When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1304: Be the most beautiful boy in the family

Murong Tian didn't want to tell the president of the Guiyan Chamber of Commerce about this transaction, because it might affect his transaction.

If the guild leader turned his head and told a certain high-level executive of their family about this matter, and this high-level person knew Murong Hua, it would be a question whether the transaction could be related to him in the end.

But if the other party didn't borrow the stone of the avenue, he didn't have a deal with Chen Ping'an at all. In the end, he could only gamble.

"The source of the avenues worth 1.4 trillion avenues?" It was quiet for a while before the voice began to sound, and the voice was full of suspicious emotions.

Estimated by the value of the source of the avenue, there must be more than 1,200 yuan of the source of the avenue!

Murong Tian felt that it would be better to talk about the origin of the Great Dao at 1,200 yuan, but he couldn't say 2,000 yuan, so he nodded and replied, "That's right, the funds from my branch will be used to build the Chamber of Commerce, I don't have any. I went to buy the stone of the avenue, so I borrowed some from you, President."

Guiyan President Gu Yan pondered: "There are many Dao origins in the early world?"

Murong Tian smiled and said: "Of course not, you know how scarce the source of the Great Dao is, but the anomalous plane here in the Absolute Beginning Realm just ended not long ago, and their forces don't know what luck they have achieved, and they have obtained so many Great Daos in it. origin."

"It turned out to be a different plane, no wonder." Gui Yan was quiet for a while.

In the end, he said: "You can also borrow the stone of the avenue, but I don't lack the stone of the avenue. I am not interested in the stone of the avenue as an interest."

Murong Tian knew what the other party meant.

It is to go to the source of the avenue!

"President, do you want the source of the Dao to be used as interest?" Murong Tian asked bluntly.

Gui Yan said: "Yes, I can lend you 1.4 trillion avenue stones, but when you return my avenue stones, you have to give me 150 pieces of the source of the avenues."

Murong Tian frowned and said, "President, you know the value of a piece of the Great Dao Source. In this case, I'm equivalent to giving you more than 200 billion Dao Stones!"

Interest is too high!

"I haven't finished yet, when you return the stone of the avenue, you can return 100 billion less stone of the avenue." Gui Yan added.

Murong Tian's eyes lit up.

This deal seems to work.

In other words, the other party does not want the stone of the avenue as interest, and just uses the source of the avenue to make up for it.

Murong Tian pretended to hesitate, and finally nodded, "That's good."

"Yes, I can send someone directly to send you the Stone of the Great Way, but you must remember that you must not lie to me, otherwise you know the consequences, and there is no place for you in ten worlds." President Guyan still Talking like he did not long ago, his tone didn't change, but Murong Tian felt a chill in his body.

Murong Tian said seriously, "Don't worry, even if you lend me a hundred courage, I won't dare to lie to you!"

"Okay, I'll have someone send you the Stone of the Great Road later."

Hearing this, Murong Tian took a deep breath.

I still feel like I've found the right person.

It can also be seen from this incident that this Guiyan President is also a person who dares to gamble and is very generous.

After the contact was completed, Murong Tian sat down, and for the rest of the time, he waited for the other party to deliver the Stone of the Great Way!

An hour later, President Gu Yan sent him a message again, asking him to pass through the hub and go to another world to get the stone of the road.

People from their chamber of commerce could not enter the hub, and they were afraid of offending the Murong family.

All the forces in the world know how strong the Murong family is.

When Murong Tian arrived at the promised place, he took a storage treasure from a black-clothed man. After checking the situation inside, he smiled and thanked him before returning to the hub.

He hurriedly sent a message to Gui Yan, saying that he had obtained the Stone of the Great Way, and that he would visit him in person after the transaction was completed.


The next day arrived.

Chen Pingan went directly to Taichu Realm.

He didn't practice last night either. It's true that the stone of the avenue was used up by them all at once, and he couldn't cultivate even if he wanted to.

"Hope this deal works out!"

Chen Ping'an appeared in the mansion of Taichu Realm.

It was still early in the morning, and the sun had not risen for a long time, but he did not expect that soon after he appeared, the Great Emperor Hongtian sent him news that Murong Tian had come to him.

Chen Ping'an's eyes lit up, and he quickly asked Emperor Hongtian to invite him.

Soon after, two people appeared in the hall.

At the moment, Murong Tian was looking forward with anticipation, and at the same time he was a little nervous, for fear that the deal would be a stalemate.

If it is really yellow, he is absolutely dead!

"Fellow Daoist! I've brought enough Dao Stones, take a look!" Murong Tian didn't waste his words, he took out a storage treasure when he appeared, and motioned for Chen Ping'an.

Chen Pingan knew that Murongtian also attached importance to this transaction, nodded with a smile, and asked Emperor Hongtian to help bring things up.

Emperor Hongtian handed over the treasure to Chen Pingan, and asked in a low voice, "What's in it?"

Chen Ping'an gave him a mysterious smile, did not speak, and checked the situation inside the storage treasure for the first time.

When he saw that it was full of Avenue Stones, he carefully calculated it with his perception.

"The number is the same!" The light in Chen Ping'an's eyes grew even stronger.

This time, he was a little rich.

"Hey, these things are yours." Chen Ping'an controlled a storage treasure and flew to Murong Tian.

Murong Tian took it quickly and quickly checked the situation inside.

After confirming that there are 2,000 pieces of Dao Yuan lying in it, the smile on his face couldn't help but bloom.

"Okay!" Murong Tian smiled and said, "It's nothing to do, I'll go back first!"

He carefully put away the treasure, and at the same time wanted to leave here quickly, in case an accident happened, or Chen Ping'an suddenly changed his mind.

However, Chen Ping'an said: "Daoist friend, I have a question that I would like to ask. Soon I want to go through your hub and go to other worlds. Am I going to find you directly?"

Murong Tian said, "About when?"

After he got the source of the Dao, he had to go back to the chief family first, and then he had to pay back the money to the Guiyan Chamber of Commerce, so he might be out of time these two days.

Chen Pingan thought for a while and said, "Three days later?"

Murong Tian nodded directly: "Okay, then you can just contact me directly."

With permission, Chen Pingan smiled and nodded.

He thought about it, since he can go to other worlds, can he directly sell the source of the avenue?

Will this make more money?

Murong Tian left, flying very fast, looking nervous.

Seeing Murong Tian disappear into the sky, Chen Ping'an was also about to leave, but was stopped by the Great Emperor Hongtian, who was about to ask him what deal he did with Murong Tian.

Chen Ping'an was too lazy to hide it, and told the story of selling the origin of the Dao.

Emperor Hongtian asked quickly: "The source of the two thousand avenues let him do that?"

Murong Tian's appearance just now made people feel that something was wrong.

And the source of the avenues mined by their group of lords has a total of 3,000 yuan.

Chen Ping'an nodded: "Maybe the source of the avenues is an extremely scarce resource for them. It's best to keep the sources of the avenues that you mined. Don't run out of them all at once. I suspect that they will be of great use in the future."

The Great Emperor Hongtian nodded again and again. In fact, yesterday, the ninety-nine-level lords of them all divided up some of them to improve their understanding, but there were still three thousand pieces of Dao origin left.

"Okay, I'll go to work first." He also had to go and divide the stone of the avenue to others.

Now everyone has no use for the stone of the road.


Murong Tian flew very fast, and soon after, he returned to the hub.

After returning to the branch, he also left without stopping, passed through other worlds, and flew to the general family.

And he forgot one thing, that is, he has to go with Murong Hua to determine the territory today.

But he didn't care, what else could be more important than making himself the most beautiful boy in the family?

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