When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 941: Neighbor's son looks like me

The lords behind Chen Ping'an gritted their teeth and chased hard, but the distance from Chen Ping'an was getting farther and farther. After a while, they couldn't even absorb the dust.

However, a line is straight, so they can't see Chen Ping'an.

"He may be practicing some magical movement technique, and he is just fast! We continue to chase, after the first section of the road, we will encounter obstacles, and that is the time for us to catch up!"

"Yes! I don't believe that his lord's early cultivation base can easily crack the roadblocks in the following places. The road behind is the opportunity for our latecomers to come up!"

"Done! Fight!"


Several outstanding lords shouted loudly at the peak, and continued to run at full speed. Some were cursing, and some looked a little gloomy, but they were still calm enough to think that they and others still had a chance to catch up with Chen Ping'an.

In the whole road, it is not unobstructed, or only the increase of gravity, in different road sections, there will be some obstacles.

For example, after the first section of the road in the previous section of accelerating and running, there will be roadblocks in the second section of the road.

The obstacle in the second section of the road is the space orb!

This kind of space orb has the power of the middle period of the lord, and will appear in front of the rushing person for no reason, and then rush in.

If you just run wildly, without slowing down, and leaving behind some backhands, it will even be a little dangerous.

Generally, the correct way is to slow down a little bit, encounter a space orb that suddenly appears, and quickly change lanes to avoid it, or face it directly and use an attack to crack the space orb.

After all, if an attack of this level hits the body, even the peak lord will be injured.

Of course, except for those whose physique has reached the late lord stage or above, then this kind of attack is completely ignored.

But at this level, who still cultivates the physique?

That's just a waste of time.

Experience the outside world.

After a while of uproar, the crowd gradually calmed down.

It was the first time they saw this situation, especially when that person was still in the early stage of the lord.

But later they got used to it and gradually started to talk about it.

"This guy is very rude. It seems that he has been practicing silently for a long time in order to become a blockbuster, and he has achieved it. However, I think he is only fast, and others should catch up later." An analyst The average guy looked calm and analyzed, as if he was not among the stunned people just now.

"Yes, some people focus on speed, such as the genius boy next door to me. His cultivation is in the middle stage of the lord, but his speed can reach the peak of the lord. Look, the one behind Li Ma and Li Ba is him. It's over!" The person who spoke was a middle-aged man, and when he said this, his eyes flashed with joy and pride, as if this was his son.

The person next to him also followed the middle-aged point and saw a young man who looked a bit like this middle-aged man. He couldn't help but startled and asked, "Is that your neighbor's son?"

The middle-aged nodded proudly: "That's right!"


The crowd watching was talking, and they were not as shocked as they were at the beginning.

And in the middle of the square.

A group of ancestral realms have been indifferent from the beginning to the end, not too shocked, and some are just a little surprised.

They have never seen this kind of situation, but they think how incredible it is.

After all, everyone's research direction is different, and some people only like to study speed.

"Maybe this kid likes to study the movement technique, but I have to say that it is also a manufacturable material, and this speed has reached the level of the ancestors." The elder commented.

The other ancestors nodded.

However, a few ancestors looked disdainful, especially the ancestors who participated in the competition from some younger generations of their own family.

One of the ancestors snorted coldly: "That's it, watch it, when he reaches the second path, he will be caught up by the people behind him."

"Yes, I guess, by the third way, he will be a lot behind."


After listening to the words of these old friends, the first elder didn't say anything, but looked at Li Mei who didn't speak, and said with a smile, "Patriarch, what do you think?"

Li Mei glanced at the first elder and said, "I hope he is a dark horse."

He is a little nervous now, if this kid is really only good at speed, then he will be a little happy.

in secret.

Chen Ping'an soon reached the end of the first road. He saw that the color of the road ahead had changed. He did not slow down as he did not know the specific rules.

In his mind, there should be some blocking things below, otherwise the competition would be meaningless.

In the blink of an eye, he entered the second way.

Sure enough, just as he thought, when he first entered the second path, he found that the void of this long path was somewhat different from the previous one.

There seems to be something hidden in many places.

Other lords and even ancestors will definitely not notice this difference, but he is different. He has studied the void, and his cognition of the void has reached an extremely terrifying level. He can still perceive this change.

Looking at it now, he knows where the void is problematic, so he decisively avoids those problematic voids.

As for his speed, he never slowed down from the beginning to the end, even if he felt like he was carrying several mountains on his back, this level of weight was not challenging for him at all.

In the past, he tried to practice with several worlds on his back.

that's all.

Under the watchful eyes of the people behind him and a group of onlookers outside, Chen Ping'an entered the second path, and his speed remained unabated!

This scene surprised many people.

Because they all know that the situation of the second way is not so simple, unless Chen Pingan doesn't know anything, or he doesn't care about those attacks at all, otherwise, if he doesn't slow down, he is courting death!

"What's the matter with this kid! How dare he!"

"He won't really train his body, right? Can his physique level reach the mid-term lord extremely high?!"

"Good guy, this kid is going to die!"


The lords behind Chen Pingan shouted.

And outside on the square.

A group of onlookers were also surprised.

"What's the matter with this kid!"

"Very good, I'd like to see what he looks like after being attacked!"

"There is something, but still maintaining this speed, this is very confident in yourself!"


In the middle of the square.

A group of ancestors frowned.

Started to be a little surprised.

"It seems that this kid is not easy!" The elder said with a smile.

Li Mei's eyes lit up, and the corners of his mouth cocked slightly: "He should have good strength, or he has a strong physique!"

It seems that everything is going in the direction he wants!


Just when everyone had different thoughts and wanted to see how the first space orb was sent out to attack Chen Ping'an and how Chen Ping'an would respond.

Strange things happened.

While they were concentrating and staring intently, Chen Ping'an ran for a long distance, but there was no space orb in front of him! !

"This... what's going on!" The elder's eyes widened by half, and he exclaimed.

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