When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 901: You wait for me, I'll go back and bring rescuers

The three of Wanfa Zunzu looked at Chen Ping'an who was standing in front of them, and they all froze in place.

They didn't have to turn their heads to look at the other two, they could all sense that they had stopped, and the one who stopped them was Chen Ping'an in front of them!

What kind of power is this! !

If it's just a blindfold, it's nothing, but they can clearly feel that Chen Ping'an in front of them is very powerful, higher than their cultivation.

Of course, the specific strength of these three Chen Ping'an is not as strong as when Chen Ping'an had only one person, and it is slightly weaker, but it is obviously more than enough to deal with them!

"Can you escape?" The three Chen Pingan said coldly at the same time.

The faces of Wanfa Zunzu's three people were as black as fungus, and they knew that it was not so easy to escape, so they could only fight.

"Kill!!" Ancestor Wanfa was the first to riot. He knew that begging for mercy would not allow Chen Ping'an to survive. After all, he was the chief planner of Yin Chen Ping'an.

And Wu Xie Zunzu also started to attack at this time, attacking Chen Ping'an in front of him abruptly. He was the one who contributed the most at the beginning, apart from the Ancestor Wanfa, and it was as difficult as going to the sky for Chen Ping'an to give him a way to survive.

Huanggu Zunzu is different. Even Chen Ping'an, whose cultivation base is weaker in front of him, is definitely not an opponent, so he kneels directly to Chen Ping'an without saying a word.

"Invincible Zunzu! I was wrong! Spare my life, I will be a cow for you in the future..."

But after he finished speaking, Chen Ping'an waved one hand, and even cut off his head with a knife.

In this way, a generation of ancestors who had influenced the Hongmeng world for many years, just in the middle of begging for mercy, his head was thrown flying, and when the head left, his eyes were still staring at his body.

He never imagined that it would end up like this.

It is impossible for Chen Ping'an to give these three people a chance to live. If these three people can overshadow him once, they can overshadow him a second time. Moreover, over the years, the despair he has experienced in the Chaos Pearl can only be overcome with the lives of these three people. Baptism can make him feel better.

Especially Huanggu Zunzu, he was the first person who proposed to remove him!

Therefore, if this person is not eliminated, it is difficult to eliminate the hatred in his heart!

And now, Huanggu Zunzu himself gave up resistance, how could he not be sure and kill the opponent directly, he would have more energy to deal with the other two!

After all, Wanfa Zunzu and Wujie Zunzu are also among the best in the Hongmeng world. If the two of them have something behind and finally escape, it will be a hassle for him to hunt down the two after that.

It may even be possible to give these two the last madness before their death, killing the people he cares about!

This kind of thing must be avoided!

After killing Huanggu Zunzu, Chen Ping'an threw the body of Huanggu Zunzu on the platform where the Chaos Bead was not long ago, and then let his clone disappear.

The next moment, Chen Ping'an, who was fighting with the ancestors of Wanfa Zunwu Wujie Zunzu, improved some strengths at the same time.

The two people, Wanfa Zunzu, who were already under Chen Ping'an's hands, gritted their teeth when they saw this scene, and scolded Huanggu Zunzu in their hearts for being a pig.

If the ancient ancestors resisted, they would not have such a lot of pressure all of a sudden!

Now, it is even more difficult for them to survive from Chen Ping'an!

Because they are not fighting Chen Ping'an at all, but they are completely bombed, and they can only use all their strength to resist Chen Ping'an's attack!

Moreover, they are still very embarrassed, I am afraid that after a while, only the death of the body will disappear!

"Damn! If ten people join forces, there will definitely be a chance to kill him!" Wanfa Zunzu roared. After fighting Chen Ping'an, he probably estimated the specific strength of Chen Ping'an. Ping An has no other means, so they still have a chance.

Wujie Zunzu did not speak. His strength was weaker than Wanfa Zunzu. Now he is covered in blood. Maybe the next blow will be his moment of death.

As for the rest of the ancestors who had gone far, they did not leave directly, but flew to a very far place, secretly watching the battlefield.

