When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1303: The source of the avenue is scarce?

Murong Tian knew that the chairman of the chamber of commerce was a shrewd person, and he knew that on the basis that he had almost no relationship with the other party, unless the other party had a crush on him, he would not be able to borrow so many avenues of stone from him for no reason.

Therefore, he must take this loan as a transaction.

The moment Chuanbao was connected to China Unicom, a voice came from the opposite side.

"who is it?"

The opposite side obviously doesn't know who gave the messenger baby in his hand. It seems that he accidentally found a messenger baby in the depths of the storage treasure.

Murong Tianren was stupid.

Who the **** doesn't even know who he is?

You don't even know who gave you this piece of messenger baby! !

Murong Tian's face was a little embarrassed. His feelings were because he thought too much of his relationship with the other party?

Is the other party just treating him as a passerby?

Murong Tian introduced himself with a wry smile: "I am the head of the Murong family's branch, Murong Tian, ​​I have met the president before."

"Oh! I remember it, Murong Jian!" There was a voice that seemed to be suddenly enlightened.

Murong Tian: "......"

"President, it's Murong Tian. Back then, he traded a batch of sword materials with you." Murong Tian said speechlessly.

"I remember! Murong Tian!" The voice over there was a little louder, obviously he really remembered it.

Murong Tian smiled bitterly, "Yes..."

"Then what do you have to do with me? Don't talk about borrowing money. If there are other transactions, it's okay."

Murong Tian: "..."

Who are these people, they all know they are borrowing money!

Is it obvious why I am borrowing money?

But I didn't show it!

Could it be that in the eyes of everyone, when I look for someone, I usually borrow money?

Murong Tian knew his own position in this heart, and he was no match for a passerby. He could only obtain the Stone of the Great Way through cooperation.

"That's right, I have a business here and I want to cooperate with you, President." Murong Tian said with a smile.

"Oh? What kind of cooperation? Let's talk about it." Gui Yan said.

Murong Tian said: "That's it, President, do you know about the world of our Absolute Beginning Realm?"

"The beginning of the world? You know, isn't your division the hub of that world?"

Murong Tian nodded and said with a smile: "Yes, now our family is about to enter this world to hold a business meeting, and I found here that a small force actually owns a batch of special items, as long as they buy these items from their hands , take it to other worlds and sell it, you can definitely make a lot of money.”

It was quiet for a while, and apparently fell into silence, and this change started after the other party heard the Absolute Beginning Realm.

After Murong Tian finished speaking, the first sentence that came from there was a question.

"Is it possible to step into the Absolute Beginning Realm now?"

Murong Tian thought that a behemoth like the Guiyan Chamber of Commerce should have known the news.

Did not expect, do not know?

Good guy, does this count as revealing important family secrets? !

However, he thinks that many big forces will know about the things that can be entered in the early world in the near future. After all, other creator gods also have affiliated forces.

It's just that their Murong family's building near the moon gets the moon first, and they occupy the hub.

Especially the pivot place here has become an important place for their Murong family. If others want to come here, they have to ask their head family first.

Murong Tian answered truthfully: "That's right, it's alright. I don't know the specific reason, and the person who said that he can enter the Absolute Beginning Realm is the existence of our family."

It was quiet for a while over there, and then the other party asked seriously: "Then what are the items you mentioned? How can I cooperate with you?"

He felt that it was not as simple as simply selling items to them. As the head of the branch family, if Murong Tian cooperated with them without the knowledge of the head family, he would definitely be punished.

Murong Tian smiled and said, "I can't say exactly what the item is."

Gui Yan over there was speechless for a while.

Selling something without saying what it is?

And it was also at this time that he came to his senses and knew that the cooperation that Murong Tian said must not be sold to him, otherwise how could he not inform the partner of the goods.

"Then what do you mean by cooperation?"

Murong Tian said: "It's like this, I want to buy that batch of things from that force, and I need a lot of Dao Stones, but I don't have that many Dao Stones on hand, so I called Guiyan Guiyan."

President Gu Yan finally knew what Murong Tian had said after all that nonsense and what his ultimate purpose was.

Love is borrowing money!

And through these conversations, President Gu Yan also knew about the batch of things that Murong Tian had purchased, and he certainly wouldn't have known it to the Murong family in advance.

"How many Avenue Stones do you need? Also, how to cooperate?"

Murong Tian said, "I'm still 1.4 trillion avenue stones away from here."

"Huh?" Gui Yan did not believe that he would hear such a number.

The stone of the road of this number is not very scary to the Lone Smoke Chamber of Commerce, but it is not too small. The most important thing is that when he wants to come, what is there in the world of the Absolute Beginning Realm, and it is worth buying at this price. .

Murong Tian continued: "If President Guyan can lend me enough Dao Stones, I will definitely pay them back in three days, and during these three days, I don't mind giving you 100 billion Dao Stones as interest. how?"

This is already a proper loan shark.

Giving 100 billion avenue stones in three days will not bring such good things anywhere.

President Gu Yan was stunned when he heard the interest figures.

But now is not the time for him to be confused by this number. The first step in lending money to others is to analyze whether the other party can afford it.

Murong Tian didn't stop, and continued to bombard his words: "I know President, you will wonder if I can afford it, or if I will lie to you, run away, hide and so on. But I am also part of the Murong family. The head of the family, the Murong family has all the news about me, and even as long as I don’t die, I can definitely be found through some treasures, and if you find the chief family, I can’t escape.”

Murong Tian marked the answers to all the concerns of Gui Yan, indicating that he would never default on his debts.

"I know this, but I have one last question. As long as you tell me the answer, I can consider borrowing it from you, otherwise you should find someone else."

Since Murong Tian found him, it means that there should be not many people who can borrow the Stone of the Great Way, or there may not be any.

After all, he and Murong Tian only had a one-sided relationship.

To be honest, he really couldn't remember who Murong Tian was at first...

Murong Tian said, "You say it."

Gui Yan said: "What are you trading? Don't worry, I will keep it a secret for you."

Murong Tian fell silent.

In the end, he gritted his teeth and could only say, otherwise, without this stone of the avenue, this transaction would not be possible, and he could only gamble.

"The origin of the Dao!" Murong Tian said.

Hearing this answer, there was an instant silence.

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