When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 914: As soon as my daughter-in-law leaves, what are you talking about here?

Chen Ping'an got up and looked at the sunny and splendid scenery outside. He had to be busy with his own business too.

Go out to the Hongmeng Realm at noon today and try to get all the forces in the Hongmeng Realm.

Try to use them to deal with the ancient beasts together.

Yes, use it.

In his eyes, it is more useful to control these people than to unite with these people. If you want to unite, you have to discuss it with them. Some people give them face, but instead they slap their noses in the face, they should be forced to order them.

Especially other ancestors!

After all, these ancestors are now full of fear for him, and these ancestors have overshadowed him, and he can just use these grievances to force them to make a contribution to the war.

"Wanfa Zunzu and Wujie Zunzu..." These two people appeared in Chen Ping'an's mind.

He was thinking about killing them or giving them life.

If he wants to find the two of them, there is still some way, but it is a little troublesome, and I am afraid it will take some time and energy.

Now for him, time and energy are precious and should not be wasted.

While Chen Ping'an was thinking, a person suddenly appeared in his room.

He was changing clothes at the moment, wearing thin white pajamas, his muscles were looming under the light coming in through the window.

The person who appeared was a woman with a good figure.

It is the Chaos Pearl Spirit Body.

As soon as it appeared here, the Chaos Pearl spirit body looked at Chen Ping'an. After seeing Chen Ping'an's looming muscles, he didn't turn his eyes away for a moment, instead he suddenly whistled.

The essence of rogue comes to the fore.

Chen Pingan's face darkened.

your sister's.

People always have to knock on the door before entering other people's rooms. You just show up here and don't talk about it, and now you are playing a hooligan for me? !

Chen Pingan decided to come back and reinforce this space after he was busy with the Hongmeng Realm, so that no one could appear from here!

Even if it is inside the Chaos Orb, the Chaos Spirit Body cannot appear through the void at will!

Chen Pingan quickly put on his clothes, looked at the Chaos Pearl spirit body displeasedly, and scolded, "I don't have any quality."

The Chaos Pearl Spirit Body didn't care about this verbal attack at all, but instead said with a smile on his face: "Chen Pingan, why don't you take it off and show it to me?"

Chen Pingan laughed, and after getting dressed, he left the room.

The Chaos Pearl spirit body followed, but when she left the room, Chen Ping'an began to operate towards the room, using special secret techniques to reinforce various things in the room.

In the blink of an eye, the room felt as if thousands of layers of shackles had been added.

Or, add a password lock.

Except for the Chaos Bead Spirit, everyone else can come and go at will.

And this guy can't!

The Chaos Pearl Spirit Body finally felt offended and narrowed her eyes, but soon she continued to look like a hooligan and asked, "By the way, where's your daughter-in-law?"

Chen Pingan said, "I went out to practice."

The Chaos Pearl spirit body suddenly lit up: "You guys quarreled yesterday?!"

Chen Ping'an laughed: "quarrel for you? You are ugly, but you think you are pretty. In the eyes of my daughter-in-law, you are nothing."

After finishing speaking, Chen Ping'an looked at the kitchen knife in the yard and said, "Chopper, come to Hongmeng Realm with me later."

The kitchen knife was practicing with Jue Ji. After hearing Chen Ping'an's words, he turned into a human figure and appeared in front of Chen Ping'an.

"Master, do you need me to do anything?"

Chen Pingan said: "No, I just want you to see the world."

As soon as Chen Ping'an said this, the pile of utensils in the yard was bustling.

"Master! I'm going too!" Rooster said quickly.

Goldfish also raised his hand and said, "Master, take me with you!"

"I also want!"


Chen Pingan said: "You can just watch from here in the yard."

As Chen Ping'an waved one hand, a light screen appeared in the sky in the courtyard. After he arrived at the Hongmeng Realm, he could see the situation over there.

Mainly because it is inconvenient for him to bring too many people there.

The other utensils smiled wryly, and glanced at the kitchen knife with some envy.

Sure enough, the kitchen knife is very popular with the owner!

After a while, the time settled at noon.

Chen Pingan was about to leave with a kitchen knife, but the Chaos Pearl Spirit Body interrupted: "I'm going too!"

Chen Pingan glanced at her, and after thinking about it, he decided to take her there.

Maybe use her.

Help with chores!

"Okay, let's go." Chen Ping'an's voice fell, and the three began to disappear in place.

When the eyes lit up again, they had already appeared outside the Chaos Pearl.

The Chaos Orb is suspended in the central area of ​​the Hongmeng Realm, above the hall where the ancestors of the Ten Thousand Dharma used to live.

As soon as he appeared here, Chen Ping'an glanced around and could see that many people had gathered in the distance, but no one dared to approach here at this time.

After Chen Ping'an appeared in the Hongmeng Realm, he flew directly into the hall.

At this moment, the hall is empty. This hall is very large, as big as several football fields. There is an echo when you say a word, and the wall is engraved with a dragon.

Yes, those paintings can swim.

Very stylish.

Chen Ping'an sat in the middle of the deepest place, where there was a chair like a dragon chair, overlooking the huge hall below.

The kitchen knife and the Chaos Pearl spirit body stood beside Chen Ping'an, as if they were protecting the law from the left and right.

The main reason is that there is no chair for them to sit on, otherwise the Chaos Pearl Spirit Body will definitely have to sit.

After sitting down, Chen Ping'an said to the front: "All come here."

His voice was not loud, but it swayed in the hall, and outside, his voice appeared synchronously, and the voice that was soaring into the sky reverberated for tens of thousands of miles around.

The forces of the Hongmeng Realm who had been waiting nearby for a long time, listened to this voice and began to fly closer to the main hall.

Soon after, groups of people walked carefully into the hall.

In just one incense stick, the main hall was already overcrowded.

These people stood densely on the ground, no one dared to float in the sky, and no one dared to approach Chen Ping'an's side, they all maintained a large distance, so there was a huge open space between the two sides.

Now, even though the place is full of people, it is quiet and no one dares to speak.

Chen Pingan glanced at the people in the hall.

Saw some people I met many years ago.

If there is a powerful force in the Hongmeng world, everyone will come.

The ancestors who had been spared by him not long ago also came.

Only Wanfa Zunzu and Wujie Zunzu did not come.

And the two of them are afraid to come.

Chen Ping'an had long expected that they would not dare to come, as long as the most important remaining ancestors came.

But just after he finished thinking like this, the next moment, two people appeared in the main hall.

These two people appeared together, obviously coming together, and their appearance instantly attracted everyone's attention.

These two people are the ancestors of Wanfa and the ancestors of Wujie!

Seeing the two of them, Chen Ping'an became interested.

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