When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1335: I really don't want to cheat

Xiao Liuzi pursed her lips when she heard what her sister said.

My sister is good at everything, but her narcissistic character is too strong, and sometimes it is not good to be too confident.

The beautiful woman looked at her absent-minded sister and asked, "Xiaoxiao, why do you look absent-minded? Also, your watermelon seems to be a little different from the previous watermelon."

During this period, Liu Xiaoxiao's mouth and hands never stopped, holding a piece of watermelon and chatting while eating.

Of course, she didn't eat fast either, perhaps because she was afraid that she would run out of watermelon if she ate too fast.

Liu Xiaoxiao said: "This watermelon is indeed not the kind of stuff I used to eat. It's very delicious. I got it from a strange person."

In her eyes, Chen Pingan became more and more strange.

The most important thing is the question she asked, Chen Pingan didn't answer a single one, it was extremely hateful.

If it weren't for the watermelon, she would have wanted to ignore Chen Ping'an, the abominable guy who made people's appetites.

"Strange person?" Liu Xi asked.

In fact, she didn't like the name Liu Xi very much, but it was given by her father, and she couldn't change it if she wanted to.

Liu Xiaoxiao nodded: "He's weird, he still bullies me!"

Liu Xi frowned sharply.

bully you? !

Who dares to be so bold!

bully my sister!

"I answered all the questions he asked truthfully. The guy didn't answer any of the questions I asked, and the answers were vague. It was extremely hateful!" Liu Xiaoxiao took a bite of the watermelon, and found that the bite was too big, so she could only slow down. Chew slowly, for fear of eating too much and finishing it all at once.

Liu Xi shook her head and smiled. She thought that someone had beaten her younger sister.

"What happened? Did it happen when I asked you to do those things not long ago?" Liu Xi continued to ask.

Liu Xiaoxiao thought about it for a while, and still felt that she could tell her sister about it, but she concealed the fact that she wanted to exchange a lot of Dao Stones for Chen Ping'an's watermelon.

Because she also knew that doing so would be too much of a loser.

When her sister finds out, she will definitely criticize her severely.

After Liu Xi heard this, her beautiful thin eyebrows frowned again.

The Murong family?

Is there a pre-selected elder of the Murong family with him?

She had heard Murong Tian's name recently.

It was a pre-selected elder personally promoted by the Murong clan head.

Beside the two, a man has been sitting.

The man was dressed simply, wearing only a white robe, and he never spoke, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, listening to the two of them talking.

The man's appearance is probably in his twenties. He is very handsome, but he has a weak temperament. In addition, his body looks weak and a little feminine. When he smiles, he definitely looks like a woman.

"I heard that the Murong family has a genius recently." The man suddenly spoke.

If there was a man here, I would get goosebumps at the sound.

Because the voice is so nasty.

Liu Xiaoxiao and Liu Xi looked at the man.

Liu Xi smiled and said, "Little Jiji, do you know this person?"

Chen Ji said, "I only heard about it, or I heard from a genius in the Murong family. They have a genius in the Murong family. Now there are more than 200 kinds of Dao cultivation to the ninety-nine level."

"It seems that my news is still a little behind. There are more than 200 kinds of avenues cultivated to the ninety-ninth level. If they all cultivate to the one hundred level, they are still strong." Liu Xi said with a smile.

Chen Ji shook his head and smiled, "This is the secret of the Murong family. It's normal for you not to know Xiaoxi, and I just learned about it not long ago."

"So this person is the genius born out of nowhere?" Liu Xi asked.

Chen Ji said: "There is a high probability, it is normal for a pre-selected elder to take the initiative to get close with this kind of talent."

Liu Xi nodded, thinking that it should be.

Liu Xiaoxiao didn't speak at this time, wondering if Chen Ping'an was what Chen Ji said.

But it doesn't seem right. There are only two hundred kinds of ninety-nine-level avenues. How can you tell the depth of her.

"Maybe he has some kind of treasure..." Liu Xiaoxiao didn't think about it anymore.

"I just thought of a poem, I'll try to play it too." Just now Chen Ji kept silent, just thinking about the poem. Now he also started the formation, then took out the rice paper and wrote the poem down.

Liu Xi was also interested, and leaned over to take a look.

After reading it, she was stunned for a moment, and then showed a beautiful smile: "Little Jiji, you are too good at poetry. No one should write better than you on this topic."

Chen Ji also confidently accepted Liu Xi's praise, and then threw the rice paper into a void passage below the hanging screen.


The box where Chen Pingan was.

After putting the rice paper into the void passage under the first picture, he directly turned his attention to the next hanging screen.

He doesn't need to worry about this poetry competition project, he will just look at the results in an hour.

He looked at the second picture, and there happened to be two people in the ring.

Time to place a bet.

After Chen Pingan knew the specific operation process of betting from the mature woman, he took out a piece of paper, wrote the person to bet, and the stone of the avenue that he wanted to bet, and stuffed it into the void channel below the screen.

After a while, the two people in the screen began to fight.

Chen Ping'an can analyze the specific strength of the two through the Avenue of Creation.

Of course, the specific strength does not represent a person's actual combat ability, but everyone has lived for a long time, and the number of battles has been a lot. Under normal circumstances, if there are no major accidents, the stronger person will win. .

So he also voted according to what he saw.

The upper limit is one billion avenue stones, but he still only cast three hundred million avenue stones.

The reason why he doesn't vote so much is to see if there is any insider on this kind of competition betting.

If the clearing house has weighed the betting situation and then let the two play a fake match, then there is no need for him to make money here.

You can only make money by luck.

Sure enough, as he thought, there is an insider.

After a fight, Chen Ping'an found that the stronger person did not use his strongest strength at all.

somewhat hidden.

thus lost.

Chen Pingan ignored the money-making project.

But Murong Tian and Murong Fu both shook their heads and smiled when they saw that Chen Ping'an had lost 300 million avenue stones.

Chen Pingan finally turned his attention to the last play project.

Guess the blind box.

Chen Ping'an looked at the mature woman and asked, "Can this screen be made bigger?"

The mature woman pointed to the two hanging screens of poetry competition and competition betting, and said, "You have to close these two screens first."

Chen Pingan nodded directly and told her to close it.

The poetry competition still has more than half an hour before the result, and he is no longer interested in the competition, and it is closed when it is closed.

The mature woman nodded, manipulated the formation, turned off the two hanging screens, and then controlled the last hanging screen to triple in size.

Chen Ping'an looked at the picture of the blind guessing box, and after a short while, his eyes brightened.

Looks like he can cheat again!

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