When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 994: Dig to the seal position

Chen Ping'an continued to fly forward, and soon arrived not far from the mountain range that Luo Li said.

Ten miles in front of him was a long, winding mountain range, and mortal eyes couldn't see the beginning and end of this mountain range at all.

It can be described as continuous.

But Chen Pingan could see the length of this mountain range at a glance, it was about a hundred miles long.

It was one of the longest mountains he had ever seen.

Looking at this mountain range, Chen Ping'an didn't know what was going on, but he felt that this mountain range was very familiar, as if he had passed by here in the past, and he still took a **** here to drive his feet...

Looking at this mountain range, the sense of crisis that was born in his heart reappeared, which is why he suddenly stopped.

There may be danger ahead!

Or look at the situation from a distance before moving forward.

Luo Li looked ahead, her eyes were shining, she could be sure that there were cultivation resources in front of her that she could never use up in her life.

Just under the mountain range, about 5,000 miles underground.

She looked at Chen Ping'an and said happily: "Invincible Zunzu, that treasure vein is five thousand miles below this mountain range! It's probably shaped like this!"

Lori drew an equilateral triangle shape in front of her.

After Chen Ping'an listened to it, he began to reveal his perception ability.

Every time the perception passes through a layer of objects, it will radiate a little. Generally speaking, with his strength and perception ability, he can directly perceive the situation tens of thousands of miles away in an open place.

But if there are some objects in the way, especially solid objects, it is only about seven or eight thousand miles away.

As for the soil, the ability to hinder it is even greater, and he can now perceive a range of about 5,000 miles underground.

Chen Ping'an closed his eyes for a while, and indeed felt a little breath of treasure.

But it is definitely not as strong as Lori. After all, Lori relies on this ability to eat, and it is a natural ability.

Chen Pingan said: "Okay, let's go, get closer and have a look."

When Chen Ping'an sensed it, he had already explored the surrounding environment.

How should I put it, the sense of crisis is still there, but he has found some problems strangely.

There is no ancient beast around!

That's right, none of them!

And there is no space turbulence around.

It is also because of this safe environment that makes him even more strange.

So what was it that gave him that sense of crisis?

He has reached this realm, and he is very trusting of this feeling.

He took Lori carefully, and nothing happened until he finally reached the mountains.

All the way is smooth.

It was as if someone had passed the road ahead of time for them.

Luo Li also had a strange look on her face, feeling that the journey was too smooth.

"Zun Zu, do you feel something is wrong? It seems that we have come all the way, and we have never seen an ancient beast..." Luo Li couldn't help but say a word after arriving at the destination.

She has been trembling along the way, and she feels a little scared even with the big boss Chen Ping'an, because she is not sure that the big boss will protect her.

What surprised her was that she had never encountered an ancient beast along the way!

It went well without being too strange.

Chen Ping'an couldn't answer this question, he was also curious, and as a big boss, he certainly couldn't say he didn't know about this kind of thing.

"It's not that you didn't find it, but that it was far away. After the ancient beast felt my breath, it ran away."

It still has to be put on.

Lori's eyes widened when she heard this.

I see! ! !

Chen Ping'an said: "In this mountain range, find a mountain location that is relatively close to the treasure vein, preferably near this corner of the treasure vein, and then we dig a tunnel down."

Speaking of which, Chen Pingan drew a triangle in front of him, and focused on a corner of the triangle.

Luo Li had already sensed it in advance, so when she brought Chen Pingan close to the mountains, she deliberately took it to the place closest to the treasure vein.

Coincidentally, the place where she brought Chen Pingan was above one corner of the triangle.

She pointed to her feet and said with a smile, "It's down here!"

The straight-line distance is the shortest distance.

Chen Ping'an glanced at Luo Li, but she didn't expect her to be quite clever.

Chen Pingan began to release Lan Yuanzunzu and others.

In an instant, people gathered around.

When he came, he had already sensed the situation in the vicinity, and knew that there was not much time-space turbulence nearby, or it could be said that there was almost no time-space turbulence, but the time-space turbulence would flow. Maybe after an hour, the nearby There will be a bunch of time and space turbulence flowing, so their movements should be fast.

"You guys, observe around, if there are ancient beasts approaching, tell me with this messenger treasure." Chen Ping'an pointed to a few smart-looking men, and handed them a few pieces of messenger treasure.

After listening to these people, they nodded, and then began to arrange work, and flew in different directions.

Chen Pingan looked at Zunzu Lan Yuan and a small group of people near him and said, "Okay, the treasure vein is five thousand miles deep under our feet, you small group of people, dig down from here, and find the information. I."

Ancestor Lan Yuan nodded seriously.

Then Chen Pingan looked at Luo Li and said, "Take us to another corner of Baomai."

Lori nodded, and after sensing it, she began to lead the way.

Soon after, Chen Pingan and others arrived at the foot of a mountain.

Chen Ping'an looked at Wujie Zunzu and a group of people beside him, and began to let them dig down, and sent a letter to inform him when they found it.

Then he continued to fly to the next corner with Lori and the others.

For the last horn, he asked Wanfa Zunzu to dig with the rest.

that's all.

More than 1,000 people began to work together, as if they had transformed into tireless miners, quickly digging underground.

The pits they opened are all very large. After all, there are many people, so they can enter and exit faster.

Chen Ping'an didn't participate in the digging. First, someone of his strength would fall into a position. Second, he had to investigate the situation around him. If he encountered an ancient beast, he would have to deal with it.

Also a commander-in-chief.

At the same time, he is now looking for the source of that feeling in his heart.

In the end why the birth of a sense of crisis!

And as time passed, he felt that sense of crisis became stronger!

Waited for half an hour.

The first news came from Zun Zu Lan Yuan.

"Senior! We have dug near the treasure vein here! However, we found a strange building!!!"

Ancestor Lan Yuan's tone was a bit wrong, as if he saw something scary.

Hearing this, Chen Ping'an's eyes narrowed instantly.

This mountain range is really not right!

And he hadn't finished thinking, at this time, Wujie Zunzu also received news.

It was exactly the same as what Lan Yuan Zunzu just said!

This is not over yet, and then, the Ancestor Wanfa also sent him news!

"Senior! I dug a treasure hall here! Here...it seems to be a seal position!!!"

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