaking Realm during their lifetimes! 】

Su Xing was shocked when she saw this and murmured:

"What exactly is hidden in these ruins? That even the monks from the Void-Breaking Realm died here?"

Su Xing suspects that thousands of years ago, when the monks from Wanmu Sect entered, there was a shocking battle.

And in that battle, Yuanying and Transformation cultivators may not be ranked high, and even cultivators in the Void-Breaking and Return-to-Void stages can only survive in the path of life and death?

"Why did that war start? Is it to compete for spiritual energy?"

"That's not right... We are all ready to fall asleep. There is no need to fight again before falling asleep..."

Su Xing became more and more confused and looked at the simulation panel.

[The uneasiness in your heart becomes stronger, but you still decide to continue exploring. 】

[After walking dozens of more steps, you suddenly notice thin spiritual energy in the air! 】

[Although this spiritual energy is thin, it shows that there is probably a spiritual vein remaining in this ruins. 】

[You keep going. 】

[Suddenly, there is a strange crashing sound in the darkness, and a black shadow passes in front of you! 】

[The black shadow is extremely fast, and you can’t even see its appearance clearly, but from the outline, you can roughly judge that it is a human being. 】

[As that figure flashed by, the bad feeling in your heart reached its peak, so you quickly took out your spiritual sword Mo Bing, ready to defend against the enemy at any time! 】

[Spiritual consciousness rushes forward like a tide, and you successfully sense the black shadow, which is less than thirty feet in front of you! 】

[But what shocks you is that this figure has no life at all. It is probably a puppet! 】

[Suddenly, the figure rushes towards you quickly. You quickly wave the ink in your hand and attack the puppet! 】

【Duang! 】

[A sword energy slashes at the puppet, and the sound of fighting is heard, but the figure only pauses slightly, and then continues to rush towards you...]

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