When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1256: declare war

Even those who killed them not long ago, most likely the young master of the Chen family, can't compare with that strength!

When they first saw those dazzling avenues, they thought about whether that person might be the young master of the Chen family.

But the general Dao of the Chen family's young master is at the seventy level, and this person is at the sixty level, and the level of the avenue is not a single star, but an outrageous amount.

Most likely not.

They don't know the reason why such people appear, and that's what makes them stupid.

Father Death opened his eyes after a while.

He has already controlled the body inside and found a safe place to cultivate.

Taking advantage of this time, he looked at Qingshuang and the others.

They stared at each other, and for a while they were speechless.

"Master, who is this person... who is... how could it be like that!" Qingshuang was the first to speak, and asked the question she wanted to know.

The death emperor's face was extremely ugly, black lines covered his forehead, and he didn't even know when his fist was clenched.

How does he know what's going on!

Now he only knows that he has suffered heavy losses and has been taught a lesson!

Moreover, if they don't deal with this person in the future, there will be endless troubles!

Maybe the next blow is coming, the members of the Hall of the Undead in the different planes, I am afraid that they will die tragically!

It's not because of anything else, just that strength, in the alien plane, who can compare? !

There are more than 3,000 kinds of avenues, is this still a human being!

It is beyond the scope of anomalies to kill the smoky people above the level of 65 in one blow!

That's right, it's not a normal category, it's an abnormal category!

Seeing that Father Death did not speak, Qingshuang could only ask another question and said, "Then what should we do next?!"

Father Death gritted his teeth and could only make a decision: "He has three options now, one is to stay at the entrance and continue to harvest the source of the Dao. The other is to give up there and search for and kill me everywhere. The third is to directly find our differences. The entrance to the plane is guarded there, and anyone who sees our undead hall will be killed!"

After hearing that, Qingshuang's face became even more ugly.

If Chen Pingan guards and kills at the entrance of the alien plane, then their members should not all die? !

"Then do we hurry up and call everyone back now?!" Qingshuang asked quickly.

Unexpectedly, the situation where their Hall of the Undead was superior, suddenly became so difficult, which can be called **** mode.

However, Father Death shook his head and said solemnly: "No! If I were him, I should choose the first option."

After thinking about it, the death emperor felt that Chen Ping'an would still choose the first option.

First of all, if Chen Ping'an left to find him, or went directly to block people at their entrance, then Chen Ping'an would have to give up those avenues of origin.

Because his black smoke is still there!

Black smoke is immortal, and before he left, he gave the black smoke an order to keep them there and kill all the people inside!

If Chen Pingan leaves, he must leave with everyone.

Otherwise, don't even think about harvesting the source of the Dao.

As for Chen Pingan's choice of the other two methods, he is not afraid!

"I think his attack is almost at its limit! Four or five hundred regiments of black smoke can't beat him, but a thousand regiments! A thousand regiments can't, how about two thousand?! Two thousand regiments of sixty-five levels can't do it, two thousand regiments. It's at the seventy level of the regiment!!!"

He made a miraculous discovery when he was using that escape trick just now!

He actually sensed the specific location and current level of the black smoke that was related to him in an instant!

He didn't know exactly why he could do this, but it gave him a chance to fight back!

As he said just now, no matter how strong Chen Ping'an is, how many black smoke attacks can he face?

No matter how strong Chen Ping'an is, how many people can he protect?

When he controls all the black smoke, and the number reaches several thousand, he will hide in a corner that Chen Ping'an can't find, control the black smoke, and kill Chen Ping'an sooner or later!

He gritted his teeth, no matter if it was revenge, or just thinking about it, since he has the possibility to keep such a person in the alien plane forever, he must give it a try!

If he died, the outside body would be injured at most, but Chen Ping'an was different!

If the other party is dead, he is really dead!

This kind of person can be called a terrifying monster, he can't let the other party leave the alien plane alive!

Maybe the opponent's current strength can't pose a threat to him outside, what about later?

Chen Ping'an said not long ago that the next time we meet outside, it will be the time to pick up his head!

This man clearly wants to kill him!

"I'll see who dies first!" The Death Emperor said fiercely.

And the Father of Death did not forget anyone.

The First Empress!

At the beginning of the emperor's mother obviously has nothing to do with Chen Ping'an and the others!

"You guys stay here, I'm going to teach in the beginning!" The death emperor disappeared in the blink of an eye, and flew in the direction of the teaching in the beginning.

Shortly after.

In the early days of teaching.

The Emperor Mother opened her eyes and looked coldly at the void in front of her.

Father Death appeared before her.

The death emperor looked at the emperor mother at the beginning with a fierce light, and asked in a deep voice: "Don't tell me, you have nothing to do with the Zhongtian organization!"

At the beginning of the emperor's mother also replied with a cold face: "So what do you want to say? I want to have an intersection with whoever I want. You better not mess with me, or you will die together!"

Hearing these painful words again, the Death Emperor itch with hatred.

These girls are sick!

"Okay! You're fine!!" The death emperor was still thinking of a few words, but he didn't expect the other party to admit it directly.

The Emperor Mother said coldly: "From now on, I advise you not to approach my Taichu teaching! Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude to you!!"

In the alien plane just now, she saw the abomination of this beast again.

He promised to let the kitchen knife and the others leave, but in a blink of an eye, the black smoke outside was chasing the kitchen knife and them!

How honest is such a person!

Since she will organize with Zhong Tian to sanction the people in the Hall of the Undead in the alien plane soon, there is no need to give him any more face now!

Anyway, the teachers on her side no longer need to leave at the entrance of the Hall of the Dead!

The death emperor's face was fierce: "Are you going to join forces with the Zhongtian organization to deal with me?!!"

The Emperor Mother said indifferently at the beginning: "I will give you three breaths to leave!"

The death emperor clenched his fists tightly, gritted his teeth and watched the emperor mother count the time for two breaths. At the third breath, he disappeared in place.

The Emperor Mother snorted coldly, closed her eyes again, and controlled the body inside the alien plane

The Father of Death has a murderous look on his face. Since the Taichu Sect has made a decision, then they will fight to the death!

Start from the heteroplane!

Let's see who can't get out! !


The moment the Emperor Mother opened her eyes at the beginning, the picture returned to the alien plane.

At this moment, Chen Pingan was in front of her.

She sighed, "It's my fault that I failed to protect them."

Chen Ping'an had already learned about the situation just now from the kitchen knives and the others, and also knew that the Emperor Mother was powerless at the beginning, so he shook his head: "It's none of your business."

The Emperor Mother sighed again, and then asked: "Then we will be here to guard?"

Just as Chen Ping'an was about to answer yes, at this moment, he suddenly turned his eyes and looked in one direction.

"The key I said is here."

The doppelganger has finally arrived!

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