When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1396: Why are there so many owners of the Avenue of Creation?

Chen Pingan said: "That's okay, you can make an oath, and make a contract. Now I'll show you the confidence that will allow you to brag at will in the future."

Zhen Liubi didn't hesitate, just followed what Chen Pingan said.

Everything is done, and the degree of recognition is correct. Chen Pingan said with a smile: "Okay, our relationship will be more intimate from now on. Well, you can go somewhere with me."

He was going to bring Zhen Liubi, who had just been born with Lingzhi, to enter the Hongmeng Realm and go back to the yard.

Zhen Liubi has recognized him as the master, and will be her own from now on.

He can't see the strength of the array Liubi, which is normal, because the array has no cultivation base at all.

But the formation of Liubi's body is the formation, with the ability to absorb other people's damage and reverse the damage, it can be regarded as the strength of a hundred full-level avenues.

Thinking of this, Chen Pingan first asked: "By the way, how strong can you resist the attack now?"

Zhen Liubi said bluntly: "A hundred and fifty kinds of attacks below the full-level avenues fall on my protective screen, like small raindrops, and they are not harmful. Without 180 kinds of full-level avenues, it is impossible. The attacks that cause damage to my protective screen, and the attacks that I can counterattack, are also the strongest of 180 full-level avenues. Isn't it a thief?"

One hundred and eighty full-level avenues?

Really naughty.

In the future, when Liubi is by your side, you don't have to be afraid when you meet people of this level!

Chen Pingan gave her another thumbs up, indicating that she was very strong.

"By the way, there is another question. You have just been born with spiritual wisdom, but why do I think you know a lot of things? Especially some things about the God of Creation." Chen Ping'an stared at the formation and asked another question.

Generally speaking, when an item is first born with intelligence, it is a novice in life.

You have to slowly understand the outside world in order to live a normal life.

But that's not the case with Lubi.

Formation Liubi said: "I don't know very well, at the moment when the mother liquid of creation gave me birth to spiritual wisdom, everything I experienced when I was still in formation became my memory in an instant, so I am very fond of many things. I know, even some things about the creation god, I know. Because I also stayed with the creator **** of the Chen family for a while."

Chen Ping'an pondered for a while, and did not continue to study further.

In fact, he wanted to ask about the situation of the Chen Clan God of Creation, but it didn't seem right to ask now.

After asking the question, he began to guide Zhen Liubi into the Hongmeng Realm.

There shouldn't be any danger at the Invincible Gate in a short period of time.

Don't be afraid if the formation is not there.

Zhen Liubi listened to Chen Ping'an's words very much, completely trusted Chen Ping'an, and followed Chen Ping'an's instructions without rejecting Chen Ping'an's perception.

in a blink.

She followed Chen Pingan into a vast world.

After entering Hongmeng Realm, Chen Pingan continued to appear in the courtyard with Zhen Liubi.

As soon as he appeared in the yard, the surroundings suddenly fell silent.

The utensils who were practicing or resting and chatting suddenly stopped, and their eyes all fell on Zhen Liubi who was standing beside Chen Ping'an.

Chen Pingan hadn't brought anyone he didn't know back to the yard for a long time.

Moreover, they found that this beautiful woman did not seem to be a normal person.

They could feel that Jin Liubi was transformed, just like them.

Strangely, they could not feel any cultivation aura on Zhen Liubi.

But just like this, they actually felt that the formation of Liubi was very dangerous!

Like a rose, it looks beautiful, but if you reach out, it will stab you and scream.

After Zhen Liubi appeared in the courtyard, she stood still.

His eyes swept back and forth around, and those beautiful eyes opened wider and wider.

The moment she came to this yard, she could perceive that there were many disguised objects in the yard.

But that wasn't the point of her surprise.

What made her become like this is because she found that the yard was full of the aura of the Avenue of Creation!

And not just one!

There are several! !

That's why she looked shocked.

"What's the matter! Where is this place!"

Zhen Liubi hid behind Chen Ping'an again, grabbed the clothes on Chen's back, and asked in a low voice.

It's no longer the social terrorist who is so arrogant when he opens his mouth and closes his mouth.

She now seriously doubts whether this place is the home of some cheerful and friendly God of Creation.

Then some creation gods often come as guests because of the goodness of this creation god, and even live here often!

Otherwise, how could there be so many auras of the Great Way of Creation!

Chen Ping'an smiled and said, "This is my home, and they, like you, call me master."

Zhen Liubi looked at Chen Ping'an and looked at the kitchen knives.

Chen Ping'an looked at the kitchen knife and others, and said, "She will be your little friend in the future. She is a formation."

After the kitchen knife and others determined that Zhen Liubi was their own, they all greeted her with a smile.

Jin Liubi also nodded politely towards them.

After introducing Liu Bi, Chen Ping'an said, "Come into the room with me. The person you want to see next is your confidence to brag."

Zhen Liubi swallowed her saliva.

No need for Chen Ping'an to say, she already knew who she was going to see.

But she was here in the yard, but she couldn't feel the strong sense of oppression inside.

It stands to reason that the sense of oppression of the God of Creation is very scary.

Chen Pingan took Zhen Liubi into the house.

Zhen Liubi took small steps, hid behind Chen Ping'an, and followed into the house.

A look of a frightened little lady.

in the hall.

At this moment, Duan Xinxin Su Ling and the Chaos Pearl Spirit Body are sitting together, trying to find a way to extract sadness.

Chen Pingan gave them a task to try to spend some time every day to refine their sadness.

Now they also sensed that Chen Ping'an was back, but they found that another person they had never seen before came back with them.

Chen Pingan appeared in front of the three women with Zhen Liubi.

There was silence all around.

Duan Xinxin didn't say a word after seeing Zhen Liubi.

I don't know what happened, the sadness that I couldn't find just now began to take shape at this moment.

My husband brought a beautiful girl home!

And this girl is still young and beautiful, young and cute!

And the little lady is hiding behind Chen Pingan!

The body of the Chaos Pearl spirit body is an object, and it can be instantly found that the array Liubi is also the same.

When Su Ling saw Zhen Liubi, she didn't have much emotion. .

She felt that when she grew up, she could be the same as Zhen Liubi.

Chen Pingan introduced the two parties.

When Duan Xinxin knew about the situation of Zhen Liubi, she exhaled a sigh of relief.

"So, she is also our child?" Su Ling asked innocently after hearing that Zhen Liubi was born because of the mother liquid of creation.

As soon as these words were over, Duan Xinxin and the Chaos Pearl Spirit Body both stayed for a while.

It seems that this is the case!

Chen Ping'an looked strange and said, "She just has something to do with you. Don't think about it so much, it mainly depends on me, the master."

If I did not go to the doctor in a panic, and invested in the mother liquid of creation, the formation method would not give birth to wisdom.

While Chen Ping'an and the others were discussing this topic, Zhen Liubi kept standing still, like a piece of wood.

Looking at the scene in front of her, she directly wondered if something went wrong when she was born with spiritual wisdom, causing her brain to have problems.

How could this scene be true!

Three people have the Avenue of Creation? !

Moreover, the strength of these three people did not reach the level of the God of Creation.

But even so, doesn't it mean that in all the worlds, there are only nine people who possess the Great Way of Creation!

How is this going! !

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