When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1250: ill-fated

"Daoist friend, have you found a way to get inside?" At the beginning, the emperor looked at Chen Ping'an and didn't know what was going on. She just felt that Chen Ping'an had found a way to enter.

Because Chen Ping'an's expression is too confident, and Chen Ping'an said that the key is missing now.

Then it is very likely that he has thought of some way to find the so-called key.

Chen Ping'an nodded: "Now wait for the key to arrive. Just wait, no hurry."

The Emperor Mother took a deep breath.

it is as expected!

Wait a while?

Will the key come by itself? !

Just as Chen Ping'an finished speaking, the Emperor Mother fell into a sluggishness again at the beginning, at this moment, a group of rays of light suddenly spewed out from the entrance.

This group of rays of light is golden yellow, and after flying out from the entrance, it seems to have life and flew around.

Finally, as if the energy had been exhausted, it fell to the ground and stood motionless.

The light dissipated, and the things wrapped in the light were displayed in the field of vision of Chen Pingan and others.

That is the source of a great road.

Chen Pingan looked in that direction and flew there for the first time.

During this distance, Chen Ping'an encountered three fragile voids, all of which were easily overcome by him.

Chen Ping'an looked at the Dao Yuanyuan on the ground. The volume of this Daoyuanyuan was larger than the previous ones he found.

He carefully looked at the source of this avenue, and wanted to see if there was any other difference between the source of this avenue and the previous avenues.

After looking carefully for a while, he found that the source of the avenue was indeed somewhat different from the source he had found earlier.

One side is smooth and bright, and it looks as if it has just fallen off.

Just like a corner of a giant mountain was attacked, a small rock fell off the mountain and finally fell to the ground.

"It is very likely that there is a huge avenue source in it!!"

Chen Pingan was excited.

If his guess is correct and he can get in again, then he will send it!

After putting away the source of the avenue, Chen Ping'an flew back to the Emperor and Mother of the Absolute Beginning.

At the beginning of the emperor's mother stared at Chen Ping'an with a strange expression.

Chen Ping'an's speed was too fast. As soon as the source of the avenue appeared, he flew directly over, and he was not afraid of the fragile void at all. Those voids did not threaten him at all. Chen Ping'an would still run to the next avenue so quickly. The source flew away, what did they rely on to win the source of the avenue in front of Chen Ping'an?

The strength is definitely not enough.

Use your body?

Chen Ping'an glanced at the Emperor Mother at the beginning, and at a glance, he could see what she was thinking at the moment, and said directly: "The origin of the avenue sprayed out from the back, let's take one piece, and you can pick up the next piece."

The Emperor Mother, who was still in distress, was startled for a moment.

"After all, we are also partners." Chen Pingan added.

At the beginning of the emperor, the mother was surprised, showing a gentle smile, and gratefully said: "Thank you!"

Chen Pingan nodded.

Not far away, Duan Xinxin has been staring at Chen Ping'an.

At this moment, seeing the emperor's mother at the beginning of the day smiling sweetly at her husband, she didn't know what was going on, and she felt a little uncomfortable.

When she watched the first emperor chatting with her husband, she had nothing to do, especially when she saw her husband fooling the first emperor.

Although the Emperor Mother was very beautiful and powerful at the beginning, she didn't feel any discomfort at that time, but now it's different, she feels something wrong.

Chen Pingan took the source of the avenue, flew to Chen Yi, and handed it to him.

Here, he has another goal, that is, to make Chen Yi as fast as possible in the alien plane.

How much can be broken through.

The surroundings began to quieten down.

After about an incense stick, another piece of the source of the avenue spewed out from the entrance.

After a moment of silence when the source of the avenue landed, the Emperor Mother of Absolute Beginning carefully flew over there.

As long as it's not too close to the entrance, these fragile voids are not very threatening to her.

Soon she also gained a piece of Dao origin.

There is no regularity to the origin of the entrance spouting avenue, and the time is completely uncertain. I had waited for a stick of incense before, but now it has only passed for a while, and another piece flew out.

so back and forth.

Two hours passed quickly.

these two hours.

Both Chen Ping'an and Chen Ping'an gained some origins of the Dao.

It's just that the stone of the avenue is far from satisfying Chen Ping'an.

Chen Pingan has been contacting his avatar.

Ask him where he is now.

He even thought about whether to have a two-way run, which would save some time.

But it is not very safe to let the kitchen knife and the others stay here. When the death emperor suddenly comes here, and he is not there, it will be troublesome.

He could only wait long.

And the avatar is getting closer and closer to him.

It's just that this clone is really ill-fated.

At this moment, news suddenly came to him, saying that he was in trouble!

"What's the trouble?" Chen Pingan asked helplessly.

"Surrounded by a group of people from the Hall of the Undead..." Clone said.

Chen Pingan frowned and asked, "You are about five hundred miles away from me. It will take me some time to get there. How many of them are there? Can you solve it yourself?"

The clone smiled bitterly: "There are many of them, more than 300 people, four of them are not simple, and they should be ranked very high among the geniuses in the Hall of the Dead. It is very likely that I will die again.... .."

Chen Pingan frowned.

You have worked so hard to get to such a far position, and still die?

"Then how long do you think you can last? I'll rush over now!" Chen Pingan asked in a deep voice.

Can't waste any more time.

The Emperor Mother and the others are here, and Chen Yi's current strength has reached over sixty Italian levels, so the safety of the kitchen knives should be somewhat guaranteed.

And my luck can't be so bad, right? As soon as I left, the Death Father and the others came?

probably not.

And if only the death emperor came, it would be nothing, there must be the emperor mother in the beginning.

"I can probably last for two incense sticks." The clone said.

Chen Pingan nodded: "You can find a way to delay it for a while, I'll be there soon!"

After finishing speaking, Chen Ping'an disconnected his thoughts and looked at the emperor at the beginning: "Emperor, I have to go out for a while, go to find the so-called key, and their safety will be handed over to you. I hope you don't let them get hurt. ."

The Emperor Mother nodded quickly: "Others want to hurt them unless they step on my corpse!"

Chen Ping'an nodded, then looked at Chen Yi and the others: "Stand in place and don't move, wait for me to come back."

The kitchen knife and others were very obedient, knowing that Chen Ping'an must be busy with something.

Chen Ping'an stopped wasting time, used the Avenue of Time and Space, and flew in one direction at full speed.

His speed was extremely fast, and he was a mile away in the blink of an eye. At this moment, in front of him, a thin film like paper appeared.

He didn't think much about it, he used his strength and hit it directly.

In an instant, he broke out.

This film looks very thin, but it is not simple. Chen Ping'an guessed that without the strength of the sixty-five level, it is impossible to break through.

After exiting the entrance screen, he didn't waste time. After determining the direction, he flew at full speed.

The speed is terrifying.

At the same time, in the other direction, several people are slowly flying towards the entrance at this moment.

These people are a little different from normal people.

If someone appeared in front of them at this moment and saw them, they would shiver with fright.

Because behind these people, at this moment, there are hundreds of groups of black smoke!

The death emperor looked ahead, like an invincible emperor, and said indifferently: "I don't know if the entrance appears. It's safer to go and see first. Presumably the **** of the imperial mother is already there."

He has already controlled more than 400 groups of black smoke. He planned to control more than 500 groups of black smoke during this trip to the alien plane. Now that he was just passing by the entrance, he decided to take a look first.

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