When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 953: It's all garbage

After separating some cultivation bases, Chen Ping'an's brows were still a little wrinkled, because he didn't know whether his current cultivation base was enough.

If it is not enough, the situation is still very dangerous.

He continued to play.

The deduction was much faster this time, and he also found that this time he had not deduced that his clone was in a dangerous environment.

"It seems that the strength of the lord's peak is enough?" Chen Pingan narrowed his eyes, really curious about where his avatar and the Chaos Pearl spirit body went.

However, the results of the deduction sometimes changed. He couldn't always deduce it. Now he still had to let Zun Zu Lan Yuan and the others go to the place where he deduced.

Moreover, he believed that the ancestors of Lan Yuan and the others were also ready to set off.

"Wait for their news." Chen Ping'an couldn't help too much, and he was not as fast as Lan Yuan Zunzu and the others when he rushed over.


at the same time.

Just as Lan Yuan Zunzu found Wujie Zunzu, he got an urgent task from Murong Palace.

The reason why he came to Wujie Zunzu was because Wujie Zunzu said he had something important to talk to him about.

After listening to the content of the task and the specific location at this moment, he looked directly at the two Zunzu Wujie and said: "Two, just now... Zunwu Wudi gave us a task for the three of us, let us go to one place, free his clone..."

Zunzu Lan Yuan told Wujie Zunzu completely about the tasks he received.

Wujie Zunzu came to Lan Yuanzunzu to ask Wudi Zunzu what he was going to do recently and how to collect things. They felt that they could get some news from Lanyuan Zunzu.

Unexpectedly, Lan Yuanzun would say such a sentence as soon as he came to them.

And after they heard the task, they nodded directly.

"Let's go! We must do this kind of thing well!" Wu Xie Zunzu said solemnly.

At the same time, he murmured in his heart.


It turned out to be a clone!

Not long ago, he heard from his subordinates that the strength of the person he met was only in the early stage of the lord.

He said how the invincible ancestor could only have the strength of the early lord.

Now that they knew the specific location, and the place was not too far from them, the three of them set off quickly.

The three hurried at full speed, daring not to delay in the slightest.


Inside the cave.

Chen Ping'an collected only the stone skin and the empty stone statue inside, ready to go out with the Chaos Bead.

The reason why he brought the stone statue was because he thought that if he still had a chance, he could use this thing as evidence and ask the kitchen knife to question him face to face.

Of course, the premise is that he can go back alive.


Just when the three of them pressed the heavy stone on their hearts and walked out.


A miracle happened!

Chen Ping'an's initial strength of the lord suddenly accelerated.

The aura of the cultivation base has been soaring from the initial stage of the lord, and finally, it stopped when it reached the peak of the lord!

Feeling this change, Chen Pingan stayed where he was.

And Long Ying and Chaos Bead behind Chen Ping'an also noticed this change, and the two of them turned to petrification, and looked at Chen Ping's back stupidly.

The Chaos Pearl Spirit Body was shocked: "Chen Pingan! You... what's wrong with you?!"

Chen Ping'an turned his head and glanced at the Chaos Pearl Spirit Body, his face was also strange: "I don't know what's going on!"

He is also very strange.

Can your strength be improved?

That secret technique has no such function!

Could it be that the main body sensed something, such as knowing that he was in danger, then researched the secret technique, and finally developed this ability?

"It should be like this! The main body should have sensed my situation. Moreover, he must be coming now!"

A smile appeared on Chen Pingan's face.

But he didn't know when his body would arrive.

"It seems that I have to continue to delay for a while. Hey, if the body can make my strength reach the ancestral realm, it would be great. With the strength of the ancestral realm, how can the garbage outside take me?"

Chen Pingan muttered to himself.

And the Chaos Pearl Spirit Body listened to Chen Ping'an's words, and the hanging heart dropped a little, and then seriously encouraged: "Chen Ping'an, it's up to you! If we can get out alive this time, I will dedicate myself to you tonight!"

