When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 998: Rusty old gun

Not long after Chen Ping'an waited at the main hall, he saw Murong Palace appeared with a proud face.

Murong Gong's appearance is still the same as before, but his hair looks a little darker, as if he has encountered the second spring, and he has become a little younger.

And his cultivation has been improving all the time, and now he has reached the realm of title.

This breakthrough speed can be said to be incredible for an ancestor of a small mortal sect.

"I've seen seniors!" Murong Gong smiled as the wrinkles on his face seemed to overlap, looking a little bit wretched.

Chen Pingan said, "Elder Gong, how are you doing recently?"

As he spoke, he looked at Murong Palace as if he were looking at a beautiful woman, first looking at his chest, then at his face, and finally at his legs.

And his eyesight passed directly through Murong Palace's clothes, looking at Murong Palace over and over again.

Murong Gong also felt that the gaze was wrong, but ignored it and said, "Senior, the Invincible Sect has recently taken root in the Hongmeng Realm. It has recruited many new people, and the development momentum is very good."

Chen Pingan smiled and said, "I mean how have you been recently."

Murong Gong was stunned for a moment: "Me? I'm still the same, I eat well, drink less, hee hee, to be honest with my seniors, I seem to have been targeted by an old lady recently, who come to me every day to show their hospitality, you say Do I look like the kind of person who likes beauty?"

Speaking of which, he looked proud.

Chen Pingan: "..."

Chen Ping'an looked at Murong Palace like this, and he really couldn't associate him with the stone statue in his heart.

How should I put it, the appearance of the stone statue is almost exactly the same as that of the Murong Palace, but how should I put it, the temperament is different.

And Chen Pingan thought about a person.

That was the old man who existed in the kitchen knife and their memory.

It was just that he could clearly see the appearance of the old man in his memory. The old man was not Murong Palace. If the old man did not show his face, he would definitely think that the old man had something to do with Murong Palace.

And it seems that after that blow, the old man also died.

Chen Pingan said: "Elder Gong, it's like this. I've been confused about something recently, and the key to solving this problem lies with you."

Murong Gong's eyes brightened.

He said he was the number one pawn!

"Senior, what do you want me to do?!" Murong Gong's waist was as straight as a pillar in an instant, and ripples like spring water swayed across his face.

Chen Pingan smiled and said, "Show me your memory."

Murong Palace was stunned.

see memory? ? ?

"It's easy! Seniors can come here any way they want!" Murong Gong felt that there was nothing in his memory that he couldn't show, unlike little girls, some little girls fantasized about themselves laughing with the man they had a crush on every day. He is different. After his daughter-in-law died, the old ladies never thought about it once.

The guns are all rusted now.

You don't need anyone else to clean the gun.

Chen Pingan smiled and said, "Yes, it really is my number one pawn."

Murong Gong blushed when he heard this.

The senior even knew the title he gave to himself? !

Chen Pingan motioned for Murong Palace to approach, and then began to check Murong Palace's memories.

Unfortunately, he found nothing.

Murong Palace is also different from kitchen knives. There are no strange memories in his mind, just the memories of a normal person's life.

If you want to say something strange, this guy has a very strange mind.

Commonly known as ~ think more!

Seeing Chen Ping'an stop, Murong Gong blinked and asked, "Senior, how are you?"

Chen Ping'an smiled and said, "I probably understand it, but I still haven't found the answer I want."

Murong Gong was very curious: "Senior, if you ask me, maybe I know something."

"Huh?" Chen Ping'an looked at Murong Palace with a strange expression on his face.

Looks like you can try it.

Chen Pingan thought about it and decided to confess to Murong Gong. Maybe after he said it, he would have more memories in his mind!

"It's like this..." Chen Ping'an told Murong Palace about the situation he encountered, but he didn't tell the whole story, he just said that he found a treasure hall with his stone statue in it. .

Murong Gong was stupid.

"There is a stone statue of me in the treasure hall that suppresses the powerful existence?!"

"My identity is not simple?!"

Murong Gong blinked, the shock in his heart was hard to buffer.

"Is there any more memory in my mind at this moment?" Chen Pingan tried.

Unfortunately, Murong Gong shook his head.

Chen Ping'an had no choice.

It seems that it is impossible to know the answer from Murong Palace in a short time.

And just when he fell into contemplation, but at this moment, Chen Ping'an suddenly narrowed his eyes.

"Huh?!" Then he closed his eyes.

If you look closely at his current situation, you can actually find that his current cultivation is different from not long ago.

His cultivation aura was only three-quarters of his heyday.

At this time, in the mountains where Chen Pingan and others left not long ago.

There are eight huge ancient beasts in the ancestral realm slowly approaching the mountain range.

Led by the ancient tiger-shaped beast, they approached the mountain range and began to tremble with fear.

Finally, they stopped after the tiger-shaped ancient beast peeked at the clouds over the mountain range not long ago.

The tiger-shaped ancient beast looked at the other ancient beasts in the ancestral realm and said, "How about we take a break here now?"

Yep, it's cowardly.

Other ancient beasts are also cowardly now.

But they have no way.

"Hey, what can I do? Let's just kill it. Maybe there is no Ping An Emperor there!"

An ancient beast sighed.

The other ancient beasts did not speak.

The tiger-shaped ancient beast rolled its eyes and said, "Otherwise, among us, we can separate four of them and go check it out. I don't think it is necessary to go down the other four..."

As soon as it said that, the eyes of the other ancient beasts lit up, and then repeatedly expressed their approval.

"Okay, let's use the human race, how about guessing?" said the tiger-shaped ancient beast.




The other ancient beasts nodded again and again.

Then they began to transform into human figures and began to guess their fists behind the clouds.

In the end, the tiger-shaped ancient beast found out sadly that his mother's face was black!

It still has to go down to check it out!

A look of joy flashed across the faces of the other four ancient beasts who won the guessing boxing, and then began to order and urge the remaining four ancient beasts to go down to check.

They are watching from the sky, and if something bad happens, they turn around and run away!

Go back and report to the ancestors.


They had just finished speaking, and the next moment, a voice suddenly sounded on their side.

"So interested in playing human race games?"

As soon as this voice sounded, the eight ancient beasts who had a high status in the ancient beast clan were instantly scared to the point of urinating.

What the hell! ! !

Who! ! !

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