When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1292: Five ninety-nine-level avenues

Chen Ping'an and Tai Chu Emperor Mu were the first to perceive the situation over there, and they all looked over there.

There are four powerful auras over there.

Two ninety-nine-level cultivation auras, and two hundred-level auras!

"What's the matter! There are other 100-level people in the Absolute Beginning Realm?! And there are still two?!" Chen Ping'an was very shocked.

These other two super-strong breaths must be of the 100-intense level. After all, these two auras are much stronger than the other two. What else could it be if they were not 100-intense?

At the beginning, the emperor's thoughts at the moment were somewhat different from that of Chen Ping'an, and she was not even surprised.

I saw her showing a clear expression.

Yes, she thought crooked again.

Just now, Chen Ping'an said that he was going to meet some special people and deal with some matters. It didn't take long for the words to fall, and there were four auras over there, two of which were people of the 100th level. This must be what Chen Ping'an said. A special person.

And she is very clear that in the Absolute Beginning Realm, apart from her and the Death Father, there are no other 100-level people, and she also feels very unfamiliar with these two breaths, which means that these people are definitely not from the Absolute Beginning Realm.

Where would that come from?

Like Chen Ping'an, he must come from a stronger world!

"Senior, the special people you are talking about are them, right?" The Emperor Mother asked with a smile.

Hearing this, Chen Ping'an blinked and looked at the Emperor Mother in the beginning.

For a while he didn't know what to say.

The people he said not long ago were the kitchen knives and the others. He just wanted to find an excuse to leave here and return to the Hongmeng Realm.

It's not about these strange strangers now.

However, it was such a coincidence that he looked at the emperor's mother in the beginning and looked like she understood the king, so he could only admit it according to the other party's thoughts.

"That's right." Chen Ping'an nodded calmly, still looking calm.

At the beginning of the emperor's mother showed an expression like this.

Chen Ping'an didn't say anything else and flew to the banquet hall.

In just a short while, the people over there were about to approach the hall. He had to go back and see who these people were.

How can it be like this.

One hundred Italian level, or two, the origin is definitely not simple!

In the beginning, the emperor followed Chen Ping'an back, and the two soon appeared in the hall.

At this moment, Emperor Hongtian and the others did not drink and have fun, they all stood frowning, everyone waited nervously, and the atmosphere was serious.

Seeing the return of Chen Ping'an and the Taichu Emperor's mother, everyone approached as if they had seen the backbone.

"Master, what's the matter..." Emperor Hongtian wanted to ask Chen Ping'an what was going on. Not long after he spoke, the breath had already appeared in the sky outside the hall.

Everyone held their breath and walked out.

Chen Ping'an walked in the front, and the Taichu Emperor's Mother and the Great Emperor Hongtian followed, in a posture of a big brother leading a group of younger brothers to fight.

In front of the main hall, Chen Pingan and others looked up at the sky.

At this moment, four people are standing in the air in front of the main hall.

Three men and one woman.

Chen Ping'an narrowed his eyes when he saw the four, especially when he saw the oldest man among the four.

This man is an acquaintance.

"It's him?" Seeing that person clearly, Tai Chu Emperor Mother and the Great Emperor Hongtian all exclaimed in their hearts.

"I didn't expect you to be here at the beginning of the world. That's just right, we can save you to find them one by one." Murong Tian glanced under his eyes and raised his eyebrows.

After speaking, he turned to look at the only woman standing in the middle.

Wearing a blue dress, the woman was tall, with perfect proportions, with a bulging front and back.

She is not bad-looking, only one point worse than the emperor's mother in the early days, and her appearance is more distinctive, with that kind of sassy style, exuding the charm of men.

It has the same taste as when Chen Ping'an's clone was Murong Ruhua.

Of course, her appearance is no match for Murong Ruhua.

With a smile on his face, Murong Tian said, "Elder Hua, these people below are the high-ranking members of Zhongtian's organization, and that woman is the Emperor Mother of the Absolute Beginning."

Murong Hua's expression remained unchanged, like a frozen tofu, and nodded.

Chen Ping'an and the others looked at Murong Tian's respectful side and knew who among the four had the highest status.

It wasn't Murong Tian, ​​and it wasn't the two 100-level men, but this woman who was also 99-level?

This Murong Hua is the strength of the ninety-nine level, and it probably gives the impression that it is the same as the Great Emperor Hongtian and the others.

But if you feel it carefully, you will find that her breath is a little different.

As for the difference, most people can't find it.

Chen Pingan owns the Founding Avenue, so he can easily and clearly see the situation of Murong's paintings.

"Five kinds of ninety-nine-level avenues!" Chen Ping'an's eyes had become a gap, and now he knew why this woman could let Murong Tian treat him like this.

However, even if there are five kinds of 99-level Dao, the strength is not strong enough for a person who has cultivated to 100-level Dao.

Now, the two middle-aged men beside Murong Hua and Murong Tian were obviously of the 100th level, but they didn't have the right to speak. They looked like bodyguards, which made Chen Ping'an even more concerned.

"Where did they come from! What is this woman's identity!" Chen Ping'an felt that the scene in front of him was beyond his cognition.

Following Murong Tian's gaze, Murong Hua glanced at the Tai Chu Emperor's Mother, then at the 99-level people such as the Great Emperor Hongtian, and asked, "Then you Zhongtian Organization, who is going to talk about it?"

In Murong Hua's eyes, this group of ninety-nine-level people are not people, it is only because the Emperor Mother in the beginning could let her take a closer look.

Of course, let's take a closer look. For example, the strength of the Taichu Emperor's mother is also a lot in their Murong family. For example, the two guards beside her, although the Dao is not the Dao of life, their strength is almost the same as the Taichu Emperor's mother. .

The two attacked the Emperor Mother in the early days, and the Emperor Mother in the early days could only drink hatred.

Murong Tian was very impressed with Chen Ping'an, and he didn't need Emperor Hongtian and the others to say that Chen Ping'an was in charge, so he pointed at Chen Ping'an and said, "Elder Hua, it's him!"

Chen Ping'an was very calm and said, "Yes, it's me, I don't know why you are here, why are you doing it?"

Murong Hua looked at the unremarkable Chen Ping'an and began to look at Chen Ping'an carefully. After a while, she frowned slightly.

She couldn't even see the depth of Chen Ping'an.

Just now, Chen Ping'an was completely like a little transparent, and she didn't pay too much attention to Chen Ping'an. She didn't expect such a person to be so strange.

"Well, let's find a quiet place and talk about things."

Murong Hua said.

There is no negotiation in these words, just like an order.

Chen Pingan smiled and said, "Okay, please."

Instead, he has to take a good look at these people's words and see where they come from and what their identities are!

Murong Hua flew down and followed Chen Pingan into the hall.

At the beginning of the emperor's mother followed quickly.

Emperor Hongtian and others also wanted to follow, but at this moment Murong Hua suddenly said indifferently, "The other idlers are waiting outside, waiting outside."

The Great Emperor Hongtian and the others paused in footsteps and did not dare to move.

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