When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1397: Chen Ji is very sad

After introducing the array of Liubi with Duan Xinxin, Chen Ping'an did not forget to ask, "Did you extract any sadness today?"

The Chaos Pearl Spirit Body immediately handed Chen Pingan a mass of sadness.

So did Su Ling.

Only Duan Xinxin did not, but soon, she refined a small group for Chen Ping'an on the spot.

Chen Pingan accepted the three groups of sadness and said, "Since this creation mother liquid can be used like this, then I need to get some creation mother liquid out."

Zhen Liubi, who was still hiding behind Chen Ping'an, had already been shocked by the scene in front of her, and her scalp was numb. At this moment, she suddenly heard Chen Ping'an's words and her body trembled.

What? !

Can you condense the mother liquid of creation? !

Zhen Liubi didn't dare to hide behind Chen Ping'an now.

If Chen Ping'an can condense the mother liquid of creation, it means that Chen Ping'an also has the avenue of creation!

However, she obviously didn't feel any aura of the Great Way of Creation in Chen Ping'an, not even what remained in Chen Ping'an.

And Chen Ping'an has always lived here, and there are three people who have the Great Way of Creation here. Logically speaking, it should not even be possible that the aura of the Great Way of Creation remains on his body.

There is only one reason for this.

Chen Ping'an has a way to make himself not have any aura of the Great Way of Creation.

And it is not surprising that such a person has the avenue of creation.

Looking at the four people in front of her, Zhen Liubi called him awesome.

In the ten great worlds, it has always been said that there are only nine creation gods.

There may be one more in the future, making up enough creation gods.

Under normal circumstances, in all the worlds, there is at most one person who has the Great Way of Creation and has not cultivated to the level of the Creation God.

Well now, she realized that everything in her memory was false.

There are four in this yard!

When these four people have cultivated to the level of the Creation God, wouldn't the Creation God directly change from nine to thirteen!

And now she finally knows what Chen Ping'an said not long ago, the confidence to be able to brag in front of the God of Creation.

Think about it, when Chen Ping'an and the others have become gods of creation, she can really brag about any **** of creation and say that she knows the other four gods of creation!

What would that look like?

Chen Ping'an turned to look at Zhen Liubi who had not said a word after entering the room, and said, "How is it? I didn't lie to you."

Zhen Liubi is the kind of person who can't stop talking. Now that she doesn't say a word, she must be shocked by the scene in front of her.

Zhen Liubi nodded, "Awesome!"

Duan Xinxin and the three of them were stunned when they saw that Liubi said that.

Chen Ping'an did not forget to remind Zhen Liubi: "You also saw our situation, our current strength is still low, so if you want to brag, you will brag later, it is best to wait until we reach the God of Creation. degree."

Zhen Liubi understood the meaning of Chen Ping'an's words.

This is obviously to tell her, try not to tell the situation here first.

That's right, now Chen Pingan and the others are relatively weak.

And in this special situation, not one person owns the Great Way of Creation, but four people.

If this is known to the people of Yiyuan Realm, or even those Gods of Creation, they will definitely not let them live.

At least three people will not survive.

Think about it, the reason why those Creation Gods want the tenth Creation God to appear is to gather enough people to compete for the position of Dao Venerable.

But if only they knew there would be not just a tenth God of Creation, but a thirteenth.

There are two more to compete with them for the position of Dao Zun.

Will they let the other three people who possess the Great Way of Creation successfully reach the strength of the God of Creation?

The answer is beyond doubt.

Certainly not.

So she must not dare to tell others what she saw in the yard.

"I understand." Zhen Liubi gave Chen Pingan a reassuring look.

To brag about such a thing, of course, you have to have the capital to brag.

Otherwise, it's just blowing on the bull's ass.

Chen Pingan asked again, "Don't you regret accepting me as the master now?"

Zhen Liubi nodded vigorously.

