When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1281: only me

After watching the Chaos Pearl spirit body go out of the cave, Chen Ping'an walked to Chen Yi's side and handed him the storage ring he got from Emperor Zhangtian not long ago.

Nearly 10,000 corpses of the disciples of the Hall of the Undead were inside.

Enough for Chen Yi to improve his strength.

Chen Yi glanced at the situation inside the treasure, and after seeing the number of corpses in it, it took a while before he recovered and thanked Chen Ping'an.

It was the first time he had seen so many corpses!

After that, he was not in a hurry to cultivate, but continued to mine the source of the Dao according to what Chen Ping'an said.

After dividing the good things, Chen Pingan also began to get busy.

But it didn't take long before the Chaos Pearl came back from the entrance on the other side.

At this moment, she looks a little wrong.

His face turned crimson.

There was excitement on his cheeks.

She found Chen Pingan immediately.

Seeing her appearance, Chen Ping'an was also curious about what happened to her.

If the Chaos Orb Spirit Body is just blushing and shy, it must be made by the feeling of swallowing the leaves that makes him afraid to see people.

But she is shy now and doesn't say anything, and she still has an excited look on her face, indicating that there is some unexpected joy.

"What happened?" Chen Pingan tried to ask.

Chaos Pearl Spirit Body excitedly said: "Look at it!"

She used her actions to tell Chen Ping'an what she had experienced.

The voice of the Chaos Pearl spirit body fell, and various avenues of imprints began to appear behind her.

Chen Ping'an found that among these great avenues marks, there were many more avenues that he gave that were not found on the leaves, and that the Chaos Pearl spirit body had not understood before.

Moreover, these avenues are obviously just comprehended!

The number is close to ten!

They are all mainstream avenues, in fact, one is the avenue of life!

"What... what happened?!" Chen Pingan asked quickly.

Chaos Pearl Spirit Body excitedly said: "I swallowed those leaves as you said, and then I have the avenue above the leaves, but in addition to this, I have entered a magical state!"

"That kind of state is something I've never had before! I feel that my understanding of the Great Dao tends to be in an ethereal state! No matter what Great Dao I think about, I can find my understanding in the things around me, so I can comprehend the Great Dao!"

"This way of life is what I realized when I saw a big tree not far away!!"

Chen Pingan blinked, with an incredible expression on his face.

After swallowing the leaves, enter an ethereal state?

When you see something, it is easy to comprehend what Dao? ? ?

What the **** is this!

This is the first time Chen Pingan has heard of such a situation.

"Is it like this after swallowing the leaves?" Chen Pingan asked again.

He gave a few leaves to the Chaos Orb Spirit Body. If the other party swallows the leaves like this, then the leaves are too important to the Chaos Orb Spirit Body!

The Chaos Orb Spirit Body nodded vigorously, then opened his hand, and there were two golden leaves inside.

"Now I have two pieces left here! I think I can get into that state twice! But when I swallowed the leaves earlier, I couldn't find anything to comprehend other avenues in that environment, so I didn't continue to eat these Ye Ye, I'll come back to you as soon as possible!"

The Chaos Pearl Spirit Body feels that Chen Ping'an must have a way to help her find things that comprehend other avenues more easily!

So I came back as soon as possible to tell Chen Pingan the news, and see what advice he has.

Chen Ping'an gave her a thumbs up: "Very good! Fortunately, you didn't swallow these leaves all at once! If it is as you said, I think it can give you more avenues!!"

Chen Pingan also began to get a little excited.

He thought that if the Chaos Pearl spirit body is like him, and finally makes the creation avenue, then they have three creation avenue powerhouses on their side!

Now I didn't expect the Chaos Pearl Spirit Body to have this special talent.

Gotta try this!

Yes, he thought it must be some kind of talent.

Certainly not everyone can enter this state.

Only this kind of person who is particularly easy to comprehend the Dao, and who can comprehend the Dao by drawing inferences from others, can do it.

Now after listening to the description of the Chaos Orb Spirit Body, he thought of a method that might allow the Chaos Orb Spirit Body to comprehend more Dao.

That is he let the Chaos Pearl spirit body look at his avenue and try to comprehend it!

Because the other party said that in that state, if you see something related to the corresponding Dao, there is a high probability that you will be able to comprehend the corresponding Dao.

Then he directly scatters all the avenues, or tries to use those avenues to attack or something, maybe the Chaos Pearl spirit body can give birth to some insights.

"There are still two leaves, you collect them first, let's go out and try!"

But just when he said this, Chen Ping'an's face suddenly became strange again.

If you try both yourself and the Chaos Orb Spirit Body, it doesn't seem to be very good...

The Chaos Pearl spirit body seemed to have thought of something, his face turned even redder, and he lowered his head slightly.

Chen Pingan looked at the Chaos Pearl Spirit Body, coughed and asked, "Do you feel that way after swallowing the leaves?"

Maybe not?

Chen Pingan thought about such a possibility, after all, after the Chaos Pearl spirit body swallowed Ye Ye, it would enter that state.

So he had to ask.

It's just that the Chaos Pearl Spirit Body nodded, "Yes."

Chen Pingan smiled bitterly.

But he quickly thought of his daughter-in-law.

My daughter-in-law already has the Great Way of Creation!

"Two leaves, you can let your daughter-in-law try it first!" Without saying a word, Chen Ping'an found Duan Xinxin, and told Duan Xinxin about the situation of the Chaos Pearl spirit body.

After Duan Xinxin heard it, she blinked her beautiful big eyes, glanced at Chen Ping'an, and then carefully looked at the Chaos Pearl Spirit Body.

"You mean, let me try it in front of her to see if I can comprehend all the avenues?" Duan Xinxin asked.

Chen Ping'an nodded: "After all, you know what it looks like after swallowing that kind of leaf, and it's not good for me as a man."

Duan Xinxin showed a gratified smile. If it were another man, I'd probably hide it from her and take the Chaos Pearl Spirit Body to find a place to test.

Maybe seeing the other person like that, he can't help but do some indescribable things!

"Okay, do you want to try now?" Duan Xinxin asked.

Chen Pingan nodded and walked outside with Duan Xinxin and the Chaos Pearl spirit body.

In the early days, the Emperor Mother had been looking at Chen Ping'an intentionally or unintentionally. Now, seeing Chen Ping'an with the Chaos Pearl Spirit Body and Duan Xinxin going out, she was thinking about what they were going to do.

"Won't you also help that woman to cultivate all the avenues?!"

The first emperor thought so.

Chen Pingan took the Chaos Pearl spirit body and the others back to the cave that was opened not long ago.

After he told Duan Xinxin what to do, he left the cave and let the two women work in the cave.

Of course, this time is just an experiment, to see if Duan Xinxin's creation avenue can make the Chaos Pearl spirit body comprehend.

And Chen Ping'an thought about it, that is, Duan Xinxin's creation avenue is too weak, maybe the stimulation to the Chaos Pearl spirit body is not enough.

It really doesn't work, the other leaf can only be attached to him!

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