When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 999: Just give up, let's guard the camp

The eight-headed ancient beast quickly shifted his gaze to the place where the sound came from.

This voice sounded not far from them, but because of this, it was extremely strange, because they did not perceive each other's breath at all!

They are all ancient beasts in the ancestral realm, and some of them are ancient beasts with relatively strong smell and perception ability.

But this is good, no one has noticed it when they approached!

Still so close!

Their gazes shifted, and finally looked in one direction together.

There, at this time, stood a handsome man in a black robe.

Chen Ping'an squinted at the eight ancient beasts, and his face was a little indifferent now.

He never thought that these ancient beasts would come like this.

When he left this mountain range just now, he thought about it and felt that it was better to be cautious, so he separated a clone with the strength of the ancestors, and hid it well near here, and also wanted to hide a few clones as soon as they were hidden. months, or even a year.

After all, if he creates a treasure realm, that kind of strength is enough, and there is no need to use any powerful cultivation in the Hongmeng realm.

And the clone is here, the main thing is nothing, is to observe the place secretly, if the ancient beast that left comes back, and is about to find the hole they dug, he will take action, kill or try to put these The memory of the ancient beast is erased.

But he really didn't expect that after hiding in this place for a short time, he sensed the ancient beast of the Eight-headed Ancestral Realm, secretly approached here, and stopped as if to discuss something.

If it were changed to the general ancestral realm, he would definitely not be able to find these eight ancient ancestral realm beasts. He was different. He felt it all at once, and quietly went behind these ancient beasts, listening to all their discussions. ear.

It's okay not to listen. After listening, he doesn't know what to say.

These ancient beasts seem to have come because of the hole they dug not long ago!

He also mentioned the four words of Ping An!

What makes him speechless is that these ancient beasts are afraid of death, and even going down to check the situation, they are ready to use rock-paper-scissors to make a choice...

"I have something to ask you." Chen Ping'an looked at the eight-headed ancient beast indifferently and said.

These eight ancient beasts, he cannot let them go.

And his strength is enough to keep them.

After the eight ancient beasts saw Chen Ping'an clearly, they were all stunned.

Human race!

Found them!

They exclaimed in their hearts, and now that the beasts have not yet gone to investigate the situation, the human race has arrived, and it is still coming in this way, which is too unlucky!

At this time, they also saw clearly the strength of Chen Ping'an, respecting the ancestral realm, the strength is not so strong, and it is the same as theirs.

"It's not Emperor Ping An! Quickly take him down!" The tiger-shaped ancient beast said in a deep voice.

Although the other ancient beasts don't know how Chen Ping'an approached them, all they can do now is to shoot directly.

Therefore, without any hesitation, they moved directly and rushed towards Chen Ping'an.

Chen Pingan looked at the resolute appearance of these eight ancient beasts.

His speed is faster than these ancient beasts!

Like a ghost, he appeared directly in front of an ancient beast running at the front with a swoosh. Then, when he grabbed forward with one hand, a huge palm print appeared, and he grabbed it with one hand. With the force of his head, this ancient beast was dumbfounded and found that his body was out of control and fell straight to the ground.


The ground exploded.

The other ancient beasts were dumbfounded.

Chen Ping'an didn't stop at this moment, and the next moment he was in front of the next ancient beast, and he grabbed it with one hand.

In this way, under his strong attack like the autumn wind sweeping leaves, no ancient beast can take his blow!

Finally, he came to the front of the tiger-shaped ancient beast who shouted the loudest, but moved the slowest.

Unlike the previous ancient beasts, Chen Ping'an did not stun it directly, but said: "I will ask you a few questions, answer me honestly, and you don't have to suffer that kind of treatment."

The tiger-shaped ancient beast is now trembling.

The human race in front of me is too strong!

This **** doesn't look like a human at all! !

It never imagined that the man in front of it was the one they feared the most among the ancient beasts, but this man was just a clone of that man.

And listening to Chen Ping'an's words, it gritted its teeth and said sternly: "You can't imagine anything about our ancient beasts from me!"

Chen Pingan said: "Well, I'll see if you are tough."

After saying that, he moved.

The tiger-shaped ancient beast widened its eyes and began to meet its painful fate.

It's just half a stick of incense.

No, there is no time for half-candle incense either.

It screamed: "Master! Hero stop! I was wrong! You ask! You ask!"

Chen Pingan then stopped.

"You know that we dug a hole below?" Chen Pingan said in a deep voice.

The tiger-shaped ancient beast who was beaten to the point of doubting his life cried and nodded.

Chen Ping'an frowned, and asked in a deep voice, "Are there any other ancient beasts who know about it?"

That's the most important thing.

The tiger-shaped ancient beast said: "Our ancestors all know..."

Hearing this, Chen Ping'an's fist face was ugly.

Then trouble!

"It seems that we can't stay here! Everything is up to fate."

Chen Ping'an had no choice but to think that things here would turn into such a severe situation.

I think when they were digging the hole just now, there were ancient beasts seen all around.

Then I went to report those powerful ancient beasts, and finally those powerful ancient beasts sent these clown-like ancient beasts to investigate the situation.

If you see these ancient beasts and don't go back, then they will come too!

Chen Ping'an looked at the tiger-shaped ancient beast in front of him, dodged directly in front of it, stunned it, and then began to trap them.

After everything was done, he had to leave too.

Decided not to stay here.

Since the ancient beasts already know the situation here, they see that the eight ancient beasts have not returned, and a group of ancient beasts will probably kill them, and it will be a matter of time before they discover the seal below.

He couldn't stop it either.

It's better to go back now to create a treasure realm, improve your strength, and finally deal with the unknown dangers in the future.

He left with eight ancient beasts and flew to the Hongmeng Realm.


Deep in the Forbidden Realm of Hongmeng.

Several hours have passed.

During this period of time, the eight ancestral-level ancient beasts found that their subordinates had not returned, so they kept sending letters to these ancient beasts.

However, none of the ancient beasts replied to them.

Until now, they all believe that these men have been killed.

"Damn it! It really was the conspiracy of the Great Emperor Ping An! Fortunately, we were cautious and didn't go there in person!" An ancestral ancient beast said very coldly.

"It seems that no matter what happens outside, we can't go out! Otherwise, it's not a solution to keep losing soldiers and losing soldiers like this!" Another ancestral ancient beast said.

The snake-body ghost-faced ancient beast took a deep breath and said: "Everything has to wait for the ancient beast to break through! We will be here to guard!"

The other ancestral ancient beasts nodded.

In this way, these ancestral-level ancient beasts have never sent their men to check there again, and have directly abandoned the eight-headed ancestral-level ancient beasts they sent out...

And Chen Ping'an's clone had already returned to the Hongmeng Realm at this time, and brought the eight ancient beasts to those space prisons.

Originally, there were many human races in that place, and it was noisy every day, like a market.

At this moment, as soon as Chen Pingan appeared, the surroundings suddenly fell silent.

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