When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1286: Weird way to cook

Chen Pingan absorbed some avenue stones, replenished the avenue energy for a while, and then prepared to continue digging the avenue stones.

But at this moment, the kitchen knife suddenly came up with a puzzled look on his face.

After the Chaos Pearl spiritual body became so powerful, the hoes and the others also looked for him, but he really didn't help them understand the way to the Dao, so they could only make their own efforts.

And the kitchen knife never came forward.

He knew that if his master really had something good for them, he would find them directly and give it to them without them asking.

So it's useless to ask.

But now he still came to Chen Ping'an.

Because he encountered a strange thing.

He has learned many great ways.

In addition to the cooking method, he also comprehended several mainstream avenues.

In the ten days that he entered this cave, he has been absorbing the source of the avenues, trying to improve the avenues of the mainstream avenues.

I'm afraid that the source of the avenue here is suddenly gone, or that they suddenly want to go out, and they can't continue to absorb the source of the avenue here.

As for the understanding of the way of cooking, he is not in a hurry, because this way is very simple, and his understanding of this way is already quite high.

So he put it at the end and tried to absorb the source of the Dao and improve the kitchen.


When he improved the understanding of all Dao to the extreme, he no longer needed to continue to absorb the source of Dao, and changed to improve the understanding of the way of cooking, he discovered that the understanding of the way of cooking is very strange!

Where is it strange?

He found that just to improve the understanding of this cooking method, the source of the avenue absorbed was actually several times that of other mainstream avenues!

That is to say, if the other mainstream avenues are raised to the extreme, the source of the avenues required may only add up to the source of the avenues needed to elevate the cooking method to the extreme!

"So strange?!"

Chen Pingan was a little confused.

A small way of cooking, raising the limit of comprehension, does it require so many sources of Dao? !

Even the strongest mainstream avenues are not like this!

The kitchen knife smiled bitterly: "I don't know what's going on, so I think it's very strange, so I came to the master to ask you."

Chen Pingan touched his chin and fell into deep thought.

He didn't even know what was going on.

But he can be sure that the kitchen knife is really not easy!

Absolutely great avenue!

And this is also in line with the situation shown by the kitchen knife.

Because the cooking method of the kitchen knife is very wrong, the same realm, but it is not a single star stronger than the strongest mainstream road of others.

"Don't be afraid, you continue to try to absorb the source of the Dao, anyway, there is the source of the Dao, try to improve the understanding of the cooking method to a hundred meaning level!"

Chen Ping'an was also a little curious. What happened to the performance of the kitchen knife after raising the realm of cooking to the 100th level?

Is this 100-level cooking method comparable to the way of creation?

Even if it is not comparable, how much is the difference?

The kitchen knife nodded and walked back, and Chen Ping'an did not forget to instruct the kitchen knife to move faster, because he was not sure whether the disappearance of the cave was about the same time as the closure of the alien plane.

If this cave gets them out before the alien plane closes, then the time they can stay in this cave will no longer be ten days!

Therefore, the action must be smooth, and don't waste resources.

The kitchen knife nodded, desperately trying to absorb the source of the avenue.

Time passed by quietly.

Another eight days passed.

In the past eight days, Chen Pingan and the others still lived a repetitive, but not irritable life at all.

They work harder to exploit the source of the avenues here.

There are still a lot of the origins of the avenues left here.

But depending on the situation, it will not be able to stay here soon.

Because just yesterday, they found that the cave here is not stable enough.

For the first three hours, it will vibrate.

From now on, every half an hour has passed, and the place begins to vibrate.

Looking at this situation, I am afraid that there is still a day before this place will collapse!

Feeling this situation, Chen Ping'an didn't let other people stay here.

I am afraid that after the collapse here, there will be a major death.

In addition, all the disciples of the Taichu Sect had already absorbed the source of the Dao, so he let them go out first.

In the beginning, the Emperor Mother also wanted to mine some more sources of the Dao, but Chen Ping'an refused and forced them to go out.

Now, in the entire cave, only Chen Ping'an and the kitchen knife are left.

Chen Ping'an was not afraid of death at all, after all, he was a clone, so he planned not to leave here until the last moment before he collapsed.

Of course, he had already handed over the source of the avenues he had dug up to his wife in advance.

In the end, after another day of digging, he felt that he should be able to dig up 20,000 Avenue Stones!

And his goal of staying here is to dig up a total of 20,000 Avenue Stones.

As for the kitchen knife, he will also stay here.

Because he is not far away from raising the cooking method to 100 Italian level, it will only take half an hour.

Chen Pingan continued to dig the source of the avenue, while the kitchen knife was sitting next to the exit to the outer valley, absorbing the source of the avenue on the ground.

Being so close to the exit, even if there is a collapse here, he can get out very quickly.

This is also the reason why Chen Pingan let him stay here to absorb the last bit of the source of the Dao.

After all, if you can save some avenues of origin, you can save some.


Another half an hour passed.

The kitchen knife stopped, but instead of being relaxed and happy after it was over, he looked at Chen Ping'an with a bewildered expression.

"Master! How strange!"

Chen Ping'an reached the kitchen knife, frowned and asked, "Have you raised your Dao comprehension to a level of 100 intentions? Looking at you, do you have any other questions?"

The kitchen knife nodded earnestly, with an unbelievable look on his face.

"Master, I have indeed raised the comprehension of the Dao to the level of 100 intentions. In the future, as long as I absorb the stone of the Dao, I can raise the cooking path to the level of 100 intentions." The kitchen knife said so, but in the end he looked strange. Extremely, the conversation changed: "But! I found that this is not over!"

"It's not over? What do you mean?" Chen Ping'an raised a question mark, like a black emoji.

The kitchen knife swallowed his saliva: "I feel that I can continue to improve my understanding of the Dao! I can continue to absorb the source of the Dao!"

Chen Pingan was speechless.

Can you do this? !

"What do you mean, do you think you can improve this cooking method to more than 100 intentions?" Chen Ping'an understood what the kitchen knife meant, but it was too wrong.

The kitchen knife nodded quickly: "So this is very strange!!"

Chen Ping'an looked at the kitchen knife for a while, then continued: "Then continue to absorb it!"

It was really strange, but he was more curious now.

What the **** is this kitchen?

Can you do this? !

The kitchen knife nodded, sat down decisively, and continued to absorb.

that's all.

Another day passed.

Now that the Divorced Plane is closed, there is still a day left.

After another shock, Chen Pingan was convinced that the cave could no longer stay.

After a while, the space here will probably collapse, they may be buried alive, and the entrance cannot be found!

"Let's go!" Chen Pingan said strangely, looking at the kitchen knife.

Knife nodded.

Now, his culinary comprehension has risen to one hundred and ten meanings...

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