She looked very serious.

Chen Pingan was speechless: "I suddenly don't want to resist, I want to let them kill, what should I do?"

The corners of the Chaos Orb Spirit Body's mouth twitched.

"Okay, I'm not joking with you, just stay here for a while, and I'll go out by myself." Chen Ping'an looked at Long Yu and said.

Long Ying and the two of them followed him out, which was also a drag on him.

If these ancestors caught them to threaten him, he would be very passive.

It's better to fight alone.

The Chaos Pearl spirit body nodded obediently, and gave Chen Pingan a cheering action.

And the dragon escape is now without any sound.

Because he was still in a daze.

His eyes had doubled in size.

He had never seen such a miraculous and terrifying thing when he was so old.

At the beginning of the lord, he rose to the peak of the lord in an instant.

Moreover, Chen Ping'an also said that if his strength is improved to the ancestor realm, he will be able to deal with more than a dozen **** ancestor realm outside? !

What is this concept?

Chen Pingan took a deep breath and walked out facing the only light at the entrance of the cave.

His back looks very tall at this moment.

outside the cave.

A group of ancestors have successfully arranged the formation.

Now the entire mountain has been surrounded by powerful formations.

This is an isolation formation that cannot be broken without the strength of a dozen or so ancestral realms like them!

This isolation formation has no offensive function, and only functions like a prison to isolate people, preventing Evacuation and humans from stepping out of the formation.

"Okay, who will go in and catch the people inside?!" Li Mei said coldly.

In fact, the reason why they found that Chen Pingan was hiding here was not because they followed the Chaos Pearl spirit body.

But because of an array.

This formation is the foundation formation of this world.

Stored at the center of this world.

If you want to leave this world, you also leave from the center.

As for this formation, there is one main function.

That is, all people in this world can be removed from this world in an instant.

At first, Li Mei was thinking of looking for Chen Ping'an in a carpet style, but one of the ancestors, who was very accomplished in formation, suddenly stood up and said that he could use the formation at the center to find someone.

Just change that formation.

Li Mi was dubious, and didn't bother to search slowly, so he let the ancestral realm try.

Who would have thought that this person is a genius. After changing the formation, he can actually achieve the effect of counting everyone in this world.

As soon as the formation was activated, a map appeared instantly, and everyone became a red dot distributed on the map, and they could still see their cultivation realm.

The cultivation realm is their breakthrough point.

There are a lot of people in the early days of the lord, but they can still check them one by one according to their location.

The speed of their group of ancestors' investigations is also fast.

In the end, it was found that only at the end of the world, a remote place, there were two lords that had not been investigated in the early days.

So, they just came around.

They can also be 100% sure that Chen Pingan must be here.

Unless Chen Pingan has left this world.

At this time, a Zun Ancestor Realm stood up.

Not long ago, his son participated in the experience competition. Seeing his son being beaten back by the shadow man several times, he was also full of anger. At this time, he said coldly: "Patriarch! I'll go and catch that little beast!"

Li Mei nodded.

This ancestral realm looked disdainful, and he didn't care about Chen Ping'an's strength at all.

No matter how weird Chen Ping'an is, can a lord turn the world upside down in the early days? !

With a flash of his figure, his whole body turned into an electric light and flew into the cave, ready to blast Chen Pingan out.


It didn't take long for him to go in.

next moment.

A violent bombardment sounded.

Then, a streamer flew away.

The streamer swept across the ground, causing a deep ditch to appear on the ground.

A group of ancestors thought that Chen Ping'an was kicked out by his companions, and sneered.

Li Mei frowned.

He forgot to tell the ancestral realm not to kill Chen Ping'an!

If this guy accidentally kills Chen Ping'an, he will lose a lot of money! !

Like a group of ancestors, he quickly looked at the end of the long scratch on the land in front of the cave.


When they saw the people lying on the ground, including Li Mei, all the ancestors were dumbfounded.


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