When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1136: That **** is here

Just staring at the picture on the hanging screen, he realized that these boxes are not simple.

He found that there was actually the energy of the Great Way of Creation on this box!

It's no wonder that the Qingzhulou is so confident that this box can block everyone's observation and achieve the effect of dismantling the blind box.

It was also because of the discovery of the creation energy on this box that Chen Pingan felt that he had a high probability of cheating again!

But if he wants to cheat and feel the items in the box, he still can't do it through a hanging screen.

It must be observed and felt on the spot.

Of course, it may not be possible in the real world, so he feels that he "seems" to be able to cheat.

Chen Ping'an looked at Murong Tian and the others, and said, "Can I choose to play this blind guessing box here?"

He has to ask first.

The mature woman nodded: "Yes, I can pass on the letter and let someone take down the box you chose for the distinguished guest in real time, but there may be a time lag in the middle. If the box is taken down by the person below in advance, it may be missed."

Chen Ping'an hoped to hear this answer, so he stood up with a smile and said, "Then I'll go down and go shopping in person."

The mature woman nodded after listening.

And Murong Tian and Murong Fu saw that Chen Ping'an was very interested in this, they also stood up with a smile, and went down to play.

As for Xiang Mei, she has been trying to be alone with Chen Ping'an, and even find a quiet place to do something wrong. Now that Chen Ping'an is very interested in this kind of fun project, she looks a little bad.

But she could only stand up and follow Chen Pingan.

Otherwise, what if Chen Ping'an will be replaced by someone else?

Several people went downstairs.

Finally arrived at the position of the blind guess box.

There are many people around here.

These people were sitting and standing, and everyone was staring at a black box on a stage in front of them.

The stage is not as big as the general stage over there, and it is not too small. It should be able to accommodate hundreds of people.

Now there are many black boxes neatly arranged on the stage.

Each of these boxes is roughly the size of a fist and is cube-shaped.

Arranged numbers also appear on the box.

When you see a box, you can go to a few nearby staff, hand in enough avenue stones, report the corresponding number on the box, and someone will take the box and give it to them.

This is the specific operation process of the blind guess box.

After Chen Ping'an arrived here, he immediately sensed the situation of those boxes.

"These boxes are surrounded by the energy of creation. Is it the material of the box, or is there a special method that someone uses to fix the energy of creation around the box?"

Chen Ping'an narrowed his eyes.

After experiencing it at close range, he can be sure that he can perceive the energy intensity of the things inside.

Being able to feel the total intensity of the energy inside is also equivalent to knowing whether the things inside are good or not.

But he also thought of a question.

If the material makes the creation energy appear, that's fine, but if it is artificially made, then there is a big problem involved here.

Like him, there are people in this world who have comprehended all the avenues and merged the avenues of creation!

"Actually, there are countless powerful people in the Great Thousand World. Some people, like me, realize that the Great Way of Creation is normal." Chen Pingan was quickly relieved.

There may be four of them in their family. It is normal to have such people in this world that is stronger than the Absolute Beginning Realm.

But what makes him more concerned is that if someone really has the same way as them, what kind of strength does the other party have now?

If the Great Way of Creation were also upgraded to the 100 Intent level, it would be extremely terrifying!

"If there is such a person, then it's too obvious that I cheated by using the Avenue of Creation. Will this person know that I have the Avenue of Creation?"

What will happen when the other party knows that he has the Avenue of Creation?

See the fellows are generally friendly?

Or directly hostile, or even kill?

Chen Pingan fell into deep thought.

In any case, he can't bet.

"You can cheat a little bit, just earn a little bit, it can't be too obvious." Chen Ping'an made a decision secretly.

Seeing that Chen Ping'an came here, Murong Tian quietly stared at the stage and didn't choose, as if he wanted to see what was in the box, he smiled and said, "Fellow Daoist, this blind guessing box is purely a matter of luck. , no matter how you look at it, you can't see it, just choose it."

Murong Fu also smiled and said at this time: "I don't know if you have any luck today, fellow Daoist. After all, in the afternoon, you have already used so much luck, haha."

Chen Ping'an heard the words of the two and said with a smile: "Then try it and you will know, but I am quite confident in my luck."

Listening to these words, the three women were all thinking about what Chen Ping'an experienced in the afternoon, but Murong Fu actually said that Chen Ping'an might have used up all his luck for the day.

Murong Tian and Murong Fu also decided to play, memorized a few numbers, and then went to a staff member and handed over the Stone of the Great Way.

A blind box was given to 30 million avenue stones, and they chose five boxes and eight boxes respectively.

Chen Pingan stared at those boxes and found that among so many boxes, three boxes contained the strongest energy.

"How much is it to take?"

Chen Ping'an thought about it and decided to win only one.

Can't be too obvious.

Still, he chose five next-level boxes.

He memorized a lot of numbers, went to a staff member, and said the numbers corresponding to many boxes.

It was the first time the staff had heard such a large number.

Chen Ping sold and bought a hundred boxes.

A total of three billion avenue stones.

You know, the probability of winning the jackpot in this blind box is very low.

The box that can return the 30 million avenue stones is only about one-third of the boxes.

Many people play this just to bet big, and use 30 million to make tens of billions or hundreds of billions all at once.

The staff quickly helped Chen Ping'an take down the box and handed over 100 boxes to Chen Ping'an.

Chen Pingan took the box and prepared to go back to the box and unpack it.

However, the staff said: "Guest officer, we want to recycle this box, you can only dismantle it here."

Chen Ping'an nodded, too lazy to dismantle one by one, looked at the three mature women, and said, "Come on, help me."

The mature woman smiled and said, "Okay."

The woman accompanying Murong Tian also smiled and nodded, she thought this kind of thing was actually quite fun.

On the contrary, Xiang Mei was very impatient and troubled, but she still had a normal smile on her face.

She felt that the probability of winning this kind of box was too low, and she believed that Chen Ping'an couldn't dismantle good things unless Chen Ping'an bought thousands of boxes on the stage.

Chen Ping'an knew which boxes had good things in them, but he didn't open the boxes with good things. The boxes with good things were all assigned to the mature women. In this way, he could try to make himself look like he got it by luck. good stuff.

While they were unpacking the box, there was a box on the third floor.

While eating watermelon at the moment, the bored Liu Xiaoxiao suddenly stopped.

She was also bored, and glanced at the hanging screen of the blind box.

"He's actually here!" Liu Xiaoxiao looked at her sister and said.

Liu Xi asked, "Who?"

Liu Xiaoxiao pointed at the picture on the side of the blind box: "He, the person I said!"

Both Liu Xi and Chen Ji's eyes fell on Chen Ping'an.

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