When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1300: you are a genius

"Brother, can you briefly let me and my spirit sister reunite with soul again?"

Su Ling was resting his hands on the table a moment ago, holding his small chin in his palms, watching the mark of the Avenue of Death behind Duan Xinxin.

Seeing Chen Ping'an coming back at this moment, he turned his eyes and asked such a question.

Looking at the pile of Dao imprints of the Chaos Pearl spirit body, although she felt that the Dao imprints were not as powerful as watermelons, but with more Dao, it seemed that planting watermelons in the future would be more bells and whistles, and it would be possible to create special varieties.

She felt as if she could fight for it.

Of course, she didn't come up with this idea, but the Chaos Pearl Spirit Body.

After all, they used to be connected in souls and shared one body. Now, as long as their souls are connected again for a while, they may be able to share their insights.

When Chen Pingan heard this question, his brain stopped for a while, and after blinking his eyes, his brain gradually started to work.

Who is so genius to come up with this method? !

Chen Pingan began to think about whether this possibility could be established.

This move has to consider the influence of both parties and the probability of success.

If it affects people, generally the only people affected should be the Chaos Orb Spirit Body.

Will it make the Chaos Orb Spirit Body lose the Dao?

And the probability of success is 55 to 50.

"I have a way to make your souls reconnect for a moment, yes, only once, after all, your souls are exactly the same, but they have been separated for a long time. As for whether Xiaolinger can also understand the great way , I can't guarantee this, but I have to say, you are really talented, and you can think of this method."

Su Lingxiao Emei raised her eyebrows and said, "Then try?"

When the Chaos Pearl Spirit Body heard Chen Ping'an's praise for her genius, he smiled.

Chen Ping'an looked at the Chaos Pearl spirit body and said, "But I can't guarantee that you will lose some of the avenues that you comprehend. Maybe Xiaolinger can't comprehend it and can only transfer it from you."

This is what could happen.

A person's comprehension of the Dao depends on the resonance between the soul and the heaven and the earth. The use of the Dao also relies on the soul to communicate the heaven and the earth. The body is used as the carrier, driven by the energy of the Dao, and finally exerts the power of various Dao.

It was quiet for a while.

Afterwards, Su Ling giggled and said: "Forget it, after thinking about it, I feel that this kind of thing is still troublesome, it's better to use this time to eat watermelon!"

Chen Ping'an looked at the Chaos Pearl Spirit Body. She knew that Su Ling didn't want the Chaos Pearl Spirit Body to take risks. If the Dao was really transferred, it would be impossible to transfer it back.

And the Chaos Pearl Spirit is now only one kind of Death Avenue to synthesize the Creation Avenue. If something goes wrong at this time, it will definitely hit people.

Maybe you can't accept it for a while, it's possible for people to be stupid.

However, not long after Su Linggang said no to do it, the Chaos Pearl Spirit Body said: "It's okay, try it. If you're not lucky, at most I'll slowly understand those great ways. Anyway, it's a matter of time, I'm not sure about my talent. I have confidence. But if it does, and the guesses come true, then Xiaolinger will have more avenues, and this is definitely a safe and profitable business.”

The words of the Chaos Pearl Spirit Body rippled around, and everyone stared at her without speaking.

After a while, Chen Pingan asked, "Are you sure?"

He will only solicit the wishes of the Chaos Pearl spirit body, so Xiao Linger doesn't need to worry about it, this little girl can just lie down.

After all, in terms of seniority, Xiao Linger also belongs to the younger sister of the Chaos Pearl Spirit Body.

The Chaos Pearl Spirit Body nodded seriously: "It's okay, let's go!"

Chen Pingan said: "Then come directly, and try to get this done tonight!"

If you want to fuse the souls of the two for a while, you must build a carrier between the two bodies that can fuse the two.

Let the souls of the two enter into it and blend for a short time.

And this carrier had to be created in advance by him.

Chen Pingan was very busy.

He disappeared on the spot, entered the cultivation space, and began to create a carrier.

An hour passed.

Chen Pingan appeared in the hall again.

During this period of time, Xiao Linger has been persuading the Chaos Pearl Spirit Body not to take risks, and she does not want to cause the Chaos Pearl Spirit Body to lose the Dao because of herself.

However, the Chaos Pearl spirit body is very stubborn, and it is determined that things will not change. Seeing Chen Ping'an, he directly asks: "Is it alright?"

Chen Ping'an nodded and took the lead towards Fan Yixuan and Xiao Ling'er's room, "The two of you follow, and you should stay away from your daughter-in-law and sister-in-law, for fear of affecting them."

Duan Xinxin and Fan Yixuan stopped smiling bitterly, they still wanted to take a good look.

Especially Fan Yixuan, if Xiaolinger also had many great ways, she would have to doubt her life.

With his own strength, even Xiao Ling'er can't compare, this is not a good feeling in my heart.

The three entered the house, and Chen Ping'an closed the door, making the two sisters Duan Xinxin helpless for a while.

In the room, Chen Ping'an sat on the bed, patted the bed, and motioned for Xiao Linger to come up with the Chaos Pearl spirit body.

The two were also very obedient, took off their shoes, jumped on the bed, and sat cross-legged on the left and right of Chen Ping'an.

Chen Pingan said: "When I say start, you will scatter your souls. Remember not to do any resistance, otherwise you will quickly and instinctively withdraw your souls."

The two nodded seriously.

After the instructions, Chen Pingan took out a newly created item.

He named this thing the Soul Carrier.

It was when he heard Su Ling and the others mentioning soul fusion that a flash of light flashed in his mind and he came up with something.

At the beginning, he also thought about what items to use to make things so fragile that the soul would not be affected.

After thinking about it for half an hour, I suddenly thought of tomorrow's transaction with Murong Tian, ​​and then I thought of the origin of the Dao.

He is not very clear about whether something like the source of the Dao has the function of storing souls, but this kind of thing is not as valuable as all the things he has, so he directly came to an experiment to separate a clone and let the clone I tried to scatter my soul.

Don't say it, if you don't try it, you won't know, you will be shocked when you try it.

Really can!

And he was pleasantly surprised to discover that the source of the avenue was just extremely suitable for use as a material for the soul carrier.

Chen Pingan took out a round sphere with multicolored rays of light.

This sphere is the size of a fist, weighs very little, and is as light as a feather.

He suspended the sphere between the Chaos Pearl Spirit Body and Xiao Linger, and then injected a stream of the energy of the Creation Avenue into the sphere.

In an instant, the whole sphere became very gorgeous, and the colorful rays of light inside the sphere seemed to have life, flying out of the sphere and revolving around the sphere.

A thing that is very suitable for soul storage has taken shape.

Chen Ping'an looked at the two of them seriously and said, "It's time to start, the time for your soul fusion is very short, and I don't know how short it is, and in this short period of time, you try to copy the understanding of the Dao. , and then imprint it in the soul of Xiaolinger, so that after separating the soul, maybe Xiaolinger can understand the corresponding Dao."

All this is simple to say, but it is feasible to operate, Chen Ping'an doesn't know, it all depends on their good fortune.

Chaos Pearl Spirit Body nodded: "Okay, Xiaolinger, let's start."

In the end, Su Ling smiled bitterly and asked, "Actually, I don't need it..."

"Hurry up, listen to my sister!" The Chaos Pearl spirit body said domineeringly.

Su Ling pursed her lips and could only dry.

The two adjusted their breathing, and then began to emit their own souls.

Feeling the soul, the soul carrier vibrated, and then a suction force appeared, sucking the two groups of souls into it.

Seeing that everything was working normally, Chen Ping'an watched quietly and waited silently.

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