They looked at the tragic state of Wanfa Zunzu and Wujie Zunzu, and the direct death of the ancient Zunzu. Some rabbits died and foxes were sad, and they didn't know whether the choice they had just made was correct.

In a farther place, Ying Le and several people have now reached the Qingzi ancient beast.

The five Ying Le looked at their ancestors, and their faces no longer had the admiration they had at the beginning, but became extremely weird.

Especially watching their ancestors stretch their necks and stare cautiously at the battlefield, frowning slowly and slowly, they believe that their ancestors are a strange person.

The embarrassing appearance of the Qingzi ancient beast running away just now was already in their minds.

"Old Ancestor, what should we do now? That array is in the hands of Wujie Zunzu. If he died in the hands of that Invincible Zunzu, it would be even more difficult for us to want the array." Yingle couldn't stand it any longer and tried Ask a question.

Qingzi Ancient Beast glanced at Yingle after hearing this.

He is more entangled now than before. Looking over there for a while, he found that Chen Ping'an's strength was not too weak.

That strength is definitely what he can kill!

However, he was afraid of cheating.

Although he is now thinking that there should be no fraud, after all, the Great Emperor Ping An would never put on such a play in order to kill him!

If you want to kill him, you can do it just now!

You really don't need to do so many bells and whistles.

But listening to Ying Le's words at this moment, he felt that it was even more necessary for him to go there. If the array sheet fell into the hands of the Great Emperor Ping An, it would be even more difficult for them to get it back...

"Damn it, how do you do it well?" Qingzi Ancient Beast thought about it, and began to feel a little cowardly again, mainly because he couldn't pass the hurdle of the shadow in his heart.

Ying Le really couldn't understand why his ancestor was like this, because he knew that his ancestor was stronger, so he couldn't help asking: "Ancestor, why are you doing this? Why do I feel like you are afraid of that invincible ancestor? ? Or, are you afraid of attracting someone's attention after you take action??"

They also know about the Great Emperor Ping An, saying that it is okay for their ancestors to fear the Great Emperor Ping An, but that is the Invincible Ancestor, and the strength shown by this Invincible Ancestor is not very strong, and it is not strong enough for their ancestors.

At the beginning, he thought about whether the Invincible Zunzu was the one who crushed their ancient beasts with one person's money, but after seeing the strength of the Invincible Zunzu, he decided not to.

He had seen the strength of his ancestors, and they were much stronger than the invincible ancestors who were fighting now, so he suddenly thought that his ancestors might be afraid of using their strength to attract the attention of anyone.

With this thought, Ying Le suddenly became enlightened.

"The old ancestor ran so fast just now, did he just know that there would be a war there later, and the war would most likely attract the attention of the Great Emperor Ping An??" Ying Le's eyes widened a little, and his heart instantly became firm. The answer is that it is so.

Qingzi Ancient Beast was too lazy to answer Ying Le, and seeing that Chen Ping'an was still attacking the ancestors of Wanfa Zunzi, he was heartbroken and decided to fight!

"It's a big deal to use the source ball to be reborn!" The Qingzi ancient beast bit off and started to riot. At the speed just now, it flew in the direction of Chen Ping'an and the others.

"Emperor Ping An! I fought with you!!" The ancient Qingzi beast roared as he flew over there.

But he just flew for a while, because his shouting caught Chen Ping'an's eyes, so he and Chen Ping'an looked at each other across tens of thousands of miles.

With just such a glance, his figure suddenly stopped, a sudden brake came, and then, with a very gorgeous gesture, he turned around again.

"Grandma's! I'm still going back to rescue soldiers!! Emperor Ping An, wait for your motherfucker!!!"

The Qingzi ancient beast roared loudly.

The five Ying Le looked at this scene, dumbfounded.

Seeing that their ancestors turned and fled gracefully, and instantly turned into a star and disappeared into the distance, they were messed up in the wind.

And Ying Le heard this, he finally knew a piece of information.

Invincible Zunzu, the Great Emperor Ping An who crushed their ancient beast clan with one person's money? ! !

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