When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 940: I thought Li Ma and Li Ba were invincible, who is this person?

Li Mei's heart was full of evil intentions.

As his strength increased, his desire for strength grew stronger.

Hundreds of millions of years ago, after he discovered this hidden treasure and brought his people here, he has always had a "great" goal hidden in his heart.

Rule the Hongmeng Realm!

With the help of this mysterious treasure, the breakthroughs of their clansmen over the years can be described as horror.

One by one, the strength is advancing by leaps and bounds, and the breakthrough is like drinking water.

Hundreds of millions of years have passed, and with him, there are as many as nineteen people in the ancestral realm!

Hopefully there will be more soon.

This amount directly crushed the Hongmeng Realm!

You must know that hundreds of millions of years ago, their power in the Hongmeng world can only be regarded as a downstream, and even some unpopular forces.

To have such an achievement is a miracle.

But now, as his power has grown stronger, his ambitions have become more apparent.

But he is also aware of the situation outside. There is no invincible ancestor to return to the Hongmeng Realm, and it will be even more difficult for their forces to rule the Hongmeng Realm.

After all, his current strength is only about the same as that of Wanfa Zunzu or Wujie Zunzu.

If he wants to become the strongest person, he can only crush these two people with the power of one person.

But now, Wudi Zunzu appeared, and I heard that Wudi Zunzu was stronger than Wanfa Zunzu and Wujie Zunzu, and even killed an ancient beast stronger than Wanfa Zunzu and them, and became famous in a battle.

There will be a war between ancient beasts and humans in the future, so now the Hongmeng world can be said to be united.

These changes were things he never imagined.

This is undoubtedly an obstacle to his great cause of ruling the Hongmeng world.

However, after a few days of thinking, he found another way to rule the Hongmeng Realm in this wrong situation.

Invincible Zunzu is now almost ruling the Hongmeng Realm.

And what method did he use?

First of all, Wudi Zunzu has the power to make Wanfa Zunzu and Wujie Zunzu bow their heads!

Secondly, with the help of the human race and the ancient beast war!

And he seems to be able to learn the method of Invincible Zunzu! !

There is a super powerful force behind him, and he can also put his own forces into the fight against the ancient beasts and save the Hongmeng Realm from fire and water.

Become the life-saver of the human race!

And he led the forces to invest, which is better than the invincible Zunzu leading everyone alone.

After all, the combat power of his forces can stand up to half of the Hongmeng Realm!

And now the only thing he can't replace the invincible ancestor is his personal strength!

If his strength can be stronger than the Invincible Zunzu, even if it is Qi Ping, he can directly bring his power out of this mysterious world, return to the Hongmeng world, and start the great cause of unifying Hongmeng!

However, he has practiced for so many years, and his current strength has only reached the strength of Wujie Zunzu and the others.

He has not seen the specific strength of Wudi Zunzu, but after listening to the report from outside spies to analyze, Wudi Zunzu at least one person can defeat Wanfa Zunzu and Wujie Zunzu.

There is still at least half of the gap between him and Invincible Zunzu's strength!

If he continues to cultivate on his own, I am afraid it will take a thousand years, or even longer.

But he has a secret technique, the technique of puppets.

This puppet technique is not simple, it is the strongest secret technique he has found since he came to this mysterious world!

This secret technique can control a person. After controlling a person, he can make that person his puppet and obey him completely, which is equivalent to having another body of his own.

And this puppet technique also has another effect, which is to make the other party skyrocket in an instant and absorb the surrounding Dao rhyme crazily.

If the talent is extremely strong, it can even reach the same strength as him!

This is the power of this magical mystery!

However, this puppet technique also has some limitations.

That is, it can only be used once, and people who are above the peak of the lord will be immune to this secret technique.

Of course, he doesn't care about the fact that the cultivation base is immune to this secret technique, because the person under his control has the opportunity to have the same cultivation base as him, no matter how weak the cultivation base of the person under control is for him. the same.

The only pity is that it can only be used once.

And over the years, he has not used this secret technique.

The reason is very simple, he has not found a satisfactory candidate, and his own strength has not reached the level that satisfies him.

The first is the question of selection.

If he randomly finds a person with ordinary talent, he will lose a lot of money. Maybe that person's talent is so high that he is only in the ancestral realm.

Therefore, if you are looking for a person with extremely strong talent, it is best to be the one who can reach the peak strength of the lord in the early days of the lord!

And now, his strength has just broken through to the realm of the ancestors of the Ten Thousand Dharma, and now is a good time, and he needs to find a person with outstanding talent.

Therefore, he looked at the handsome man who was far ahead of the others in the light curtain, and his face was full of joy.

"It depends on whether your strength can reach the peak level of a lord!" Li Mi couldn't wait to get up, and at the same time began to pray, hoping that the man in the picture could meet his requirements.

Experience the test in the secret realm.

Chen Ping'an was running at full speed at the moment, and the speed even reached the level of respecting the ancestors.

Just now, after entering this secret realm of experience, he just glanced around and started running at full speed.

The situation of this experience and competition venue is very simple.

There is only one mountain road, just keep going forward.

And he also tested the situation of this secret realm. The void in this place was imprisoned by some rules, so it couldn't be moved, and flying was also prohibited. All he could do was run.

Before he came in, he had already discussed with the Chaos Pearl Spirit Body and the others, so as soon as he came in, he ignored them. The first time he broke out at the speed of the ancestral realm, he ran wildly and became the leader in an instant.

The distance from the person behind him is getting farther and farther.

And as he ran, he found that the gravity of his body would become heavier, and now he felt that he was carrying several mountains behind him.

But despite this, his speed has not slowed down, and it is still as usual.

In the eyes of a group of people in the lord realm behind him, it was like seeing a wild beast.

"What the **** is going on with this kid! Why haven't I seen him!"

"I thought Li Ma and Li Ba were invincible, but I didn't expect such a strong person. Whose genius is he?!"

"This kid is a fake lord early stage, how can this speed be so much faster than my lord peak!"


A group of people behind Chen Pingan ran and chased, gritted their teeth and shouted.

They never expected to encounter such a fierce person as soon as they came in.

This kind of guy is completely here to blow their confidence!

Even those people who were full of confidence before coming in, believing that they could win the first place, doubted their lives.

And the dragon escape and the Chaos Pearl spirit body mixed in the crowd, watching Chen Ping run fast, their faces are calm.

The Chaos Pearl spirit body prayed that Chen Ping'an could protect her origin.

Long Yu smiled wryly.

In fact, he can be like Chen Ping'an, if he does his best, he can even run side by side with Chen Ping'an.

But he dared not.

Now he can only hope that Chen Pingan can go out with them alive.

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