When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 995: Qingzi ancient beast

Chen Ping'an's brows were already furrowed, as if two brows were connected together.

He never imagined that such a thing would happen suddenly.

They dug three corners, all at a depth of five thousand miles, and dug up strange buildings?

Moreover, the ancestor of Wanfa also sent a letter saying that it may be a sealing position? !

What's the matter!

Chen Ping'an didn't stand still, and decided to go and see what was going on.

And he also believed that these buildings were the reason why he felt a sense of crisis in his heart when he was here.

Chen Ping'an took Luo Li, first sneaked into the tunnel dug by the ancestor of Wanfa Zun, and flew down.

The tunnel was deep, and after flying for a while, it started to get dark.

He made a move with one hand, and a flame began to float in front of him, flying with him, illuminating the passage ahead.

Not long after, he also reached a depth of 5,000 miles. At this moment, the Ancestor Wanfa and his group were standing in front.

There was bright fire over there, and under this deep underground, there stood a palace that looked like Wei Li!

And the ancestors of Wanfa Zun and they were also lucky, and they just dug in front of the gate of the treasure hall.

Wanfa Zunzu and others did not dare to go in. They were able to build a treasure hall in such a deep place, and it looked very strange. It was hard to tell if there was a life-threatening danger in it, so a group of people stood in front of the door and tried their best to stand on tiptoe. Get up on your toes to see what's inside.

Now that Chen Ping'an was here, the group all made way out of the way.

Wanfa Zunzu stepped forward and said: "Invincible Zunzu, it's the front!"

He is in a place with many people, so it is not good to call Chen Ping'an a senior.

Chen Pingan nodded and looked at the treasure hall.

This is a treasure hall that is similar to an ordinary palace. It is the house number hanging in front of it, which is a little weird.

There are several characters written on this plaque. If you don't look carefully, you can't really see what the characters are, and this character gives people a mysterious feeling.

Looking at it for a while, it will be a little dizzy.

Chen Ping'an looked at it and found that the font written on the plaque was "Zhen Yao Pavilion", and it was these three words that made the ancestor of Wanfa think that this was a sealing position.

However, Chen Ping'an also found something on the plaque that made him care.

That Taoist texture!

That's right, that's why others are a little dizzy looking at the plaque.

Chen Pingan narrowed his eyes and walked forward.

It seems that this has something to do with him?

More precisely, is it related to the previous him?

No wonder I felt a little familiar when I came to this neighborhood just now.

So, the remaining sense of crisis is because of what has been suppressed?

Chen Pingan glanced at the situation outside the door.

When he saw a stone statue, he resolutely stepped over the threshold and walked into the treasure hall with steady steps.

Wanfa Zunzu and the others saw that Chen Ping'an went in, and nothing happened, so they followed carefully, wanting to see what was inside.

Chen Ping'an walked to the center of the treasure hall and looked directly at the stone statue in front of him.

The stone statue's face is condensed with that kind of Taoist texture, like a mosaic, but he knows that as long as he takes a serious look at this situation, he can see some of the faces inside.

Sure enough, after a while, he probably saw the true face of the stone statue.

It was just that he couldn't help but take a deep breath.


Chen Ping'an froze in place, his mind was empty for a while.

I thought this scene was too shocking.

The stone statue in front of you is not him, nor is it an object in the yard, but... Murong Palace! ! !

Chen Pingan stood there for a while before he could react, and then suddenly smiled bitterly.

"It seems that now, everyone around me may be a very simple person."

He didn't know how to express the shock in his heart.

What happened recently has refreshed his cognition too much.

First was the situation of the artifacts, and then it was his turn. Now that it's better, even the Murong Palace has become like this.

When he entered this treasure hall, he had already looked around, which was obviously the core of a formation!

The formation structure that he only realized not long ago was everywhere, the specific effect of the formation, and he wanted to suppress it.

As for what was being suppressed, he was not very clear.

He tried to perceive the situation below, but found that his perception had been blocked by this formation, and he really didn't know what was underneath.

Maybe keep digging to find out.

But he can be sure that if he digs down, there will be great danger.

Moreover, it now appears that this treasure vein is actually the supply formation eye of this formation.

If he mines all the treasure veins, that's fine, something suppressed below may escape.

Taking a deep breath, Chen Ping'an looked at Wanfa Zunzu and the others, and said, "Go out first, I'll drop by to see the situation in the other two places."

He was afraid that the Ancestor Wanfa and the others would lead to bad things here, or accidentally touch something and make something exist.

Led by Chen Ping'an, a group of people flew out of the ground, and then began to fly towards Wujie Zunzu.

Chen Ping'an quickly entered the ground and found Wuji Zunzu and the others at a depth of 5,000 miles.

In front of them, there is also a treasure hall.

The specific situation outside the treasure hall is similar to what I saw just now.

And the situation in the treasure hall is the same. There is also a stone statue. After he took a closer look, the face of the stone statue is the same as before.

That's right, it's also the Murong Palace.

Then he found Lan Yuan Zunzu, and the situation was still the same as before.

After reading all of them, Chen Pingan took a group of people out of the surface.

"Zunzu, what should we do next?" Lan Yuanzun asked.

He decided that there must be something mysterious down there.

And this is the Hongmeng forbidden area, they are not familiar with it, if they easily touch the treasures here, I am afraid that something will happen.

Of course, Chen Ping'an is here now. If Chen Ping'an dares to let them move, then he will not be afraid.

After all, this is the big guy above the Hongmeng Realm!

Chen Pingan said: "Let's idle here for a while, let's go to the second treasure vein to see the situation."

This situation is more complicated, and he thinks it is better to study and understand it first.

You especially have to go back and study the Murong Palace!

See what to do next!

But they have already entered the forbidden area. Of course, I have to explore the situation of the second treasure vein. According to Lori, the treasure vein is bigger than this, and mining a part of the treasure vein there is enough to manufacture it. Treasure.

Under the instruction of Chen Ping'an, a group of people began to seal the tunnel dug just now, and then arranged concealment methods.

Chen Pingan finally reinforced the space for the three tunnel entrances.

Without him, no one would be able to open this tunnel entrance.

Afterwards, Chen Pingan put Lan Yuanzunzu and others into the space ring, and started flying with Lori to the next treasure.

A few hours later, they also reached their destination.

Looking at the mountain range in front of him that was twice as long as the mountain range he saw not long ago, Chen Ping'an's early frowns seemed to be locked together.

"What's the matter, it's this feeling again!"

He was speechless, a familiar feeling appeared in his heart, and a sense of crisis...

And if you have the ability to see through, you will find that there is also a huge figure hidden under this mountain range.

This figure is similar in shape to the figure under the treasured vein just now.

And these two bodies have many bone spurs on their bodies, and their bodies are somewhat similar to mice.

It is the Qingzi ancient beast.

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