The two hurried through the exit and out of the cave.

Not long after they left, a rumbling sound came from the entrance.

Then, under the gaze of the two, the entrance rippled and disappeared.

Everything is silent again.

After the two came out safely, Chen Ping'an immediately looked at the kitchen knife and asked, "How is it? Have you reached the limit of comprehension?"

He was also very curious, wondering what the comprehension limit of a kitchen knife was.

One hundred and ten meaning level, or one hundred and twenty meaning level.

or even higher?

The kitchen knife said: "Now the comprehension has been raised to the 110th level, but I think it can be improved further, there is a high probability that it will be the 120th level!"

Chen Ping'an's eyes brightened.

This is really amazing.

In the future, may the Dao be upgraded to the 120th Italian level?

What will the strength be like?

Can it be comparable to the Avenue of Creation?

If so, wouldn't they have four super-strong experts here?

Chen Ping'an laughed, the days to come seem to be very promising.

At this moment, there is no one here in the valley. Under the arrangement of Chen Ping'an, Duan Xinxin and the others have already gone to Emperor Zhangtian and the others, and used the last day to dig more avenues of stone.

Chen Pingan began to fly with the kitchen knife in the direction of Emperor Zhangtian and the others. Before taking off, he also handed over the source of the avenues dug on the last day to the kitchen knife.

He felt that the origins of these avenues should be enough for a kitchen knife to improve the final comprehension of the avenues.

And if he gave these Dao Yuanyuan kitchen knives, then his accumulated Daoyuan source would only be more than 18,000 yuan.

Of course, this is an approximate estimate, because some of the sources of the avenues he dug are relatively large, and the specific number may be more or less.

Anyway, after he goes back, he will take some time to make all the sources of the avenues into equal parts.

It is also better to sell.

Of course, he didn't count the origin of the Dao that Emperor Hongtian and the others had mined on his side.

Emperor Hongtian and the others should be able to mine three or four thousand pieces in total.

At the beginning of the emperor, they are similar.

Chen Pingan and the others quickly found Duan Xinxin and others.

During this period of time, Zhong Tian organized a group of people to have hollowed out several stone veins of the Great Road.

After Chen Ping'an asked Zhangtian the Great to count, he calculated the number of Avenue Stones he had.

The stone of the ten billion avenues.

"Somewhat less."

Chen Pingan felt less.

This is also normal, after all, it is not digging there every day, and I have been exploring different planes in the past few days.

In addition to having a large number of Avenue Stones, they also have many other treasures.

Especially after killing a group of people in the Hall of the Undead, there were countless treasures found in their treasures.

Converted to the stone of the avenue, they Zhongtian organized this trip to harvest at least 30 billion stones of the avenue.

This amount is already a lot of money.

It is equivalent to their business operating for nearly a year.

Even though their business can still earn tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of avenues a day, it won't be long before Chen Ping'an feels that this business will begin to weaken.

At that time, it was difficult to earn tens of millions of Dao Stones a day.

After all, the Absolute Beginning Realm is like this, and the total avenue stones will not increase for no reason like after the appearance of the different planes.

"There is still a little bit of avenue stone. Now I have more than 3,000 people who can break through to the 100th level. Even if one person breaks through, it will take 10 billion avenue stones."

It is estimated that Chen Ping'an's guarantee should be required.

If one person breaks through to the 100th level, the 10 billion avenue stones may not be enough.

What's more, there is an avenue of creation on his side, a person who is almost close to the avenue of creation.

"The head is big, after all this, the lack of the stone of the avenue is gone!"

Chen Pingan smiled bitterly.

After going out, the first big problem I faced was how to earn more Avenue Stones.

After reuniting with everyone, there is still one day before the alien plane closes.

They did not waste this day, and continued to dig the stone of the avenue.

Silent all night.

The next day came, and everyone began to fly to the entrance of the alien plane.

When the alien plane is about to close, the sky will become a little dim, and when the sky becomes completely dim, then they will not be able to get out if they don't leave.

Zhongtian organized and taught a group of people to fly in the same direction.

Soon they reached the entrance.

Emperor Hongtian took the people organized by Zhongtian out first.

In this trip to the different planes, their Zhongtian organization did not lose many members, and only a few hundred people died.

Compared to the almost complete annihilation of the Hall of the Undead, this is really painless.

Now, outside the alien plane, the sky in front of Chen Ping'an's mansion is already full of people.

All the members of the Zhongtian Organization who are still at the headquarters have come here to wait.

They are all waiting for the triumphant return of the members who entered the other plane.

At the same time, they also want to see how much their organization has obtained in the different planes.

Of course, there are also many people who come to greet their closest friends.

"A lot of people have also entered the Hall of the Undead this time. A war is inevitable. I wonder how many people can survive here?"

"Now Venerable Lord Hongtian and the others have not released any bad news, they shouldn't lose too many people."

"This is terrible! Maybe now they are all fighting against the people in the Hall of the Dead!"

"Hey, I hope 5,000 people will come back."

"Five thousand people? This can't be more than half dead?!"

"I just hope that fewer people die."


A group of people were talking.

After everyone waited nervously, they found that there was movement at the entrance of the alien plane below.

A light flashed at the entrance.

It means someone is coming out!

All members of the group outside held their breaths.

After the light passed, the next moment, a group of people appeared one after another from the entrance.

All the members of the Zhongtian organization who were outside looked at the organization companions who appeared one after another, and counted the number in their hearts.

When they found that the number of people who came out was similar to the number of people who went in, they were stupid.

"What happened! How does it look like they haven't fought at all?!"

"Good guy! Didn't you fight the Temple of the Dead?!"

"No, is there any miracle happening inside!"


The crowd shouted.

And when a group of organization members were glad that they didn't lose anyone, someone continued to walk out from the entrance.

When the members of the organization outside found out who these people were, they were stupid.

"No! This is the one who taught in the beginning!!!"

One shouted loudly.

This person's voice was very loud, and after the appearance of the people from the early days, the whole sky became quiet. At this moment, the voice just swayed back and forth in the sky several times before it stopped.

All the members of the Zhongtian organization in the sky outside frowned, looking like they were waiting.

The Absolute Beginning Sect entered from the Hall of the Undead, and even if they did not express their intention to be hostile to their Zhongtian organization, they were not allies!

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