When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 900: Brave beasts are not afraid of difficulties

But as soon as the idea was born, he shook his head abruptly in the next moment, trying his best to dispel the idea.

Now go back, if your guess is wrong, isn't there only a dead end?

But if there is such an opportunity in his eyes, it would be a pity if he lost it in vain.

Try to think about it, how majestic it would be if he brought the head of Emperor Ping'an back to the Forbidden Realm of Hongmeng this time?

What are the expressions of the guys who laughed at him not long ago?

Stunned dog?

The Qingzi ancient beast began to crook again.

But not long after he was crooked, his reason quickly returned to his mind.

"No, no, the power of the red beam of light shot from the Chaos Bead just now is stronger than my full-strength blow. It stands to reason that the strength of the Great Emperor Ping An should not fall to this level!"

The power of the red beam of light just now was stronger than his full-strength blow, and it was much stronger than the cultivation base that Chen Ping'an showed now, but it was still much weaker than the peak strength of Emperor Ping'an. At the peak of Emperor Ping'an, he could at least play better than red. The beam of light is dozens or even hundreds of times stronger!

Qingzi Ancient Beast shook his head desperately, trying to get rid of the idea of ​​taking risks and going back, but looking at Chen Ping'an in the distance, the fear that filled his heart not long ago turned into desire gradually.

After beheading the Great Emperor Ping An, it will not only bring glory to him, but also have many benefits.

At that time, when they dominate the Hongmeng Realm again, dividing the land and raising the human race in captivity, he will definitely be able to divide more.

Moreover, other ancient beasts are afraid of him because they do not know his specific strength!

"Damn, what should I do?!"

Looking at Chen Ping'an in the distance, the ancient Qingzi beast hesitated on the spot.

"Look at it again! He seems to be fighting those **** ancestors? Let's see what his strength is! However, are they just acting? No, if they were acting, they would have killed me just now, then It should all be true! Good! As soon as I see his strength, I will go and fight!!"

Qingzi Ancient Beast had many thoughts in his heart, and finally made a decision.

If he misses such a good opportunity, I am afraid that he will live in regret for the rest of his life.

"Brave beast, don't be afraid of difficulties! Do it!" Qingzi ancient beast cheered himself up, trying to get rid of the few remaining fears in his heart.

This is an opportunity to overcome your inner fear, and you must seize it!

far away.

Chen Ping'an didn't know about the Qingzi ancient beast at all, and he never thought that this guy would secretly observe him from a distance.

After he collected the Chaos Pearl, he turned his attention to the ten ancestors again. As for the other lord-level people, he completely ignored them and did not care at all.

No matter how many mosquitoes, it is also a slap in the face.

Seeing that the ten ancestors had gradually become enthusiastic and wanted to fight him, he also spoke at this time.

If you can unite, you can also disperse.

"I don't want to make too much murder, except for the ancestors of Wanfa, Wujie, and the ancient ancestors, the others leave now, I will let you live, and manage your own power well in the future, don't offend me again, I'm not to blame!"

As soon as these words came out, the ten ancestors who were strong and strong united and decided to fight to the death were instantly stunned.

The boiling blood that had just been adjusted, also cooled down suddenly because of these words.

Except for Wanfa Zunzu, Wujie Zunzu and Huanggu Zunzu, the other Zunzu began to look at each other.

real? !

This is the only thought in their minds.

The three ancestors of Wanfa Zun looked at the other Zun An who had been made like this by Chen Ping'an's words, and their faces instantly turned pale.

The Ancestor Wanfa quickly shouted: "What are you thinking?! Believe what he says? He is going to disintegrate us step by step!"

Wujie Zunzu also stopped immediately and said: "That's right! Don't believe him! He killed the three of us first, and will let you go in the future? And if we join forces, we may not be able to kill him! And he said at this moment. This kind of remark clearly shows that he is afraid of us and has no chance of winning by joining forces with himself! It also indirectly means that the blow he just hit can no longer be used!"

The words of the ancient ancestors have been snatched by the ancestors of Wanfa, and at this moment they can only shout: "That's right!"

The other Zunzu listened to these words and fell into contemplation, especially the words of Wuji Zunzu, which made them feel a bit reasonable!

However, just when they were suspicious and hesitant, Chen Pingan's words made them make an instant decision.

I saw Chen Pingan in a cold voice: "I'll give you three breaths to make a decision, otherwise, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

With just one sentence, the other ancestors trembled.

Give them three breaths of time to hesitate!

"I give up! Invincible Zunzu, I'm leaving now, I don't mind being your subordinate in the future!" The first person to speak was Lan Yuanzunzu.

He thought about it, Chen Ping'an is now stronger than them all. After all, they are all weaker, and he doesn't know if Chen Ping'an can make such a deterrent attack as before. They joined forces to fight, The probability of winning is not high, and if they lose, they have no choice but to die.

As for what Chen Ping'an promises now, he doesn't know whether it is true or not, but it is also 55%. If what Chen Ping'an said is true, the choice he makes now can save his life.

If what Chen Ping'an said is false, and he will be killed in the future, that will also be a matter of the future. Now it is 55 to 50 to fight together, why not bet 50 to 50 in the future?

Live for a while!

After thinking about it for a while, he made a decision.

And as soon as Lan Yuan Zun's voice was over, the other ancestors who were still hesitating also began to shake because someone took the lead, and began to speak one after another.

"I give up! Please let us go! I will listen to you in the future!"


One after another chose not to fight, and some even showed their loyalty.

Even if there are still some Zunzu who want to fight and gamble, because other Zunzu gave up at this moment, their combined combat power has completely posed no threat to Chen Ping'an, so they can only give up.

The three of Wanfa Zunzu watched this scene and became overwhelmed.

Endless fear began to erupt in their hearts.

Chen Ping'an glanced at Lan Yuanzun's ancestor, and he was also taking the lead, so things could be so easy.

"Leave me when you make a decision. I won't hold you accountable for the past!"

After listening to this, the other ancestors bowed and nodded, then quickly led their lord-level subordinates and hurriedly left the place.

And the three people of Wanfa Zunzu watched this scene, and they no longer wanted to fight. They still felt that there was a little chance for ten people to go up together. Now there are only three people left, so how can they fight? !

escape! !

The three of them came up with this idea at the same time, and immediately fled in one direction at a very fast speed.

It depends on who of them is unlucky and will be hunted down first!

But just as they moved, a figure suddenly flashed out from the direction they were fleeing, blocking their way.

And the people blocking their way are Chen Pingan!

That's right, Chen Ping'an was actually divided into three, blocking the way of the three of them!

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