When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1280: Can this kind of sister come for a fight?

Chen Ping'an was really shocked by the words of the Chaos Pearl Spirit Body.

It was like a bolt from the blue when such a big news came suddenly.

But he can be sure that even if the Chaos Pearl spirit body is pregnant, it has nothing to do with him.

Because he has never touched each other!

The reason why he quickly blocked the surroundings was because he was afraid that his wife would hear what the Chaos Orb Spirit Body said, causing misunderstanding.

The Chaos Pearl spirit body stared at Chen Ping'an, and said, "Who else is it? Yours."

Chen Ping'an blinked and said quickly, "Don't talk nonsense! I haven't touched you before, are you a stone, and you can still be pregnant like this?!"

The Chaos Pearl spirit body looked like an old man: "I don't care, you can do it, if you don't give me any benefits, I must be talking nonsense everywhere!"

Hearing this, Chen Pingan understood.

Where is this guy pregnant.

This is to touch porcelain!

The feeling is that he is jealous when he sees the creation avenue for his daughter-in-law, and he has to touch something.

Chen Ping'an was speechless: "Can you not make such a joke in the future? Wouldn't it be better to say something directly, I don't know if it's easy to misunderstand!"

The Chaos Pearl spirit body is still going its own way: "I don't care anyway, I think you should still have good things, give me some, please..."

Seeing that it doesn't seem to be very good, the Chaos Pearl spirit body suddenly changed its strategy, looked at Chen Ping'an pitifully, and his tone instantly became soft, and he was suspected of acting like a spoiled child.

Chen Pingan: "..."

Chen Ping'an took out the few remaining leaves and gave them to the Chaos Pearl Spirit Body: "I definitely can't make you like Xinxin now. Take these leaves and swallow them."

Chaos Pearl Spirit Body didn't expect to act like a spoiled child and it would really work.

She also thought that Chen Ping'an really insisted not to give it, so she would not continue to embarrass Chen Ping'an.

And Chen Pingan said that she couldn't be made like Duan Xinxin, and she was not too surprised, because she never thought that she would be able to enjoy Duan Xinxin's benefits.

After all, she still knows how much she has in Chen Ping'an's heart.

"Okay!" The Chaos Orb Spirit Body excitedly took a few leaves and asked, "What does this do?"

She stared at the golden leaf in her hand carefully, and found that the mark of the Great Dao appeared on it.

Suddenly thought of a possibility.

Help people understand the way?

Chen Pingan said: "It can make people comprehend the corresponding avenues."

The Chaos Pearl spirit body showed what it really looked like. After carefully examining the avenues on each leaf, she found that these avenues were somewhat similar to the avenues she had realized.

Immediately, he was exhausted again.

There are only four leaves, and there is only one great way that she has not comprehended.

Chen Ping'an knew what she was thinking, and smiled bitterly: "You can swallow it anyway, there may be other surprises."

The comprehension talent of the Chaos Pearl spirit body is really strong, she can almost be compared with him at the beginning, and can comprehend the Dao by drawing inferences from one example.

In the yard, there are many avenues that she has comprehended, and the number of avenues is directly several times that of the kitchen knives!

Almost comprehending a Dao, she can comprehend all the relevant Dao, just like another him!

If he could be the same as the original, the Chaos Pearl spirit body could also comprehend all the mainstream avenues and integrate the creation avenues, then there would be three people on the creation avenues on their side!

Perhaps after swallowing these leaves, it is hard to say what she has learned.

Or, like him, can the road of understanding be plated with gold?

The Chaos Pearl Spirit Body nodded, holding the leaf and preparing to stuff it into his mouth.

Chen Ping'an's brain twitched, and he stopped it in time.

Eating here, no trouble? !

"Don't! Don't eat here! Find a place where no one else can see it..." Chen Ping'an said quickly, for fear that the Chaos Pearl Spirit Body would eat these in front of everyone leaf.

At that time, the Chaos Pearl spirit body would definitely die socially.

After experiencing this kind of thing, he felt that the Chaos Pearl Spirit Body would definitely blame him, maybe he could touch porcelain every day in the future!

The Chaos Pearl spirit body froze for a moment and said, "Need to be so secretive?"

Chen Ping'an nodded: "It has to be so secretive, otherwise these leaves will not be able to play their role."

It's not good for him to tell the Chaos Orb Spirit Body directly, after swallowing these leaves, something that will make all the girls blush.

In fact, let alone a girl, even if he ate this kind of leaf in front of so many people, he would have to find a hole to crawl into it.

The Chaos Orb Spirit Body took this down seriously, and then took the leaf and walked to the exit on the other side.

She has to find a place where no one is now and eat the leaves.

Instead, look at eating these leaves, why go to a hidden place.

Chen Ping'an watched the Chaos Pearl spirit body disappear into the cave, and then turned to look at the others.

When he saw that his daughter-in-law was staring at him intently at the moment, he smiled wryly at the other party, opened his mouth, and gestured that he was being forced.

Duan Xinxin didn't say anything, just snorted lightly and continued to do her own work.

She is now enjoying the feeling that her strength has suddenly become stronger.

Fan Yixuan went outside after seeing the Chaos Pearl spirit body found Chen Ping'an, and since her sister had become so strong, she also walked in front of Chen Ping'an.

"Brother-in-law, what about me?" She pouted, as if I didn't have one.

Chen Ping'an smiled bitterly: "Sister-in-law, this, I really don't have anything to give..."

"Okay, after all, my sister-in-law is also an outsider." Fan Yixuan looked at Chen Ping'an for a while, then walked back with a sigh.

Chen Pingan's face twitched.

"Sister-in-law, if there is something good in the future, brother-in-law will give it to you as soon as possible, okay..." Chen Ping'an could only make a promise to Fan Yixuan.

After Fan Yixuan heard this, she revealed a successful conspiracy smile and said, "Okay, I remember!"

Chen Pingan: "..."

Chen Pingan felt that these little girls were really difficult to serve.

Then he quickly looked in one direction, where Su Ling was.

Will Su Ling be the same?

Fortunately, at this moment, Su Ling was eating watermelon while absorbing the source of the Dao.

"Sure enough, in the world of foodies, as long as there is something to eat, it is carefree."

Chen Pingan was very emotional.

He felt that Xiaolinger gave him the most peace of mind.

Under his gaze, Xiaolinger seemed to feel it too. She turned her head and glanced at him. Seeing him looking at her, she raised the watermelon in her hand, moved her mouth, and said something.

Chen Pingan couldn't hear what Xiaolinger said, but he could guess.

She must be saying: Brother, do you want to eat watermelon? I want to eat and get it! I still have!

Thinking of this, Chen Pingan was moved to tears.

This kind of sister, can you have a fight!

At this moment, there is still a person sitting beside Xiao Linger.

This man is Xiaolinger's father.

Su Yi's mouth twitched.

I really want to educate Xiaolinger.

How can you say such a thing!

Xiaolinger said just now: Damn, I don't have any good things! I won't give you anything to eat! **** you off!

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