When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1301: did not expect it

Inside the soul carrier, at this moment, the Chaos Pearl spirit body and Xiao Linger's soul have come into contact with each other.

At the moment of entering the Horcrux, the souls of both parties were driven to fuse by a force.

Now the two groups of souls have merged, and the consciousness of both can lead the mind to communicate.

"Little Linger, I'll copy you a copy of the idea later, you digest it well!" The moment the Chaos Pearl spirit body merged with the soul, it sent a thought to the soul on the other side of Xiaolinger.

Su Ling hummed, indicating that she understood.

The Chaos Pearl spirit body controls the imprints in the soul and begins to "copy" these imprints.

This copy, the specific operation method is also known when she and Xiaolinger's soul merged.

After the soul fusion, she found that in the soul, the two can communicate with the mind, then she can completely comprehend the Dao firmly engraved in the soul through the mind, and use the mind as the carrier to send a share to the little spirit. Son.

In the state of the soul, at this time, as long as you firmly remember the Dao comprehension in this mind, when their souls return to their bodies, they cannot immediately comprehend those Dao, but also at this moment in the soul's comprehension , and gradually comprehend the corresponding Dao.

And the most important point is that there will never be a situation where her Dao comprehension is transferred to Xiaolinger's side!

Because it was sent in the form of thoughts, not the soul of the Dao that he understood on his side to Xiaolinger.

There is absolutely no such worst possibility!

This made her secretly relieved.

Xiao Linger also discovered this method, so she no longer felt guilty at this time, but she also knew that the Chaos Pearl spirit body had to carry out experiments at this risk, what exactly does this mean.

In the future, the Chaos Pearl Spirit Body will truly become her sister.

Xiao Linger actually didn't like this sister very much before, because the other party tried to kill her, and now she also understands the method of the Chaos Pearl spirit body at that time. After all, at that time, they didn't know whether the other party could coexist. Save yourself.

The Chaos Bead Spirit Body quickly comprehends the avenues deep in the soul and stores it in the thoughts to be delivered.

But there are more than 3,000 kinds of avenues, too many, and this step cannot be completed in an instant, she can only use her fastest speed, and strive to store all the comprehension of the avenues in her mind before the end.

Time quickly passed three breaths.

This time is extremely short for anyone, let alone the Chaos Pearl Spirit Body.

As soon as the third breath came, she sensed that a force began to appear.

That force started to disperse their souls, to disperse their souls.

She knew the time was almost up.

Forced to do so, she could only stop and send the thoughts that had stored a lot of mainstream Dao comprehension to Xiaolinger.

And she also seriously attached a sentence.

"Little Ling'er, quickly absorb this idea!"

Su Ling replied with a hum, and when she sent the idea to the dialogue, she also sent an idea to the Chaos Pearl Spirit Body.

The Chaos Pearl Spirit Body received this idea and was stunned for a moment.

Chen Pingan waited quietly beside him.

Unlike the Chaos Pearl Spirit Body and the others, he worked against the clock. After only waiting for three breaths, he found that the sphere suspended between the two began to change.

The speed of the multicolored light surrounding the sphere began to slow down, and after just a moment, the multicolored light gathered back into the sphere.

Everything is silent again.

At this time, the Chaos Pearl spirit body and Xiao Ling'er's soul also began to disperse, and each returned to their respective bodies.

I saw the Chaos Pearl spirit body with beautiful eyes closed and Xiao Linger opened their eyes at the same time.

The moment they opened their eyes, they were full of stars.

A surprised expression on his face.

Chen Ping'an looked at them like that, his eyes lit up, and he quickly asked, "It's done?!"

The Chaos Pearl Spirit Body and Xiao Ling'er looked at Chen Ping'an at the same time, and nodded in unison.

"It's done!"

Chen Pingan laughed.

I didn't expect it to be possible!

Chen Ping'an looked at the Chaos Pearl Spirit Body, and the expression on his face was very rich, as if to say, you are really a genius, this can also think of such a wonderful way!

Even if Chen Ping'an had ten brains, he wouldn't have thought of such a method. Now that it's alright, Xiaolinger is about to take off!

"Little Linger, how many great Daos can you possibly understand?" Chen Ping'an looked at Xiao Linger, but did not find that Xiao Linger had already understood a new avenue.

But they all said that it was successful, and it should be understood later.

Xiaolinger scratched her head and said not quite sure: "I don't know that, but I think I now have a vague understanding of many avenues, and should be able to see certain bad situations or things change, It will come naturally to you.”

The Chaos Pearl Spirit is also very excited now, looking at Xiaolinger and said: "Xiaolinger, thanks to you, otherwise it might take me another year or two to understand the avenue of death."

Su Ling smiled and said, "Sister, you have given me so many great ways. I only gave you one kind, and you are still at a loss."

Chen Pingan's eyes widened when he heard this.

What the hell!

How did I not think of this!

The Chaos Pearl Spirit Body can allow Xiaolinger to comprehend other avenues, so can Xiaolinger!

Xiaolinger has the avenue of death!

The Chaos Pearl Spirit Body smiled bitterly: "It's a pity, if there is more time, I should be able to transport the remaining dozen or so avenues together."

Hearing this, Chen Pingan frowned.

It turns out that there are still more than ten avenues!

"What is the specific avenue?" Chen Pingan asked.

If it is more difficult to comprehend those kinds of avenues, it will be even more difficult for Xiaolinger to comprehend the avenues of creation.

Especially the way of life.

"Hey, fortunately, I had foresight, and I felt that there might not be enough time, so I copied the most difficult avenues in advance, and those avenues that were not copied in the end were some avenues that were easier to comprehend." Chaos Pearl Spirit Body A proud smile, very beautiful.

Chen Ping'an exhaled: "From now on, you should take good care of the title of genius, this title belongs to you!"

Chen Pingan had to admire the wit of the Chaos Pearl spirit body.

The Chaos Pearl Spirit Body heard Chen Ping'an's praise again, and smiled again.

And Xiaolinger was also giggling at this time, very happy.

This adventure ended with a perfect ending.

Chaos Pearl Spirit Body said: "I try to comprehend the avenue of death as soon as possible! I think I can do it tonight!"

Chen Pingan smiled and nodded, encouraging her.

The three walked out and pushed open the door.

Duan Xinxin and Fan Yixuan were sitting in the hall, and they frowned when they saw Chen Ping'an and the others appear so quickly.

"Have you done it yet?" Duan Xinxin asked nervously.

Chen Pingan smiled and said, "My sister-in-law will become very lonely in the future."

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