When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 915: start cheating

These two dare to appear, either because they know that they can't hide in the future, and they come to gamble, or there is some way to turn around.

Of course, Chen Ping'an, whose strength has improved a bit, in his eyes, these two are nothing to worry about!

When other Zunzu saw the appearance of Wanfa Zunzu, they were all surprised, because in their eyes, Wanfa Zunzu and Wujie Zunzu would definitely only dare to hide in the dark and dare not appear again.

I didn't expect the two to appear directly!

Under the gazes of the crowd, the two of them walked in front of the crowd with ugly expressions on their faces.

Chen Ping'an looked at the two of them, but didn't say anything, but wanted to see what they were going to do.

The two walked out of the crowd and stopped in front of the open space between the crowd and Chen Ping'an.

The two looked at Chen Ping'an, who was sitting high. This man had become a shadow in their hearts that they could never get rid of in the future.

In fact, after the two escaped yesterday, they also thought about living in hiding for the rest of their lives.

Or wait until the ancient beasts attack, the human race is weak, the ancient beasts rule the human race, and they will be born again when Chen Ping'an is destroyed.

But at that time they will face an ancient beast that is as powerful as the nine-headed and Qingzi ancient beast.

This is even more uncomfortable than facing Chen Ping'an.

The two thought about it for a night, and then they both took out the messenger treasure and connected.

They had a messenger baby before, so in the morning, they got together and discussed how to face the current situation.

After all, they were in the same situation and could only take a group to keep warm.

Wujie Zunzu is very clear about what Chen Ping'an did in setting up the formation after the battle. He obviously absorbed the origins of the ancient Zunzu and Qingzi ancient beasts.

In other words, the current Chen Ping'an is likely to be able to find them!

So if they want to hide and live, I'm afraid they can't.

When Wanfa Zunzu learned about this from Wujie Zunzu, he immediately wanted to strangle Wujie Zunzu.

He said Wujie Zunzu was so wrong, and sure enough, this guy planned a conspiracy!

Knowing that the two of them might not even be able to hide, Ancestor Wanfa gritted his teeth and proposed a gamble.

The hall is empty.

Wanfa Zunzu and Wujie Zunzu looked up at Chen Ping'an, who was sitting in the old god's seat, and immediately, under everyone's attention, the two of them bent their knees.

Bang bang, bang bang.

Not long ago, they were the two strongest ancestors in the Hongmeng world, but at this moment, they were kneeling on the ground.

This didn't stop. After the two knelt down, they spread out their hands and bowed to Chen Ping'an.

At this moment, the two of them knelt on their knees, and in the eyes of a group of people, they felt that the world had collapsed.

Especially those from the middle powers of the Hongmeng Realm who had never seen the battle yesterday, the reason why they came here was because they had received news from other ancestors, so they followed.

In their eyes, Wanfa Zunzu and Wujie Zunzu are still the strongest two in their hearts.

But now, these two are kneeling!

And crawling towards the person sitting in front!

"Invincible Ancestor! We were wrong!"

After the two fell to the ground, they shouted.

The hall was unusually quiet. After these two voices sounded, they wandered around for a long time before they gradually disappeared.

Chen Ping'an looked at the two of them, the corners of his mouth raised.

It's a bit of a sense of time.

However, apart from these two people, raising tigers is a problem.

Even in his eyes, the two have changed from tigers to sick cats.

But someday, the sick cat, who seemed to have no threat, suddenly turned into a tiger and bit him.

After all, the two of them were tigers!

Chen Pingan decided to kill them anyway!

Both Wanfa Zunzu and Wujie Zunzu are smart people. If it was them, it would be impossible for them to live for each other and pose a threat to them when they encounter such a thing.

Seeing that Chen Ping'an didn't say anything now, the two were heartbroken and took out their trump card to survive.

Before Chen Ping'an could speak, the two quickly cast a secret technique, and then, under everyone's attention, a blue light slowly floated from their foreheads.

The moment the light appeared, the powerhouses present knew what the two were going to do!

These two groups of rays of light were the size of fists, and they flickered.

After the two groups of rays of light appeared, they floated towards Chen Ping'an, while the bodies of Wujie Zunzu and Wanfa Zunzu were motionless at the moment, and their eyes were empty.

Looking at the two beams of light floating towards him, Chen Pingan narrowed his eyes.

"These two guys really fought for their lives."

The two rays of light quickly stopped one meter in front of Chen Ping'an, and immediately stopped.

At this time, there was a voice in the void, it was the voice of the ancestor of the Ten Thousand Dharma.

"Invincible ancestors, we are willing to serve you forever! I just ask you to give us hope to live!"

After this voice, Wujie Zunzu's voice sounded: "Invincible Zunzu, both of us also want to contribute to the human race. Although our strength is not too strong, we can also contribute, and I hope you will give us a chance. !"

Looking at the two groups of rays of light, Chen Ping'an was silent for a while, and then said, "You guys are a little bold."

Hearing this, the two groups of rays of light were silent.

Chen Pingan continued: "That's good, I'll give you a chance, but in 100 million years, you won't be free."

As he said that, he made a single move with one hand, and directly led the two rays of light to him, and then began to stretch out his fingers and click on the two rays of light.

After it was done, Chen Pingan waved it at will, instantly repulsing the two groups of rays of light.

If you look carefully, you will find that something has been imprinted in these two groups of rays of light.

The two groups of rays of light flew quickly, and then re-entered the foreheads of the ancestors of Wanfa and Wujie.

At this time, the eyes of the two ancestors of Wanfa Zun regained their clarity.

The two still knelt on the ground and bowed to Chen Ping'an again.

"Thanks to the invincible ancestor for spared!"

What the two of them did just now was actually to sacrifice their own soul consciousness. A person's soul is very fragile, and to sacrifice it in front of others is equivalent to showing others the weakest side of themselves, as long as Chen Ping'an uses his cultivation base to attack. These two groups of rays of light, the two of them will die in the next moment!

This is the gamble for both.

Bet that Chen Ping'an needs them and doesn't want them to die for the time being.

And they also anticipated what Chen Ping'an would do, and they would definitely imprint a certain explosion secret technique in their soul consciousness. , If the caster wants to secretly untie it, he will 100% steal the chicken but not lose the rice.

In other words, the lives of the two are now in the hands of Chen Pingan!

A single thought from Chen Ping'an can end their lives!

Chen Ping'an said: "You guys are aware of current affairs, yes, in front of me now, no matter how big the Hongmeng Realm is, there is no place for you to hide!"

Wujie Zunzu both laughed bitterly when they heard this.

Luckily they got it right.

Chen Ping'an continued: "You two should step back. In the future, when the human race fights against the ancient beasts, you will also need your contribution."

The two stood up and cupped their hands and retreated into the crowd.

Chen Pingan looked at a group of people who were as quiet as a chill below and began to enter the theme.

"One year from now, the ancient beasts will invade the Hongmeng Realm on a large scale, and analyze the situation of the enemy and us..." After speaking, Chen Ping'an stopped talking, and after attracting everyone's attention, he slowly asked Said: "Everyone, do you want to order a coffin for yourself first?"

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