When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1291: junior attitude

The two left the banquet hall and appeared in a void.

Seeing that there was no one around, and I was sure that no one would peek at the situation here, the Emperor Mother of the Absolute Beginning immediately bowed to Chen Ping'an respectfully: "I have seen senior!"

The word senior was finally called out by her.

Chen Pingan's face was indifferent, and there was a slight smile on the corner of his mouth: "You have the ability to see, and you didn't reveal my identity in front of them."

At the beginning of the emperor's mother looked a little proud, and said: "The juniors found that the Lord Hongtian and they didn't seem to know the strength of the seniors, so they realized this."

Chen Ping'an still smiled and said, "Okay, come here, what do you want to say to me?"

Chen Ping'an probably knew what the Emperor Mother wanted to say, but he didn't know how the Emperor Mother would express it.

Only after listening to the emperor's mother in the beginning, he will say goodbye to tricks and tricks.

At the beginning of the emperor's mother was silent, and when it came to a critical moment, she didn't know how to speak.

Thinking about whether to ask directly, to appear free and easy, or to be more euphemistic, to show the restraint that a girl should have?

Recalling that Chen Ping'an euphemistically asked them if they wanted a chance not long ago, she felt that Chen Ping'an probably liked that kind of euphemism and restraint.

The Emperor Mother asked: "Senior, when I was in a different plane, I saw that two people suddenly possessed all the mainstream avenues. Is this your work, senior?"

Chen Pingan nodded directly.

Although it was not what the Emperor Mother thought at the beginning, he used absolute means to instantly let Duan Xinxin and the Chaos Pearl spirit body have a bunch of mainstream avenues, but the changes between the two were also related to him. After all, that treasure tree was his father from death. Grab it there and give it to Duan Xinxin.

At the beginning of the emperor took a deep breath, then showed a normal smile, tried to explore and asked: "The senior is really because the two of them are good-looking, and then give them a chance?"

Chen Pingan wanted to say no.

To be honest, after fusing the avatar and knowing how the avatar fooled the emperor in the beginning, he didn't know what to say about the avatar.

You can't find a reason for this.

Because the two are beautiful and like them, so I gave them such a chance. After listening to this beautiful girl, who can not be tempted?

Chen Ping'an had already thought about the countermeasures, and asked directly with a smile: "Do you think I am such a person?"

In the beginning, the emperor was speechless for a while.


She didn't expect this to happen.

Chen Ping'an's sudden appearance made her wonder how to deal with it.

From the bottom of my heart, I just think that Chen Ping'an is such a person, isn't this a curse!

Well, she doesn't know if Chen Ping'an is testing her again.

See if she's the kind of hypocrite?

After all, it seems that they have been tested several times before.

Seeing that the mother of the first emperor opened her mouth, but was speechless, the smile on the corner of Chen Ping'an's mouth became even wider.

Unexpectedly, you are as strong as the Emperor Mother in the beginning, and you also have this side.

For Chen Ping'an, the current Taichu Emperor's mother is still much stronger than him. Therefore, such a powerful Taichu Emperor's mother has become like a junior under her own deceit, and he has made him look ashamed and don't know how to answer. At times, he will still have vanity in his heart.

Such a person, isn't he toyed with applause?

At the beginning of the emperor, the mother hesitated for a while, and finally she could only choose to follow her heart, thinking about being the most authentic side of herself, no matter what the result was, she was worthy of herself.

"To be honest, in the impression of the junior, the senior is indeed such a person. Of course, this impression is mainly given to the junior by the genius cultivated by the senior, but after the little girl saw the senior with her own eyes, I felt that the senior was not like this. People, that's why there is this problem."

In the early days, the Emperor Mother sorted out the words in her mind before speaking slowly and sincerely.

After listening to Chen Ping'an, he felt that there was indeed something in the Emperor's Mother at the beginning of the day. This technique has thrown all the sharp points away, but there is still a feeling of "I am also a victim".

Chen Ping'an smiled and said: "I have lived for so many years, what kind of woman have I never seen? Just as a beautiful woman like you, in my eyes, it can only be regarded as middle and upper. So you still think that I am a For that reason, do you give the two of them that chance?"

"Uh..." The Emperor Mother blinked at the beginning, but she didn't know what to say for a while, the expression on her face was changing, and various emotions emerged.

When she heard Chen Ping'an say that her appearance was only above average, she was sluggish for a while.

Then I was a little dissatisfied, thinking that I was already very beautiful, and they were considered the top women in the Absolute Beginning Realm.

It was only then that she quickly thought that the knowledge of such a strong person must not be limited to the Absolute Beginning Realm. It seems possible that she has seen more beautiful people in other places.

Chen Ping'an continued: "It's the kid who talks nonsense and makes you misunderstood. I have to educate him properly."

At the beginning of the emperor's mother hurriedly smiled and said: "Senior, this is not about that fellow Taoist, the main reason is that I was wrong. If the senior wants to punish, you should punish me..."

She was the one who asked Chen Ping'an and Duan Xinxin why they had such a chance. At this moment, the relationship could not be completely put aside.

Chen Ping'an looked at the emperor's mother for a while, and felt that the emperor's mother was indeed a little different from the rumors.

This daring character is really good.

"Okay, if you intercede for him, I will forgive him." Chen Ping'an borrowed his donkey and said.

The first emperor nodded, and then she felt bitter in her heart.

Well, this trip down, it seems that there is no gain at all.

"Okay, is there anything else to ask?" Chen Pingan looked indifferent.

The Emperor Mother thought for a moment, and then continued to ask: "Senior should be setting up a shocking chess game, right? If the senior needs the junior to do something in the future, you can instruct the junior at will."

After all, the Emperor Mother respectfully handed a piece of messenger treasure to Chen Pingan.

Since Chen Ping'an didn't give Duan Xinxin the chance because of her beauty, it must be because Duan Xinxin and the others must do something in this chess game.

So she made a decisive move and offered herself up, showing that she was willing to serve Chen Ping'an.

The corners of Chen Ping'an's mouth twitched slightly, but he still tried his best to make himself look calm, as if everything was under his control.

He took the messenger baby and said, "Okay, I will contact you when I need you."

At the beginning of the emperor's mother smiled and nodded quickly.

"Okay, that's all for tonight's affairs with you. I have to meet a few special people to deal with some things."

Chen Ping'an didn't want to stay in the Absolute Beginning Realm anymore, he was going to return to the Hongmeng Realm and the courtyard, but he couldn't tell the reason directly, so he made a nonsense saying that he wanted to meet a special person.

In the beginning, the emperor was startled.

special person?

He is also a special person for such a senior, so who exactly is that person? !

Just when the Emperor Mother thought so at the beginning, a few powerful breaths suddenly appeared from the horizon.


Murong Tian was flying with three people to the headquarters of the Zhongtian Organization.

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