To recognize a future creation **** as the master is like a heifer flying on a plane.


After convincing Zhen Liubi completely, Chen Ping'an smiled without saying a word.

Afterwards, Chen Pingan continued to take Zhen Liubi to familiarize himself with the situation in the yard.

At the same time, he also told the other party about the Hongmeng Realm and the reason why he tried to hide the Hongmeng Realm as much as possible.

In the future, he will let Zhen Liubi stay in the Yiyuan Realm, so Zhen Liubi has to cooperate with him and cannot reveal the secret of his possession of the Hongmeng Realm.

Zhen Liubi is very obedient, like a good daughter.

In order to scare a bunch of people to death in the future, she is very cooperative.

In the end, Chen Pingan continued to bring Zhen Liubi back to the Invincible Gate.

"In the future, try to stay here at the Invincible Gate." Chen Ping'an urged.

I'm afraid that after the formation of Liubi becomes a human, I can't help but want to see Daqian World.

At that time, the anti-Mudian people came to the door again, and it was the same situation not long ago. One person dragged Murong Hongyun and the others, and the other attacked their invincible door, and they didn't have a formation, so they were 100% cool.

The formation really wanted to look everywhere, and now when I heard Chen Ping'an's words, I nodded and agreed.

"I'll try my best to make this anti-Mudian dare not come again. It's been hard for you during this time." Chen Pingan patted Liubi on the shoulder.

Next, he has to find a way to kill this anti-Mudian.

Array Liubi nodded.


In the world of billion sources.

At this moment, many major forces have heard of the incident in Lingyuan City.

Among them, the Chen family.

A group of high-level people got together.

in the high-rise parliament hall.

Chen Ji looked at a group of dark-faced senior members of the Chen family. He looked like he had been stabbed dozens of times by someone somewhere behind him.

These high-level meetings only asked him to come here, and they did not inform Chen Anni, the little girl, what the specific reason was, he could think of it with his ass.

Yesterday, these high-level executives did not look for him, and today because of what happened at Wudimen, these high-level executives must be looking for him to criticize him.

Chen Ji stood in the middle and was scrutinized by a group of clan elders.

Among them, the majestic old man sitting in the main seat said in a deep voice: "Chen Ji, you truthfully report to us the specific situation when you sold the formation!"

This majestic old man is the head of their Chen family.

Chen Ji smiled bitterly: "Annie... Didn't the first elder tell you to the Patriarch?"

After returning to the family yesterday, Chen Anni said that she went to tell the elders about the formation, and told him not to follow, for fear that Chen Ji would be scolded.

And Chen Anni also said that she will take over everything and will not implicate Chen Ji.

Chen Ji also felt that it was not good for him to follow, so he let Chen Anni speak for herself.

The second elder interjected at this time: "The 100 trillion formation was sold to you for 4 trillion, and the 40 trillion will be given later? When will it be in the future?! Also, today's invincible door that Have you heard of what happened along the way? Could it be that the formation is like that, but we didn't find it?! Now it seems that the formation can sell 150 trillion avenue stones!"

Chen Ji didn't know how to explain it. He thought that Chen Anni had already agreed with these elders, and that all decisions were made by Chen Anni, and had nothing to do with him.

Did Chen Anni not say anything now, or did these elders just want to find someone to scold them?

Not long ago, he understood what happened at the Invincible Gate.

The anti-Mudian sent two strong men, and after a big battle, the reason why the invincible gate was fine was mainly because the formation played a super powerful role.

In fact, Chen Ji was a little unconvinced when he heard the news that the formation could counterattack and knocked out a person with a hundred full-level avenues.

But when people checked it out, many witnesses said the same thing.

This made him wonder if that formation was the same formation they sold to Chen Ping'an.

If that formation really has such a hidden effect, then this formation can indeed sell one hundred and fifty trillion avenue stones.

In this case, he will be criticized and fought, and it will be more ruthless...

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