When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 954: why are you here

The pupils of a group of ancestors shrank rapidly, looking at the companions who were already unconscious on the ground, lying in large fonts, without any movement for a while, they just stared at this scene in the sky.

They felt that this scene came so suddenly that they couldn't react at all.

Under normal circumstances, shouldn't it be Chen Ping'an who was blasted out of the cave by their companions!

How come his companions just came in and came out like this!

And suddenly lost consciousness?

What was he going through in there?

Just when they were very confused and wondered if they were wrong, footsteps began to sound at the entrance of the cave.

Da da da.

Finally, a handsome black-haired man walked out of the cave.

The ancestors looked at the man.

After seeing the person who appeared, Li Mi's eyes instantly became cold to the extreme, and at the same time, extremely crazy greed began to rise in his heart.

this kid!

It's not easy!

The pinnacle of the lord!

During this period of time, what has he experienced, and why has he become the peak of the lord!

Is it because of the origin? !

Chen Ping'an narrowed his eyes slightly, the sunlight outside the cave was exceptionally strong.

He glanced at the ancestral ancestral realm who had been rowing far away on the ground before stopping, and had already passed out, hehe.

The moment this guy saw him just now, he directly called him an ant and asked him to kneel down. He was too lazy to talk nonsense with this person, so he shot with all his strength and beat him to the ground with one move.

"People who dare to be so arrogant to me can only end up like this. After all, I am invincible and respected the ancestors, how can I get a false name?"

Chen Pingan looked ahead and said coldly.

He said these words deliberately, just to make these ancestors dare to guess.

You can also let him procrastinate for a while.

Even though they certainly don't believe it in the end.

Sure enough, everything was as he expected.

After he finished saying this.

The ancestors, who had just recovered from seeing their companions in a coma, fell into sluggishness again.

Invincible ancestors?

Is this kid the invincible ancestor? !

A group of ancestors stared at Chen Ping'an with wide eyes.

At this moment, Chen Ping'an in their eyes became extremely fearful.

Li Mei and the first elder also stayed for a while.

But soon, Li Mi snorted: "Everyone, don't listen to this kid's lies, he can also be the invincible ancestor? Look at his strength!"

After hearing this, the ancestors returned to their senses again, and then all nodded in agreement.

The invincible ancestor is also the ancestor realm.

Although this kid is very weird, even to the extreme, it can be called terrifying, but now the strength of this lord's peak is not very strong.

The invincible ancestor is a symbol of invincibility, and now it is also a dominant position in the Hongmeng world!

How could this be the case with this kid?

Li Mi looked at Chen Ping'an coldly. At this moment, a gleam of fear began to appear in his eyes, and he said solemnly: "Boy, who are you, and how did you come into our world?! To be honest, otherwise , don't blame me for killing you directly!"

Li Mei's voice was very majestic, and the voice he said was not very loud, but it lingered back and forth around him, just like the way of the Tathagata Buddha on TV.

Chen Ping'an looked at Li Mei, he didn't want to work with Li Mei directly, all he had to do now was to delay as much as possible.

"Is there a way for me to come here? To be honest, there are already many people in the Hongmeng Realm who know how to come here. Soon, a large number of people will come in. After all, the ancient beasts are about to attack. This place is definitely a natural shelter. The place."

Hearing this, the ancestors all widened their eyes with disbelief.

They knew that the ancient beast was about to invade the Hongmeng Realm.

They still feel that there is nothing, after all, they are hiding in this world, no matter how dire the waters are outside, it has nothing to do with them.

At most, when their strength is invincible, they can go out and sweep everything.

Now listening to Chen Ping'an's words, they are all frightened.

Many people in the Hongmeng world know how to get in here?

After that, many people will definitely come in, and the ancient beast may also find a way to come in!

At that time, they will also become one of the sites ruled by ancient beasts!

And they can't continue to be as comfortable and happy as they are now!

Some ancestral bodies began to tremble.

This is the shudder that comes from when life is at stake.

They have spent too much stable time in this world, and now they seem to have returned to their youth, when they faced the first monster for the first time.

Li Mei was also very shocked, but he didn't believe Chen Ping'an's words, and now he saw that his subordinates were directly messed up because of Chen Ping's words, he couldn't help but be angry and ashamed, and shouted angrily: "The strength of the ancestors is all Cultivation on the dog?! Can such a trivial thing be scary like this?!"

Hearing the scolding of their patriarch, a group of ancestors reacted and stopped thinking about it.

Li Mi gritted her teeth and looked at Chen Ping'an.

I have to say, this kid is really special and smart.

A person who was originally a lord in the early stage and is now a peak lord. A word that made more than a dozen ancestral realms mess up. This is an honor that can be remembered for a lifetime.

"You kid is really capable of nonsense! I don't believe anything you say! If you want to come into my world, no one can come in without my permission!" Li Mei said solemnly.

From this moment on, he decided that what Chen Pingan said was false.

However, Chen Pingan shrugged and said, "Am I a ghost? How did I get in?"

Chen Ping'an choked Li Mi with just one sentence.

"I don't care how you come in! Boy, if you are interested in me, I won't leave you today!!" Li Mi didn't dare to talk to Chen Ping'an, because he was afraid that he would accidentally die of anger.

Or quickly catch Chen Ping'an, use the puppet technique, and then everything will be known!

Chen Ping'an saw that Li Mei didn't want to waste any more time, and knew that it was useless to delay the time with his mouth, and now he could only fight.

He loosened his shoulders and said, "Okay, come on, I've never been afraid of anyone in a fight!"

Li Mi laughed.

Then prepare to let a group of men go up together and capture Chen Ping'an.

But this time.

Chen Ping'an suddenly pointed to the two ancestral realms and said coldly: "What are you two grandsons staring at! Are you not convinced? Come on, believe it or not, I only use half of my strength to beat you two to the ground?!"

The two ancestors who were suddenly pointed at by Chen Ping'an were stunned.

What the hell!

Did we stare at you!


The two were pointed at by Chen Ping'an and insulted so much that if they didn't say a word, they might be laughed at by their companions.

In addition, Chen Ping'an's words are aimed at the two of them. If one fights against Chen Ping'an, they may still be a little bit afraid. After all, they have a companion already lying on the ground. This is a lesson from the past, but the two still need to be afraid. he?

"Boy! You are courting death!"

"Very good, half strength, right! Brother Yuan, let's tell this kid what rolling is called!!"

The two ancestral realms pointed to by Chen Ping'an spoke coldly.

Li Mei frowned as she looked at her two subordinates like this.

But he couldn't say anything at this time.

And in his eyes, Chen Ping'an has no chance to escape, the escape route has been blocked, and he never thought that Chen Ping'an would delay the time.

He decided to see Chen Pingan's ability.

Chen Ping'an glanced at Li Mei secretly, seeing that Li Mei did not speak, he secretly let out a breath.

He began to look at the two ancestral realms that had caught his conspiracy, thinking about how to play with these two people in order to delay more time.

It's just that when he thought about it, he suddenly froze for a moment.

He found that his reinforcements had arrived!

However, when he saw his reinforcements, he was speechless and choked up.

daughter in law!

How did you come here! ! !

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