When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1255: run away

Father Death thought that there were more than 400 groups of black smoke on his side, each of which was more than 60-level existence, and it should not be a problem to resist Chen Ping'an's offensive.

But what he never expected was that with just one move, that's right, just one move, Chen Ping'an smashed the more than 400 smoky men standing in front of him to pieces!

Chen Ping'an's blow was like a scourge, like thunder, like a slash of light, like disillusionment, just raising his hand, everything in front of him vanished.

So powerful that it does not belong to the category of this world!

Seeing this scene, Father Death became restless, turned around decisively and ran away, and at the same time did not forget to give orders to Qingshuang and the others.

He knew very well that he and the others would escape together, and he would definitely not be able to escape, so he could only sacrifice Qingshuang and the others!

Qingshuang's strength is very strong, and they are not necessarily weaker than those of the Seventy Intent.

He doesn't need Qingshuang how long they can carry it, just give him time to leave the vicinity!

Qingshuang and the others were also shocked by Chen Ping'an's power, and they had never seen such a terrifying person before!

This strength is beyond their cognition.

When they saw the dense avenue marks behind Chen Ping'an, the first thought in their minds was whether it was due to their dazzling eyes or a fantasy, but when they saw the power of Chen Ping's blow Later, they numb.

That is truly powerful!

At this moment, when they heard the roaring order of the death emperor, they gritted their teeth and attacked Chen Ping'an as if they were going to die.

Everyone used their strongest blow.

Several of them went all out to die, and their power was even comparable to the attack of four hundred groups of black smoke.

Chen Ping'an's eyes were cold, watching Qingshuang and the others come recklessly, and made another move.

When he raised his hand, the heaven and the earth shook, and everything died.

Under the influence of more than 3,000 kinds of avenues, no matter how simple his attack is, its power is also terrifying.


Qingshuang's eyes widened, their attacks were not even capable of splashing under Chen Ping'an's attack.

Chen Ping'an's attack went directly through their bodies, chasing after the death emperor.

Several of their bodies were turned into powder under the powerful power.

Instantly destroyed!

The mad father of death felt the changes behind him, and was so angry that he spat out trash talk in his heart. When he felt that Chen Ping'an's attack was about to reach behind him, he gritted his teeth and used a trick.


His whole person turned into nothingness, turned into Dao energy, and instantly reached the sealing screen not far away, and in the blink of an eye, the sealing screen appeared.

Chen Pingan frowned.

Want to chase out.

But right now.

The four hundred clouds of black smoke condensed and formed again, his face was cold, and he could only strike again.

After dispelling all the black smoke again, he chased after Fengping and walked out.

But as far as the eyes can see, and wherever the perception goes, there is no trace of the death emperor at all!

He seems to have disappeared without a trace!

Chen Ping'an's face became ugly.

Why is it gone? !

Looking around for a while, he spit, and then he could only quickly jump into the screen.

The black smoke inside is still there. If Father Death controls all the black smoke inside to attack the kitchen knives and them while he comes out, then things will be bad.

He returned to the screen. At this moment, the Emperor Mother was fighting with a hundred clouds of black smoke over there.

As he expected, the black smoke started to attack them.

And the four hundred groups of black smoke also condensed at this time, and they attacked the kitchen knives immediately.

Chen Ping'an secretly scolded the death emperor for his clever tactics. At this time, he really couldn't pursue the other party, otherwise his home would be stolen!

"Let's kill you first! Unless you leave the alien plane, you must be killed once!!"

Chen Ping'an flew towards the Emperor Mother and the others at the beginning, and wiped out all the black smoke with one blow.

Seeing Chen Ping'an coming back, the Emperor Mother frowned and asked, "Is he gone?"

She knew what the tricks the Death Emperor used just now.

That was the most common trick used by the Death Emperor before he became the strongest person.

This trick is definitely the strongest escape skill in the entire Taiyuan Realm.

She had heard the death emperor say that this is the ability given to him by his death avenue, which can reach the level of escaping without a trace, but before reaching the 70th level, it can only be used once a month.

After one, you have to wait a month.

If it is not necessary, it is definitely the best to not use it.

After the death emperor became the strongest person, this method was useless, after all, no one could hurt him again.

What he didn't expect was that, after so many years, he still used this trick.

Chen Pingan nodded: "Let's go."

The Emperor Mother frowned and said: "That's difficult. From what I know about him, he is likely to come back, and when he comes back here again, I'm afraid he will bring a group of people and a lot of black smoke!"

After speaking, the Emperor Mother of the First Time offered her opinion: "How about we both call everyone here?"

But when she thought of the death emperor's situation where the black smoke was immortal and immortal, she was in trouble again.

I feel that people from both sides are here, and they are all at a loss!

These black smoke can't kill them, and their people are dead when they die!

Before these black smokes die, one person will be replaced, and sooner or later they will be able to kill all their people!

When Chen Ping'an heard this, he snorted coldly: "It would be great if he could come back! As for calling someone, no need!"

Another clone is almost here.

When all the avenues merge into the creation avenue, his strength will leap again!

At that time, he wanted to see how much black smoke the Death Emperor could kill for him!

He hoped that the death emperor would come back again, no matter how much black smoke he brought!

While Chen Ping'an and the two were talking, the 500 groups of black smoke formed again, and the next moment, all the black smoke continued to attack them.

Watching this scene, Chen Ping'an scolded secretly and attacked again to extinguish all the black smoke.

"Grandma Li's! Don't find a way for me to kill you!!"

the other side.

The Father of Death has escaped far.

His face at the moment was so ugly that it looked like **** that had been smeared on his face.

He felt that his face was gone.

His chest almost burst into flames.

For so many years, he has never been so suffocated!

Some time ago, he was able to endure the attack from Zhong Tian's organization, but now he can't!

Because he was beaten!

He was beaten and fled!

This is the blemish of his life!

Moreover, Qingshuang and the others are all dead!

They have a huge loss!

outside the heteroplane.

Qingshuang and the others had already opened their eyes, and they sighed repeatedly with their pale faces.

After the controlled body died, they found that the injuries on their bodies were difficult to deal with, and they had to recuperate for a long time.

They watched the death emperor still control the body inside with his eyes closed, and they didn't know what to say.

In this situation, do they still have the strength to fight?

Who is that person inside!

How can there be such strength!

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